VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 2502: : Back to support

Wucai Shenniu and others have long seen what they are going to do when fireworks are easy to cold, but for various reasons they cannot give an order to retreat, and they also expect people from major servers such as Tokyo Mythology to bring them. Some surprises, but after seeing Ye Luo and others suddenly increase their attack and then easily print the players, their last hopes are shattered, so they can only use the means they have prepared long ago-order their space players to display [ Space Portal] Teleport them away.

Of course, when they left, they also issued an order to temporarily avoid the edge. Yes, it was to temporarily avoid the edge’s retreat instead of giving up on continuing to attack White Bull City. The reason for issuing the order was not only to make the major players of the Indian server better accept some. It’s just that they have not given up on continuing to attack White Bull City-again, they hope that Tokyo Shinhwa and others can cause great losses to Zhongfu, especially the gang resident in the low Zhongfu and then drag the Zhongfu. People, then they will naturally be able to kill them again.

In the hearts of Wucai Shenniu and others, although most of their people do not have big moves and killers such as [Group Blessing Scroll], they still have the advantage of large numbers and local combat. As long as Ye Luo and other masters in the middle service are dragged down In the service, then they naturally have a great chance to grab back the White Bull City.

It has to be said that the order of the colorful sacred cows to temporarily avoid the edge is easier to accept. Of course, the most important thing is that the situation is completely lopsided at this time. A large number of Indian players are killed and they have to temporarily avoid the edge. Millions of Indian players began to retreat, or directly used the teleport scroll to return to the city, or rode out to evacuate. Soon there were not many Indian players outside of White Bull City, except for that place. The'corpse'.

The whole process is almost less than 1 minute. Except for the Indian server players who fled in the distance, there are corpses in the same place. From this we can see how powerful the combat power of the Chinese server is. Of course, this is also similar to the masters of the Indian server such as Tokyo Mythology. It doesn't matter to withdraw directly, after all, their withdrawal also made other Indian players lose their fighting spirit.

"Fireworks, we didn't kill Wucai Shenniu and other masters, what should we do next?" Polang Rongfeng was full of disappointment, and then his tone changed: "We don't know that we will go back to the Chinese server with Tokyo Mythology and the others. How long does it take to fight, once the time is slightly different, then the colorful sacred cows may make a comeback, and once so, they are likely to **** back to White Bull City."

"Don't worry, it shouldn’t take long for us to deal with the Tokyo Mythology." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but then she changed her tone and issued an order: "The major gangs each leave 50,000 players to guard White Bull City and clean the battlefield. , Each gang will leave two or three dual-professional masters, Miomi Pavilion will leave two million players, Xiao Hongchen, Qi sister, you are responsible for guarding White Bull City, and the others will send Feihucheng support at the fastest speed."

In fact, only the 23 million players of Misty Pavilion plus some dual-professional masters from major servers can completely withstand the five-time sacred cow. They have come back, because so many gangs have left two or three dual-professional masters. There are more than 30 dual professions. It is worth mentioning that these dual profession players have not used their big moves. These people have used their big moves and they are also a very powerful combat force. In the case of defending the city, they can resist the colorful gods and others. No problem.

However, because of the need to clean the battlefield and prevent accidents, the fireworks are easy to cold order each gang to leave 50,000 people, which is millions of players, and they are all elite masters, plus the more than 2 million players in Misty Pavilion and Dozens of double-professional masters defending White Bull City are even more okay. At the very least, it’s okay to insist on ten minutes. As the firework Yi Leng said, they will not take so long to deal with Tokyo Shinhwa and others. Once the colorful gods If they make a comeback, they can come back in time.

At present, the major gangs of China Server have millions of players at every turn, and the top ten gangs such as Miomi Pavilion have millions of players. It is completely possible to mobilize 50,000 players, not to mention that they are now cleaning the battlefield. , Not surprisingly, this can get a lot of benefits.

In addition, the leaders of the major gangs are also smart people. Naturally, they also know that each gang has two or three double professions to prevent the colorful sacred cows from coming back. Therefore, they also acted in accordance with the order of the fireworks to be cold, and then the major gangs 'S masters were directly sent to Flying Tiger City and then participated in the defense.

As for those who break the waves and ride the wind, fireworks are easy to be cold, etc., they were teleported to Ye Luo outside Feihu City to display [Space Portal] and teleported over, and then they launched an attack behind the enemy. It is possible that people waiting for the server may attack Flying Tiger City, so Ye Luo and others are asked to leave teleportation points outside of Flying Tiger City, and these teleportation points will be used at this time.

It is worth mentioning that before Ye Luo and the others left, the fireworks were so cold that Ye Luo left a [Group Blessing Scroll] to Liao Hongchen, so the defense of White Bull City would be even more foolproof, and the least help would make them hold on. Time was delayed until Ye Luo and the others resolved the matter of the service and returned to support.

