Breaking the waves and riding the wind and Ye Luo have captured the Spirit Snake City and the White Bull City respectively. They decided to give the ownership of Curry City to other players, so that they can train a super master who can be alone, and the fireworks are easy to cold quickly. Quotas were given-her, Midnight Book, Long River Sunset, and Ye Ye Wu, and of these 4 places, she preferred to let Ye Ye Wu take Curry City.

If there is no national weapon in the reward for capturing a gang resident, it is a good choice to let the book in the middle of the night, the sunset of the Long River, and the fireworks easily cold to capture Curry City, because they all have the national weapon in their hands, and after receiving the reward, not only It is undoubtedly a very good choice to greatly increase their strength and increase their life-saving ability.

However, if you consider that it is possible for Dao to capture a gang resident and obtain a national weapon, unless Yeye is the best choice, because once she obtains a national weapon, she will make a qualitative leap in her strength and cultivate a unique super master. Not to mention-at this time, unless she is still a super master, but because she does not have a national weapon, her strength is slightly worse than other players who have a national weapon, and once she has her own national weapon, she is in Super masters are also among the best. After all, the Thunder System dual professional archer originally has a very strong professional advantage, not to mention that she has collected 4 [Profound Thunder Beads] [Nine Sky Profound Thunder].

"But let Xiaoshu and the others have a chance to obtain a national weapon if they occupy Curry City. If it is a bow and arrow, they can also be used by Xiaofei." June Feixue said in a puzzled manner: "So I don't think there is much difference, just capture Players in Curry City will get some attribute points, skills and other rewards to increase their strength."

"No, the difference is still very big." Samadhi's voice resounded in the team channel again: "It doesn't matter whether the player who owns the national weapon will have a lower chance of obtaining the national weapon when he captures the next gang resident. Even if there is no impact on Xiaoshu, they will have a higher chance of acquiring national weapons such as armor or jewelry. After all, they have already acquired national weapons of weapon type. Not surprisingly, the system should slightly change the type of national weapons based on these."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In other words, Xiaoshu has a good chance of obtaining national weapons such as breastplates, which is much worse than the national weapons of weapon types."

"Yes, and letting Xiaofei occupy the Curry City system will give her a greater chance of acquiring a weapon type of national weapon because of her brow national weapon, and even because she is a mine weapon, she will get a mine weapon. This is the most suitable national weapon for her, and it will also increase her strength." Sitting on Qin Xin took over: "It is also because of these fireworks that Xiao Fei will give priority to occupying Curry City."

Hearing that, everyone’s eyes lit up, and they naturally knew how her strength would be improved unless she obtained a thunder-attribute national weapon longbow. She was afraid that her strength would not be worse than fireworks. Somewhat or even stronger than her-although Ye Ye has already got 4 [Xun Lei Zhu] [Nine Sky Xuan Lei], but the fireworks are easy to cold after all [Five Elements Ring], at this point the former is worse Even if she obtains the national longbow, she may not be able to surpass the fireworks.

"Well, let Xiaofei occupy Curry City is the best choice." Po Lang Chengfeng decisively agreed to the proposal that the fireworks are easy to be cold, and then changed his tone: "Of course, if I can be awarded a national longbow, I will give priority to it. She uses, after all, the role that Thunder Archers can play in the national war is too great."

Regarding this, everyone didn't have any opinion, even Jian eleven, Yanyu Xiaoxiao, and Yanyu Miaomiao, who were dual professional archers at the same time.

"The premise is that we have a chance to capture Curry City." Black and White Chess said, and her tone was a little solemn when she said this: "Just now I got some news from the Assassin's House. The station was attacked, but Tokyo Shinhwa and others rushed to the gang station to stop it. It is almost impossible to capture it with the strength of Uncle Bacchus. This is not much from the double professional masters of the Japanese server and other servers. It can be seen by using big moves."

"So Tokyo Mythology, they still have more energy?!" Hearing this sentence, the Othello voice increased a little: "What are you waiting for, hurry up and persuade Uncle Bacchus to withdraw, otherwise they will be in danger."

"Uncle Bacchus and the others can naturally retreat, but at this time the players who followed them to attack the city are afraid that they will not be able to retreat, and they don't want to abandon these people..." Samadhi said, but was interrupted before finishing talking. Up.

"This is already the case. If you insist on it, you will only get more people trapped inside. At this time, the strong man should break his wrist and evacuate as many people as possible." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then she urged: "Xiao Shi , Hurry up and persuade Uncle Bacchus to retreat, let them retreat as soon as possible, and even use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll]!"

