Now that the people of the major gangs agree that after occupying the gang site of Jiafu, the gang occupying the site will pay Miomi Pavilion some rewards, then the next step is to discuss how to act.

Fireworks are easy to be cold and don’t sell off. He said directly: “This time I plan to dispatch 20,000 to 30,000 people. That is to say, I will use 2 or 3 [Cross-Server*Group Teleportation Scrolls]. As for the selection of those players, the major gangs are divided into three. The second dual profession must accompany, and each gang selects 1,000 elite players, and they must focus on air power. As for the list, you will hand it over to me in 10 minutes. You can mention any comments."

"By the way, we will send out more players in the Misty Pavilion, such as all the mammoth cavalry to fight, for example, we want to dispatch a group combination skill team, for example, we need to bring more flying archers, green dragon summoners and mammoth cavalry." Added a sentence.

"The fireworks girl, only 20,000 or 30,000 people were dispatched, isn't it a bit less?" Bacchus Du Kang said, his tone was full of worry when he said this.

"In the case of a sneak attack, it would be enough to dispatch 230,000 people, especially our two-thirds of dual professional players." Dongfang Star said, she chuckled, "Especially many players in our team have National equipment, and there are also some additional powerful, large-scale continuous damage skills. When the time comes, the concentrated fire attack should be easy to break through the gang station of the added service, especially the handsome guy Ye Luo who also has a 100-meter displacement skill. ."

"Of course, the most important thing is that in the case of our sneak attack, people from other servers have no time to support. We can concentrate our superior forces to attack the target in a short time." Dongfang Star added.

Since Eastern stars and fireworks are easy to be cold, other people have no objection. They started to select personnel, which is not difficult for them. After all, it is only necessary to select players with stronger strength and flying skills. ——This time a sneak attack requires high mobility, so it is most suitable to dispatch flying players.

"Then what shall we do next?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked curiously.

"Sister Feng, Eastern Killing, you sneaked into the Australian server with some elite masters, and acted on Kangaroo City." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Hey, it's a good strategy." The wave and the wind instantly understood the meaning of the fireworks and the coldness: "The people of the major servers mistakenly think that we are going to work on the Australian server. Then they will send a large number of expert support. The Australian server, and then we suddenly caught them off guard, because they had no time to support."

"That's right, it's going to hit the west." Samadhi took the conversation, and then changed his tone: "Of course, if the major servers see through our tactics and don't come to support it, it's okay. We can take advantage of the situation and capture Kangaroo City, anyway. Can get very good rewards, and can also cause a lot of pressure on the major servers, it is not impossible to do so."

Hearing that, everyone nodded. For many people, it didn't make much difference whether to add to the Australian service or to start the Australian service, as long as they could occupy their gang resident.

"Then how does Ye Luo sneak into the plus server? After all, if he doesn't sneak into the plus server, then we can't sneak attack on the gang resident of the plus server?" Othello thought of this question: "And now the people on the major servers are very good to Ye Luo Be vigilant, if he does not appear on the Australian server, other servers will definitely be suspicious."

"Hua Nongyue, you sneak into the Hanbok, and then approach the Jiafu. You should have left a teleportation point near the Hanbok. If conditions permit, you can directly sneak into the Jiafu. After sneaking into the Jiafu, use [cross] Serving * Group Teleport Scroll] Teleport Ye Luo to the past." Firework Yi Leng did not reply to Othello, she directly issued an order to Hua Nong Yue, and when she said this, she directly traded to Hua Nong Yue [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll].

Before Huanongyue and Dongfang Xitian were responsible for sneaking into Hanbok and making trouble, he left a lot of teleportation points there. At this time, let him rush to Hanbok and serve as a bridge to transmit Ye Luo.

"Using [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scroll] to transmit only Ye Luo Zhiqiu alone?!" Hua Nongyue's voice increased a bit: "Is this a bit too wasteful? After all, we don't have too many scrolls of this kind."

"If you sneak into the add server, then you can naturally teleport others besides Yeluo, and then we will use the [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport everyone except Yeluo to the target gang resident." Samadhi poetry replied on her behalf. , And then he looked at Hua Nongyue: "It depends on whether you have left a teleportation point not too far away from the plus server. We can’t waste too much time in this action. If you sneak into the plus server within hours, you can naturally use the [Cross-Server*Group Transmission Scroll] to send tens of thousands of people there."

