VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2589: : Decided to do it

Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing didn’t know that Ye Luo had already won 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. In their hearts, it was quite difficult for them to start adding clothes. After all, the strength of adding clothes was not bad. Yes, the more important thing is that if you want to mobilize the army across the US server, Japanese server or Hanbok, you will undoubtedly alarm the servers passing by, so that players who reply to the major servers will have plenty of time to rush to support them. In this way, it is undoubtedly very difficult for them to capture the gang station under the plus server, and there are even some risks.

Think about it, if there are not so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], Ye Luo and the others will need to mobilize hundreds of thousands or even millions of players to sneak into the add server to start their hands and then take their gang resident, but mobilizing so many players needs more For a long time, and during this period, players on servers such as the Japanese server can rush to the plus server to support it, so it is undoubtedly difficult to conquer the gangs of the plus server.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, have you ever obtained the [Group Blessing Scroll] after a day?" Othello asked with interest.

"[Group Blessing Scroll] is not so easy to obtain. On this day, we sent many people to do gang resident missions and hunt high-level BOSS, but we did not get one." Feng Xing shook his head, but was as knowledgeable as him. Faintly realized why Othello had to ask about this.

"Our luck is a little bit better. Thousand Cups of Not Drunk and Toasted the kid teamed up to kill two or three bosses with good ranks and did some gang resident missions with high difficulty coefficients, and won two or three group systems. Among the scrolls, there is a [group blessing scroll]." Bacchus Dukang said, and then his tone changed: "Even if other gangs also get some scrolls, there will not be many, even if Ye Luo kid sneaked into the daily service alone, and he was afraid of disturbing the service. Only one or two [Group Blessing Scrolls] are obtained, so even if you use the [Cross Server*Group Transmission Scrolls] to send tens of thousands of people and then use the [Group Blessing Scrolls] for fear of taking over the gang’s resident of the added server. ."

Bacchus Dukang is an old man, and he naturally knows that it is impossible to deal with additional services and mobilize the army in the past. Therefore, he can only use the [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport some elite players in the past and then use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. But this requires a larger number of [Group Blessing Scrolls],

"No, many players in our Chinese server have acquired national weapons, especially with the addition of large-scale continuous damage skills such as [Five Poisonous Miasma]. 3 or 4 of these skills can greatly increase the opponent’s troubles. We teleported most of the dual-professional masters and some elite players and then used the [Group Blessing Scrolls]. No surprises, using 2 or 3 scrolls is enough, especially the 7 players with full attack power in our server rushed over. "Fengxingdao, and then he laughed: "2, 3 group blessing scrolls are nothing to us, there should be."

After a little hesitation, Bacchus Dukang also nodded: "Yes, it would be enough if it is so, especially when we bring one or two group combination skills to the past."

"Uncle Bacchus, Ye Luo had a good luck and got 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. He was the people of us and Xiaoshu who did missions and thunder-killing BOSS got 7. Not surprisingly, other gangs also got it. It’s not a problem to get 10 of them.” Samadhi chuckles, and she looks at the crowd as she speaks: “So we can definitely capture the gang’s station with additional servers, even because the major servers rescue In time, we can occupy more of their gang sites."

Hearing the words of the samādhi poem, the Bacchus Du Kang was shocked, and Feng Xing's voice increased a lot: "What, you only got 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in Miomi Pavilion, this, this is too much."

However, Fengxing soon came to his senses: "But that's true. Ye Luo, this kid, committed suicide by himself and entered the Japanese service. He should have encountered a lot of high-ranking bosses. In addition, his kid's lucky value is very high. High, there is no problem with some [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Fengxing and the others naturally know that the burst rate has a lot to do with the lucky value, and Ye Luo's lucky value is almost the highest in the all-day robbery game. After all, he has been awarded various rewards all the time, and all his equipment is top quality. So his explosion rate can be called the highest in the entire Heaven Tribulation game.

"Boy Ye Luo, besides some [Group Blessing Scrolls], have you obtained other equipment and props?" Bacchus Du Kang asked curiously. Before Ye Luo could speak, he continued: "I found that there were a lot of flying in Bai Niu City. The ants, the system prompts that they are guarding White Bull City, maybe you have obtained a city defense item similar to [The Hive]."

