Under the “deliberate” calculations of the Eastern aristocratic family, the gangs of the Yeyu family, the Yinian family and other gangs, and the “acquiescence” of Miomi Pavilion, the heart of the city of Spirit Snake City was finally destroyed, and the East Killing Heaven was completely surrounding the heart of the city. After all of the foreign server players have killed them, they also used the [Cross Server*City Heart] to occupy the Spirit Snake City, but it still takes 3 minutes.

Next, everyone in the Eastern family retreated to the heart of the city. In addition to preventing major server disturbances, they were also worried that Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and other people in Misty Pavilion would be ashamed and angry, even if the Eastern star had already spoken bluntly. The people at Pavilion don’t know how to do it at all—it’s natural to see that Po Lang Chengfeng and others deliberately pretended not to see the little actions they did with the wisdom of the Eastern star, and she was as smart as she instantly understood that this was the advice of the fireworks and easy cold. And understand why she did it.

Although they also know that fireworks are easy to cold, they pulled the Eastern family into the chariot, but Eastern Stars also knew that fireworks were easy to cold, and they gave them a favor. After all, they could give the Spirit Snake City to other gangs, such as the Nangong family. For example, the Wine Family, etc.-the benefits of occupying a gang resident are very rich, I am afraid that any gang will want it.

Now that the Eastern family has occupied the Spirit Snake City, it is naturally considered to have inherited the love of Misty Pavilion. She is as smart as the Eastern star and understands this. She secretly vowed to return to Misty Pavilion if she has a chance in the future. People in the Eastern family also have their own Pride, grudges must be repaid, and grace must be paid.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded, and it was the red ice that had been added to occupy Curry City. Although everyone had been mentally prepared, they were somewhat uncomfortable after hearing this system prompt.

"It was the people who added the service who robbed Curry City. Their luck was really good. After all, there were a lot of servers competing for Curry City at this time." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, and when she said this, her eyes A cold light flashed: "Fireworks, the additional service and the Australian service have been eyeing us for several times, and now the Australian service has received some lessons. Next, do we have to teach us to increase the service."

"Yes, we haven't sneaked into their server all the time, which makes them too comfortable, hey, we should make them some trouble next." Bacchus Dukang said in a deep voice, as he looked at the fireworks Yi Leng, the meaning is self-evident.

"Unsurprisingly, the major servers will still work on us, and even they will think of exchanging gang sites with other servers to improve their strength, so we also need to have some corresponding measures." Fengxing took the stubbornly: "For example, let Some people sneak into the major servers, even if they just threaten them, this will more or less make them converge."

After Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing said this, many people agreed. After all, they have long been upset by being "bully".

"Well, after this incident, some assassins and some space-based players can sneak into the plus server and other servers." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "As Uncle Fengxing said, we must deter them, so as to reduce our pressure. Of course, the most important thing is to allow our space players to leave some teleportation points on the major servers in advance. This will not only pose a greater threat to them, but the most important thing is that it will be much more convenient for us to manipulate them in the future."

Fireworks Yi Leng not only agreed to everyone's proposal, but also gave some simple plans, which made everyone excited. They were ready to take action after solving the next thing.

"Fireworks, this matter should be early or not late. When should we really start adding clothes?!" Po Lang Rongfeng asked expectantly. Not waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "If you don't do it, then, Once we do it, they will definitely have to pay a heavy price, such as occupying some of their gang sites, and let them know that we are not good to bully, and doing so will naturally deter other servers."

"Wait for White Bull City and Spirit Snake City to be upgraded to Level 4 King City before they can act." Firework Yi said coldly.

Everyone is a smart person. Naturally, they know that they can only have enough troops to do other things when they are upgraded to the 4th level of the Snake City and the White Bull City. After all, they will only be able to defend by sending a part of the players, so It is also inevitable to upgrade the Spirit Snake City and White Bull City, otherwise it will not only be impossible to capture the additional gang station, but also to lose the Spirit Snake City and White Bull City.

"Okay, then I'll talk about it after Spirit Snake City and White Bull City have reached level 4." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, while she said, she looked at the surrounding players: "This time the casualties of the major servers will be very large. , Although taking back Kangaroo City and Curry City gave them a little respite, but they only have 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is not enough for them to besiege us again, let alone we also have Spirit Snake City and White Bull City , So we still have enough time to do gang resident missions to upgrade the level of White Bull City and Spirit Snake City. I believe it will not take long to upgrade to level 4."