Naturally, they also know that Dongfang Killian can't stay in the Australian server for too long. After all, the longer they stay, the more dangerous they are, and the easier it is for the people of the major servers to detect their intentions, so they need to rush to the server in a short time.

After pondering for a while, Hua Nongyue said: "Don't worry, I left a teleportation point not too far from the service, and I will be able to reach the destination in about half an hour."

"Then there is no problem." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then she ignored Hua Nongyue and looked at Ye Luo directly: "Ye Luo, then you will sneak into the Australian server operation with Sister Feng and as much as possible. Make some movement so that it can attract more players on the server to support."

"Understand." Ye Luo smiled lightly. He naturally knew that the more players from the major servers were attracted by them, the easier the next action would be.

"In addition to attracting players from major servers to sneak into the Australian server to support you, those of you who can kill and increase attack power should also increase their attack power." Firework Yi Leng exhorted: "After you add up your attack power, you can take action against Kangaroo City or The other gang sites have started, it depends on the specific situation."

Everyone is smart, and naturally knows the benefits of increasing the attack power, and there is no opinion about it, and then everyone starts to act.

Ye Luo, Dongfang Killian and others went to the Australian server, while the fireworks and Tokyo Mythology are not only the list of statistical actions, but they are discussing more specific plans, such as which gang station to add to the server, such as How to transfer to another gang resident for support after the first gang resident is started, and so on, and these are not difficult for them.

As for Hua Nongyue, he directly returned to the Chinese server and then went to Hanbok. At this time, his position is the most important. After all, if he can't get in place, then other people will not be able to rush to the server and start working on it.

"Fireworks, we don’t seem to be very good about the Australian server’s Kangaroo City.” Othello suddenly said: “Because Kangaroo City is occupied by Italian servers at this time, once we do it, we will not only face a large number of Australian server players, Moreover, players can also continuously send players to support, even if it is just a feint, it will not attract too many masters from major servers."

Think about it, Kangaroo City is still occupied by the eagle in the sky at this time, which means that players who are in the mood can teleport over to defend the city at any time, and a large number of players on the Australian server can also be dispatched, facing the two servers at the same time. Large forces prevented Ye Luo and the others from taking Kangaroo City down. It was even difficult for Ye Luo and the others to attract players from other servers. After all, it was difficult for Ye Luo and the others to capture Kangaroo City in the hearts of major servers.

"It's okay, Ye Luo and the others are just pretending to attack Kangaroo City." Samadhi smiled lightly, and then changed his tone: "In addition, although only a dozen Ye Luo and others were dispatched this time, Ye Luoqi was among them. People can kill people and increase their attack power. After they increase their attack power, the damage output is also considerable. The major servers do not exclude the support of elite masters and it is difficult to resist, so the major servers will send some masters more or less. Come and support."

Without waiting for Othello to speak, she continued: "In addition, Ye Luo and the others are also smart people. After seeing that they don’t have much effect on Kangaroo City, they will also work on other gang sites. This can surely attract many other server masters to support. , After all, players from different servers cannot take the teleportation array in the gang site, which means that a large number of players can only teleport to Kangaroo City, but cannot teleport from Kangaroo City to other gang sites in the Australian server."

Hearing that, Othello nodded, she was still very confident about Ye Luo's methods, so she no longer worried about this issue.

I won’t talk about these for now, let’s say that Ye Luo and the others rushed to the plus server soon, and then they dispersed to find the leveling point of the Australian server, and prepared to fill up the attack power in the shortest time, and this was not for them. It is not difficult, even if they face a large number of players in the Australian server and many double-professional masters.

The fact is also true. Ye Luo and the others quickly found a few leveling points, and then easily killed them. They did not even give the emperor’s hymn and other masters of the Australian server a chance to support them, but after they added up their attack power Started to work on the gang station of the Australian server-Ye Luo and the others naturally knew that they would face obstructions and a large number of Australian server players when they did it on Kangaroo City. It is almost impossible to cause some threats to it, so they directly The other gangs of the Australian service took action and feinted.

Saying it was a feint attack is not all right, because Ye Luo directly killed the gang resident, and then launched an attack on it. Under the effect of [Ghan Jiang * Mo Xie]'s "live and die", he didn't have to worry about what danger he would be. , Especially in the case of a distance of 30 meters from the city wall and then a long-range attack, and his powerful attack power is relatively easy to destroy some of the city defense equipment on the city wall, if you give him enough time and the Australian server has no further actions , Then he has a great opportunity to destroy all the defensive equipment on the city wall and then take the gang's resident.

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