VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1995: : Keep moving

That’s right, even June Feixue knows that Tokyo Mythology will not sneak into Chinese servers without [Yaki Heaven] and big moves. Others naturally know that it also means that they have 24 hours to target Tokyo. Shinhwa and others, if they can kill Tokyo Shinhwa and others several times during this period and let them burst some equipment, then their strength will be further weakened, so they may not be able to break into China, and the weakest ones Under the circumstances, the threat to Chinese players will be much smaller.

"Well, although it is difficult for us to prevent the Tokyo Mythology from sneaking into our country, there is nothing wrong with weakening their strength, so that they will pose a smaller threat to us." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she Turning to look at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, give [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Damage Reduction Scroll] to Sister Shi, so that even if Tokyo Mythology breaks into our country, our people will have a better chance to stop them."

Ye Luo didn't have any opinion on this, and directly traded those scrolls to Samadhi.

"Sister Fireworks, I feel it is also very important that we have scrolls. This poses a greater threat to Japanese players, and even we have the opportunity to threaten their gangs." June Feixue said: "Without scrolls, we... "

"If the Tokyo Mythology wants to sneak into our country after 24 hours, we will kill some BOSS during the period, and maybe we will be able to burst some [Group Blessing Scrolls]." June Feixue explained: "In addition, 24 hours. In the inner Tokyo mythology, they do not pose any threat to us, we can attack them unscrupulously, and there is no need for [Group Blessing Scroll]."

Without waiting for June Feixue to speak, she continued: "If Tokyo Mythology forms an elite team to sneak into our country, then we don't need scrolls, because if they are not there then no Japanese players can threaten us."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and then Othello blurted out: "Then if Tokyo Mythology they continue to stay in our country? So we have no scrolls..."

The Othello was interrupted by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind before he finished speaking. She laughed: "Hey, it's better for them not to go to our country, so we don't have to worry about anything. Although we will have some scruples after we don't have the reels, However, we are very mobile, and we can run away as soon as we see the wrong opportunity. This is nothing, it is better than Tokyo Shinhwa to sneak into our country with an elite team."

"That's also true. It would be better to let Sister Shi bring the scrolls back." Othello, and then she looked at Ye Luo and others: "I believe we can definitely drop some more scrolls within 24 hours. Then there is no problem."

"Well, let Xiaoshu and the others focus on finding various high-ranking bosses. Ye Luo and Sister Feng mainly kill people. After they find the boss, they can teleport over." Firework Yi Leng arranged.

There was no objection to the arrangement of fireworks that are easy to be cold. Then everyone continued to chat while waiting for the barrier of [Heaven and Earth Cage] to disappear.

"Fireworks, we don’t need Sister Feng to **** us to leave after the enchantment disappears." Suddenly, she said with a smile, "There are several dual-professional masters in our team. The Green Summoner and the Mammoth Cavalry are also elite masters. The important thing is that Sister Feng can be sent over to support you at the first time, so even if Tokyo Mythology intercepts us along the way, there is no problem, it is better to let Sister Feng kill more people with this time."

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of the waves and the wind lit up, and she said: "Yes, Tokyo Mythology, they are afraid to take action against us and others, at least within 24 hours, I would rather they would take the initiative to take action on us. This way we can kill them again, and they wouldn't dare to shoot if I was there."

Naturally, I also know that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind would like to start hunting operations. Of course, the most important thing is to know that the samādhi poems are true, so the fireworks are easy to cold and nod their heads, and no longer entangled this problem.

It didn’t take long for the enchantment to disappear, and Samadhi and Yanyu led the Green Jiao Summoner and the Mammoth to the secret path, while Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the Wind directly summoned the flying mounts, and then at the fastest speed. Hurry to the hinterland of Rifu [biquge520www.biquge520.xyz].

As for the fireworks are easy to get cold, after she ordered Midnight Book to take the assassin out to investigate, she took other archers and June Feixue and others to go deep into the hinterland of the Japanese clothing. Although dozens of people in this team are not dual professional, such as those Archers, but they all have flying skills, and they have all learned [Split Arrow], their mobility and damage output are very high, but they will not affect their speed too much.

Time passed, and another 1, 20 minutes passed.

After such a long time, Tokyo Shinhwa and others did not take the elite masters to sneak attack on the samādhi poems returning home. This disappointed Po Lang Riding Feng a little bit, because in her perception this was a good opportunity to hit Tokyo Shinhwa and others again.

