VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2503: : Cast a black hole

[Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] The role it can play in large-scale team battles is self-evident, especially when the elite masters of all major servers are participating in team battles. It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold and will deliberately ask Ye Luo retains this skill-this skill is reserved for elite masters in various servers such as Tokyo Mythology.

Of course, because the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] charge time takes 3 seconds, which is a long time, it is not easy to successfully use this skill, especially when facing elite masters in various servers such as Tokyo Mythology. It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to be cold that will allow Dongfang Killian and others to attract a large number of masters of the major servers, and also let Ye Luo and the others lock the tactics of breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Except for Ye Luo and other people in Misty Pavilion, there are not many masters who have been teleported with them following the fireworks and they are only double professional archers such as Long Jieyu and Dongfang Mietian. Most of the elite masters of other gangs have been teleported directly from White Bull City. Flying Tiger City then faced the enemy from the front, and 1,200 dual-professional masters launched their attacks at a time. Most of them used their utmost skills. In addition, many people were holding the [Group Blessing Scroll]. A very powerful force instantly pushed the front of the major servers back several meters.

Think about it, the masters such as the Eastern Killing Sky not only used the ultimate move, but also resisted the state of "holy beasts descending", and the seven people of the dragon family such as Longteng Tianxia also resisted the state of "seven stars heaven" and performed them at once. Two killer skills similar to [Yaki Tianchuang], and the players being used are all masters. Among them, there are many super masters with national equipment. For a time, their strength has been greatly improved, and they have been upgraded enough to threaten the Tokyo myth. At the point of Dark Night, especially the Eastern Killing Sky—Dongfang Killing Sky is full of attack power. At this time, his damage output is comparable to the sum of more than a dozen dual-professional players who use their big moves.

Suddenly 1,200 Chinese server dual-professional masters returned, and there were also many Chinese server players wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll]. This caused a lot of trouble to the players of Tokyo Mythology and other servers. They were originally Already about to cross the Flying Tiger City and then enter it, but was directly forced to return, especially the Zhongfu has many combination skill teams that have used combination skills-under the coverage of the three group combination skills of the Zhongfu. Many players on the server have been depleted of all invincible means. At this time, they are faced with several combination skills and the coverage of powerful and large-scale group attack skills such as [World Destroying Thunder] and [Wan Sword Return] Can't bear it, and this is also the benefit of the fireworks Yi Leng deliberately asking everyone to come back later for support.

It is also because of the fierce offensive of those people in the East Killing Sky, so the masters of Tokyo Mythology and other servers have to meet them, otherwise they are afraid that the formation of their major server players will be disrupted, so they want to attack again. Tiger City is difficult-in addition to the millions of players in the British server, the other major servers have also sent thousands or even tens of thousands of players during this period. Many of them are airpower. These are elites. Experts, Tokyo Mythology, they naturally don't want to watch these people be killed, so they can only intercept them.

Once intercepted, even if Tokyo Shinhwa and others withstand big moves and the final skills of combination equipment such as [Yaki Tianxiang], they will be entangled, which will give Ye Luo some opportunities.

Counting that the time was almost up, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind directly used the [Kuang Lei Sprint]. For a time, the power of violent thunder and lightning permeated where she passed. Pieces of high damage numbers floated up. Many players were directly killed by seconds, even if not Players who were killed by the spike were also stunned by the power of thunder and lightning, and could not move at all for a short time.

Just like yesterday, the place where the waves were transmitted by the wind is still 4 to 50 meters away from the Tokyo Mythology and the others. Even if the Tokyo Mythology is reacted by them, it will be difficult for them to reach it in a short time. What's more, they are still being killed by the Dragon and the East. Heavenly masters entangled.

After the successful teleportation, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not hesitate to use the [Lei Ying Clone], and then the group control skills such as [Mad Thunder Sword Slash], [Mad Thunder Sword Shadow], [Thunder Jie Tian Punishment], etc. Players on other servers will kill all of them, even if they cannot be killed, they must be controlled. This will undoubtedly create opportunities for Ye Luo.

At the same time that the midnight book, the sunset of the river and the others appeared beside him as the waves and wind were transmitted to the destination, they did not hesitate to use the clone skill [51 fiction www.51xs.info], and then launched their attacks. , In order to clear a vacuum area around.

At the same time, Ye Luo was also sent over. He used the [Reincarnation Clone] and then controlled the Clone to display the [Reincarnation*Six Shields] skills, then under the cover of the Clone, he used the [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], and of course he did not forget to use it. Clouds and mists] and other skills that can limit the vision of the hostile target, while the reincarnation clone and the breaking waves and riding the wind are ready to intercept harassers at any time, so that Ye Luo can successfully display [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole].

