VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2541: : Kite Flying Tactics

After Ye Luo and dozens of people summoned their flying mounts, they launched a sneak attack from the back of the US server under the cover of [Group Strong Concealment Technique]. The effect was quite remarkable. It only killed thousands of people in just 10 seconds, and with Over time, they have killed more and more US players.

Of course, just killing these elite players of the US server does not have much impact on the overall situation, because the team of the US server poses the greatest threat to White Bull City by the heroes and other double professional masters, only to force them to perform Recruiting and using the [Group Blessing Scroll] will make the next defense of the city much easier.

However, killing a lot of these elite players in the US server can also have some impact on the overall situation. The most important thing is that killing these people will attract heroes and others to come to support and then force them to perform big moves and even use some [Group Blessing Scrolls ] Wait for the killer, of course, these elite players also have some opportunities to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so Ye Luo and the others will achieve their goal this time.

Knowing that Ye Luo and the others were sneaking behind them, the hero Wuming and others were furious, and then they killed them at the fastest speed. At this time, Ye Luo and the others were killing US players on a large scale, which made some US servers dual professional The player directly performed a big move and then rushed over, trying to kill Ye Luo and the others, and at the worst, they had to drive them away.

"Hey, the U.S. server players really did their big moves directly." Seeing more than 10 U.S. server players rushing over after performing their big moves, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind couldn't help but laugh, but she quickly changed her tone: " It’s just that they look down on us too much. There are only a dozen or so people who use big moves, which is less than one-tenth of their total double-professional masters. Only their big moves will not have much impact on the overall situation."

"Being able to force some people to perform big moves will make the next defense easier, not to mention our next actions will definitely force more US double professional masters to perform big moves and even use [groups Blessing Scroll]." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then she changed her tone and gave the command: "The slower player chooses to retreat and keep some distance from us. Sister Feng, Dongfang Tiantian, then you will perform [God Dance Step ], [Charge] and other skills intercept players who are forcibly rushing towards us, but after blocking them, you must retreat as quickly as possible, and you must not be entangled with them. The next thing we have to do is to retreat while attacking them. "

"Isn't it just a kite-flying tactic, I understand." Po Lang Rongfeng said casually, and said this, she withdrew a little later like a firework easy cold order, and then prepared the melee combat that can use displacement skills or [charge] at any time. Players.

It is worth mentioning that the distance between the two professional archers and the double professional archers is only about 10 meters, and this distance is only about 10 meters from the melee masters such as breaking waves and riding the wind. The most important thing is Because the fireworks are easy to be cold, their attack distance can attack the players in the US server in advance, which can cause some damage to the players in the US server in advance and then force them to use invincible means or be controlled.

The fact is also true. When the players in the US server were more than 20 meters away from Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, they were attacked by dual-professional archers such as fireworks and easy cold, and these dual-professional archers had a lot of thunder, ice, etc. With powerful control attributes, those American players who face these attacks must use invincible skills or take [Invincible Pill], because only [Spell Immunity] cannot avoid being killed-fireworks are easy to be cold and their attacks are mostly ordinary attacks , Even if because of the existence of [Spell Immunity], those American players can be exempted from being controlled but not exempted from being killed or even seckilled, especially Ye Luo is also in the ranks of attacks. After all, he has filled up his attack power and broke out a critical crit. There is still a chance to kill dual-professional masters who use their ultimate moves in seconds.

The players of the US server naturally know this. They all used their invincible skills for a while, and then they all used their displacement skills and [Charge] to rush, preparing to forcibly approach Ye Luo and other long-range occupations and then entangle them, because only entanglement Zhucai has the opportunity to kill it.

However, at this time, the melee masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind were already prepared. They each chose the target to intercept, or after the [God Dance Step] [Charge], or after being given [Spell Immunity], they would charge again. The US server player was intercepted, and after [Charge] confronted [Charge], both sides shook back for a certain distance. In this way, their body shape fell on Ye Luo and others' mounts in a flash, while the US server players Because of being shaken back, they opened up a distance of more than 15 meters with Ye Luo. This distance is relatively safe for fireworks and they are easy to cold. The US server only dispatched more than a dozen dual professional masters, even if they are all Even melee masters can't break the obstacles of melee masters such as Polangchengfeng, after all, they are the masters of melee masters.

