VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2545: : Take action

After the analysis and explanation of Ye Yu Fei Fei and Eastern Stars, everyone realized that the proposal that fireworks are easy to be cold was very feasible, and this matter was settled.

"Although Brother Ye and the others have performed their ultimatums and survived the state of [Thunder God’s Fall], there is no problem, but the people in Tokyo Mythology are not fools. They will not be able to fight when they see us suddenly appear. Run away directly, isn't that Feng Jie's [Thunder God's Fall] and everyone's big moves are wasted?" Zhiyue suddenly thought of this question, and when she said this, she was worried.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people. The most important thing is that they take the initiative and can choose to fight or escape. Seeing Ye Luo and others with big moves and the state of [Thunder God], they are likely to be directly Escape, and all major servers have some spaces where players stay in a safe place to perform [Space Portal] at any time, so it is not difficult for them to avoid their edge.

Hearing what Zhiyue said, everyone also realized this, and for a while they also began to worry. After all, if it was really wasted [Thorizon] and Ye Luo and others' big moves, then the loss would be great-the original Zhongfu Faced with the pressure of the major servers, if Ye Luo and the others waste their big moves and [Thunder God Fall], it will be even more difficult to defend White Bull City.

In addition, this time the big servers have a big picture. They are not only satisfied to grab back Bai Niucheng, if Ye Luo and other middle server players lose too much, then they will drive straight into the middle server, and no surprise they can grab some of the middle servers. The gang resident of China, this is a greater threat to China Server, and it is also the thought that these Zhiyue and other talents will show worry.

"Of course, Sister Feng will not directly use the ultimate move, [Thunder God's Fall], but choose whether to use it according to the situation. For example, they have left a large number of enemies or a large number of players in the major servers have used the ultimate move or used the [group After Blessing Scroll], you can use the ultimate move and [Thunder God’s Fall]." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "In addition, this time we must also develop corresponding tactics, such as making Xiaofei direct Cast [Rainbow Sprint] into the enemy camp, at the same time Sister Feng and the others locked her to teleport, and when she cast [Rainbow Sprint] into the enemy's camp and teleported over at the same time, 11 people together performed group control Skills, I think people who can control a lot of servers, even if there are only dozens or hundreds of them, can perform big moves. If there are hundreds of players left, it will be enough to perform [Thunder God Fall]."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of the waves and the wind brightened, because she instantly understood the tactics of the fireworks and the coldness: "Hey, that's right, let Xiaofei lock Dongfang Slutian to teleport over, and then there are dozens of them from Tokyo Mythology. When you’re hundreds of meters away, you can use the [Crazy Thunder Sprint], tusk, this skill still has a very powerful control ability, and it should be able to control many people."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "We people are calculating the time to lock Xiaofei's teleportation, and we will attack as soon as we teleport to her. Various group control skills cover the attack. Tsk tsk, are we people leaving behind a large number of players? There is no problem."

"Not only that, we can also send some more players with [Teleport] and group control skills to lock in the night unless teleported over. The main responsibility of these people is to control the enemy. I believe we can find many such players and control them. A large number of foreign service masters, we can naturally kill more." Dongfang Star suggested: "Of course the players who teleport to the past can also help us intercept the players who rush to the big brothers, so they have more chances to show off. Power, a wide range of skills and then stay, kill more people, of course, if you can let handsome Ye Luo successfully display [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], there will be no problem."

Eastern Stars said that players with [transport] and group control skills are naturally ordinary players with hidden professions. Although these people used to teleport as'cannon fodder', if they can leave more places for dual-professional masters to assist Ye Luo and the others Displaying powerful and wide-ranging skills, then even if they are killed, they are worth it, not to mention that they will not be killed under the powerful attack of Ye Luo and the others.

Think about it, too, with the addition of these auxiliary control and auxiliary interception players, Ye Luo will be more likely to display large-scale power and wide-ranging skills, so naturally more players will be able to kill, especially Ye Luo successfully performed【Tianjin *Black Hole]——[Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] can last for 1 minute, and players caught in it can’t come out. Even players outside can’t teleport them out even if they cast [Space Portal]. This will undoubtedly trap a large number of major players. Double professional master of the server.

In 1 minute, Ye Luo and the others' damage output ability was enough to kill all the players in the outer server controlled by the black hole, especially Ye Luo and the others after they performed the ultimate move and then stood up to the state of [Thunder God Fall], no accident After successfully displaying the [Heaven Tribulation * Black Hole], they will be able to kill more of the double-professional high number in the outer service.

