Wait a minute, heroine

Chapter 159 Gossip

It is difficult for outsiders to know what is going on in the imperial city, and the streets and alleys of Tianshui Bridge remain quiet as usual.

"Got it——"


In the sweltering summer, few people walked around the Pei family's back house, and the maids mostly stayed in the cool verandah chatting.

In the tea room of Zhongzhai, there was a cold melon, also known as watermelon, brought from the sandbank. Xiuhe sat sideways on the carpet in a thin skirt and cut the watermelon into neat small pieces with a knife. There was also an ice cube next to it. box, containing ice cubes from the cellar.

The big fluffy bird is no stranger to watermelon, but it is indeed the first time he encountered ice cubes in summer. He lay lazily on the windowsill, holding a square ice cube on his head, looking at the green trees in front of the yard, and his eyes were full of ice. The comfort of 'Le Bu Si Tang'.

Pei Xiangjun was wearing a light yellow summer dress, lying on her side on the beauty's couch, gently waving a fan in her hand. Although she looked like a leisurely wealthy young lady, her face was not very happy.

Going out for a trip, she followed him on the way, and Hu Meizi accompanied Jingtang.

When something happens, she rushes forward and has to protect Hu Meizi...

After the beating, she was injured, but nothing happened to Hu Meizi. However, when she came back from the shock, she didn't even come to ask for help...

What's the use of letting birds come over? They can't talk and they can still eat...

Although he knew that Ye Jingtang was busy with things and would definitely not be able to find time to come over, Pei Xiangjun still felt a little disappointed.

While feeling resentful, there was a noise outside the door, and a maid ran to the door:

"Sanniang, a guest is here."

Pei Xiangjun's eyes were filled with joy, but he immediately realized that the Night Terror Hall was not a guest, and he lay down weakly:

"For business matters, go see Madam. I'll have two days off."

The maid's eyes were a little complicated: "It's the girl who quarreled with Sanniang at the door last time... Do you want me to drive her away?"

Hu Meizi? !

Pei Xiangjun was stunned and sat up: "This visitor is a guest. If you don't understand the rules, please invite Miss Ning'er in quickly."


Soon, footsteps sounded in the verandah.

Luo Ning, who was wearing a cyan summer dress and dressed like Xiaojiabiyu, walked into the back house, followed by Zhe Yunli, who was dressed as a scholarly lady.

Zhe Yunli behaved politely and looked around: "I really didn't notice it from the outside. It's so beautiful inside... Hey! Come here!"


Seeing this, Niaoniao became energetic. He quickly stood up, grabbed the small ice cube, flew it to Zhe Yunli's shoulder, and rubbed it on his neck. As a result, Zhe Yunli was shocked by the ice:

"Ah~! It's so cold, go ahead..."


Pei Xiangjun knew Luo Ning's identity, so he naturally knew that this energetic little girl was the daughter of the leader of Pingtian. He did not hesitate and greeted:

"Xiuhe, go and accompany Miss Yunli."

Then he looked at Luo Ning who was walking over:

"Why is Miss Ning'er here?"

Although Luo Ning has a cold temperament and is aloof from people thousands of miles away, she is not unreasonable in dealing with the internal affairs of the Pingtian Sect as the leader's wife.

Although Sanniang refused to call her Sister Ning'er, it was a fact that they had been through thick and thin in the past few days. Knowing that Sanniang had an injury on her back, it would be too callous to ignore her.

Luo Ning originally thought that Ye Jingtang would come over in the morning, but as soon as Ye Jingtang left, he was called away by the people from the black office. He didn't even come back for lunch, so he would definitely not be able to come to Tianshui Bridge.

Luo Ning had nothing to do at home, so she came over to visit, lest Sanniang think that she and the thief were unreasonable.

After Luo Ning waited for the maid to go out, she sat down on the Arhat's couch:

"Jingtang is busy with official duties and doesn't have time to come over. I'll come over on his behalf to check on you. How is your injury?"

"It's just a little strain due to anger. It's almost healed."

Pei Xiangjun picked up the watermelon plate from the table and placed it on the small table between the two of them:

"I heard from the escort on the street that Jingtang was looking at a house recently. I showed him a house. It's just above the Tianshui Bridge. It's the third time you enter the big house. It's next to the river. The environment is very good. You can go and take a look later."

