VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2546: : Pretty smooth

With the help of the occlusion of rocks, every night unless they successfully perform the [Crazy Thunder Dash], a thunder and lightning pierces the void, and high damage figures float up wherever they pass, although these damages are not for dual professional masters. It’s not a big deal, but the players covered by thunder and lightning are all controlled and can’t move for 3 seconds. Although it’s just a line, there are dozens of dual-professional masters stunned. There are dozens or hundreds of people left to perform the ultimate move, and without accident, 3 seconds is enough for Ye Luo and the others to kill these dual-professional masters, that is to say, even if the ultimate move is used, it is completely worth it.

[Kuang Lei Sprint] After the end, unless the action did not stop, Ye Ye performed [God Dance Step] for the first time, and then [Lei Ying Clone], and then she did not use high-power, large-scale skills, but continued to use displacement The reason for this skill is not to avoid being charged by the surrounding dual-professional masters. The most important thing is that the more she rushes to the center of the enemy formation, the more Ye Luo they send over to perform group control skills.

In addition, the three Raikage clones have also launched various skills, or ordinary attacks. They are Thunder clones. Most of the group attack skills they use have control effects, and even simple ordinary attacks have the effect of paralyzing the target and trigger There are even more players who can stun in the state of'Thunderlink'.

Before Ye Ye Unless they cast [Kuang Lei Sprint], Ye Luo and the others locked her to teleport. At the same time, there were hundreds of players who locked her. These players were previously selected according to Ye Yu Fei's proposal-these people all have [ Teleport] and group group control skills, lock every night unless you teleport and then use group control skills to undoubtedly control the most people.

I have to say that fireworks are easy to be cold. They have a good grasp of the time. Unless the teleportation is over, more than 10 ordinary hidden professions will be teleported over. Then these players follow the fireworks and their instructions to cast their displacement skills to the surrounding at the first time. Go, and then each cast their group control skills-the reason for using the displacement skills is naturally that the next cast of the group control skills can cover the most targets.

The fact is also true. Most of the more than 10 ordinary hidden occupations have used two displacement skills in succession. As a result, they spread out to form a circle with a diameter of 4 to 50 meters, and the group control skills they used are mostly 15 meters. The coverage above, so that they can cover and control a lot of players in the future-it is worth mentioning that the players who are locked in the night unless they are teleported are in the state of [spell immunity], and they also have 2, 3 invincibility and skills, not surprisingly, in the next 2, 30 seconds, they can unscrupulously use their skills or help Ye Luo intercept players around them.

This didn’t stop there. After Ye Ye Unless they performed [God Dance Step], there were more than 10 ordinary professions appearing, and among these players were Ye Luo, sitting on the piano, and the latter two moved around without hesitation. While moving, use the powerful and wide-ranging skills such as [Mad Lion Roar] and [World Destroying Thunder].

I have to say that the tactics of easy cold fireworks are very good, because where Ye Luo and the others appear, there are many Chinese server players who can help them intercept foreign server players rushing around, and the foreign server players who suddenly reacted to the incident are not. There are many, so that they can intercept as many as possible, so Ye Luo and the others can successfully display great power and wide range of skills.

[Mad Lion Roar] It can cause all enemies within 50 meters to be stunned for 3 seconds, and this long time is enough for Ye Luo and the others to do a lot of things, such as displaying a powerful and large-scale group such as [World Destroying Thunder] Control skills, such as using skills like [Rainbow Day Luo].

The same is true of the facts. While sitting on the heart of the piano, Ye Luo used the [Heavy Lion Roar] while Ye Luo used the [Rainbow Tianluo]. The reason for using this skill is not only that this skill can cause 650,000 points for all hostile targets within 100 meters of the opponent. The pure damage and there is a 50% chance of triggering a 5x critical strike. The most important thing is that this skill can stun the covered enemy for 5 seconds. This control time is longer than [Mad Lion Roar].

[Heavy Rain Day Luo] Instantly killed 1, 20 dual-professional masters after the show came, after all, 50% of the 5 times crit chance and damage is still very high, if it is not for the players of the major servers, the player positions are looser and peripheral Players have reacted to the use of invincible skills or great moves. I am afraid that this skill can be used to kill more in a flash-5 times the damage is more than 3 million points of damage, which is enough to kill many players in a flash, including all the knights with additional strength and Some crispy double careers with insufficient blood and vitality.

