VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2533: : Plans for each server

Elite masters from Japanese service, Hanbok, American service, and Canadian service have rushed to the Australian service to support them. Even the British service, French service and other servers have also sent some masters to the past. In this case, Dongfang Jitian and others have little chance. To capture the next gang resident of the Australian server, so withdrawing from the Australian server is the wisest choice, but the members of the Ouyang family, the Yi Nian family and other gangs did not disagree with the withdrawal. After all, there are some who are walking with them in their hearts at this time. The 3 space-based players can withdraw safely even if they lose to Tokyo Mythology and others. Even the players they stay in the middle server can use the [Cross-server*Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport them away.

They also think so, so Bacchus Dukang and Fengxing did not forcefully give orders. They also wanted to try their luck. After all, in their hearts, servers such as British servers have been consumed very much. It is not a concern, not to mention that the fireworks Yicheng has agreed that they will always Come to support, so they started to work on another gang resident of the Australian server-seeing Ye Yufei Fei occupying Kangaroo City, the people from other gangs also want to occupy one. After all, it will get a very good reward, and even have a chance. Obtain the national implement.

It is also true that Dukang, the **** of wine, did not withdraw from the Australian service.

After hearing this news, June Feixue and others were very angry. Othello even complained that the Ouyang family members had not succeeded or failed. However, at this point, she was a little worried about the Chinese server players in the Australian server. After all, if they lose a lot Big will have a great influence on the overall strength of China Service.

Efforts to calm the mood, and then Othello asked: "Fireworks, Uncle Bacchus and the others did not immediately withdraw from the Australian service because of the Ouyang family and the Yinian family. What should I do next?"

"Although they did not withdraw from the Australian server, they should be asked Long Ying, Yingyue to the Shadow, and Hua Nongyue to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them away at any time, so there is not much danger, so we don’t have to Too worried." Samadhi's voice sounded in the team channel, and she continued after a short pause: "In fact, letting Uncle Bacchus and Tokyo Mythology deal with us is not necessarily a bad thing, because they can more or less force it. Tokyo Mythology, they used some killer tricks, so it will be easier to face them next time."

"That's right." Sitting on Qin Xin took over: "If Uncle Bacchus withdrew from the Australian server so easily, then the masters of Hanbok and other servers will definitely come after them. Most of them are at their peak in Tokyo Mythology. Next, we are right. It will be a little troublesome to get on with them. It is better to let Uncle Bacchus and the others deal with them first and then consume them. Then we will have a lot easier facing them, and even have a chance to kill their people."

Although Ye Luo and the others captured the Spirit Snake City at a very small price, they will take Curry City next, but they have used many methods after all, such as [Group Blessing Scroll], [Five Elements Array] and [ Tai Chi Dao], at this time their remaining assassins are not much, especially to continue to capture Curry City, if this time encounters the heyday of Tokyo Mythology and others, they will also have some trouble, and let Dongfang Tiantian and the others The consumption will be different, at least it will make Ye Luo and the others easier.

Having thought of this, Othello they no longer entangled with this issue, and then increased their attacks. Under their attack, many Indian players were killed, including those who used big moves and wore the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Players, many masters of Yinfu have been killed for so long, which has also reduced Ye Luo's resistance a lot, and their speed at the heart of Curry City has also increased.

However, the colorful sacred cows will not easily see Ye Luo and the others conquering Curry City. In addition, they have learned that the British server and other servers have rushed to the Australian server and have to act on the siege middle server players, so they There is no need to keep it. For a while, the players who still retain their utmost moves, such as the colorful **** cow, used all their utmost moves, and then brazenly rushed to Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind, and of course they did not forget to mobilize a group of fresh troops to intercept it. It caused some trouble to Ye Luo and them.

Not only that, the colorful sacred cows also displayed all the powerful, large-scale skills and combination skills. Of course, they did not stingy with the large-scale and large-scale skills attached to the national equipment, and these caused Ye Luo and the others a lot. Trouble, at least it forced Ye Luo to display a lot of skills.

Seeing Yinfu's "Strapped Beasts Fighting", Ye Luo and the others can only increase their attack strength. For example, they have used some combination skills, such as [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Beasts Pentium (group)], such as [Stab (group)], especially Ye Luo and the [Six Paths * Ten Thousand Sword Guardian Shield (group)] performed by Ye Luohe sitting on the piano heart. After all, this skill can not only cause higher damage to the enemy target, but also provide 10 seconds of invincibility for the person on his side , 10 seconds is enough for them to do a lot of things-it is also the existence of [Six Dao * Ten Thousand Sword Guardian Shield (group)] that Ye Luo and the players around them resisted the violent attack of the colorful sacred cow.

