VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2588: : Choose to add service

Since the major servers have not received additional rewards by'contributing' to each other’s gang sites, which means that they don’t have much [Group Blessing Scroll] in their hands, then the Chinese server players can send an elite team to the gangs of the major servers. Resident, in the case of a sneak attack, it can be captured in a very short time, and even no time for other server players to come and support-of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo has won a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll ], and there are many skills similar to [Vulcan Domain] and [Thunder God Domain]. Using these can easily capture the next level 3 gang resident.

Although it will consume some [Group Blessing Scrolls] to occupy the gang resident of the other server, it is also very useful to capture it. Not only can you get rich rewards by occupying the gang resident of the other server, but also can contain and weaken the major servers. , This serves multiple purposes for Zhongfu.

It is also because of the fact that the fireworks are easy to be cold in western Zhejiang, and they decisively agree to this plan. The next step is to discuss which server to work on.

Po Lang Chengfeng proposed to do something on the Australian server. Obviously she still has a grudge for not being able to occupy Kangaroo City. However, Samadhi did not agree to continue working on the Australian server, and she gave a good reason-this time on other servers The action is not only to obtain system rewards and then enhance the strength of the server, but also to reduce the threat of major servers to them, so it is natural to start with those servers with good strength.

"Yes, there is no need to do anything with the Australian server at this time. Let's choose another server." Ye Luo said: "This is better for us. After all, our next actions are better to weaken the major server pairs. Our threat."

Hearing this, Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then her eyes lit up: "Then let's start with Japanese or Hanbok, hey, these two servers are almost the most powerful servers besides us, right They can naturally reduce our stress to the greatest extent."

"Uh, it's not good." Ye Luo smiled bitterly. "Although we have to deal with those servers that pose a greater threat to us, there is still a premise, that is, we can easily capture their gang resident, otherwise Our actions are useless, and even some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Cross Server* Group Transmission Scrolls] are wasted. This is not worth the gain."

"Yes, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are very strong. They are almost the strongest players besides Ye Luo, and they also have assassin skills such as "Baqi Tianxiang". We may not be able to beat their The gang resident is broken." Sitting on Qin Xin said in a deep voice, "If the delay is too long, then the elite masters of other servers can rush over to support, so we will be even more powerless to capture their gang resident."

Although I don’t want to admit it, but the waves and the wind also know that with their current strength, it is really impossible to break through the gangs of Japanese clothes and Hanbok in a short time, especially the dark night and Tokyo Mythology. They responded in time to support and perform their big moves. And assassin skills such as [Baqi Tianxiang], and the longer the delay, the more likely other servers will rush to support, so it is almost impossible for them to occupy their gang camp.

"Since we don't work on Japanese clothes, Hanbok, and Australian clothes, which server do we choose to work on?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in a bad manner, but her beautiful eyes lit up when she thought of something: "Why don't we do it on US clothes, hey Although the strength of the hero Wuming and others is very good, it should not be enough to stop us, plus the strength of the US server is not bad, and the effect of the hands on it is definitely good."

"There are a lot of players in the US server, and there are many elite air powers, even more than Japanese clothes and Hanbok. There is no small risk to get started. Let's choose another one. At the very least, you must ensure that you can Success." Samadhi said once.

Hearing this, Ye Luo smiled and said: "So we are the best to add servers. First of all, there are a lot of super masters. These masters pose a big threat to us. In addition, the number of players who add servers is relatively small. It will be easier to do it."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course the most important thing is that there are not many transfer points left by other servers in the addition of servers. We can react to them and then support them. There are not many servers, so we almost Can capture their gang resident."

That’s right, there are many masters in the plus server, such as Red Ice, Red Giant Eagle, Red Maple Leaf, etc., and the major servers besieging White Bull City, Spirit Snake City, and some gang sites in the server are mostly major servers. Only dual-professional masters and elite masters can participate, so as long as you start with it, you can cause greater trouble to the server and make them a lot less threat to the server. The most important thing is that the number of players on the server is relatively small and other servers. It's hard to come to support, so you can almost achieve the goal by doing so, so choosing to add service is also the wisest choice.