"Well, you can choose some players with a wide range of group control skills to transfer to the past and then assist in the control." Ye Yufei Feizhen lightly clicked, and then her tone changed: "In addition, we better use space players, For example, when Ye Luo's brother launched a sneak attack, they used [Space Enchantment] to trap the foreign server player as much as possible, and once trapped it, they would definitely be able to kill them."

"Even if the people on the major servers react quickly, I am afraid that they will not be able to escape. Some people will be trapped by [Space Enchantment]. At the worst, there will be more people left. At this time, you can leave more foreign servers. Professional masters will further reduce our pressure on defending the city." Ye Yufei added.

[Space Enchantment] can cover 100 meters, once you seize the opportunity to display it, it can trap a large number of foreign players, especially when Ye Luo and the others launch sneak attacks, they teleport and display [Space Enchantment] undoubtedly Opportunity traps some dual-professional masters of foreign service. For example, Ye Yufei said that at this time, staying and killing some dual-professional masters of foreign service can greatly reduce their pressure on defending the city.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they also agreed to Ye Yu Fei Fei's proposal. After that, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind once again urged to act quickly, but they were interrupted by the fireworks' easy cold words.

"Ye Luo, if you used your ultimate move after the teleportation and [Thunder God's Fall] did not leave many enemies, then you must immediately transmit it to the printing service team and the place where the elite masters of other servers gather. I don't need to say what you are going to do next. You should also know." Fireworks Yi Leng exhorted.

Yes, although the plan is perfect, no one can guarantee that there will be no accidents, and once Tokyo Myth and others are not left, then Ye Luo and the others can't waste their big moves, [Thorizon], at this time What they have to do is to cause damage to the enemy as much as possible. At this time, the place where the printing service team and other elite players of the server meet is undoubtedly the best target for their sneak attack-yes, after so long, the major servers Some of the elite masters have already rendezvous with the big troops of Yinfu. Ye Luo and the others can rush here to deal with them after they can't cause losses to the major server dual professional masters.

Although there are tens of millions of players in the printing service team and elite players with major servers, Ye Luo and the others are almost invincible with their ults and [Thor Deity], and they can even take nearly 10 minutes. It caused great casualties, which would make it easier to defend White Bull City.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they naturally knew that this was the wisest choice, and naturally there was no objection, and then they began to act.

The first thing to do is naturally to teleport to Dongfang Killing Heaven. According to the previously discussed tactics, the slender hand, invite the moon to the shadow, and Hua Nongyue, they locked in the East Slaughter and teleported in the past. At the same time, unless nature also teleported over, Ye Ye Next, the slender hand and Hua Nongyue began to go to the back or both sides of the target. After all, when Ye Luo and the others launched a sneak attack on Tokyo Mythology, they used [Space Enchantment] to trap more players.

Of course, I also know that Tokyo Mythology and others have [True Sight Gem] or the ability to detect invisible units, so the slender hands are far away from the target, and then slowly approach the target, the next step is to wait for Ye Luo and the others to start their action. Waiting for an opportunity to move.

At the same time, unless Ye Ye also took a high-level stealth pill and then quietly approached the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other major servers, of course, she always used rocks and woods to cover her figure according to the instructions of Ye Luo, Midnight Book and others. Successfully approached the target within 100 meters-At this time, Tokyo Mythology is dealing with a Primordial Saint-level BOSS and several quasi Primordial Saint-level BOSS, so the detection of the periphery is much weaker, at least in the night unless they are close to their big The troops did not find her within 100 meters.

Of course, unless Ye Ye didn’t immediately cast [Kuang Lei Dash], but continued to move closer to the target, after all, the closer she was to next, the more enemies she could cover and control with [Kuang Lei Dash], and the more teleportation she could reach. The center of many players on the major servers, and then Ye Luo and the others will be able to cover more players. Think about it, Tokyo Mythology has more than 10 servers and more than 2000 players. They are standing again. It's looser, so many people occupy a large area. If you want to keep more people, you need to stay close to them unless you are as close as possible.

However, at night until the target was more than 60 meters away, she stopped, because the chances of being discovered by moving closer to the target increased greatly. The most important thing is that there is a rock in the place where she is at this time. With the help of the rock, she can It is undoubtedly better to hide your body shape, and to use the [Crazy Thunder Sprint] here, the person who can surprise and control the most.

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