VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2535: : Another city

In the Australian server, the Chinese server players may encounter danger at any time. This requires Ye Luo and the others to support at any time, so they can only take Curry City as soon as possible. After all, it is a pity to give up like this. , So the firework Yi was cold and ordered to sit on the Qin Xin and use a [Group Teleportation Scroll], and then 3000 Nightmare Cavalry, 3000 Green Jiao Summoners, 3000 Flying Archers and 1000 Elite Priests were teleported over, and their arrival also made Ye Luo Their side has a greater advantage-these tens of thousands of players are all fresh forces. The Nightmare Cavalry is in front of [spell immunity] or invincibility to prevent the Indian players from approaching, and the green dragon summoner controls the blue dragon to cast [Nine Sky Dragons Yin] and other control skills to assist control, plus thousands of priests to add blood and status to everyone, so that 3000 flying archers can attack unscrupulously, plus Ye Luo and others can easily suppress the players, even if they are colorful The same is true for Shenniu and others who have used all their big moves.

After tens of thousands of players arrived, Ye Luo and the others easily reached the heart of Curry City. Then the nightmare cavalry and mammoth surrounded the heart of the city. Of course, the priests, flying archers, and Qingmen of the Misty Pavilion The Jiao Summoner was also protected by them, and during this period, Ye Luo and others used the strongest attack to kill all the Indian players in the encirclement, so they only need to prevent the peripheral Indian players from rushing over.

At the same time, fireworks are easy to be cold, Yeyewuwu and others are responsible for destroying the city guard equipment around the heart of the city, because the middle of the night book, the setting sun of the long river, and the breaking of the waves and the wind all kill the players around the heart of the city. They are also involved in destroying the city’s defense equipment, but they can easily be destroyed. The next step is the power attack on the heart of the city. Only after destroying it, every night can only use [Cross Server*City Heart] and Fusion then took Curry City.

I have to say that Ye Luo and the others have a very high damage output. Under their attack, the toughness of Curry City’s city heart is reduced at a very fast rate. It is currently seen that they can destroy it in 30 seconds. Players such as the Nightmare Cavalry and other players who resist the Indian clothing players at the periphery can easily hold on.

The fact is also true. Although the players in Yinfu such as Wucai Shenniu saw Ye Luo and others attacking the heart of the city and the surrounding city defense equipment with all their strength, they rushed and prepared to stop them, and many people even used displacement skills one after another. They were blocked by the cavalry, and some of the players who missed the printed clothes will also be controlled by the green dragons controlled by the blue dragon summoner [Nine Heavens Dragon Yin] or [Shenlong Swing Tail], even if there are some. Players who are in an invincible state will also be intercepted by the vacated Jian Liu, Jian Ba ​​and others, but it does not pose any threat to Ye Luo and the others.

The reason for this is that the players who used the ultimatum or the [Group Blessing Scroll] and the similar [Five Elements Array] state were killed seven or eight, even if there are still some players who still have the ultimatum. Also because of the previous group attack and group control skills covering attacks, they have used various invincible means, so they have almost no invincible means. They can do very limited things in the face of the control of the blue water summoner and the cavalry. What's more, Ye Luo and the others can free up their hands to intercept the Yinfu players who are near the heart of the city.

In this way, the colorful sacred cows can only watch Ye Luo and the others destroy the city’s defense equipment and the heart of the city, and then Ye Ye will integrate with them unless they use [Cross Server*City Heart], and at the same time Ye Luo and the others Naturally, he can free up his hands to deal with the masters of the printing service.

"Hey, Ye Luo, try to catch the colorful sacred cow and the flame cobra. As long as you catch them, you can kill them and explode the national weapon." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, and when she said this, she unfolded [Thunder Wings] Then rushed to the Indian players with national weapons such as the colorful sacred cow and the flame cobra at the fastest speed.

At this time, the Indian server players can no longer get close to the heart of the city, and Yeye [Penquge www.xbqg5200.info] unless you have used [Cross Server*City Heart], it only takes 3 minutes to fully integrate and then occupy Curry City , The people of Miomi Pavilion don’t have much scruples. They can rush to the colorful sacred cow and other players who have national weapons a little frantically. Once they can entangle it and kill it, they will make a lot of money. But it can explode the national weapon in their hands.

Even if you can't entangle them and kill them, it's okay. The worst can be deterred away. This will also make it easier for players in Misty Pavilion such as Mammoth Cavalry and Nightmare Cavalry who are attacking by many Indian players.

This is also true. After seeing the waves rushing away in the wind, Ye Luo, Midnight Book, and Long River Sunset all killed and rushed. Of course, players who are good at close combat like Smile Hongchen and Smile with the wind are not far behind, even Long-distance professions such as June Feixue and Yanyu also rushed up, but they were a little behind, so there was no need to worry about accidents.

