VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2584: : Countermeasures

The Spirit Snake City has an energy shield formed by fusing the original city heart to protect it from being attacked within 24 hours, while the defense of White Bull City is stronger. Tokyo Mythology wants to It may cost a lot to do it. Even if they learn that Ye Luo, Wuming and other super masters have left the printing service, they will not rush it. They can use the [Cross Service*Group Blessing Scroll] at any time. They sent it over, rashly dealing with the White Bull City and even the players in the Chinese server, which is often quite risky.

It was with this in mind that Ye Luo and the others acted separately and led people to sneak in according to the previously planned goals.

In Ye Luo, they acted separately. The heads of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology also began to discuss the next action. There were many problems in the previous siege. The most important problem is that they are already unable to attack White Bull City and Spirit Snake City. The same is true for players who cast their ultimate skills before tomorrow. The CD will end. After all, they have lost all [Group Blessing Scrolls] in their previous actions. Even if they take back Kangaroo City and Curry City, they will be rewarded by the system with 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls 】Fear and powerless to attack White Bull City and Spirit Snake City, especially after they learn about the methods used by the Chinese server players.

Tokyo Mythology is also aware of this problem, so they can only continue to accumulate some [Group Blessing Scrolls] or other assassin props, but it is not easy to obtain such props, and it does not stump Tokyo Mythology. Soon they thought of a way-the major servers would'contribute' some gang sites to each other. After occupying them, they would not only receive the [Group Blessing Scroll], but also have the opportunity to receive national equipment and other rewards. Because the major servers are mutually connected, he has almost no loss, but only a loss of [Cross Server*City Heart].

This method was quickly approved by everyone. After all, in their hearts this is the fastest way to increase their strength and obtain the [Group Blessing Scroll], not to mention that they still have the opportunity to obtain national weapons. I believe that after using this method, he is very good. Soon there will be enough strength to regain the White Bull City and the Spirit Snake City, and even enough strength to enter the middle service and then attack some gang sites. This is undoubtedly easy to suppress the middle service. This is All major servers dream of.

It is precisely because of this that the people of the major servers decisively agreed to this proposal, and the next step is to "make a pair". After all, this matter requires sufficient integrity and the relative "economic strength" of both parties to be more fair. system.

However, this is not a difficult task for the major servers. Soon they found their own "partners", and the next step was to execute them. Of course, the Tokyo Mythology did not act immediately because they were still worried about the players in the Chinese server. Doing hands on the other gangs of Yinfu, after all, the means reserved by Ye Luo and others are still sufficient to do this.

Not to mention the plans of the major servers, let alone Midnight Shu and Wuming, each with some elite teams sneaking into the selected [新笔趣阁www.biqule.info] target server.

Ye Luo also got into action. According to the suggestion of the fireworks and easy cold, he sneaked into the Japanese server after returning to the Chinese server. Then he did not directly teleport to the nearest teleportation point from the Canadian server, but began to "wander" in the Japanese server. Get up and sneak attacks on some leveling points of the day server from time to time. Although the state of the [Group Blessing Scroll] he was holding at this time has disappeared, he is still in a state of full attack power, so sneak attacking those leveling points is still very easy, especially It was in the case that the Tokyo Mythology and others had not returned to the Japanese service.

Of course, in addition to the sneak attack on the leveling points of the day service, he will not miss some high-ranking bosses, especially those of the Primordial Saint level, and it is easy to kill them with his current strength, not to mention At this time, he was still in a state of full attack power.

Ye Luo suddenly appeared in the Japanese server, which shocked and worried the players of Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese servers. Heilong Tianzhan and others urged Tokyo Mythology to return quickly. After all, if Ye Luo uses the [Cross Server*Group Blessing Scroll] There is still a chance to destroy their gang resident. In the best case, Ye Luo will kill many players, and these are not what Japanese players want to see.

However, at this time, the masters of other servers think this is an excellent opportunity, especially the Indian server players such as Wucai Shenniu. They think that this is the best time to recapture the White Bull City, and the worst can force Ye Luo back. , So it also solved the danger of Japanese service.

"Yes, Brother Shinhwa still retains so many assassins, and some of us still retain ultimatums. We still have the opportunity to **** White Bull City back in the absence of Ye Luo Zhiqiu. "Flaming Crocodile was quite exhilarating, and while talking, he looked at Tokyo Mythology and others with expectation: "The worst can force Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others to return, so your Japanese clothes will naturally not be dangerous. Up."

