VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1996: : Deep into the hinterland

Although I haven’t encountered a large number of Japanese players’ leveling locations yet, everyone is not too anxious, because Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng are rapidly deepening, and Midnight Book they have successively found some good grade BOSS and killed them. BOSS bursting with equipment and props can alleviate everyone's emotions. What's more, in their hearts, dozens of people can restrain a large number of Japanese players from doing tasks. Killing monsters itself is a very interesting and fulfilling thing.

Although they have discovered some more powerful BOSS in the middle of the night, but the firework is easy to be cold, their team is very powerful. After Sword Six, Othello, and Desert Solitary Smoke withstand the BOSS attack, others can almost unscrupulously attack. , Especially those archers, they use the advantage of ultra-long-range attacks to attack, so there is almost no need to worry too much about safety, after all, BOSS does not have too many powerful, large-scale group attack skills.

With more than 50 archers plus 1, 20 dual-professional elite masters, the damage output, control ability, and healing ability are very powerful. It is no problem to kill the BOSS safely, and there is no need to use big moves.

If you encounter a BOSS that is too powerful, such as the ancient saints, there will be no problem, because the waves and the wind and Ye Luo can also return to support, and it is no problem to kill them with their damage output, even There is no need to use big moves at all-they used to deal with the more than 10 BOSS Ye Luo before. They used their big moves because they faced too many BOSS and caused too much damage to them, and they had to fight quickly and then to deal with Tokyo Mythology. Now I just met a BOSS and there is no enemy harassment, naturally I don't need to use big moves, just kill slowly.

Just one hour later, the fireworks were easy to get cold, they killed 5 or 6 holy-level BOSS, burst more than 10 pieces of holy-level equipment, and even relatively rare equipment, and these also greatly improved everyone's equipment level. , Especially those archers, their damage output is even higher after the equipment is updated.

Killing so many BOSS also broke down one or two scrolls, but they were [Group Guard Scroll] and [Group Teleportation Scroll], not [Group Blessing Scroll], which disappointed June Feixue a little bit, but There is also some hope-since these scrolls can burst, then naturally there is also a chance to burst [Group Blessing Scrolls].

As for Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Ye Luo, the colorful unicorns and the purple electric holy dragons that have been promoted to the holy level fly very fast. After 1 or 2 hours, they have also come to the hinterland of the Japanese server, although they still have not encountered a large number of players. However, they encountered more and more players, and they did not show mercy to his men. They easily killed them with their powerful attack power, so that their attack power would not disappear due to the time limit. So far they have maintained a state of full attack power, which is quite important for them.

Think about it, the damage output of Ye Luo and Breaking Waves and Riding Wind is extremely terrifying after the attack power is added, so whether it is to deal with a large number of Japanese players or against a stronger BOSS will make them easier.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others also encountered a few powerful BOSSs along the way, and they were not polite to them. They easily killed them with their powerful damage output ability. Although most of the equipment that fell was not what they needed, they were left to others. It can also increase the strength of their team. The least helpful experience in killing BOSS can also increase their level. The higher the level, the greater the level gap between them and Japanese players, and it will be easier to kill them. some.

"Ye Luo, you should have been very deep after so long." Although it was asking, the tone of the wave and the wind was quite determined, and then she issued the order: "Send Xiaoshu and other assassins over, and then Xiaoshu you Disperse and go deeper, either looking for a leveling location or looking for a boss."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "But it's better to let Sword Three and Sword Two stay on the periphery, because there is a greater chance of finding high-ranking bosses in the periphery."

Ye Luo is also a wise man, and soon understood the purpose of the arrangement of fireworks easy to cold, and he did not hesitate to implement it immediately.

Think about it, too, they did not have a flying mount in the middle of the night, far from Ye Luo deep. At this time, Ye Luo teleported them and undoubtedly saved their time. Then they continued to discover a large number of Japanese players in the hinterland of the Japanese service. The opportunity will undoubtedly be greater.

"Fireworks, do you want to send you here too?" Ye Luo asked.

Even if the fireworks are easy to be cold, there are more than 50 archers left. At this time, the entire elite team only has more than 80 people, and the [Space Portal] can directly transmit 100 people, which means that Ye Luo can easily cold fireworks and others Send them together, so they will be in the hinterland of the Japanese service.