"Sister Shi, how is the situation here?" Firework Yi Leng asked while attacking.

"Tokyo Mythology, they are attacking with all their strength. They not only used a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll], dual-professional masters used their utmost skills, but also used [Yaki Tianxiang] and other assassins, and even used 2, 3 A group combination skill, these have caused us a lot of casualties." Samadhi said, her voice is a little condensed: "Fortunately, we also have 3 group combination skills, and some [Group Blessing Scrolls] are left behind. In addition, we are the defender of the city and have various geographical advantages, so we can support it. Now that you have returned, there is no problem."

"What, Tokyo Mythology they used all their assassins?!" After hearing the words of the samādhi, she broke through the waves and braved the wind to cheer up, and then she looked at the fireworks aside and became cold: "Fireworks, in that case, can we also use assassins? Up?!"

"Sister Feng, this is certain. Don’t forget that we didn’t perform big moves before, nor did we wear the [Group Blessing Scroll] state. Obviously, the fireworks let us wear the big move and also [Thunder God’s Fall]. ] Or the state of [Taozhidao]." Sitting on Qin Xindao, and after she said this, the fireworks easily nodded coldly, obviously just as she said.

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind was still hesitating, she directly pulled Ye Luo and others into a separate team relay and used [Thunder God's Fall], and at the same time, she also used a big move, and then she brazenly turned to the British server's big The troops rushed away-because there were millions of players in the British server, Tokyo Mythology, they rushed to the forefront, and Ye Luo and the others appeared on the periphery, so naturally they need to kill them.

Seeing the waves rushing forward in the wind, Ye Luo, Changhe Sunset, June Feixue and others were not to be outdone, but also rushed upright, because they resisted the big move and the state of [Thunder God’s Fall]. The output is very powerful, especially after the attack power is full, Ye Luo and others, just a random attack can hit tens of millions of damage, and the emergence of critical strikes and critical strikes are millions of damage. The damage is enough to kill many people in seconds.

With such a powerful damage output, Ye Luo and the others easily smashed a **** path, and then they got closer and closer to the Tokyo Mythology.

"Sister Shi, you can send it to White Bull City to command it to prevent the colorful sacred cows from coming back." The firework Yi Cold gave the order, and at the same time she summoned the Frost Sacred Dragon, and then gave the order to Ye Ye unless the others: " The dual-professional archers and I formed a formation to steadily advance and disrupt the formation of the British players. The focus is to assist Sister Feng and them.

Hearing the command of the fireworks to get cold, Yeyewu, Jianxi and others, and Long Jieyu all summoned their mounts, and then formed a row. They attacked and moved forward, and there were dozens of them walking with them. Hundred flying archers and all mammoth cavalry, this is also a very powerful force, the damage output is extremely high.

Flying archers and fireworks are easy to be cold, they are naturally to fight damage output, while the mammoth cavalry is responsible for controlling the flying power rushed by the major servers such as the British server, plus the green jade summoner sent by the slender hand to assist the control. There is no problem-of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo and others rushed to the past like sharp knives. The powerful attack killed a lot of flying forces that blocked the road, which undoubtedly made the fireworks easy to cold and them a lot easier.

"Sword Six, Sword Seven, Sword Eight, you melee professions rush up and take the place of Sister Feng and the others." Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders, without waiting for the waves and the wind to ask why, she continued: "Sister Feng, you cast [Kuang Lei] Sprint] Rushing around the Tokyo Mythology and others, Ye Luo, Xiaoshu, Sunset, you lock the Feng Sister Teleport, calculate the time to teleport, I will let the East Killing the Sky attract the attention of Tokyo Mythology."

Yeluo and Po Lang Cheng Feng are also smart people, and they know that Tokyo Mythology and others pose the greatest threat to White Bull City, so killing them or haunting them can greatly reduce the pressure on White Bull City, and they can undoubtedly do it. This point, especially Ye Luo-he can wait for the opportunity to display [Heaven Tribulation*Black Hole] after locking the waves and riding the wind to transmit to Tokyo Mythology and others. Just like yesterday in Feiye City, this will undoubtedly cause a lot to Tokyo Mythology. The threat is even casualties.

"Hey, I understand." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and she took a few steps back, on the top of Jianliu and others and after Ye Luo and the others locked their teleportation, she began to calculate the time, ready to perform [Kuang Lei Sprint] at any time .

At the same time, the masters of Eastern Killing Sky, Dongfang Xiaotian, and Longteng Tianxia also rushed out from the wall. Most of them used their big moves. Dongfang Killed the sky used [Holy Beast Coming], and Longteng Tianxia also used [ Seven Stars Dragon Abyss Sword] additional skills, and then they killed them to Tokyo Mythology according to the fireworks and easy cold order, and they had a stance of fighting with them.

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