VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2505: : Kill to Mochizuki City

Yesterday, after the German server players returned, the players on the Russian server, non-server server and other servers were worried that there would be too much casualties, and they retreated, but today they made a comeback again, and this also allowed the iron armored tanks and other German players to retreat. As an excuse, a large number of German players withdrew.

After the German server players evacuated, the players of other servers also evacuated. Although not all the people on these servers have been evacuated, but the dual-professional masters, especially those with national equipment, have been removed, which makes the waves ride the wind. The idea that she wanted to kill them and then win the national weapon came to nothing, and she was naturally quite dissatisfied with it.

Think about it, too, people on all major servers also know that once players with national weapons are killed and then exploded, they will have some precautions, such as placing space players. In a secret, safe place and then when they are in danger, use the [Space Portal] to teleport them away, as it is now.

At this point, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind no longer worry about this matter. Then she asked: "Fireworks, elite masters and even commanders of the major forces have been withdrawn, although there are still millions of players left here, However, there is not much threat to us. What are we going to do next, to kill all these people?"

Yes, although Tokyo Mythology and others have withdrawn, there are still a large number of players left on the major servers, especially the British server, and 23 million players have not withdrawn. After all, [Space Portal] can only send 100 each time. Human, the CD time is 3 minutes, and each server has only a few space-based occupations. It is almost impossible to transport tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of players, not to mention that there are so many players left in the British server.

"Leave half of the people to chase and kill the remaining people on the major servers, and the remaining half will be teleported to Mochizuki City, taking advantage of the state where we still have big moves and waiting to take Mochizuki City." Firework Yi Cold issued an order: "Let's go offline before. Of players go online and attack with all their strength."

Hearing that, the eyes of Bacchus Dukang and others lit up. At this time, the people of the major servers were fleeing, and there were not many players staying in Mochizuki City in the British server, plus the state of the big move of the sun never set Long Ying and others. Or the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] has disappeared. Taking advantage of this opportunity, it is undoubtedly the easiest to attack the city.

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, your two elders stay and command to chase and kill these remnants. Let's attack Mochizuki City." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and said that she started to take action-locking the mist that has been online The player teleports to Mochizuki City.

That’s right, there were a lot of Chinese server players who surrounded Mochizuki City before, with tens of millions of people, but after following the orders of Fireworks and Samadhi, half of them withdrew to the gang or system city, and the other half went offline directly. , And at this time, they would undoubtedly assemble enough troops to attack Mochizuki City in the shortest possible time by following the order. The soldiers are very fast, and this will undoubtedly be able to capture Mochizuki City in the shortest time and at the least cost.

Almost at the same time as breaking the waves and riding the wind, Dragon Sakura, Inviting the Moon to the Shadow, Hua Nong Yue, and the slender jade hand teleported towards Mochizuki City. Players with [Teleport] skills also began to teleport. Players without teleport skills were not in a hurry. Because they knew that Long Ying and others would soon be able to use the [Space Portal] to teleport them over.

Bacchus Dukang and Feng Xing decisively agreed and commanded a large force to hunt down the players who fled from the major servers. Although most of the masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind rushed to Mochizuki City, because the major servers are now the rout army, plus There are a steady stream of Chinese server players rushing to Feihucheng and then participating in the battle. The battle situation is quite stable, not to mention the presentation.

For the time being, Dukang, the **** of Bacchus, and Feng Xing led the army to hunt down the major servers, and that the masters of the middle service such as Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind teleported to the outside of Mochizuki City. At the same time, millions of middle server players went online and surrounded the city. , The siege war is about to start.

"Hey, at this time, millions of British players are still being chased by our people in Flying Tiger City. Those are all elite masters. Although there are still some players who stay behind Mochizuki City at this time, they can even mobilize troops from the British server. Came here, but there are not many players they can transfer, and most of them are ordinary players, we can easily capture them." Breaking the waves and riding the wind confidently, then she turned to look at the fireworks and it was easy to cold: "Fireworks, pick up How do we attack the city? Do you still let Ye Luo destroy their defensive equipment as we did in the Japanese, American, and Indian servers, and then we will attack again?"

"No, just attack the city." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

Think about it. Ye Luo didn’t use his ultimate move when he attacked Black Dragon City, Steel City, and White Bull City, so he needed to destroy all the defense equipment first, but at this time he was holding the ultimate move and [Thunder God’s Fall] In addition to the powerful blood-sucking ability, it’s almost the same not to mention that the defensive equipment on Mochizuki Castle poses no threat to it, not to mention that at this time, a large number of elite masters in the middle service, such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, are mostly with big moves or [ Group Blessing Scroll], everyone can share the attack of most of the defense equipment for Ye Luo together.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are not many British players who stayed behind in Mochizuki City at this time, and the sun never sets Long Ying and others have almost consumed all the assassins, and even many dual-professional masters have been killed, only some of them retain [Group Blessing Scroll] state, these people can't pose too much threat to Ye Luo and others.

