VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2504: : Start to withdraw

[Vulcan Domain], [Five Poisonous Poisonous Miasma], and [Garre Wind Domain] are large-scale continuous damage skills that can cover 100 meters, although the damage per second is not high, but because the coverage is large and the duration is sufficient 5 minutes, so the overall damage will be very high, especially in large-scale team battles. For example, now, let alone June Feixue and the others will display these 3 skills at once, which has caused players on major servers. No small casualties.

[Vulcan Domain] and other large-scale group attack skills plus many defense equipment on Flying Tiger City, the damage output is quite impressive, not to mention the elite masters of the middle server have launched attacks, so it is quite easy and stable The situation, even the Chinese server side obviously has the upper hand-the Chinese server side is the defender, which already has a lot of advantages, and now it has the upper hand. Not surprisingly, this battle will not have much suspense.

Not to mention that June Feixue each launched an attack, and that Ye Luo was a little disappointed to see the dark night and the Tokyo myth being teleported away after successfully casting [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], but he didn't say much, he launched an attack. .

[Wind, Thunder and Ice Array], [Wan Swords Return] and other large-scale, powerful skills were displayed, and high damage figures floated up. Players of major servers were killed in seconds. Among them, there were many dual-professional masters who performed big moves. As well as players who were in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and under his attack, all players in the black hole were killed within 30 seconds, especially when he used [Storm and Fire] and [Rainbow Days]. after that.

Players who were teleported away during Ye Luo’s killing in the black hole, Tokyo Mythology, etc., were finally teleported back, but after seeing the current situation, their expressions became difficult to look, because they found that Ye Luo and other masters in the middle service almost all In the peak state, they did not experience the appearance of a battle that was exhausted, and this also gave them an ominous premonition, especially after seeing a large number of middle-serving players gushing out of Flying Tiger City.

That’s right, after Eastern Killing the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the foreign players around Feihu City became sparse. They even opened a channel from the outside under the attack of flying archers such as fireworks and other flying archers. The cavalry rushed out of Feihu City, and then pressed along the passage to both sides, and this tactic is exactly the stab and split tactics that the Nightmare Cavalry led by Yixiao Hongchen is good at.

A large number of cavalry carrying magicians, archer priests and other cavalry squeezed from the previously opened channels to both sides. Not only did they disrupt the siege formations of the major server players, but most importantly, as more and more middle obedient players follow the flight After the Tiger City surged out, more and more players were teleported from other gang sites and system cities, and they could also participate in this battle. Think about it, after all, Flying Tiger City is only a level 3 county city, which can accommodate at the same time. The number of players is limited, and if the players from Flying Tiger City emerge from the city and free up most of the space, it will be different. This will allow more players in the middle server to participate in the battle, and over time may even change the major servers Surrounded by players.

That’s right, in addition to squeezing to the two sides, the players rushing out from the middle channel rushed directly to the edge of the major server formations, and then they began to surround themselves. Most of them will serve millions of players and The players of the major servers are surrounded by all the players.

Although the number of players in the China server is not as large as that of the printed server, there are still many. It is not impossible to mobilize tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. If so many players can participate in this battle at the same time, they will undoubtedly be able to fight against the major servers. It seems that there is a faint tendency to cause devastating blows, especially as more and more players emerge from Flying Tiger City, there is a constant trend.

It is worth mentioning that the Chinese server players who later teleported to Feihu City and then rushed out of the city are all new forces. Even though there are many players whose single player strength is not as good as the elite masters of the major servers, they only rely on the new force and Feihu. The numerous defense equipment on the city wall also allowed them to easily gain the upper hand, not to mention that at this time, Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others were still killing and entangled the masters of the major servers and then caused greater casualties.

The formations of the major servers are split from the middle, and they are also facing a trend of being surrounded by a large number of Chinese server players, which makes the look of the sun never set, Long Ying and others more difficult to look, especially the person who knows that their side has already The loss exceeded 20%-Millions of players were killed by 20%, which means that millions of players were killed, and most of these are the elites of the British server. There is no doubt that this is a big loss for the British server. No wonder the players in the British server such as the sun never set, Dragon Shadow, etc. have a headache.

Faced with this situation, the ominousness of the elite masters of the major servers has become more and more intense, especially the players who discovered that their own servers have also been killed. For a while, many players began to retreat, but No one will say it for a while. After all, this is a shameful thing for them-more than a dozen servers have joined forces and did not pose any threat to the Chinese server. Instead, they have suffered more casualties. This is true. Shameful enough.