Luo Ning fainted Yunli every day, feeling that she was not a mother in the first place. She was indeed worried about this matter, and unexpectedly said:

"Really? You do have your heart... Will it be a bit too big to enter the hospital for the third time?

"Well, with a talent like Jingtang, I will have less three or five confidantes from now on. The house is too small to live in and I have to change it. It's better to do it in one step."


Luo Ning felt that this topic was not very interesting to talk about, so she stood up, sat in front of Sanniang, raised her hand to feel her pulse, and then opened her back collar to look at her.

As a result, when I looked at it, I didn't see the scars on the back. Instead, I was attracted by the bellyband tie on Sanniang's back and felt that it looked familiar.

Luo Ning was stunned for a moment, jumped over her shoulder and looked at the skirt of her clothes, and lifted up the collar with her hands.


Pei Xiangjun passively moved his hands and feet, and for no apparent reason, he patted Luo Ning's tangled hand:

"What are you looking at?"

Although Luo Ning only had a glimpse, she still saw clearly that Sanniang was wearing a triangular handkerchief and a small bellyband, wrapped in a big ball, with birds embroidered on it...

Luo Ning's eyes looked a little strange: "You are a girl who has not yet left the court, and you dress so... so boldly in private. It's really..."

Pei Xiangjun lowered his head and glanced, understood what Luo Ning meant, unbuttoned the collar a little, revealing the small bellyband made of Shuiyun Brocade, and said with a smile:

"This is the latest style in the capital. It has just been circulated in the back houses of princes and princes. Although it is a bit bold, it is much more comfortable to wear than ordinary bellybands. Miss Ning'er has never seen it before, right?"


Luo Ning looked at Sanniang's slightly embarrassed look and secretly said "ha~" in her heart.

But it seemed inappropriate to compare whose underwear was more sexy, so she just nodded lightly:

"It's really pretty."

Pei Xiangjun had a smile on his face and wanted to talk about some private topics about women's homes, but there was another noise outside the door. Looking up, I saw Xiuhe running in again, holding a letter in his hand:

"Sanniang, Chen Biao just said that someone sent a letter to the escort agency."


Pei Xiangjun stood up and took the letter and looked at it. It could be seen that there was nothing special about the words "Ye Gongzi Qi" written on it.

"Who sent it?"

"I don't know, just stick it at the door."

Pei Xiangjun was a little confused and wanted to open the letter and read it, but he was afraid that it was a love letter from a confidante of Jingtang. Jingtang was not happy after reading it, so he ordered:

"Let Niaoniao go and inform Jingtang."



It was afternoon before I knew it.

Ye Jingtang was walking around the east side of the city with his Huanshou knife, still looking at the clues on the street along the way.

At present, we only know that the tunnel is related to Prince Wu, and we don't even know its approximate purpose or how many manpower there are. Searching like this is tantamount to waiting for pie to fall from the sky.

After wandering around for a whole day, I couldn't find the direction. I'm afraid the thieves in the tunnel had packed up the scene and fled. There was no point in continuing to search.

When Ye Jingtang had no clue, he found a restaurant to eat and planned to go to Prince Wu's Mansion later. Benben arranged for experts to keep an eye on him there. He didn't know if he would gain anything.

Just halfway through the meal, there was a sudden sound from high in the sky:


The chirping of birds.

Ye Jingtang's ears twitched slightly. He walked out of the restaurant and looked up. He could see a small dot hovering under the cloudless blue sky, seemingly looking for him.

Seeing this, Ye Jingtang settled the bill, quickly came to the ridge of the tall building, waved, and the bird swooped down from the sky, landed firmly on his shoulder, and then raised its wings:


When Ye Jingtang saw that he was pointing in the direction of Tianshui Bridge, he knew that Sanniang was looking for him, so he rushed towards Tianshui Bridge with Niaoniao on his shoulders.

Because he was really busy with official duties, Night Terror Hall did not go through the main entrance, but passed directly over the Tianshui Bridge buildings and landed in the back house of the Pei family.

The weather got cooler in the afternoon, and the female relatives in the back house were more active. When Ye Jingtang stopped on the roof, he saw Zhe Yunli and Xiu He sitting next to the beauty by the small lake, holding a spoon and half a large watermelon.

Seeing this, the birds flew over quickly, chirping along the way. It seemed that they were complaining about the unjustness of the poached eggs and started eating them in advance.

