VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2543: : Scattered around

After observing the order of the fireworks to be easy to cold, the slender hands and the moon-inviting shadows were directly teleported to the front of the Hanbok army. Of course, they still had a distance of 1,200 meters from them, and then they used the [Space Portal] Bacchus Dukang etc. A group of double-professional masters passed away, and the number reached 1,200.

Think about it, the number of dual-professional masters in China Server is much more than that of other servers. There are as many as 2,300. In addition to Ye Luo and their elite team, there are still more than 200 people who stay in White Bull City. At this time There is no problem with just sending hundreds of people.

However, the sudden appearance of hundreds of professional masters in front was enough to shock the players of Hanbok. They immediately waited and passed the news of the intercepted sneak attack to the dark night, Twilight Weiliang and others, requesting their support-although this There are more than 100,000 players in the Hanbok army, and they are all elite airpower, but they still have no big chance of winning in the face of hundreds of pairs of professional masters, especially when Ye Luo and others may appear at any time.

The appearance of hundreds of professional masters such as Bacchus Dukang undoubtedly attracted the attention of most players in Hanbok. At this time, Hua Nongyue locked the Eidolon teleportation that had already circled behind the Hanbok army. Of course, the Eidolon chose the place at this time. It's quite secretive, with a large number of rocks obstructing it, and there is some distance from the Hanbok army, so don't worry about being discovered, even if you use the [Space Portal] to send Ye Luo and others over.

After being teleported over, Ye Luo and the others either used stealth skills or took high-grade stealth pills, and then quietly approached the Hanbok army, the next thing became simple-in the Hanbok army, they were attracted by the Bacchus Dukang. After paying attention, Ye Luo and the others carried out a sneak attack. The effect was very good. The sneak attack controlled thousands of people for the first time, and even directly killed dozens of hundreds of people.

Next, Ye Luo and the others unscrupulously launched their attacks, attacking while summoning flying mounts, and this further greatly improved their strength and mobility, so that even if the super masters of Hanbok waiting for the dark night came to support them all Dealing with it-in the first dark night when the Bacchus Du Kang and others appeared, they asked Huo Wulie to teleport them, but they confronted the Bacchus Du Kang and other middle-served masters. It will take some time for the troops to be attacked from behind and want to rush over to support them.

In addition, the hundreds of people of Bacchus Dukang are also very deterrent after all, which made them have to allocate half of their troops to guard, and this also slightly damaged their combat power.

Before Dark Night and the others came to support, Ye Luo and the others had already killed hundreds of hanbok players. This is because most of the hanbok players behind them displayed invincible means, otherwise they are afraid that more players will be killed. some.

Facing Ye Luo's attack, more than 10 Hanbok players immediately chose to use their big moves and then intercept them, and they were intercepted with the aid of a large number of space forces. After all, they are as smart as twilight and the light of fire dancing. It is almost impossible for more than 10 dual-professional masters to use their ultimate skills to intercept Ye Luo and the others, but they can't use all of their ultimate skills. They can only let the air power assist in the battle, and at the same time order their space system. Players should be prepared to cast [Space Enchantment] at any time, after all, as far as Ye Luo is trapped, they have the opportunity to kill it.

Of course, Twilight is cool and they want to use [Space Enchantment] to trap Ye Luo and others not only to kill them to resolve the sneak attack, but the most important thing is that Ye Luo and others have many national weapons in their hands to kill them. Some national weapons broke out, even if it was only one or two pieces, it made a lot of money.

It’s just that Ye Luo and the others don’t give Hanbok players a chance at all, and they don’t even give Hanbok players a chance to approach within 20 meters except for melee players such as Breaking Wave and Rising Wind to intercept the target. Will retreat for the first time, so that it does not give Hanbok players a chance to entangle them, so Huo Wulie and other space professions want to use [Space Enchantment] It is almost impossible to trap Ye Luo and others-invite Moon Shadow, Dragon Sakura can use [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and the others away, just like the [Space Enchantment] used to deal with US space players.

The fact is also true. Before Huo Wulie completed [Space Enchantment], Ye Luo and others were invited to the moon to teleport to the front of the Hanbok army, and then Ye Luo and the others rushed to the Hanbok army and re-summoned flying mounts— —They don’t want to just let the Hanbok people go.