Think about it, this time the melee masters who participated in the action are all first-class masters, and there are many super masters, such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, killing the sky in the east, dragon riding the world, nameless, riding alone, book in the middle of the night, sunset in the long river, and desert Gu Yan, etc., and these people don’t say that their operating skills are a lot better than the masters dispatched by the US server. The most important thing is that their equipment level is not worse. It is very easy to successfully intercept the more than 10 people in the US server. , Especially when most of the super masters in the US server such as Hero Wuming did not perform their ultimatum-Hero Wuming and their super masters do not want to perform their ultimatum when the situation is unknown. After all, they have a more important one. Battle.

Of course, the hero Wuming is a bit worried that if they use their ultimate move and wait for the assassin, Ye Luo and the others will retreat, so their ultimate and assassin skills are wasted. After all, according to the plan at this time, they can't directly attack White Bull City— —Tokyo Mythology, they negotiated to mobilize a large number of elite masters to enter the Indian server before they can attack White Bull City, because most of them do not have many [Group Teleport Scrolls], [Cross Server* Group Teleport Scrolls], and they can only rely on space players to display [Space] Portal] Slowly mobilize, and these people need to approach the White Bull City before they can attack.

In a word, at this time the initiative rests with Ye Luo and the others, and the heroes have a lot of scruples, so they can't use all of their big moves or other assassin methods, so that they can easily intercept the 10 Many masters of American service.

After breaking the waves and riding the wind and the others fell on the mount, the fireworks were easy to get cold. They controlled the mount to retreat while attacking. With the super high speed of the flying mount, they could easily get away from those people. Soon their distance was reduced. It’s above 20 meters—the fireworks are easy to get cold. Most of the mounts of these people are Primordial God-level, and their flight speed is slightly faster than that of the dual-class masters who use their big moves. It's easy, especially since there will be masters in the middle server who will use [Charge] to intercept people who are close.

Since the dual-professional masters of the US server can't get close to them within 20 meters of the fireworks and coldness, so their group control skills naturally can't help the fireworks and coldness and others, and the firework and coldness and other dual professional archers can attack unscrupulously.

Again, a player’s invincibility skills are limited. Even if a dual-professional master has only two or three invincibility skills, they add up to only nearly 20 seconds, and once this time has passed, they can Those dozen or so American masters caused extremely high damage and even killed them.

The fact is also true. Soon more than 20 seconds passed, and the more than 10 dual-professional masters of the US server still had no choice but to Ye Luo and the others. The most important thing was that their invincible skills were still exhausted. Then they faced Ye Luo. The attack was quickly controlled. Even under the attack of Yeluo and others, 3 or 4 of them were killed quickly. Even if there is still a state of [Resurrection Prophecy], it will not cause Yeluo and the others to be resurrected. What a threat.

I also saw Ye Luo and the others. The remaining dual-professional masters retreated at the fastest speed. At this time, it was Ye Luo and the others who began to chase down. Under their pursuit, the more than 10 dual-professional masters will not say that it will be fast. It's almost enough to be killed by all of them, and even Ye Luo and the others also killed a lot of American air forces coming from behind.

Of course, many players in the US server have flying mounts, and there are even a lot of players with flying mounts. However, flying mounts do not have invincible skills. They will be easily cold by fireworks, and Ye Luo and their energy arrows will be frozen. The paralysis slows down, and even Yeluo and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind can also withstand the invincible state of [God Dance Step] and [Spell Immunity] forcibly rushing over, and group attack skills such as [Sword Qi] are displayed. The powerful attack power is very powerful. It is easy to clear the toughness of those flying mounts.

In a word, although the U.S. server players have mobilized a lot of air power, at this time they can't pose a threat to Ye Luo and the others. Instead, as time goes by, the loss of the U.S. server is getting bigger and bigger, so continue to be killed It's not just the more than 10 dual-professional masters who use their ultimate skills, there are other masters and even some people except some people will be killed.

"Hey, our mobility is much higher than them. They can't help us at all." Long Jieyu chuckled.

"The most important thing is that many of us have strong control capabilities, so their air power can't catch up with us." Long Jieyu took the stubbornness, and then changed his tone: "Of course this has something to do with Ye. It’s not unreasonable that Brother Luo’s damage output is very high. Even if it’s just a normal attack, they will have the opportunity to perform a dual-professional flash kill. This will make the US server players quite jealous, because they only avoid the [spell immunity]. We cannot be chased by us, and a player’s invincible means are limited, so they can’t help us.

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