Ye Luo and his team's sneak attack went smoothly. They killed two players holding the national weapon in the sneak attack. Not surprisingly, the players who were on the same server as these two players would stay and desperately rescue to retrieve the national weapon, and even others. After seeing the national equipment, the masters of the server were also quite excited and stayed to compete, which means that there will be a large number of dual-professional masters staying in the future, and the number will far exceed what Yeluo and others expected before, and this will also be greatly improved. Increase the pressure on Ye Luo and the others-think about it, in order to compete for the major servers of the national equipment, the players will definitely stay and then compete head-on with Ye Luo instead of directly avoiding the edge, maybe more than 2000 pairs of professional masters will stay Most or even all of them, such people like Ye Luo are naturally under great pressure, and they are not even opponents at all. Especially in Tokyo Mythology and other players who have all the components and equipment, they will use assassin skills like [8 Qi Tian Jiang].

Once this happens, even if Ye Luo and the others are in a state of [Thunder God's Fall], they will not be able to resist it. In order to cause greater casualties to the major servers, of course, in order to grab the national weapon, then they need to Serve other players to support.

Of course, it would be too risky if dual-professional masters such as Bacchus Dukang were transported together. After all, this means that all dual-professional masters in Zhongfu will use their ultimate skills and some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and then they want to guard White Bull City. Undoubtedly, it will be a lot more difficult-the masters who see that the situation is not right for Tokyo Mythology and other major servers will choose to withdraw directly, even if they do not withdraw, it will be quite difficult for the Chinese server to just let their large forces besiege White Bull City.

Think about it, too, if the dual-professional masters of the Chinese server are now fighting for national weapons and have used all their ults and various assassinations, even if the Tokyo Mythology is the same, they will face the siege of the elite masters of the major servers and want to defend the white bull. The city is also very difficult, not to mention the fact that people from major servers such as Tokyo Mythology see that the situation is wrong, many people will withdraw and retain the ultimate move and other assassin skills. This requires dual professional masters such as Bacchus Dukang to retain the assassination. In other words, they cannot rush over to support.

In fact, the same is true. After all, Ye Luo and the others rush over to consume the major servers. If all the dual-professional masters of China Server rush over, then their own side will also have a lot of consumption. The most important thing is that there are many players in China Server that hold countries. Once they are killed in this melee, there is a high chance that they will explode the national weapon, which is very uneconomical.

It is precisely because of this that Eastern Stars are prepared to allow ordinary players to support them. For example, let Eastern Slaughter use a [group teleport scroll] to teleport the past 10,000 elite players. These people are responsible for controlling and consuming major servers. There is a big opportunity for Ye Luo and the others to grab the national weapon-the so-called elite players are naturally the masters of the major gangs except for dual professions, because these players have no big moves and do not possess national weapons, so even if they are killed, they will only drop 1 level. , The impact of strength is not great, but if they rush over or control or consume the people of the major servers, then it can make Ye Luo and the others a lot easier.

"Why don't we people go to support?!" Dongfang Zhantian was quite puzzled. In his mind, this time Ye Luo and the others sneaked and killed the enemy with the national weapon, so they rushed over to support and have a chance to grab the national weapon. .

"Because..." Ye Yu Fei Fei explained, it was nothing that they rushed over to support the risk is too great, after all, once the dual-professional masters of the Chinese server have used their big moves to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], then they will undoubtedly give it to everyone. The server breaks the opportunity of Bai Niucheng.

In addition, the goal of the major servers is not only to capture White Bull City, but also to take advantage of the fact that the players in the middle server consume too much to attack the gang's residence, and to capture as much as possible, which is too much for the players in the middle server. Take a risk.

Although many people are eager to obtain national weapons, they also know that Ye Yu Fei Fei is right. In addition, Dukang, the **** of wine, Feng Xing and others have solemnly warned everyone not to rush over, so not many people just went there, of course. The dual-professional assassins rushed over under the command of the fireworks and easy cold. These assassins acted on the periphery, and the players responsible for sneak attacks and assassinations caused losses to the major servers as much as possible. In addition, the assassins had a strong life-saving ability, so they rushed over. Can help a lot while ensuring their safety.

Of course, Fireworks Yi Leng also agreed to use a [Group Teleport Scroll], and the scroll was used by Dongfang Tuotian. To be precise, he "forcibly" took over the task-the reason is because Dongfang Tutian can teleport more. Some people from the Eastern family passed by, and the more people from the Eastern family, the greater their chances of grabbing the national weapons.