Next, Ye Luo and the others continued to deal with the Hanbok players, and eventually killed them 20, 30,000 players, not to mention, but also forced their 6,70 people to use their big moves-the reason why Hanbok loses more than the US server is because Ye Luo and the others fought from the front and back, so even though Twilight was cool, they also thought of letting the team disperse and then escape in stealth. After all, Ye Luo and the others can teleport to the front of the Hanbok army, intercept, and pursue at any time. They escaped from both sides, undoubtedly missing one escape direction.

Killing so many players in hanbok and forcing so many hanbok dual-professional masters to perform big moves, this can be regarded as a huge consumption of them, and then guarding Bai Niucheng will undoubtedly be a lot easier.

After attacking the Hanbok players, Ye Luo and the others sneaked attacks on the large forces of French, Italian, and British servers. Because these servers have a large consumption in the German server, Ye Luo and the others will attack them more easily. More players were killed, of course, it also forced the dual-professional masters of these servers to perform big moves, which further weakened their strength, especially killing those dual-professional masters and then exploded some equipment.

However, as time goes by, the people on the major servers have also learned to be smart, or they have gained experience from the US server and Hanbok. Once they encounter Ye Luo's sneak attack, they will directly spread the team, and will not allow double careers at all. The masters then use their ultimate moves or other assassin skills, so even if Ye Luo and the others can kill many elite players on the major servers, they can't weaken the strength of their dual-professional masters, and these people will pose a greater threat to White Bull City.

Of course, being able to kill so many players on the major servers has greatly weakened the strength of the major servers, which can also greatly reduce the pressure of defending the city.

However, there are also things that disappoint them a little bit. For example, until now, players from the Heavenly Kill Organization and the Assassin’s House still have not found a large force for the two servers, the plus server and the Japanese server. After all, these two servers are not too big. Big consumption, once they start to attack the city, they pose a great threat to White Bull City.

"We have sent out so many assassins, how come we still haven't been able to find a large force with additional and Japanese service?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in confusion: "It stands to reason that more than 100,000 players should be a big target. Our people should find them easily."

"It's possible that the people from these two servers have been scattered, especially after learning that we were attacking the large forces of the major servers." Ye Yufei said in a deep voice: "Although the scattered players encountered us They are almost bound to die, but single-player operations will greatly increase their mobility, and even if large forces encounter us, there will be great casualties. It is better to spread them out, so the casualties will be smaller."

Think about it, the people of the major servers also realize that they have a greater chance of being discovered when they gather together, and even if everyone is together to face Ye Luo's harassment and sneak attack, there will be greater casualties, and they will be killed at every turn. Tens of thousands of people, this is a great loss for the major servers, it is better to disperse and act separately, anyway, this is in the Indian server, and the possibility of being encountered by the Chinese server player is not high.

Even if it is encountered by a player in the server, because there are only one or two people, Ye Luo and the masters will naturally not be dispatched, which will be safer.

"It seems likely that this is the case." Dongfang Mietian said this, his brows frowned slightly: "If this is the case, then what should we do?"

"There is no good way, I can only search for them as much as possible and then kill them." Dongfang star Zhenshou lightly waved, her tone was vaguely helpless when she said this.

Not only does Eastern Stars have no good solutions, fireworks are easy to be cold, and night rains are also the case. After all, if the major servers of the major servers are really broken into pieces, it is almost impossible for them to cause greater casualties. .

"It would be great if we could find those people in Tokyo Mythology." Suddenly, June Feixue said, "It is no accident that there are many elite masters of major servers together, especially servers that have not been attacked by the addition of servers and Japanese servers. More likely to be together, once you find them..."

Hearing that, everyone's eyes lit up. After all, they also knew that the elite masters of the major servers were more threatening to them. If they could really meet these people and then work on them, it would minimize the strength of the major servers.

"It's a pity that those elite players have high mobility, and they can allow the space players of their servers to teleport them to White Bull City, which means that they don't have to follow the big troops on the way, so our people want to discover The possibility of them is too small." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel, and her words also made everyone nod and then slightly disappointed.

Next, everyone continued to wait for the opportunity. Although some people from the server were found during the period, most of them were squads of dozens or hundreds of people. Even if they were dispatched to kill all of them, it would not be a big loss to the major servers. , And the most important thing is that through these they are more sure that the major servers have been scattered, but they are not acting alone, but acting in elite teams of dozens of hundreds of people.

Although the number of these targets is not large, Ye Luo and the others did not give up and kill them as much as possible. After all, idle is idle, and killing all of them can more or less weaken the strength of the major forces. Then make the next defense of the city easier.

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