At this time, many people have noticed Ye Luo’s actions, and they instantly understood what he was going to do. Players farther from Ye Luo fled 100 meters away from him at the fastest speed, while players who were closer fled. They rushed over to intercept him as quickly as possible without going out, but they were all intercepted by the waves and the wind and others. After all, this time the waves and the wind and the others performed their big moves and held the state of [Thunder God of Heaven] and so on. With full attack power, I am afraid that only a limited number of people such as Tokyo Mythology can pass them and intercept Ye Luo.

Tokyo Mythology and they naturally saw the situation here, but they were entangled by the Eastern Killing Sky and they couldn’t stop them. Moreover, they were still more than 50 meters away from Yeluo at this time. It can be resolved by other means-let the space system players use [Space Portal] to teleport them away.

That’s right, although the Tokyo Mythology is full of confidence in this operation, they even think that they can easily capture Flying Tiger City and even kill Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, but they are also prepared to face failure, such as let Some space-based players stand by in secret and safe places to use [Space Portal] to teleport them away at any time, and at this time they can use this method to avoid being trapped by [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole].

Of course, the prerequisite for being teleported away is not to be entangled or controlled, so they can only display invincible skills, and not everyone can react, not only the people on the battlefield such as Tokyo Mythology, but also hiding Space players in a secret and safe place, after all, left them with only a little more than 2 seconds to react, especially when Longteng Tianxia and others are still entangled.

In this way, although the Tokyo Mythology issued the order in time, there were not many players who were teleported away by space players, or even less than one-third, and most of the remaining players were covered by [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole], and they could not get out Unexpectedly, except for the players who simultaneously used the ultimate move to withstand the [Yaqi Tianxiang] players, I was afraid that no one would survive.

In addition, the Tokyo Mythology they were teleported to a secret and safe place, which means that they were out of the battlefield, even if only for a while, it greatly reduced the pressure on the server. During this time, the players of the server can do many things—— After being teleported away to confirm their safety, Tokyo Mythology ordered the Space System players on the battlefield to teleport them back, or they could use [Transport] on their own, which would take some time. For example, Space System players also need a suitable place to teleport.

In Tokyo Mythology, they were able to react and be teleported away, but Firework Yi Leng had long instructed Hua Nongyue, Long Ying and others to use the [Space Portal] to teleport away players controlled by the black hole, so there is no problem. , Except for some entangled players who could not escape, everyone else escaped, and then they did not hesitate to attack other players while Tokyo Mythology and others were away.

"It seems that the masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night are not trapped." Po Lang Chengfeng said as she attacked, her tone was full of disappointment.

"Tokyo Mythology, they have been trapped by this tactic once. They are psychologically prepared. It is naturally not so easy to trap them again." Fireworks said coldly, and then the tone changed: "But the elite masters of the major servers were There are still a lot of people trapped, there should be as many as 200 dual-professional masters, and many players are wearing [Group Blessing Scroll] and a state similar to [Thunder God Fall]. Not surprisingly, most of them will be killed, but few With these people and tens of thousands of elite masters in various servers, our pressure will be much lighter, and there is no problem in defending Flying Tiger City."

Hearing that, they nodded their heads. In addition, the battle was the most intense at this time. They naturally did not waste time and launched the strongest attack. All kinds of powerful and wide-ranging skills were displayed for a time, and these skills The people of the major servers caused a lot of casualties, especially in June, Feixue, Oriental Star, and Misty Yiyun used [Vulcan Domain], [Five Poisonous Miasma] and [ Storm Field] After.

[Vulcan Domain] and other skills are a wide range of skills that can last for 5 minutes. The effects of these skills are generally quite impressive. In addition, the various defense equipment of Flying Tiger City have also launched attacks, especially the magic crystal cannon. After the [Laser Arrow Rain] was used, countless players were killed on the major servers at a time, and this completely relieved the Chinese server side, and even had the upper hand in a short time.

In addition, with the passage of time, the advantages of the Chinese server side have further manifested. For example, the Chinese server has more national devices, but these national devices have added a lot of powerful and wide-ranging skills, plus the later return to the Chinese server. Most of the players are fresh forces, and they have a lot of advantages against the players who have been exhausted.

"Hey, even if the major servers are teaming up against us, it's only a disadvantage." June Feixue laughed. Before, she used [Vulcan Domain] and watched a large number of enemies get killed. The mood is quite good.

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