VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2585: : Golden Winged Ant Nest

Once the player consumption of the Chinese server is too large, the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology can gather together to enter the server. It is still very easy to capture some of the gangs of the Chinese server, and the threat to the Chinese server is undoubtedly also Bigger.

The colorful sacred cows naturally know that if the players of the Chinese server attack their gang station again, it will be extremely exhausted. It is inevitable to use all the ultimate moves and killer skills such as [Tai Ji Da Dao], especially in the major servers. Under the circumstances that some masters helped them defend the city, they no longer worry about this problem, and no longer persuade Tokyo Mythology to return to their respective servers.

Next, Tokyo Shinhwa and other super masters each return to their respective servers, but it is not so easy for the huge server to pull out Ye Luo and others. They can only continue to work on their own affairs and become passive after Ye Luo and the others do it. Defense.

In addition to these, they also started to implement the things that they had discussed before. For example, they would sneak into the'partner' server to attack a certain gang site, and capture these gang sites to get rich rewards from the system. Because an agreement has been reached, they only need to send A small number of players were able to occupy the gang site in the past.

The idea is good, but soon they encountered another problem-the major servers have formed allies, and the allies cannot attack each other, and they will be warned by the system if they attack each other. After paying attention to this issue, he continued to forcefully occupy the target gang's location.

Although Ye Luo and the others have guessed what the major servers are going to do, they are also very difficult to stop, they can only let them go, and during the period they can hit as many [Group Blessing Scrolls] as possible, and the other is to bring White Bull City as soon as possible. , Spirit Snake City has been upgraded to Level 4 King City level. Of course, they also need to upgrade all Level 3 gang sites in the Central Server to Level 4 as soon as possible, because the next goal of the major servers is afraid to work on the gang sites in the Central Server. Up.

Let’s not talk about this for now, let’s say that Ye Luo continues to'wander' in the Japanese clothes. Although the super masters of Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji have all returned, it does not have much impact on Ye Luo. He relies on strong damage output. And mobility can come and go freely.

That's right, Ye Luo continued to sneak attack on the leveling point in the Japanese server, and while sneaking in the direction of the server, he would not let go of a powerful BOSS on the road. After beheading him, he also obtained some good equipment. , It’s just that those equipment can’t update his equipment and can only be used by others.

In addition to the equipment, some other props were also revealed. The most important thing for Ye Luo is 2 [Transport Beads] and 1 [Group Blessing Scroll]. Although this is only the initial state of [Transport Beads], it can also teleport 3 in 1 day. Secondly, it can also increase mobility for other players, not to mention that there is a chance to upgrade it to Ye Luo's [Transport Orb] status, not to mention there is a [Group Blessing Scroll].

Seeing that the Japanese server was already full of soldiers, Ye Luo did not continue to stay. He sneaked into the additional server. I have to say that his luck was very good. As soon as he stepped on the additional server, he encountered a Primordial Saint-level BOSS on the ancient battlefield. With the 3 quasi-previous sage-level BOSS, he naturally wouldn't miss it, and directly greeted him. After a little bit of means, he could easily kill them.

Maybe it’s the first time a player with a foreign server sneaked into the additional server. Maybe Ye Luo had better luck. Killing these 4 bosses revealed 1 [Group Blessing Scroll] and 1 [Group Teleportation Scroll]. There is an energy stone for good fortune and a [Cross Server*City Heart], not to mention there are 2 or 3 pieces of Primordial Saint-level equipment, which can be said to be quite rewarding-now for Ye Luo and the others [Cross Server *The heart of the city is very important. After all, it is indispensable to attack the city in the future, and only with this kind of props can you take the gang station and system city he serves as your own.

Of course, the most valuable thing in Ye Luo's heart is the energy stone of good fortune, especially when it was discovered that this stone is exclusive to the summoner. Not surprisingly, he will soon become a powerful dual-class summoner on Friday. This is also the Misty Pavilion. The third dual-professional summoner—dual-professional summoner can send 3 summoned beasts to fight at the same time, and the various BUFF skills are more powerful, so this class is much stronger than the ordinary dual-class.

It was precisely because of this that Ye Luo was a little excited after seeing this energy stone.

Next, Ye Luo began to "wander" in the additional server. Apart from hunting and killing players in the additional server from time to time to keep his attack power full, he went out to hunt high-ranking bosses and left some teleportation points in the additional server. Some third-level gangs are nearby. After all, these teleport points are needed to attack and add servers in the future. Of course, Ye Luo's presence near these gangs will also make the players who add server vigilant, and this kind of deterrence will also make players who add servers quite jealous.

