After Eastern Killing Sky grabs the Spirit Snake City, only basic rewards are available. For example, after occupying White Bull City, they will get 1% tax on the printing server every day, and players in the middle server will receive additional rewards for doing tasks and killing monsters in the printing server, but there is no Guoqi, [Group Blessing Scroll] and other rewards, which made June Feixue and others puzzled, but Samadhi quickly figured out why this is the case-before the Spirit Snake City was occupied by the waves and wind, it also belongs to the Chinese server , The occupation of the Eastern Killing of the Sky is nothing more than grabbing a place from the players on the same server, and there is nothing wrong with no additional rewards.

After listening to the explanation of the samādhi poem, everyone also fully awakened. They were a little gloat about this result-after all, the Spirit Snake City was snatched from the Misty Pavilion by Dongfang Tiantian, and June Feixue and the others were naturally somewhat resentful. After hearing the system prompt, I found that Eastern Killing Sky didn't get extra rewards, so I couldn't help but gloat.

"Actually, I would like Eastern Killing Heaven to get some extra rewards. It would be better to have a national weapon." Samadhi said, while looking at everyone: "After all, the national war has broken out, and we need powerful assistants. , And the ability of Eastern Killing Sky to obtain additional rewards such as national weapons will definitely increase significantly. This is good news for us."

Everyone agrees with this, but at this point, they have not entangled in this matter anymore, and then continue to do gang resident tasks, while doing tasks, they are ready to deal with the major servers besieging White Bull City, Preparation for the Spirit Snake City.

After another period of time, a series of system prompts sounded again, which was also a system prompt for a player to occupy his service gang site. After all, the major servers have reached an agreement to'contribute' the gang site to each other, but everyone was pleasantly surprised. However, the players who occupied the residence of the other service gangs did not receive additional rewards, which means that they only received the most basic rewards like the Eastern Killing Sky.

Although this is good news for the players in the China server, everyone is still puzzled.

"Hey, why didn't they get extra rewards for Red Ice when they captured the gang resident of his service?" Othello said with confusion: "If the gang resident occupied by Dongfang Tiantian has been occupied by us on the same server, there is no additional reward? Rewards, but Red Ice did not capture the gang resident occupied by their server players. Why didn’t they get additional rewards?"

Not only Othello was puzzled about this, but also June Feixue and the others, and then they all looked at the fireworks and samādhi poems, which was self-evident.

"It should be that the servers such as the plus server and the US server are allies. There will be no additional rewards for allies occupying the gang site before each other." Ye Luo said, although he is guessing, his tone is quite sure: "Intelligent brain system There should be no such BUG for players to use."

At this time, the only thing that can explain this is the word'ally'. Think about it, since they are allies, naturally there will be no extra rewards for capturing their gangs, otherwise these allies can use this BUG to brush System rewards such as national equipment, and this possibility is obviously impossible.

"Yes, yes, it must be like this." Othello hurriedly said, and then she laughed: "But this is good news for us. At least we don't have to worry about the major servers taking advantage of each other's gang sites to obtain The system is rewarded. After all, they can almost always use this method to get rewards. More than 10 servers will soon be able to spawn some national weapons. At the worst, they can create a lot of masters and get a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls]. It poses a great threat to us."

Hearing this, everyone laughed, and their previously worried expressions were completely relaxed-think about it, since the major servers can't use such bugs to brush rewards, then their strength improvement will be slower, at least The number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] obtained will be less, so their threat to the Chinese server is naturally much smaller, and they will not even be a threat to White Bull City and Spirit Snake City for a long time.

Yes, Ye Luo and the others have already obtained a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls], even more than the sum of the major servers, plus they are the defenders of the city, so the major servers are getting a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] ] Before, I was unable to attack White Bull City and Spirit Snake City at all, and this is a very good thing for Zhongfu.

"But it seems that they can also dissolve their allies, so that they can get a very good reward by using this method." Zhiyue suddenly thought of this, and when she said this, she looked a little more solemn: "If this is the case. I am afraid that it will not take long for them to obtain enough [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even have the opportunity to obtain some national weapons. This is a great threat to us."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Even if they don’t dissolve their allies and just occupy the gang resident of his server, they can get very good rewards. Don’t forget to do gang resident missions and kill BOSS in his server to get extra rewards. You can also get [Group Blessing Scroll] and even have a chance to obtain national weapons.