Everyone also realized the benefits of upgrading White Bull City to Level 4 King City as soon as possible. In addition, now that the Spirit Snake City is occupied by the Eastern family, they will send more people to the gang resident, and upgrade the resident to Level 4. It will not take too long.

"Fireworks, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, did they do it to you?" Sitting on Qin Xin, while adding [Spell Immunity] to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, he asked casually: "This time, although they took back Kangaroo City and Curry City, The loss is also great, and they also know that letting us occupy the two gangs is more threatening to them, so there should be other actions next."

"Hey, although Tokyo Mythology still retains a lot of methods, the players on the major servers consume too much. I am afraid that they dare not do anything to us anymore. For example, now we are chasing and killing the players on the major servers and they have not done anything. Intercept us." Othello said indifferently: "Of course, maybe they know that we also retain a lot of methods, especially Ye Luo also retains [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], so they didn't act on us."

"I didn't do it to us." Ye Yu Fei murmured, and then she sighed: "If they are smart, otherwise their losses will be greater, and our gains will be greater. Maybe we still have a chance to capture again. They have one or two gangs, so we don’t have to worry about anything anymore."

As Othello said, the consumption of the major servers at this time is too great, even if the Tokyo Mythology and their methods are used, they can’t do nothing but Bai Niucheng, and once they consume all the methods, they will no longer be able to stop Ye Luo and the others. Yes, so they will naturally have the opportunity to capture some gang sites in Yinfu—according to Ye Yufei’s calculation, at this time they only need to use 1 [Group Blessing Scroll] to prevent Tokyo Mythology from besieging White Bull City, at most they can use it. A [Seven Stars Juyi] or [Thunder God Heaven], and even so, they still have many killers.

That’s right, for example, there are still many players who retain ultimatums at this time. For example, Ye Luo still retains the [Tai Chi Dao] and [Allure Strike], [Thunder * Sword Slash All directions] and other powerful and large-scale skills, plus On their side, they have 7 players with full attack power and many dual-professional archers. It is not a problem to capture some gangs in Yinfu, and this will give them the most benefits, even gangs such as the Yeyu family. There will also be a gang resident for his service, which is something that Ye Yu Fei is extremely looking forward to.

It's a pity that Tokyo Mythology didn't do anything. With them, Ye Luo and the others have a lot of scruples about the opportunity to attack the city, and they won't even attack other gang locations in the printing clothes.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Yu Feifei will regret it.

"There is no lack of smart people among them, and they have made a lot of mistakes now, so naturally they won't make other mistakes again." Samadhi said, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, the major servers consume a lot of money, no surprises. They should have lost all the [Group Blessing Scrolls], even if they can get 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls] back to Kangaroo City and Curry City, they are unable to attack White Bull City and Spirit Snake City, so we still have time to improve White Bull City , The level of the spirit snake city, once they are upgraded to the 4th level of the royal city, then they will have more headaches."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they didn't say much and continued to get busy.

Soon it was another minute, and after so long, Ye Luo and they finally killed all the other players in the enchantment, including the two players with national equipment, and they seemed to know that no one would come to support them. , Did not wait for the time to lie down, and directly chose to return to the city after being killed. After all, for them to continue to stay here is just suffering and shame-think about it, the [Space Enchantment] is still there, and no one can come during this period. Support, they are bound to die, so naturally there is no need to stay here.

As everyone had guessed before, killing those two people only revealed one national artifact, and this national artifact was snatched away by the Yinian family, which made many people in the gang resident enviable, except for the Eastern family. ——Actually, the people of the Eastern aristocratic family did not participate in the fight for the national artifact. They also calculated a lot of information through this intelligence, such as fireworks and samādhi. Some agreements of the city and so on.

"The luck of becoming a **** is also very good. The national artifact he snatched is called [Dark Staff]. It is a middle-grade national weapon, and it is of the dark type, and becoming a **** is the Dark Dragon Mage. It is undoubtedly the most suitable national tool for him. I believe that with this national tool, his strength will be greatly improved. There is no problem in becoming a star beyond the East." June Feixue muttered, the reason for this. It was because she also faintly guessed that the major gangs had reached certain agreements, some agreements to sell the "Mission Pavilion".

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