Hearing what Yi Leng Yi Leng said, breaking the waves and riding the wind, she rushed towards Mochizuki City at the fastest speed. At this time, she still has the state of big moves, plus the state of [Thunder God’s Fall]. Her speed can be described as swift and fast.

While breaking the waves and charging in the wind, other people were not to be outdone. For example, the dragon and the world, such as the Eastern Killing of the Sky, they brazenly attacked Mochizuki City, murderous, like a group of tigers descending the mountain, they want to shred all the British players. Everyone's speed is very fast, depending on the situation, they can enter Mochizuki City within 1, 20 seconds.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, Eastern Killing Heaven, Longteng Tianxia, ​​you rushed into Full Moon City in pairs to destroy the teleportation formation in the city, Jianliu, Dongfang Xiaotian, you are responsible for intercepting players rushing towards Ye Luo and others to prevent... …" Fireworks gave the order, but it was interrupted before he could finish.

"Fireworks, why do you want to destroy the teleportation array? Let the players of the British server continue to teleport over." Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly: "Hey, even if the players of the entire British server are teleported, we can still count them all. To kill, there is no need to destroy their teleportation array."

"Yes, the opportunity is rare. This time we must kill more people." Dongfang Xiaotian smiled, and then his tone changed: "It's a pity that Mochizuki City is for the British server. Our Chinese server players cannot use the city's The teleportation formation, otherwise it can be directly teleported to the British server, hey, with our strength, we can easily capture their gang resident, and will not give them a chance to breathe."

"Sister Qin, the fireworks are not worried that we are not an opponent of the British server, but that the British server players find the situation is not good and take the teleportation array to escape." Sitting on Qin Xin explained: "As Dongfang Xiaotian said, Mochizuki City is now In the gang station of the British server, people in the British server can escape in the teleportation array, but we cannot chase and kill it in the teleportation array."

"Uh, it seems that they are really very likely to escape." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded: "It's still smart fireworks, hehe, destroy the teleportation array, so that the people in the British server can't escape. We can hit as much as possible. The people who killed them caused casualties to them, and the easier it will be to sneak into the British server tomorrow to find them."

For now, things in White Bull City and Mochizuki City will be completely enchanted, and because the people of the major servers have suffered heavy casualties again, they will no longer find trouble in the server in a short time, so they are in the heart of Po Lang Cheng Feng. There is plenty of time to sneak into the British server to get revenge. Of course, even if they have confidence in their own strength, they also need big moves, powerful and wide-ranging skills, and the killer CD to end, so she explained that they would sneak into the British server.

Fireworks Yi Leng did not answer the conversation. She continued to line up with Ye Ye unless the dual professional archers came true, and then steadily killed Mochizuki City. There were also a large number of flying archers around them, and more flying bows and arrows over time. The hand was teleported by space players such as the slender jade hand and Dragon Sakura, and the powerful damage output also caused greater casualties to the British server players.

After listening to the command of the fireworks to get cold, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng crossed the walls of Mochizuki City at the fastest speed and rushed towards the teleportation formation. They rushed and attacked. Few players could stop them, even if someone used 【Charge ] Was also intercepted by the melee masters of the Sword Sixth class, and because Ye Luo and the others were either wearing [Spell Immunity] or using invincible skills, they could ignore those group control skills.

"Hey, the sun never sets Long Ying and other masters in the British server have never returned to Mochizuki City at all. The British server has no command, and they can't stop us." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, she has rushed to the one while talking about this. The place where the teleportation array was located, and when Jianliu, Jianba and others intercepted the surrounding British players, she launched an attack on the teleportation array. Of course, Ye Luo also launched the attack at the same time.

Ye Luo also rushed over. After casting group control skills such as [Reincarnation Break], he also launched an attack on the teleportation array. With his attack power at this time, the teleportation array can be dropped with every blow. A lot of toughness, it will not take long to destroy it at present.

"The sun never sets, Dragon Shadows are also smart people. They should know that we will attack Mochizuki City soon. At this time, they will naturally not turn back. After all, they also know that they are fundamentally fleeing when other major server players are scattered. Not our opponent, rushing back to support is just to die for nothing, this is not what they want to see." Ye Yufei said with a light smile.

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