Ye Jingtang did not disturb him and landed in Sanniang's courtyard. Just as he was about to call out, he heard a low voice coming from the boudoir:

"Are you dressed a little loosely?"

"Sanniang, you are also a martial arts practitioner. You should know that too much burden will only affect your skills..."

"Haha~ Jianghu is not only about fighting and killing, but also about kneading and kneading..."


Ye Jingtang heard the voices of Ning'er and Sanniang. He didn't know what they were doing in the room, so he came to the boudoir window silently and looked inside through the gap in the window...

In the boudoir with the doors and windows closed, two women stood side by side in front of the bronze mirror.

Luo Ning was wearing white thin trousers, and her upper body was made of a brocade jacket. The jacket was embroidered with a pattern of mandarin ducks playing in the water. The style was similar to yesterday's fun one, but it looked like it was handmade.

Sanniang stood in front of her, wearing only tight-fitting thin pants. There was a pattern of 'birds begging for food' in front of her body. Because of her abundant capital, she stretched the already round birds into a three-dimensional pattern, and her plump and graceful waist and hip curves were visible. .

Although the two people have different body shapes, the moon is both full. Looking from behind...


Ye Jingtang felt something was wrong at first glance, quickly withdrew his gaze and retreated into the distance:


The boudoir suddenly became quiet, and then there were hurried movements.

After waiting for only a moment, the door opened, and the dignified Sanniang and the cold and charming heroine walked out of the room. Their expressions were solemn, and they looked like they had just discussed important matters related to the rise and fall of the world. .

Ye Jingtang stood at the corner of the courtyard. Seeing this, he stepped forward and asked:

"Ning'er, why are you here?"

"You're not home, so I came over to visit you."

After Luo Ning explained casually, she turned around and walked in the direction of Yunli:

"Someone just sent you a letter, please read it."


Ye Jingtang looked a little puzzled and looked at Sanniang who was walking over.

Pei Xiangjun came to the front and took out the envelope from his sleeve:

"The letter was sent to the escort agency. Did the girl you provoked in Liangzhou come here?"

When Ye Jingtang was in Honghe Town, Liangzhou, he was very strictly controlled by his adoptive father. It was difficult for the girls at the border to shake his determination, and they didn't have any of their former beauty.

Upon seeing this, he took the envelope and opened it - it was an anonymous reporting letter!

The letter was short and did not disclose his specific identity. He only said that he was a small businessman near Tianshuiqiao. Yesterday, he was relaxing in the gambling street of West City. He found that there were no lights or fire in a private house behind a gambling stall, but there were always people coming in and out. , seems to be carrying a crossbow.

Pei Xiangjun didn't want to look at it at first, but the Night Terror Hall opened it directly in front of him. He couldn't help but take a look at it and found that the content on the letter was inexplicable:

"Three crossbows can lead to a sentence of exile. Carrying it in the capital is a serious crime... If you find suspicious behavior, you should report it to the government. Why did the letter come to you?"

Night Terror Hall was also quite surprised and looked at the content carefully:

"It's probably a small businessman nearby who knew I was working as an errand in the black government office, so he sent the letter to me."

Because Ye Jingtang is handsome and capable, Chen Biao has been bragging all day long, and the people around Tianshui Bridge don't know about it. When ordinary people notice suspicious movements and don't know anyone in the government, it is not too abrupt to send a message anonymously. .

Ye Jingtang is investigating the case of Prince Wu, and the people they deal with are all masters, and they don't know how to use crossbows and other contraband. If this news is true, it may not be linked to Prince Wu.

But there are no specific clues at the moment. If there are suspicious clues, whether they are Hongmen Banquet or real news, they must be verified.

Pei Xiangjun knew that Ye Jingtang had received a tip, whether it was false or true, so he had to go and verify it, so he reminded:

"I don't reveal my identity, and I send the letter to you by name. It's an enemy's secret and our secret. Be careful. I'll go with you."

Ye Jingtang is currently regarded as a 'vigilante'. To mobilize the black yamen, you must first ask Benben for permission. It is not appropriate to find a bunch of chief arrests to follow this kind of unverified gossip. He thought for a while and said:

"Sanniang's injury hasn't healed yet, so Ning'er and I can just go over and take a look."

"I'm not a wealthy lady. It's okay to be bored at home. I just want to do some exercise. Let's go together."

With that said, Pei Xiangjun entered the boudoir and began to change his clothes...

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