When the major servers were still hesitating, Ye Luo also came out of the black hole, and then he did not idle, and went to Tokyo Mythology and others according to the instructions of the fireworks easy to cold, where there are the largest number of foreign service double professional masters, if you can Causing casualties can naturally further reduce the pressure on the players in the server.

Seeing that the dark night and others were there, Ye Luo was not polite, and directly used the single-player combo skill-[Sword Qi * Jian Yu (group)], and this skill was used to successfully kill many people in seconds, and let them fight against it. Breaking the waves and riding the wind and the others were a little more relaxed, especially after Ye Luo used this skill and then used the [Allure Strike].

[Allure Strike] Although the single-unit damage output is not as good as [Sword Qi * Jian Yu (group)], this skill can cover 100 meters, and the overall damage output is much higher than the latter, and it has two great powers in succession. , A wide range of skills can also be used to kill many players in seconds, including players who use ultimate moves and the state of [Group Blessing Scroll].

"Tsk tsk, Uncle Ye Luo’s damage output is really high, 2 skills were cast to kill 1, 20 masters in seconds, of which 7, 8 dual-professional masters with big moves and 5, 6 wore [Group Blessing Scroll ] Players, so Sister Feng, they immediately have the advantage." June Feixue chuckled: "Especially Sister Feng and Longteng Tianxia, ​​they finally have the opportunity to display their skills."

The skills mentioned by June Feixue are naturally not ordinary skills, at least they are at the level of [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect], and the use of these skills by the likes of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Longteng Tianxia and others can cause casualties to nearby players. It's impressive, overall, even more people killed than Ye Luo.

"After Ye Luo won the championship of this tournament and previously grabbed the White Bull City to get the reward, his strength has been separated from Tokyo Mythology and others, and now he has performed a big move against [Thunder God]. In addition, he has filled up his attack power, and it is normal to use two powerful, large-scale skills to kill 1 and 20 masters in a second." Sitting on Qin's heart, he did not forget to use these. [Roar of Mad Lion], this skill controls many players on major servers.

Of course, the important role of sitting on the piano is to save people. The [Group Resurrection Technique] is used to revive a large number of previously killed middle-server players, and she and Saturday have jointly performed [Resurrection Prophecy (group)], The role of these skills also greatly affected the outcome of this battle.

When Ye Luo and others were angry, the combination skill team such as June Feixue also began to show their strength. They took turns to cast their combination skills, and these caused more casualties to the major servers. Of course, it further made the sun never set Long Ying distressed. , Even at this time Tokyo Shinhwa and others were distressed, because a lot of people on their server were also killed.

Of course, the most important thing is that Tokyo Mythology has realized that they can't capture Flying Tiger City at this time, and then they are ready to order a retreat.

And at this time, the German server players were the first to give the retreat order, because at this time they heard a bad news-the polar silver wolf led a large number of Russian server players and some other servers are attacking a gang of German server The station, and all the defense equipment has been destroyed to attack the city, the next step is to destroy the teleportation array and the heart of the city, then they can be occupied.

That’s right, the Polar Silver Wolf will soon be able to capture a German service gang site. This news naturally shocked the players of the German service. Where did they dare to stay again and hurriedly issued the order to retreat. Hundreds of virtues at a time. Service elite masters were sent away, which further weakened the overall power of the major servers.

Of course, the most important thing is that this also gives the major servers a reason to retreat. All the elite masters of the major servers retreat at a time, or are teleported away by space players, or directly take their people to withdraw. They can easily get out of the battle due to their ultimate state.

"Hey, why did they all retreat suddenly?!" Seeing this scene, breaking the waves and riding the wind was puzzled. Of course, the most important thing was that there was some unhappiness, especially when the players who had national weapons disappeared.

Think about it, too, before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she was still prepared to kill some players with national weapons and then grab the national weapons in their hands, but in the blink of an eye all these people were teleported away, how can this not let her disappointed.

"It should be realized that we can't attack Flying Tiger City anymore. If we continue, they will only suffer heavy casualties, so they can only retreat." Dongfang Star's voice sounded in the team channel, and then she sighed: "People from major servers They all learned to be smart, and the Space Department players were arranged early to respond. It is not so easy for us to kill the super masters of the major servers."

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