Hearing that, Samadhi nodded, obviously she agreed to Ye Luo's proposal, and then Yi Leng Yi Leng did not hesitate to agree.

"Hey, Jiafu has always been very active with us, so don't blame us for attacking them." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely, obviously she also agreed to Ye Luo's proposal.

Naturally, the next step is to discuss with the **** of wine Du Kang, Feng Xing and others about the attack. After all, this matter is difficult to accomplish with Miomi Pavilion alone, and other gang support is needed.

However, when the firework is easy to cold, they found the **** of Bacchus Dukang, before and after Fengxing, the two first came to the door: "Hey, firework girl, have you heard, there is no additional reward for the major servers to occupy each other’s gang sites, obviously that It’s because they are allies. To get extra rewards, you have to dissolve allies."

Without waiting for the fireworks Yi Leng and others to speak, he continued: "However, it takes a 24-hour buffer to dissolve the alliance, which means that only after tomorrow they can capture the gang station of his server, and they want to get system rewards after 2 days. , Hey, after such a long time, we should increase our efforts to upgrade White Bull City to Level 4 King City. Then we can allocate more troops to defend Spirit Snake City and want to keep the two gangs. It’s not impossible."

Listening to the exhilarating words of Bacchus Du Kang, everyone was amused, because they had thought of this before.

"Why, don't you want to express your own opinions?" Seeing the fireworks Yi Leng and others' silence, Bacchus Du Kang was puzzled.

"This kind of thing is afraid that the fireworks girl, they have long understood where you need to be here." Fengxing teased, and then his tone changed: "But what the old man Du Kang said is true, at least the major servers are short. Time is no longer a threat to us, and when we act on us, I am afraid that Spirit Snake City and White Bull City can be upgraded to Level 4 King City, so they still can't help our people."

"Yes, even if they dissolve their allies and then capture each other's gangs, it won't work. After all, it will take 3 days to form an alliance after dismissing allies, and it will take 5 days in total." Sitting on Qin Xin took the stubbornly: "In 5 days, not only White Bull City will be upgraded to Level 4 King City, but Spirit Snake City has also been upgraded to Level 4, so our defense will increase by at least 30 to 40%, and the major servers really have no strength to break through. Our gang resident."

Without waiting for Bacchus Dukang and others to speak, she continued: "In addition, even if the major servers have obtained a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] during the period, even the national equipment is afraid that they will not be able to capture the White Bull City or the Spirit Snake City, because in the non-aligned Under the circumstances, they would be scrupulous about each other's attacks and would not be able to exert their full strength at all. This would make us easier.

Think about it, just because the major servers are allied together, so they don’t have to worry about each other’s attacks causing harm to each other. Once the alliance relationship is lifted, then naturally they can’t do this, and their overall strength will be greatly reduced. ——Although there is a special item in Tokyo Mythology that allows players on different servers around to reach an alliance state, but the scope of this item is limited, and when the time comes to siege White Bull City, they can only take care of the city from all directions. Players on one side of the city wall and players on the other three servers will be scrupulous about each other's attacks and cannot exert perfect combat power.

"Well, that's right, so we don't have anything to worry about." Bacchus Du Kang said, his tone was full of joy when he said this.

"Uncle Bacchus, next we are going to work on the gang resident of Jiafu, what do you always plan to do?" Po Lang Chengfeng was a little anxious, she directly said the plan: "Would you like to act with us? Now, we will win over some helpers from other gangs, so that our chances of success will be greater."

"What, start adding service?!" For a moment, Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice, "Although the major servers did not get much benefit from each other's gang resident, but we want it with our current strength. It’s not easy to forcibly occupy the gang’s resident location. If you forcibly occupy it, it will definitely cost us a lot. This is not a good deal, especially if the players from the major servers rush to support it. , Maybe we will steal the chicken without losing the rice."

At this time, Bacchus Dukang and the others did not know that Ye Luo and the others had already obtained 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls], otherwise he would not say these words.

"Yes, although the strength of the added server is weaker than that of the Japanese server and other servers, but the added server is separated from the Japanese server, the Hanbok and the US server. If we want to mobilize the army to work on it, these servers will be alarmed, so we want to succeed. It's harder." Fengxing said solemnly.

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