VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2590: : Say well in advance

Now that the fireworks Yi Leng said that they had formulated a battle plan, the Bacchus Dukang and others would naturally not doubt, and then they would convene other gang leaders to have a meeting with the celebrity list masters. After all, this action still needs their support.

"Fireworks, how do we proceed with the additional service?" Othello asked curiously.

"It's just a matter of saying, Ye Luo directly sneaked into the Daojia server, and then used the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] at the gang site where he chose to do it. Hey, we have a lot of these scrolls now. So don't be stingy." Po Lang Chengfeng said casually.

"But if this is the case, wouldn't it be a horror, after all, you have to go through the Japanese clothes." Sitting on the Qin Xinzheng head lightly: "Ye Luo has already sneaked into the Japanese clothes before, and now someone who sneaks into the Japanese clothes will feel strange, as smart as Below Mt. Fuji and the cherry blossoms in full bloom, we might guess our purpose and then warn us, so that our actions will be more or less troublesome."

"Yes, you can't pass the Japanese service anymore." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but she didn't wait for the waves and wind to ask, her tone changed: "As for the specific tactics, we need to say after the people of the major gangs arrive, so there is no need to say it again. "

Naturally, I also knew that fireworks had a cold temper, so although everyone was curious about how to act, they did not ask anything.

At this time, Friday also passed the trial mission and became a dual class. She was originally an undead summoner, but after taking the dual class she became a death messenger, with some very good skills, such as [Dead Summon] The world summons some powerful undead summons, such as [Undead Resurrection], which can temporarily resurrect the dead bodies of the surrounding 100 meters to fight, including players who are lying down. Although it can only last for 1 minute and can only be a normal attack, it is also An extremely powerful skill.

If you think about it, this skill is of no use when you are alone, but if it is used in a national war-scale team battle, it will be great. There are thousands of players within a radius of 100 meters. Use [Dead Recovery] Then control the corpse to fight, even if it can only be controlled for 1 minute, even if the controlled corpse can only be used for ordinary attacks, it can produce extremely exaggerated damage output, and sometimes this skill can play a role in reversing the situation.

In addition, this skill is also very good for monster siege. After all, monsters will leave a lot of corpses, and there are even some very powerful BOSS corpses. Control them for 1 minute and then defend the city. The effect will definitely be very good. Not bad.

In addition to these skills, there are some very good skills. Of course, the most important thing is that there is another powerful summoned beast on Friday. These summoned beasts are their own summoned beasts, not those of [Dead Recovery] and [Dead Summon]. Summoning and resuscitating the undead and corpses, so just one more summoned beast can greatly increase Friday's damage output.

"Tsk tsk, these skills on Friday are very powerful, especially in large-scale team battles, they may be able to reverse the situation." Black and white chess, and then think of what appeared on her pretty face with a thick smile Meaning: "Also, [Resurrection of the Undead] can make all players in the lying corpse state fight in the surrounding 100 meters, tusk, think about it, watch your corpse fight, especially if there is a chance to fight for yourself, that situation It must be amazing."

"How do I feel a little weird?" Zhiyue murmured, and then changed his tone: "But it cannot be denied that this skill is particularly powerful, especially among the corpse players, there are some dual-professional players, controlling hundreds of thousands and even casualties. In a corpse battle, the damage that can be done in just one minute is also considerable."

Hearing this, everyone is deeply convinced, and they also look forward to the next Friday in the next battle against the plus server performance.

The Friday when she was inaugurated as the Angel of Death was even more exciting. Not only did she dream of being a dual-class summoner, but also his favorite things to summon the most important undead. I have to say that her hobby is quite strange.

When everyone was investigating Friday’s skills, Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing also summoned all the leaders of the major gangs and celebrities on the celebrity list into a virtual space, and then they invited fireworks and others to come in. I didn't want to sell it, and directly stated my intention to call everyone here this time.

Many players were excited when they heard that they wanted to start adding servers. After all, after hearing those system prompts, they realized that the major servers had almost no threat to them in a short period of time. They wanted to take the initiative for a long time. Taking the initiative to take the initiative to occupy some of the gangs stationed by him can get very rich rewards, and even a chance to obtain a national weapon, which all players dream of.

It is precisely because of this that, after the Bacchus Dukang and the others said that they would take action on the addition, they obtained the consent of almost everyone, and then they couldn't wait to urge everyone to act quickly.

