VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2542: :Next target

Yes, Ye Luo and the others have strong mobility. This elite squad has extremely powerful control capabilities, damage output and ultra-long-range attack advantages. There are so many American players who can do their best to use them. They can only be passive. Being slaughtered, this can be seen from the fact that more than 10 dual professions that used their ultimatum were quickly killed.

Seeing this scene, the faces of the hero Wuming and others became extremely gloomy. They also knew that if they continued like this, they would be killed as many as possible, and if they used their big moves like this and used the [Group Blessing Scroll], it would not be What they want to see, for a time they are limited in a dilemma.

However, the unknown heroes also know that this matter needs to be decisive, the longer they delay, the greater their losses, and they soon have a countermeasure-abandon more than 10 dual-professional masters, let these masters as much as possible Entangling Ye Luo and the others to buy some time, and at this time their large forces disperse and flee, and they flee by taking invisible pills, and once they are chased by the scarlet blood, let the space player use [Space Portal] Rescue them, if you can't save them, you have to abandon them.

Of course, if there are too many players chased by Ye Luo and others, the heroes will be named and they will also let players hiding in a safe place use the [Group Teleport Scroll], which should greatly reduce the loss.

I have to say that the hero Wuming and their tactics are very good, because Ye Luo and his elite team can't disperse, their people will undoubtedly be a headache for Ye Luo and the others, at least in a short period of time, but right. The hero is unnamed. They say it is important to buy time at this time.

Seeing that there are more than 10 double-professional masters in the U.S. server who used their ultimatums and then brazenly rushed over. The waves and wind and the others were excited, because in their hearts the more U.S. double-professional masters used their ultimatum, the better. In the siege of White Bull City, the role that players in the US server can play is much smaller.

However, at this time they also saw that the U.S. server was dispersing, and they knew what the U.S. server was going to do in an instant.

"Hey, the hero Wuming, they are very smart and very courageous. Seeing that they continue to deal with us will cause them to suffer heavy casualties. Of course, the most important thing is that they know what can't do with us at all, so they just scattered." Weird laughed, but there was some helpless laughter: "Our elite squad is originally small in number, even if it can be separated, it can only be divided into two squads, and the two squads look for two directions to chase and kill those who can kill. The US server players are also quite limited, especially the US server space players will also use the [Space Portal] to rescue the players they encounter and kill, so the US server players we can kill next are very limited. "

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Of course, at this time the heroes are unnamed, they have given up fighting with us, which means that they will no longer have dual professional masters to use big moves to stop us, so our hunting effect will be the same. less."

There is no lack of smart people in the crowd, and they soon realized this, and for a while they were also a little helpless.

"Fireworks, what should I do now?" The waves ride the wind to look at the fireworks and it is easy to be cold, obviously she has put her final hope on her.

"We have forced more than 30 dual-professional masters in the US server to perform ultimatums, and thousands of elite players in the US server are still being killed. At this time, their losses are not small, and we will be easier to defend the city. , These are enough." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "In addition, before the time for the players killed in the US server to lie down, we can also choose a direction to chase and kill them more or less. Some people, and the loss to them will be greater."

"Uh, even so, it seems that we can't continue to cause too many casualties to them." Zhiyue couldn't help muttering.

"There is no way, after all, the number of players we dispatched is a bit small. It is already very good to be able to do this at this time." Dongfang Star said, and then she continued after thinking of something: "But it is not surprising that the US server players are going to White Bull City , So their trajectory is easy to determine. The most important thing is that their people must get together before the siege of White Bull City. If we leave some assassins to continue to monitor them, we still have a chance to wait until they gather again. In this way, another sneak attack will surely cause greater casualties."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, if our people find Japanese clothes, Hanbok, and additional troops afterwards, we'd better rush over, because causing some casualties to them can further reduce our pressure on the city. "

The reason for the Japanese service, Hanbok, and additional service is that the dual-professional masters of these three servers are almost in their peak state, causing some casualties to them will undoubtedly reduce the pressure of defending the city to the greatest extent, and before that They can concentrate on dealing with US players.