As for the harvest of hunting bosses, Ye Luo is also very important, especially the [Group Blessing Scroll] that broke out. After all, this scroll can play a role in reversing the situation in the future, and this time he used hunting Killing the BOSS got 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], I believe that with these, they will be much easier to defend or attack the city.

Next, Ye Luo has been acting in addition to the server, not only to hunt down the boss and leave some teleportation points, the most important thing is to add some pressure to the server, learn from the words of the waves and the wind, it is to increase the server. The chickens and dogs are restless, so they have no good life.

Time passed, and almost a day passed in a blink of an eye. Ye Luo also spent most of the day in Jiafu. Of course, it also included the time to sleep and rest off the assembly line. In this way, he also had very good gains. For example, during the period he hunted and killed a few The first Sage-level boss has obtained a lot of equipment and props, but 7 or 8 pieces of Sage-level equipment can greatly improve the strength of some players in the middle server. It is also very good to say that he has obtained 2 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] Exaggerated harvest.

That’s right, Ye Luo got 2 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], counting the previous ones, there are 4, but the day service and the additional service “One Day Tour” have got so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], I have to Ye Luo's luck is pretty good, not to mention that in addition to these scrolls, there are [Group Guardian Scrolls], [Group Transmission Scrolls] and other props.

But the harvest that Ye Luo values ​​most is a special piece of equipment. Although the item is not of high rank, it is only Saint-level, but it is more useful than a piece of Primordial Saint-level equipment or expired, because this is a piece of equipment that can be used. The special city defense props placed on the gang resident, similar to the props of [Honeycomb], [Tree of Life] and [Sacred Beast Seal], which are the rarest of all equipment and props, and are even rarer than national weapons at present a lot of.

That's right, Ye Luo got a city guard item, this item is [Golden Winged Ant Nest], which is similar to the existence of [Honey Nest], and its effect is comparable to it.

The golden-winged ant nest, as the name suggests, is beyond the golden-winged ant, and the golden-winged ant is a flying ant. Although the individual grade is not very high, it is better than a large number. Attracting surrounding ant monsters or BOSS activities nearby and then protecting the ant nest, this is also a disguised way to protect the gang where the ant nest is located.

[Gold-winged ant nest] The level, rank and number of gold-winged ants in the nest are related to the level of the city lord and the number of job transfers in the gang resident where they are placed. That is to say, the stronger the city lord, the stronger the gold-winged ants and the number. The more, if it is placed in White Bull City, it will undoubtedly increase the defense of White Bull City. The lord of White Bull City is Ye Luo. At this time, his level and rank are top in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game. That is, the strength of the golden wing ant is almost the strongest.

In addition to these, summoners and other professions can also tame gold-winged ants and become their own pets. Summoning gold-winged ants near the nest will also get the BUFF bonus of the nest and make the strength stronger. The most important thing is It’s a summoner who can carry multiple gold-winged ants, and it’s not much worse than the green ant, even if deliberately near the [Gold-winged ant nest], the combat power can be stronger than that of the green ant— —At this point, [Golden Winged Ant Nest] is similar to [Beehive]. After all, players in Tianxia City can tame bees as their own summoned beasts or pets.

The most important thing is that the gold-winged ant is a flying-type summoned beast, which can be used to deal with flying targets in the future. This will undoubtedly greatly increase the defense and damage of the gang’s residence. Ye Luo simply calculated and placed the [Golden-Winged Ant Nest]. The defensive power of the gang station can be increased by at least 20%, which is a huge improvement.

After getting the [Gold Winged Ant Nest], Ye Luo was ready to return, not only because he wanted to place the [Gold Wing Ant Nest] on Bai Niu City sooner, the most important thing was that the purpose of his trip had been achieved. Do other things, or sneak into other servers to deter other server players or arrange some teleportation points—there are only a few elite squads sent out by the Chinese server, but there are more than a dozen rival servers in the Chinese server. Some servers were not deterred, and Ye Luo needed them to sneak into them.

Of course, the first thing to do is to return to the Indian clothing, to be precise, to return to White Bull City, and then place the [Gold Winged Ant Nest] on White Bull City. After seeing this item, it snows and breaks the waves and rides the wind. When people were overjoyed, they naturally knew the value of this item, especially when it was placed on White Bull City at this time. It is no exaggeration to say that after having this item, there is no need to worry about major servers coming to siege. Even after White Bull City reached level 4, they only needed to send some players to defend it.

"Uncle Ye Luo, your luck is too good. Going out this trip to get 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls] is already a big gain, you also obtained [Gold Wing Ant Nest] and other equipment items." June Feixue was quite authentic.

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