Next, Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing also said that if they occupy the gang resident, they will pay Miomi Pavilion some remuneration. After all, Miomi Pavilion is here to help work this time, not to mention that they have to pay some [Group Blessing Scroll], [ Cross-server*group blessing scroll], so it is natural to need some compensation.

"Everyone does it together, whoever has the ability to occupy the gang's resident, why pay for Miomi Pavilion?" Ouyang Feiri was quite dissatisfied.

"Because Miomeiao Pavilion has made the most contribution, because they are the strongest, this is indisputable." Bacchus Du Kang said, and when he said these, his voice also improved a little, faintly solemn. Taste: "Also, if everyone is allowed to compete, what confidence do you have to win the Misty Pavilion?"

The strength of Miomi Pavilion is extremely powerful. This is indisputable, because Miomi Pavilion’s overall strength lies there. Even the elite combat power of Miomi Pavilion can top the sum of two or three big gangs. The big gang here is still Refers to the top ten gang level-think about it, the number of dual professional players in Misty Pavilion is about twice that of other gangs, and the number of national devices they have is almost more than the sum of the 3 or 4 gangs. With the addition of Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Midnight Book, and Long River Sunset, players with full attack power and various assassin skills, they will naturally exert the greatest power in their actions.

As for competing by their ability, I am afraid that players from other gangs do not have much confidence to be able to win the Misty Pavilion. After all, Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and Yeyewu's mobility and combat power are clearly there. What players can beat them-Ye Luo, they have mastered [Remnant Shadows of Reincarnation] and [Crazy Thunder Sprint]. They can directly use these skills more than 100 meters away from the heart of the city where the gang is stationed, and then Ye Luo , The slender jade hand [Space Portal] teleports all the elite masters of more than 200 Misty Pavilion, so that they can easily destroy the heart of the target city and then occupy it.

It is precisely with this in mind that Dukang and Fengxing, the **** of wine, would not hesitate to agree to the proposal that the fireworks are easy to be cold. After all, Miomi Pavilion has made great concessions in this regard.

It’s not just Dukang and Fengxing, the **** of Bacchus. At this time, the Oriental star, Ye Yu Fei, and the others naturally knew that if the people of Miomi Pavilion insisted on fighting, it was because they had no chance at all, so Miomi Pavilion’s proposal was not counted. Excessive, or even a rather cheap thing for them.

"Not only that, this time Miomi Pavilion will use two or three [Group Blessing Scrolls] and some [Cross Server* Group Teleportation Scrolls], and 3 of them have national weapons with [Vulcan Domain] and [ Thor Domain] and [Garre Wind Domain], these are probably not comparable to other gangs. Miomi Pavilion promised not to seize the gang’s resident. As long as some remuneration, this is already very cheap for us." Fengxing took the stubbornly.

"Uncle Bacchus, we agreed to give some rewards to Miomi Pavilion." Dongfang Star took the lead in expressing his stance, and then changed his tone: "And we can also pay some extra rewards, but Miomi Pavilion will help us defend the city together. There will be additional rewards, how?"

It is self-evident that these oriental stars look at the fireworks, which are easy to be cold, break the waves and ride the wind.

Think about it, although the system rewards for capturing a gang resident are already very generous, but if you can hold the gang resident, the benefits will be more generous, so even if you pay some extra rewards in Misty Pavilion, it is completely worth it.

"It depends on the specific situation. For example, if the major servers are besieging White Bull City at that time, we will also give priority to keeping White Bull City." Polang said in a calm voice, and then his tone changed: "Of course, if conditions permit, we will naturally help. Defending the city is that there is no need for additional compensation. After all, this is very beneficial to our Chinese server, and everyone used to defend the city."

Helping other gangs to guard the gang's resident location of his suit is also very good for Zhongfu and even Miomi Pavilion. In addition, when other gangs used to defend White Bull City, other gangs worked more or less, so the waves and wind are not ready to be on it. Take advantage of other gangs.

"Then it's settled." The Eastern Star chuckled lightly.

After the Eastern star, Ye Yufeifei and others also agreed that in the end, the members of the Ouyang family and the Yinian family were afraid that they would not be taken with them this time. After all, even if they did not participate in the major gangs, they would have full confidence in capturing the gangs that were added. Resident, and once so, they have almost no chance to obtain the residence of the other service gang, so they intelligently agreed.

"Since everyone agrees, then the matter is settled, and the previous remuneration is also agreed, I hope everyone will not break their words at that time." Bacchus Dukang said, not waiting for everyone to say more, he turned to look at the fireworks : "Fireworks girl, everyone has agreed, now you can act, how are you going to act?"

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