The players of the Indian server such as the Flame Crocodile are naturally very eager to take the White Bull City and the Spirit Snake City back. What's more, the masters of Tokyo Mythology who stay in the Indian server can help contain the players in the middle server, otherwise they will all leave the Indian server. However, if there is a chance to be destroyed the gang resident, in the best case, many Indian server players will be killed. This is not what they want to see.

Think about it, too, in order to regain the gang sites such as Curry City, the Indian server players were quite desperate before. They consumed a lot. If all the masters of the major servers left, they would not be able to deal with the middle server players, and it might even be possible. Some gang sites will be captured again, and it is precisely because of this that the Flame Crocodile and other talents will persuade Tokyo Mythology to do something against White Bull City again.

Even if the White Bull City cannot be taken back, the players in the middle server will have a greater consumption, so they will no longer be able to capture the other gangs of the Indian server.

I have to say that the Fiery Crocodile has a good luck, but the people on the major servers are obviously not as expected, especially the Japanese players such as Tokyo Mythology, because this is a bit risky, but they know Ye Luo's great Yes, if there were some accidents, Ye Luo had the opportunity to capture some of the gangs of the Japanese server. They naturally didn't want to take such a risk.

"Even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu doesn't come back, they are afraid that we will not be able to attack Bai Niu City." Mount Fuji sank and said, while looking at everyone: "Don't forget that the Chinese server players still retain a lot of killers. For example, many of them still have big moves. For example, the woman who breaks the waves and rides the wind still retains [Thunder God’s Fall], for example, Longteng Tianxia still retains [Seven Stars Heaven], plus they are the defenders of the city, even if Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are completely able to stand by without returning."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Even if we **** White Bull City back, we will consume all the assassins at that time, no accident. If Ye Luo Zhiqiu comes back, he can still pose a great threat to us. , There is even a chance to capture some gang sites, don’t forget that he still retains the two powerful skills of [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] and [Tai Chi Dao]."

Hearing the words, the fierce flame crocodile was silent, he naturally knew that the Tokyo mythology was true, but thought that if the Tokyo mythology they all left, then the Zhongfu would be stationed in the Yinfu gang again, their expressions became dignified, and then they Having said this worry, of course, they will focus on the players of the Chinese server and then occupy the gang station of the Indian server will further enhance their strength, so they will have a greater threat to the major servers.

"Don't worry, we will keep some players who retain utmost moves, and other servers will also keep some. There is still no problem with intercepting the players who live in the middle server. After all, defending the city is much easier than attacking the city." Twilight is slightly cool. Shen said, the reason for this is because Wuming sneaked into Hanbok with some assassins, which had to make them return to defend.

"Yes, we will leave some masters each, there should be no problem." The sun never sets the spear and said in a deep voice: "What's more, once the players of the Chinese server do their hands on you, we will come to support you as soon as possible. The strength should be able to defend for more than 5 minutes, especially if you still have some space players using [Space Enchantment], so there is no problem."

With the help of the city wall of the gang, and some masters of Yinfu, there is absolutely no problem with the players of Yinfu who want to defend for 5 minutes, especially using [Space Enchantment] to protect the heart of the city-even because of Ye Luo and others It’s okay to have [Remnant Shadows] and prevent the space system players from printing [Space Enchantment]. If you want to use [Cross Server*City Heart] to occupy a gang resident, it takes 3 minutes to merge, not to mention the Chinese server players It will take some time to break into the city and destroy the heart of the city. This time is enough for the people of the major servers to rush back to the Indian server for support.

"Actually, I wish Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others would do it again." Suddenly, the night said, while talking about him, he looked at everyone: "Because Ye Luo Zhiqiu, they will definitely consume a lot once they do it, no surprise they Will use all the killer skills, and if we have reservations, we can easily enter the middle server and then break some of their gang sites, so their pressure will also be great."

If you think about it, if Ye Luo and other players in the middle server consume all their killer skills, but Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology still retain their ults and killer skills such as "Baqi Skyfall", then they will naturally have the strength to enter the middle server and then Some of the gang resident who grabbed the clothes.

"Well, this is also true." Tokyo Mythology took over: "Once we can seize some of the gangs of the Chinese server, there will be a lot of benefits, not only to get system rewards, but to allow us to gain strength and some [Group Blessing Scroll] In addition, we will put a lot of pressure on the Chinese server players, and their actions will be held back by us."

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