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed to the Eastern Star’s proposal. Then they did not deal with the more than 10 intercepting dual-professional masters in front of them, but bypassed them to hunt down the US server players. Of course, focusing on the double-professional masters chasing and killing, this will cause more losses-the more than 10 dual-professional master camps have performed big moves, and the threat to White Bull City is not too big at this time. , Ye Luo's most important thing at the moment is to force more US double professional masters to use their big moves.

Of course, they did not let the more than 10 dual-professional masters ignore them, chasing the fled US server players while attacking them. Of course, it is best to kill them. After all, let them drop 1 level or explode theirs. Equipment can cause greater losses.

In addition to these, the fireworks are easy to get cold, they also ordered some assassins to stay here to prevent some priests from the US server from coming back to rescue the US server players who were killed before. After all, the thousands of US server players dropped the level and exploded equipment. The loss is even greater, after all, they are all elites of the US service.

In the next pursuit, Ye Luo and the others also killed some US server players, and even forced 7 or 8 dual-professional masters to use dual-professional masters. This is considered to further weaken the strength of the US server. They will undoubtedly be easier to defend White Bull City.

Time passed, and a few minutes passed quickly, and most of the US players who were killed by Ye Luo and others before had to return to the city to resurrect because it was time to lie down, so they not only dropped level 1, but also some of them. People broke out their equipment, which greatly reduced their strength. Of course, the most important thing was that they all returned to their servers and couldn't rush over in a short time.

"This time around 5,000 elite U.S. players have been killed, forcing 42 dual-professional masters to perform their big moves, and 29 of them were killed. This is a great loss for U.S. players. Our trip The goal is actually achieved." Fireworks are easy to be cold and finally make statistics.

"It's a pity that they failed to intercept and kill the players with national weapons, so their losses would be even greater." Po Lang Chengfeng was rather dissatisfied, and then she looked at the fireworks expectantly. Yi Leng: "Fireworks, now can we take action on the large army of the law suit, hey, their people had a lot of consumption in the moral service before, and we will definitely cause more casualties to them. There is even a chance to kill the perfume beauty."

Because the perfume beauty has a [Thunder God Sword] in her hand, this is a long sword with thunder attributes. Although at this time, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind has a top-grade national weapon-[Moxie], the demand for [Thunder God Sword] is much smaller, but if Being able to take it back and give it to Jian Liu, they can also greatly enhance the strength of Misty Pavilion, of course, the most important thing is to weaken the overall strength of the law suit.

"At this time, our main goal is to add servers, Japanese servers, and Hanbok, which are in peak state. Under the same circumstances, we should give priority to them." Ye Yufei said, and then his tone changed: "Of course, at this time. The U.S. server players have almost escaped, and our people have not found players who can add, Japanese, or Hanbok. It’s also good to start with the French server first. It’s always better to cause some losses. It’s better than It's better to be idle here."

While talking about this, Eidolon's voice sounded in the team channel: "I have found a player in Hanbok, do you want to do it?"

"This is natural." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, but she did not act immediately, but asked about Eidolon's situation.

After the inquiry was almost the same, the fireworks issued an order: "Edwin, you go around behind the Hanbok player, and then you let other assassins around you go around in front of the Hanbok player, and then I will let Xiaoshou and Yingyue look at them to lock them in. Send it over..."

"What, let the little hand teleport it directly?!" She was surprised when she heard that the fireworks were easy to be cold, and she hurriedly said: "Fireworks, this is not very good, we are going to attack, so blatantly let Hanbok The people are prepared, it’s not so easy to kill them so much."

"Sister Feng, you ignored the fireworks and caused Brother Ye Ling to go around behind the Hanbok." Ye Luo said, seeing the sudden look of the waves and the wind, he chuckled: "Yes, the fireworks are a slamming trick. The players in front attracted the attention of Hanbok players, and the focus of our sneak attack was behind them. This will undoubtedly cause the greatest casualties in a short time."

"Hey, this is also true." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, and then she urged Ye Luo and the others to act quickly.

Firework Yield did not order everyone to act immediately, but gave orders to the slender hand and Long Ying: "Little hand, invite the moon to the shadow, after you teleport it, use the [Space Portal] to keep some of the dual professions in White Bull City. The master teleported it, but told these people not to act rashly, just to attract the attention of Hanbok players."

"Understood." The slender hand and Yue Yue said in the same voice.

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