"Well, indeed, they don't get nothing by doing this now. At least they will get extra rewards for doing gang resident missions." Samadhi Shi took the stubborn words: "More than ten servers have joined forces, and their number of players is ours. The number of killer items such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] that they can get when doing tasks together will naturally be more than us. Once they accumulate a sufficient number of scrolls, they can naturally pose a great threat to us."

"Hey, what are you afraid of? Even if they can obtain [Group Blessing Scroll] and other assassin items by doing gang resident missions and hunting down the bosses of other suits, it will take some time. At least it will take 3 days. At that time, we must have lost everything. Niucheng has risen to the 4th level of the Royal City." Po Lang Chengfeng said that she didn't care, and when she said this, her pretty face was full of smiles: "Plus, Bai Niucheng has a [Golden Winged Ant Nest] defense. It has greatly increased, hey, they will still be unable to attack White Bull City by then."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "What's more, now we have obtained 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and then our people will sneak into other servers to start hunting operations, and we should be able to obtain some scrolls without accident. , So enough to deal with the siege of major servers."

"Even during the period, we will be able to capture some of the gang's locations, so we can get more rewards, and this is not impossible for us." Po Lang Chengfeng added.

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, at this time, only Ye Luo will get 6 or 7 [Group Blessing Scrolls], not to mention that other gangs also occasionally get some. Not surprisingly, they have more scrolls than the major servers. The total amount is more. Using these, they will naturally be able to break into some of the other gang sites, especially before the major servers gain benefits, and after seizing some gang sites, Ye Luo will naturally gain more benefits.

"That's right, that's right, at this time we definitely have enough strength to break through some of the gang sites he served, especially in the case of our sneak attack." Othello is quite exciting: "Don't forget the major servers at this time. The masters all returned to their servers because of our previous harassment. We have the initiative to attack the gang site of a certain server. For example, let Ye Luo transmit to the level 3 gang site of a certain server, and then use [Cross server *Community Teleportation Scroll] The scroll teleports tens of thousands of people over, hey, even if we only use half of the double professional archers and 2 or 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], I am afraid that we will have the strength to break their gang sites without giving them to the major servers. Opportunity to support."

"Well, this is a good idea. Then we can discuss with other gang members. This will not only continue to improve our strength, but the most important thing is to suppress and contain the major servers to improve our strength." Samadhi Shi said, while saying While watching her look at the fireworks, it is easy to be cold: "Fireworks, although White Bull City has not been upgraded to the 4th Royal City level at this time, but with the [Gold Wing Ant Nest], the defense power is greatly improved, and we have left some special masters. It is the protection of some space players, and there will be absolutely no problems, at least there will be no problems until our people break into the gangs of other servers."

Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "If the major servers gather their troops to attack, then we can use another [Cross Server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport everyone back, so we can be foolproof."

"Yeah, yes." Fireworks Yi nodded coldly, and then she looked at everyone: "Now our Chinese server already has many skills similar to [Vulcan Domain], using these skills plus tens of thousands of people Enough to break through a gang’s resident in an instant, and even not give their space players [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city, especially Ye Luo and Sister Feng who use [Reincarnation Remnant] or [Kuang Lei Sprint] ] Interception, of course, in the case of a sneak attack, whether their Space Department players can arrive in time is also a big problem."

Hearing that the fireworks Yi Leng agreed to seize the location of the other service gang, everyone became excited, and then broke the waves and rides the wind and looked at the fireworks Yi Leng curiously: "Fireworks, which server shall we work on this time? Do you want to continue with the Australian server? Let’s do it, it’s a shame that we didn’t completely occupy Kangaroo City yesterday."

Not waiting for the fireworks to be cold, she continued: "The most important thing is that we have a better chance of success with the Australian server. After all, the consumption of the Australian server yesterday was almost the largest among all servers."

"Australian service has suffered heavy casualties under our harassment, and there is no need to do anything at this time. After all, they have no threat to us in a short period of time." Samadhi Shi said, while she looked at everyone. : "Since we are going to do it, we naturally have to pick some servers that pose a greater threat to us."

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