That’s right, after seeing Ye Luo and the others rushing over, many players on the major servers finally reacted, especially during the 2-second charge time of Ye Luo’s [Rainbow Tian Luo], of course, at this time they also knew to let themselves It’s a bit hasty for the space player on one side to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them away. After all, it takes some time for the space player to give orders and to use the skills of the space player. And these times are enough for Ye Luo and Qinxin to display many skills. , So they can only use invincible means or directly use big moves.

Think about it, too, seeing Ye Luo and other hundreds of people suddenly break into their crowd, naturally there will be a large number of players directly use their big moves and battles. This is the most direct and normal reaction of many people. 1. 200 dual-professional masters have performed their ultimatum, which has already met their expectations of the fireworks and Yicold. I said before that as long as hundreds of people are left behind, they can perform the ultimatum and [Thorizon] , At this time, 1,200 players directly used the big move, and the players who were covered by various group control skills and then controlled as many as 2,300, this number has met the previous fireworks Yi Leng said.

That’s right, after Ye Luo and Qin Xin also teleported over, Dongfang Killing Tian and others also teleported over every night unless they displayed the second displacement skill. At the same time, there were 2,30 ordinary hidden occupations. And after they transmitted it, they did not hesitate to use various group control skills, which also controlled a lot of people.

Of course, the most important thing is that the sudden appearance of dozens of hundreds of players around will also make the masters of the major servers start to use their big moves directly, and it is precisely because of this that so many players directly use their big moves.

Seeing that there are a large number of players around the major servers being controlled, and many people have performed big moves. Breaking the waves and riding the wind, they also know that even if these people are sent away after all, they will achieve their goal, let alone they also controlled 2. 300 people, so they did not hesitate to use their big moves, and the waves and the wind also directly used [Thunder God's Fall], and their strength was greatly improved for a while, as powerful as the waves and the wind, Ye Luo, and the East. Tian Deng is even more capable of performing dual occupations in a flash.

With their ultimate move and the state of [Thunder God Falling], Ye Luo and the others have greatly improved their strength, especially their movement speed. They scattered around, attacking while moving, and of course they did not forget to use clone skills and various skills. During the show, many people were killed in seconds, many of which were dual-professional masters, and even one or two dual-professional masters with national equipment were killed in seconds, which made them excited.

Think about it, this time all the major servers gathered are dual-professional masters from different servers. Among them, there are many masters with national equipment. Even among them, there are dozens of players with national equipment. It is not surprising that some of the players of the national equipment are controlled and then killed by Ye Luo.

Seeing that players with national weapons were killed, this made them excited, not only because they have a good chance to grab the national weapons exploded by these people, but the most important thing is to ensure that the national weapons are not Players who burst into the servers of these national devices will stay to compete, and even attract people from other servers to participate in the competition. In other words, there will be many dual-professional masters who will stay in the future. This is what Ye Luo and the others love. Something good to see.

That’s right, the more players left behind, the more Ye Luo they kill, and the more these players perform ults, which means that their consumption will be huge. Then they will participate. The power to besiege White Bull City will naturally be much weaker, and Ye Luo and the others will be easier.

"Haha, I saw that one or two players with national weapons were also killed in seconds." Po Lang Chengfeng smiled while attacking: "So even if the surrounding players run away, we are worth it, because we can Grab two national weapons."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "With these two national weapons, even if we lose the White Bull City, the loss will be greatly reduced, not to mention that we abandon the White Bull City to consume the people of the major servers. There is no more power to attack other gang locations on our server."

"One or two players with national equipment were killed in seconds. Not surprisingly, all dual-professional masters of the server that this person belongs to will stay, and people from other servers will not miss this opportunity. Many people stayed, more than we expected." Dongfang Star said, her tone was full of excitement when she said this: "I suggest that our people use a [Group Blessing Scroll] and then Teleporting tens of thousands of elites in the past can not only cause greater casualties to the enemy, but also have a greater chance of grabbing the national weapon. After all, it is almost impossible for those people who only rely on handsome Ye Luo to fight against more than 2,000 professional masters. Possible thing."

If you think about it, if you don’t have the national equipment, the people on the major servers will naturally disperse after seeing Ye Luo and the others perform their ultimate moves and [Thunder God’s Fall], but now with the temptation of the national equipment, they will definitely There are a lot of people fighting for national weapons endlessly, which also means that Ye Luo and the others will face a lot of pressure, especially after the Tokyo Mythology they used their big moves and the assassin skills such as "Baqi Tianxiang", so a large number of them are needed. The Chinese server players rushed over to help.

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