Although it is a guess, the tone of Bacchus Dukang is quite sure: "If this is the case, it would be a good thing. The worst defensive item can also increase the defense of the gang station by 10%, not to mention the level of the gold-winged ants. , The ranks are all very good, and the castle defense items you get are at least Primordial God-level, or even Holy-level."

Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing naturally also know what benefits the addition of a castle defense item in White Bull City will bring to the middle service. At least they can freely mobilize more power, so they have more sufficient Strength occupy more gang sites of other servers, such as long-term occupation of gang sites of Jiafu-long-term occupation of a gang site of other servers can not only always get the tax of the target server, but most importantly, it can also kill monsters on that server. , Players who do the task get extra rewards, and can suppress the players who add to the server and then reduce their threat to the middle server.

Thinking of these, Dukang and Fengxing, the **** of wine, would ask about this, and then they looked at Ye Luo and the others expectantly.

Ye Luo and the others did not conceal it. They briefly talked about the "Golden Winged Ant Nest" and other harvests, and this made Bacchus Dukang and the others excited, especially when they learned that the [Gold Winged Ant Nest] was a holy guardian. After the props, and they are more confident in their actions this time.

"This matter needs other gangs..." Samadhi Shi said, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Hey, I understand, let the major gangs select some elites to participate in the action, especially those who have national weapons and are dual-professional players." Bacchus Dukang said excitedly: "Don't worry, leave this to me and I will go. Call everyone to take action, and then you will continue to discuss and improve the action plan, and strive to fight for more gang sites."

Thinking of what, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, looked expectantly at the fireworks that are easy to cold and break the waves and ride the wind: "The fireworks girl, the wind girl, you have already occupied the White Bull City, if you grab two or more gangs in the service Can the resident give up one? After all, with your strength..."

Bacchus Dukang, including Feng Xing, naturally want to have a place for his service gang, but they also know that White Bull City has a [Gold Winged Ant Nest] and is about to rise to the 4th level of the city, so Misty Pavilion will have more sufficient battles. Force can defend two gang sites at the same time, so he asked if they occupy two or more gang sites to give them a share of the gang.

"This is natural, even if we are a gang station, we don't need it." Fireworks said easily, her tone as calm as ever.

"Don't need one?!" He was taken aback, and then Feng Xing smiled: "That's OK, but we are not the ones who take advantage. If you occupy more gang sites, you can also ask for more of the Misty Pavilion, or we occupy more. The players in the gang can pay you some rewards."

"Then pay some remuneration." The fireworks are easy to be cold, and she is not polite, and she directly starts to mention the conditions: "For example, a gang resident can give us an energy stone, which should be a very cost-effective business."

Players who occupy the residence of the gang will get rich rewards, and even national equipment. Even if there is no national equipment, the value of those rewards is far more than a piece of energy stone, not to mention the daily occupation of the gang resident. Obtaining tax from other services, so the proposal that fireworks are easy to be cold is quite reasonable, and even obviously means "cheap" other gangs.

"It's a good deal, but now the big gangs will give them to their own people once they get the energy stone. It's not easy to pay you immediately." Dukang, the **** of wine, frowned slightly and said. During these times, his tone was faintly lacking. After all, he also knew that the proposal that fireworks were easy to cold was already reasonable.

"Then give us some hidden career scrolls or some skill books, such as [Flying], [Split Arrow], etc." Fireworks said easily.

"Uncle Bacchus, it's a bargain for the fireworks to propose these. You can't bargain anymore." Po Lang Chengfeng interrupted the Bacchus Dukang who was about to say something, and then his tone changed: "In addition, I don't want to have any more. The voice said that our Miomi Pavilion took a big advantage, so...

"Hey, I know this naturally, and I won't bargain with a cheeky." Bacchus Dukang smiled, and then his tone changed: "As for the voices of those people, I think they have learned a lesson in the past two days, presumably they I won’t be talking nonsense. What’s more, this time you once again clearly stated that you want to give up the gang’s resident to other gangs. Although you have to pay some rewards, you paid some [Group Blessing Scroll] and a large number of manpower. of."

"Since you always agree, that's the decision." Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Without waiting for Bacchus Dukang to speak, she continued: "As for the specific plan, I don't have to deliberately think about it, because I have already thought it out. A big accident should be able to conquer some of the gang locations under the plus server."

There is no doubt that the fireworks are easy to be cold. The gods of Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing didn't say much, and they went to a meeting with the leaders of other gangs.

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