"No, they found some BOSS before Xiaoshu. It takes some time for us to kill the BOSS. Moreover, we can also find some BOSS when we move forward in three ways. The BOSS level outside the server will be higher." Yi said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "However, if we encounter a large number of level-level players, it is okay to pass through us, so that we can kill more people."

Ye Luo didn't say anything, and then he continued to ride the colorful unicorn in depth. After flying for a period of time, he would abandon the mount and take the high-level stealth pill to change direction, so that he would not have to worry about being detected by his path. Targeted.

The fact is also true. Next, Ye Luo met more and more Japanese players, and even encountered some leveling teams with hundreds of people. He did not show mercy to them, but he did not send fireworks to Yi Leng and others. In the past, because he alone could solve these people, if it was not for the deliberate request of the wave and the wind, he would not send her over-the wave and the wind deliberately asked Ye Luo to meet a leveling team with more than 100 people Teleporting to the past, she tends to fight rather than rushing to find the BOSS.

However, at this time, they also discovered a phenomenon-Japanese players will immediately try to teleport away after seeing them take action, and it is precisely because of this that they can't kill them every time they sneak attack.

"Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, and they also know that they can't send over to drive us now, which means they can't come to support, so the leveling team they were discovered by us is naturally not our opponent, so they must escape as much as possible." Explained.

"Hey, they are smart." Po Lang Riding Wind Road, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, it seems necessary to send Xiao Fei and Feixue to him next. Xiao Fei can use various lightning skills. And ordinary energy arrows interrupt these people to escape, while Feixue and Wednesday have a high damage output. They are magicians. It is not a problem to kill all the people in the leveling team."

"Hee hee, it's good to dare to love." June Feixue said immediately. Compared to dealing with BOSS, she is more inclined to kill, and the same is true for Ye Yewu.

"Well, if necessary, I will send them over, but if it's just a leveling team with less than a hundred people." Ye Luo said lightly, and next he was going to "part ways" with Po Lang Chengfeng, and then continue to face the sun. Go into the hinterland.

"Yeah, good." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and was about to say something, but in the middle of the night Shu's voice sounded in the team.

"Sister, Brother Ye, I found an ancient sage-level BOSS underwater, it should be around 355!" Midnight Shu's voice was a little excited: "This is an ancient sacred-level BOSS, not a quasi-sage. The ancient saint-level double-winged lion king, I think the equipment and props that burst will be more powerful."

Following the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to be cold, Midnight Shu and others deliberately searched for a vast area of ​​water, because there are few players in this place, there will be relatively powerful BOSS, and the BOSS here is rarely killed by people, so Killing it will get the "first kill". Although the first kill has no system announcements and system rewards, the burst rate of the first kill of the monster will be more generous, and more rare equipment items will also be burst .

It is precisely because of this that the fireworks are easy to get cold, so they deliberately arranged the Midnight Book to find a place where few people set foot, undoubtedly one underwater, and the fact is that, Midnight Book found a powerful BOSS here.

Hearing this, the eyes of Polangchengfeng lightened, and her voice improved a bit: "Ye Luo, what are you waiting for, hurry up and teleport over, and then we will also be teleported over, hey, finally met the ancient holy BOSS, if I can explode the ancient saint-level equipment and I can use it, of course it is best to use a combination type magic weapon."

Although she killed Tokyo Mythology before, she did not explode the [Yaki Gouyu Plate], which disappointed the waves and the wind, and then she naturally became more interested in other combo items, and she also knew **** high-end items. The BOSS has a greater chance of breaking down the combination equipment, so he will urge Ye Luo.

"Don't worry, ask Xiaoshu about the specific situation of BOSS, so that we can make arrangements." Ye Luo said, and when he said this, he was in the team channel, and that meant nothing.

"The BOSS level is much higher than mine. I can only guess that it is level 355." The voice of the book in the middle of the night sounded in the team channel: "This is a Titan crocodile. The defense should be very high. The speed of action under water is very high. Fast, and I saw it prey, it has a large range of group attack skills, and also has a stun effect, and it is underwater, so it’s not as large as possible to deal with it, such as ordinary archers. Not suitable for showing up."

Think about it, although the archers have a long attack distance and fast attack speed, they have no choice but to encounter rough-skinned monsters. After all, their attacks are physical attacks, and they can play against the crocodile with strong physical defense. The role is very dangerous, and they will be more dangerous in the face of the powerful group attack and group control skills of the BOSS.

"Ye Luo, you go and have a look first, and tell me after you find out the situation." Firework Yi said coldly.

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