"Uncle Bacchus, they can't convince the people of the Ouyang family, and even the people of the Heavenly Slaughter organization will not withdraw. In other words, they can only let Long Ying and Yingyue use the [Space Portal] to teleport everyone away. It will make the situation more chaotic." Samadhi said, and then his tone changed: "Ouyang Feitian and the others are discussing with Uncle Fengxing and others, let us rush over to support..."

"No, let Uncle Bacchus persuade everyone to retreat as much as possible, and say that we won't rush to the Australian server again!" Fireworks Yi Leng resolutely said: "Because even if we used to be of no avail, especially when they were attacking the city. ."

Without waiting for the samādhi poem to speak, suddenly June Feixue’s communication device rang, and after the connection, her expression became serious: "Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, our people told me that there are many Japanese clothes and Hanboks. The elite players waiting for the server to enter the printing server, the number is still quite large, there are probably tens of thousands of people every server, and this number is increasing rapidly."

"Hey, at this time, Tokyo Mythology and the others are fighting against Uncle Dionysus in the Australian server. What are the people from the major servers doing to Yinfu?" Xiaofeiyang said in a puzzled manner: "Could it be that they are preparing to help the players of Yinfu to prevent us from attacking? Go to Curry City? Hey, I’m afraid it’s impossible, let alone Tokyo Mythology they didn’t come, even if they came, they wouldn’t be able to stop us, because we still have a lot of assassins that we haven’t used yet, and even Ye Luo brother can use it directly. [ Heavenly Tribulation*Black Hole], even if they can’t kill all of the Tokyo Mythology, they can destroy the heart of Curry City and take it for themselves, so they do not make much sense."

"No, they didn't intend to prevent us from capturing Curry City, but they were planning to intercept Uncle Bacchus and the others, or after they arrived in Tokyo Mythology, they would join the players of Yinfu and attack Bai Niu City." Samadhi said in a deep voice: "At this time, the people from the major servers are mobilizing combat power. After all, the more people they mobilize, the easier it will be to capture White Bull City. Even after they have captured White Bull City, they will enter the middle server, especially when watching When we consume a lot of money, because this is an opportunity for them."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If the casualties of the people like Uncle Bacchus are great, then Tokyo Mythology will have a greater chance."

There are no lack of clever people, and they quickly figured out these things. Fireworks Yi Leng once again gave orders to Samadhi, asking her to persuade Fengxing and Uncle Bacchus to evacuate quickly, and even abandon the Heavenly Killing Organization and Ouyang Family.

Samadhi also thought that if the casualties of the Chinese server in the Australian server are too large, or if the consumption is too large, it will make the middle server more dangerous. Naturally, she will not hesitate, and once again get in touch with the **** of wine Dukang and Fengxing. , Of course, did not forget to communicate with Eastern Stars and Ye Yu Fei Fei. After all, they should easily judge the current situation and persuade those who are popular with them.

After Samadhi poetry tried to persuade Fengxing and others, June Feixue asked: "Sister Fireworks, what are we going to do next? Do you want to go to the Australian service to deter some Tokyo myths, so that more of us can get away?"

"No, we can't go to the Australian server anymore. Otherwise, it will not only help Uncle Bacchus and the others, but it will stimulate the people of the major servers to increase their attacks and cause greater casualties to Uncle Bacchus and them." The fireworks are easy to cold. He shook his head, and then changed his tone: "But you can let the little hand rush over to help, and use the [Space Teleportation Array] to rescue more people."

Hearing that, the slender hands didn't say much, and went directly to the Australian service.

"What about us, what are we going to do?" June Feixue asked again.

"Sister Qin, use a [Group Teleport Scroll] to send 3000 Nightmare Cavalry, 3000 Green Jiao Summoners, 3000 Archers, and 1000 Priests." Firework Yi Cold did not reply to June Feixue but directly issued an order: "Nightmare Cavalry To block the Indian players who are close to the heart of the city, the Green Dragon Summoner is responsible for the control, the archer is responsible for the damage output, and the priest will add status, increase the blood and revive the killed. We must capture Curry City in the shortest time. , And captured it without consuming other assassins."

Think about it, not surprisingly, Tokyo Mythology will soon arrive at the Indian server and even the Chinese server. At this time, Ye Luo and the others need to retain some means as much as possible, and under this premise, they must take Curry City as soon as possible. After all, it would be a shame to give up Curry City at this point, and for the moment, letting a large number of Nightmare Cavalry, Green Summoners, Flying Archers and Priests come to support is the most wise choice.

Sitting on the piano heart without saying much, I directly used the [Group Teleportation Scroll], and then a large number of Nightmare Cavalry, Green Summoners, Flying Archers, and Priests were sent over, and these people quickly performed their duties according to the orders of the fireworks. , Because they are the new force, most of them withstand [spell immunity] or some invincible skills, they can do this in a short time, especially when Ye Luo suppresses the players.

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