In this regard, although people in the major gangs know that the Dongfang family is playing Xiao Jiujiu in their hearts, they did not care too much. Of course, the most important reason is that they also made small actions in private, such as letting some players with [Teleport] teleport over. 'Help', even though they knew this, Dukang, the **** of wine, kept one eye open, after all, they also knew what kind of temptation Guoqi had to the people of the major gangs.

I won’t talk about this for now, let’s say that Ye Luo and the others are still fighting among players on the major servers in the domain. Although they have only sent more than 10 dual-professional masters, they have all performed ultimatums and resisted [Thorizon] In addition, 6 of them have full attack power, and the damage output is extremely high. In addition, they are sneak attacks and the elite players with casualties are sent to help, so even if they face 1,2000 dual professional masters As for being too disadvantaged, even if more and more players use their big moves over time.

It’s worth mentioning that Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night have also used the final skills of the combination equipment such as [Baqi Tianxiang], and these have also caused a lot of pressure on Ye Luo and the others. The Tokyo Mythology and others after the fall of the sky can stand up against Ye Luo and the others, and they will deliberately target Ye Luo and others, so it can cause a lot of trouble to Ye Luo and the others.

And Tokyo Shinhwa and other super masters stayed to fight Ye Luo and the others also allowed more dual-professional masters to stay, and a melee was about to start.

That’s right, after seeing the players with the national equipment being killed, the players on the major servers are almost crazy. Many of them have performed big moves. There are even some servers that command the space system players to send over and then the players. Using the [Group Blessing Scroll], there were scuffles and killings all at once, which also caused a lot of pressure on Ye Luo and other players in the middle server.

Think about it, even though Eastern Slaughter has sent tens of thousands of elite players, many of whom have hidden professions, but these players are single professions and don’t have big moves. They can’t do too much in the face of players who use big moves. , Especially in the face of a variety of powerful and large-scale skill coverage attacks. If they don’t use the [Spell Immunity] or use invincible means as soon as they come, they are afraid that they will be killed if they can’t persist for 10 seconds. Eight.

Even so, these tens of thousands of Chinese server players can also do a lot of things. For example, they charge people on major servers or perform various skill attacks with [spell immunity] or invincibility. Coupled with the advantage of numbers, they fall It can also force many dual-professional masters to use invincible means, and even kill some.

In addition, these people can also assist Ye Luo and the others. For example, they can intercept Ye Luo and the others, and then let Ye Luo and the others display great power and wide-ranging skills. It is precisely because they helped to intercept Tokyo Mythology and other talents. Luo and the others displayed powerful and large-scale skills such as [Sword Qi*Sword Rain (group)], [Strike of the Allure], and [Dragon Sword Shadow], and these skills have also caused a greater impact on players on major servers. casualties.

Of course, Ye Luo also used a lot of powerful and wide-ranging skills. In addition to [Sword Qi*Sword Rain (group)], he also used [Strike of the Allure], [Energy Impact], [Dark Hole] and other skills. Skills also allowed him to kill many people on major servers, and allowed more people to display invincible means, and after these people's invincible means were exhausted, it was much easier for them to think about it.

At the same time, space players such as the slender hand and the moon to the shadow have also used [Space Enchantment], and the space players of the major servers have also used [Space Enchantment]. This battlefield will let [ Space Enchantment] is divided into many areas, but the same is that each area is in a melee, and in the melee, many players are killed or forced to use assassin methods.

It is worth mentioning that when the space players of the major servers displayed the [Space Enchantment], the slender jade hand successfully displayed the [Space Portal] and then the dual-professional masters of the middle server such as Ye Luo were sent out, so there is no need Worried that they will be surrounded by multiple players and attacked in a concentrated manner. Of course, the most important thing is that they can choose the place to do it according to the situation. This is not only safer but also kills more players-of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and others are being attacked. Concentrated together, so even if they are trapped by the [Space Enchantment], they can protect themselves. After all, even with the ultimate move and the state of [Thunder God Fall], if too many players focus on fire, they may be killed. .

But Ye Luo and the others are different when they are together. Not to mention that their strong damage output can kill the players who pose a threat to them in advance, and just sitting on the piano will also make them have a strong self-protection. Power, after all, the healing ability and support ability of sitting on Qin Xin is too strong, not to mention that she has very strong control and damage output ability, and the players around her will be much safer.

In fact, it was thought of the role that sitting on the piano could play in this sneak attack, so the fireworks Yi was cold and deliberately let her follow everyone, and because of her [Magic Guardian Shield] and [Compassion* Savior] 'S blessing possesses extremely powerful self-protection ability, especially when she has performed her ultimatum and is in the state of [Thunder God's Fall]. Not surprisingly, her life-saving ability is much stronger than that of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dongfang Killing the Sky and others .

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