Multiple combo skills were displayed, and a large number of printing players around were killed in seconds, including the printing masters who used their utmost skills before, and the enemies around Ye Luo became sparse, which also made them and fireworks easy to cold and others The speed of advance has increased a lot, especially the fireworks and others. Depending on the situation, they will not be able to rendezvous with Ye Luo and the others, so that it will take less time for them to rush to the heart of Curry City.

During the period, the system news that Polangchengfeng successfully captured the Spirit Snake City was also spread throughout the Heavenly Tribulation game, which shocked and worried many people. Naturally, it was Eastern Killing Heaven and others. They did not expect to be only one side of the Misty Pavilion. Power can capture a gang resident, but as smart as Ye Yu Fei Fei, Eastern Stars have long guessed that the fireworks are easy to cold, and they led all the Misty Pavilions to withdraw from the Australian clothes, and they have nothing to do with their ability to capture the Spirit Snake City. Surprised, because Miomi Pavilion definitely has such strength in their hearts.

Of course, Ouyang Feiri and other players who "drove away" everyone from the Misty Pavilion are in a more complicated mood. It is not only because Ye Luo and the others have captured the Snake City, but most importantly, they are facing the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other elites. It’s a bit difficult. At present, it’s almost impossible to capture another gang station in the Australian server. This also makes them a little difficult to advance or retreat. After all, they are not willing to give up like this, and in their hearts if Miomi Pavilion is at this time Together with them, everyone is afraid that they will have a greater chance to capture the gang station in front of them.

That’s right. At this time, Eastern Killing and the others have already launched an attack on another gang station of the Australian server, but they are a little struggling under the resistance of Tokyo Mythology. The most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology and others have hardly used too many methods. , Which means that they still have extra energy.

Even so, since they have started, they are not willing to give up like this, not to mention that even if they can remove other elite masters, it is difficult to withdraw. At this time, they are not willing to abandon these elite masters-even though there are Long Ying and Hua Nong at this time. The three space-based players of Moon and Invite the Shadow to follow, but they can only teleport 300 players in a short period of time. At this time, there are tens of thousands of players who attacked the city with Dongfang Tiantian. If Dongfang Tiantian and the others evacuated, most of the other players will be killed, which is not what they want to see.

It is precisely because of this that Ouyang Feiri and the others have a mixed mood. At this time, they wanted the people of Miomi Pavilion by their side, especially after they heard that the waves and wind had taken the Spirit Snake City.

As for the people who are worried after hearing this news, the Japanese server, the US server and other servers, because they also know that the Chinese server players will further improve their strength after occupying too many gang sites. If they continue like this, they may find it difficult to compete in the future. It's contending, this is not what they want to see.

It is precisely because of this that Tokyo Mythology and the others began to discuss what to do after killing the East Killing Sky and others and driving them out of the Australian server. Soon they reached a decision—then they would rush to Yinfu to help. They even have to break into the Zhongfu to capture some of the gangs of the Zhongfu to put pressure on the Zhongfu, otherwise they will never have peace.

In this regard, the people of the major servers also deeply agree. Of course, they want to attack the gang’s location to gain benefits, so they all agree, and then continue to deal with Dongfang Tiantian and others in a leisurely manner, while arranging changes. Many people rushed to the Australian server, and even mobilized a group of players rushed to the Indian server to stand by in preparation for the next time they will join hands with the Indian server players to attack the Chinese server players.

Not to mention the arrangements of the major servers, let alone Ye Luo and the others continue to move closer to the heart of Curry City at the fastest speed, and when the distance to the heart of the city was only 4 or 50 meters, the waves and the wind and others finally caught up. Meeting with them will also greatly increase the strength of their side and move forward faster, especially after a large number of masters of the printing service have been killed, it is currently seen that they can rush to the heart of the city within 2, 30 seconds. Place.

"Hey, soon we will be in the heart of the city, and then we will be able to destroy it and then occupy it." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, when she said this, her pretty face was full of smiles: " Ye Luo captured White Bull City, and I took the Spirit Snake City. Who can occupy this Curry City better?"

The idea of ​​breaking the waves and riding the wind is also very simple, that is, they have to train more masters, and occupying his service gang resident will get very good rewards. This will undoubtedly create a super master, and she and Ye Luo are already strong enough. So it’s better to give this place to others.

"Let Xiaoshu or the setting sun occupy it." Fireworks Yi Leng quickly made a decision: "Of course, if I or Xiao Fei can be occupied, especially Xiao Fei, if she obtains a national weapon, then yes. Her strength has improved the most, and it is also the best result for us."

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