Seeing that the heart of the city has been destroyed, the players of the India server can no longer be teleported through the teleportation array. The colorful sacred cows have realized that they can't keep Curry City, and they know more about the consequences if they are entangled by the waves and the wind. So they can only order the space professional to send them away, and of course they don't forget to give other Indian players the order to retreat. After all, this can more or less reduce the loss.

Still the same sentence, the space players of Yinfu have been prepared for a long time, and Ye Luo and the others are still some distance away from the target, so the colorful sacred cows are easily teleported away, and they will not be able to ride the waves. Seize the opportunity.

"I knew I would retain the [Kuang Lei Sprint] in this way, so I would still have some chance to catch them when I rushed directly into the crowd." Seeing that the colorful sacred cow and other players with national weapons all withdrew, breaking the waves and riding the wind. Disappointed.

"There is no way, we can only use the ultra-long-range teleportation skill in order to prevent the player of the Indian space system from using the [Space Enchantment]." Ye Luo said, his tone is quite calm: "And even if we retain the [Crazy Thunder Sprint] and [Remnant of Reincarnation] It is also difficult to entangle the Wucai Shenniu and others. After all, most of their players with national weapons are melee players. It is almost impossible to catch them and prevent them from being teleported away."

Knowing this, Po Lang Riding the Wind curled her lips, and she was still disappointed.

"It's good for the colorful sacred cows to escape, which means that we have already won the Curry City." Othello said very excitedly: "Not only that, at this time a large number of Indian players began to retreat, which will also make Our consumption has been greatly reduced, and then we will support Uncle Bacchus and they will have more killers and successfully rescue them."

"The most important thing is that we can solve the problem of Curry City in the shortest time and then support it. The sooner we go to support the Bacchus uncle and the others, the safer it will be." Othello added.

"Oh, that's true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then thought of something, she looked at the fireworks with anticipation and became cold: "Fireworks, now can we embed in the Australian service to help Uncle Bacchus and the others go? At this point, they have been facing Tokyo Shinhwa for some time, and I don’t know how they are now?"

"Uncle Bacchus and the others gave the order to retreat before the slender jade hand rushed over, and then our three space players played [Space Portal] together to send Uncle Bacchus and the others to the border of the country." The voice sounded in the team channel: "Although Uncle Bacchus and the others used the [Group Teleport Scroll] at this time, the players who followed them in the siege were entangled a lot, and I am afraid that they will all be killed."

Hearing this news, the expressions of Po Lang Chengfeng and others became a little dignified, and then Po Lang Chengfeng hurriedly asked: "By the way, are our players with national weapons entangled? Are there any of those entangled players? Many double-professional masters?"

"Players with national equipment are very cautious, so they are not entangled." Samadhi said, her words also made the waves and wind and they breathed a sigh of relief, and then her tone changed: "But we are dual professional More than 10 masters have been entangled, and dozens of hundreds of players wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll] have been entangled. This is also a great loss for us."

"Of course, many of these people are actively staying behind, especially those single-professional hidden professional players. With the [Group Blessing Scroll] status, they are comparable to masters who perform ultimatums. They can block Tokyo Mythology and they can chase after. Let more Chinese server players get out." Samadhi Shi added.

Hearing these words, breaking the waves and riding the wind, her eyes were splitting, she said coldly: "Fireworks, let's rush over to support them. At this time, they will be caught off guard..."

"Sister Shi, let the little hand transport Sister Feng, Ye Luo, Xiaoshu, and the sunset over." The firework Yi cold interrupted the words of Po Lang Chengfeng, and seeing the expression of excitement in Po Lang Cheng Feng, she deliberately asked: "Sister Feng , Although you can be transported to the Australian server, you can’t go deep into the Australian server’s hinterland. You can only stay on the edge of the border barrier. Remember, you can’t go to Tokyo Mythology right now.”

"Why, didn't we pass in vain if we didn't make a move in the past." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite dissatisfied, and when she said this, her tone was full of doubt.

"No, we can play a big role in the past. For example, after learning that we have sneaked into the Australian server, Tokyo Mythology will be scrupulous and dare not chase it rashly, so that our people can have more withdrawals." Luo Dai explained that he interrupted her when he saw what Polang Rongfeng wanted to say, "As for why not rushing to help, it is because at this time Tokyo Mythology must be surrounded by a large number of monks who have performed big tricks or resisted [ The state of the Group Blessing Scroll], it’s useless for us to rush over. Don’t forget that you are not in a state of greatly enhancing your strength, and my [Taozhidao] only has two or three minutes left."

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