VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2583: : Take the initiative

Ye Luo and the others will be killed by all the players in the [Space Enchantment]. The Eastern Family successfully occupied the Spirit Snake City, and Yi Nian Cheng Shen snatched the most suitable national tool for his profession-[Dark Staff], but Judging from the reactions of the major gangs, June Feixue saw that these gangs reached an agreement, an agreement to sell Miomi Pavilion-to'snatch' the Spirit Snake City owned by Miomi Pavilion would naturally be regarded as selling Miomi Pavilion.

"Well, obviously they have reached an agreement." Samadhi poetry said, and then his tone changed: "However, their improvement in strength is also good for us. After all, it is difficult for us to compete with the major servers, and we need other gangs and We are fighting side by side, and their increased strength will greatly reduce our pressure."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition, if our Miomi Pavilion family dominates, we will not only be jealous and even targeted by the major gangs we serve, which will cause a lot of trouble in the future, and we will also become the major servers targeted This will be more troublesome."

There is no shortage of smart people, and they naturally know the truth of "woods show in the forest and wind will destroy them", and they can accept such results.

"We have already killed the masters of the major servers. Although they still have some masters, they can't help us." Sitting on the piano, warmly said: "Because the Eastern Family’s [cross-server] *City Heart] Once the integration is completed, the people from the major servers will not be able to siege Spirit Snake City. As for White Bull City, they are also unable to break through, so this time our goal has been achieved."

"Yes, even some exceeded expectations and achieved the goal." Po Lang Chengfeng said, thinking of something, her pretty face was full of smiles, and her tone was full of expectation: "Fireworks, Ye Luo and I not only kept [Lei Shen Tian] Descending], [Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole], [Tai Chi Dao] and other assassin skills, but also retains the ultimate move, and even have such powerful and wide-ranging skills as [Allure of the City] and [Thunder* Sword Slash]. In addition, there are still many players in our Zhongfu who retain the ultimate move and a [Group Blessing Scroll]. Next, should we continue to work on other gang locations in Yinfu?"

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "After all, the more gang gangs we occupy, the greater the increase in strength. If the major servers want to take back all gang gangs, there will be greater casualties, such as today It is because we have occupied the four gang sites of the Australian and Indian servers to defend two of them, otherwise we are afraid that even Bainiu City will have a hard time defending."

The facts are just like what the Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind said, if they only have White Bull City, then the masters of the major servers such as Tokyo Mythology can concentrate their forces on the attack, and it is consumed batch by batch, and they will almost consume it. After all, after the number of masters reaches one Chengdu, the people of the major servers can kill the walls of the city and then destroy the defense equipment and cause greater casualties to the players in the middle server. of.

"Don't worry too much, because with our current strength, we are afraid that we can only hold the two gang sites, and this is the limit." Firework Yi Leng shook his head.

"Hey, we don't have to occupy for a long time, as long as we can get system rewards, our strength will be greatly improved, especially to obtain some national weapons. The worst is that [Group Blessing Scroll] can also give us some killers. "Po Lang Chengfeng continued to persuade.

"We captured the gang site, and the people from the major servers grabbed it back, and they can also get system rewards. In addition, they have an advantage in numbers to do other things, such as hunting bosses, so that they can accumulate more killer items. More threats to us are even greater, and even the next time they try to **** White Bull City back." Samadhi Shi explained, and her words also made Po Lang Chengfeng and others silent, because they too Knowing that the strength of Zhongfu can hold two gang sites at the same time is already the limit.

Without waiting for Po Lang Chengfeng and others to speak, she continued: "As far as it seems, if you want to seize more gang sites for him to serve, you must first upgrade White Bull City and Spirit Snake City to Level 4 Royal City, so that we can also defend the gang resident clubs. A lot more. So, next, we have to increase the intensity of the gang resident mission."

"That's right, doing the gang resident mission makes the Spirit Snake City and Curry City God Realm very important." Dongfang Star took the stubborn words, and then her tone changed: "Not to mention the fact that doing the gang resident mission will get extra good rewards, such as [Crowd Blessing Scroll] Whatever, accumulating some of these killer props will make us stronger to deal with the siege and targeting of major servers."

The reason why Eastern Star said this is not only because she also knows that they will have enough power to conquer the gang sites of other servers when they upgrade the Spirit Snake City and White Bull City to the 4th level of the king city. The most important thing is that the Spirit Snake City is their East. If the aristocratic family occupies, they naturally hope to keep occupying it. After all, the daily tax revenue alone is also a considerable figure, which is also quite important for the Eastern family.