Even so, Po Lang Rong Feng also knew that Tokyo Mythology would not give them such an opportunity, so he did not get too entangled in this matter, but continued to penetrate into the hinterland of Japanese clothing.

"Oh, so long has passed, how come you only meet some assassins?" Po Lang Chengfeng said in an angry manner while attacking the assassins he encountered.

Po Lang Chengfeng and Ye Luo did not act together. They were divided into two groups. Because Ye Luo could sense the presence of an assassin, Fireworks Yi Cold proposed to give [True Vision Gem] to Po Lang Chengfeng so that she could monitor along the way. All of the assassins were killed, which would be a lot more convenient, but she only met some assassins and ninjas in the past so long, and did not find a large number of players' leveling locations, which made her depressed.

"Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, and they naturally know that they are now powerless to stop us from killing, so naturally they will not expose a large number of players to our vision, at least within 24 hours." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Doesn't that mean that there will be no gains in the next 24 hours?!" June Feixue's voice increased a little.

"Can't Sister Feng still kill some assassins? That's a gain." Black and white, but her tone was disappointed when she said this.

“It’s a great gain to prevent players in the entire Japanese server from daring to go out for leveling. It’s a great loss for the entire Japanese server to not be able to fight monsters and do tasks for 24 hours.” Sitting on Qin Xin said, There was a smile at the corners of her mouth: "We only have dozens of people who can hold the entire Japanese suit. This is very rare."

"That's true," said June Feixue, and then she couldn't help muttering: "But what are we going to do if we can't kill people on a large scale, do we try our best to find high-ranking BOSS?"

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "No wonder Fireworks let those of us who have flying mounts divide into three teams to move forward in a triangular formation. It turned out to be looking for the BOSS. I thought it would be possible to find the leveling location of Japanese players as much as possible. It."

"It's not that we haven't had the opportunity to find a large number of players' leveling locations." Suddenly Ye Luo said, as if seeing the puzzled and expectant look of June Feixue and others, he continued: "A place very close to the ancient battlefield. Naturally, there will not be a large number of players leveling, because they know that we are nearby, but other places are different. In those people’s minds, it’s difficult for us to get to where they are in a short time, such as the hinterland of the day. People can naturally level up unscrupulously."

"Uh, so too." June Feixue said, and then she shook her head: "But we can't reach the hinterland of Japanese clothing in a short time, so we still can't threaten them."

"Not at all." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she didn't sell it, and continued: "Ye Luo has already rushed to the hinterland of the Japanese service, and has left a teleportation point there, but now he has no more teleports. When he can teleport, he will naturally be able to easily reach the hinterland of the Japanese server. Then we can teleport us directly, and then we will continue to deepen, so there is still a great chance of encountering Japanese players."

Hearing this, June Feixue’s beautiful eyes lit up, and she nodded repeatedly: “Yes, that’s right, it’s almost early in the morning at this time, and soon Uncle Ye Luo will be able to send it over. By the way, there is also Sister Feng. In this way, it is very simple for us to get to a place that Tokyo Mythos did not expect, and then we can kill the enemy unscrupulously."

"No wonder the fireworks made Feng Jie and Ye Luobing split into two directions, and went in different directions. It turned out to be as far as possible to reach every place in the Japanese service, so that we can reach more places, which makes Japanese players hard to defend." Othello speaks to himself naturally.

"Yes." Fireworks Yi responded indifferently, and then changed his tone: "Of course, killing Japanese players is very important, but killing BOSS is also very important. We must kill all the BOSS we encounter along the way. Gaining experience and equipment can also reduce Tokyo Myth’s BOSS resources, which makes them even more losses.”

As soon as the voice fell, the slender hand found a holy boss, which excited everyone, but this holy boss was not too strong, and they were not too far away from the fireworks, so there was no labor Yeluo, breaking waves Chengfeng, after all, at this time their task is to continue to go deep, as far as possible, to find more powerful BOSS, such as the BOSS of the ancient sage.

It’s only a Saint-level BOSS, and only more than 320 levels. It can be easily killed by fireworks and others. The explosion rate of this BOSS is good, but the Saint-level equipment bursts out 3 pieces. What everyone was slightly disappointed was that this BOSS did not burst into the [Group Blessing Scroll].

"The explosion rate of [Group Blessing Scroll] was originally not high. What's more, this is just a 325-level holy boss. It doesn't matter if it can't burst." Sitting on Qin Xin comforted, then she changed her conversation: "Another little book They have also discovered some BOSS one after another, the number is very good, and the rank is also good, kill them we should have a good harvest, maybe there will be [Group Blessing Scroll]."

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