"Well, next we have to increase the intensity of the gang resident mission." Fireworks Yi said coldly. Without waiting for everyone to start, she changed her words: "But we can't make the major servers so easy. Next we will send a few The elite team sneaked into different servers, one is to deter them, and the other is to leave some transfer points in their servers, which will be very helpful in the future."

Hearing this, the eyes of the fireworks are easy to be cold, and she is naturally happy to do this kind of proactive action, and then she can’t wait to say: "Fireworks, I will perform this task, hey, no surprises, as long as I appear in a certain In the server, their people will definitely be extremely vigilant, which can be regarded as containing them, especially Ye Luo and them with me."

"Ye Luo has mastered [Space Teleportation], coupled with his very strong strength and fast moving speed, the most important thing is that all players now know the existence of [Cross Server* Group Teleportation Scroll], so he can do it alone Deter a server." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "As for Sister Feng, you'd better stay in the Indian server as a gang resident mission, and by the way, deter the Indian server and other players who are still in the Indian server."

You don’t need to look at the fireworks and it’s easy to get cold. You know that Po Lang Cheng Feng Qiao’s face is full of dissatisfaction at this time. Without waiting for her to speak, she continued: "Sister Feng, there must be more masters in Yinfu than other servers, because the major servers have to contain us. , So you will have more fun staying, not to mention that we also need some super masters here. We can’t just use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport you back. That’s too wasted."

Hearing the words ‘more masters’, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng light up, and this time she nodded readily: “Okay, then I will stay in Yinfu and do the gang resident mission.”

"East Killing the Sky..." the fireworks said coldly, but they were interrupted before they finished speaking.

"Big brother, he also stayed in the Indian clothing. Handsome Ye Luo is going out, so he always leaves some people to cooperate with the beautiful women?" Dongfang star smiled lightly, and there is no objection to the fireworks, after all, she is as smart as she is naturally. Knowing why the East Killing the Sky stayed—people from the East aristocratic family did not want to have any accidents in the Spirit Snake City, but also wanted to upgrade it to the 4th level as soon as possible, so it was necessary for the East Killing Heaven to be the most powerful of the East.

"Fireworks, which server do I sneak into?" Ye Luo asked casually.

"Additional service." The firework is easy to be cold and barely thinks about the goal: "You return to the middle service and then sneak into the Japanese service. You can sneak into the daily service directly from the Japanese service. When passing by the Japanese service, threaten some Japanese service by the way. Believe Tokyo Mythology, they will send some people back, especially after they learn that you have sneaked into the Japanese server."

Tokyo Mythology and other Japanese masters who continue to stay in the Indian server will pose a great threat to the Chinese server. Among the Chinese server players, there are not many players who can make Tokyo Mythic fear them. I am afraid that only Ye Luo can force them all. He returned, so letting Ye Luo perform this task is undoubtedly the best choice.

Ye Luo is also a smart person, and instantly understood that he is the best choice to sneak into the server. He nodded and said, "Well, good."

"Xiaoshu, you and Xiaoshou will work together, and then choose some dual-professional assassins, and you will sneak into the British server." Fireworks Yi Leng continued to give orders. After seeing the midnight book nodded and agreed, she did not forget to say: "Remember that your mission is in England. You must mark the teleportation point instead of killing, you have to prioritize things."

"Yeah, I understand." Midnight Shu nodded in response.

"As for the others, arrange it yourself, try to sneak into different servers, such as Xiaoshu and Ye Luo, they mainly mark the teleport point." Firework Yi said coldly, thinking of what she looked at Longteng Tianxia: "Longteng Tianxia, Let Long Ying stay, just in case."

The so-called'just in case' is naturally that they may be attacked at any time on the Indian server, and even by the players of the major server space. At this time, it is inevitable to leave some space for the players just in case. Up.

"Well, good." Long Teng Tianxia replied, and then changed his tone: "Wait I will order some of the assassins of my Long family to cooperate with everyone. Some of them carry [Transport Pearls], but they can also do some teleportation. point."

Next, Dongfang Tiantian and Wuming also expressed that they would send some elite teams to sneak into other servers. The purpose is naturally to be the same as Yeluo and Midnight Shu. They soon made arrangements and selected different servers. Of course If you want to act, you need to make sure that Tokyo Mythology has not attacked Spirit Snake City and White Bull City before they can do it again.

Time passed, and more than 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the space barrier protecting the Spirit Snake City had disappeared. Because [Cross Server*City Heart] has completed the integration and then has a protective energy shield, there is no need to worry about being attacked.

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