VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1997: : Kill BOSS

Midnight Book can’t see the level and specific skills of the Titan Giant Crocodile, but Ye Luo can, because after [Samsara's Eye] reaches level 7, he can see monster attributes no higher than Ye Luo’s level 80. Now he has Near level 290, he can see the BOSS attributes below level 370, as long as the giant titan crocodile does not exceed level 370, he can see it.

Although it is important for Ye Luo and others to kill Japanese players, it is also very important to kill powerful BOSS to obtain equipment and props, especially to kill an ancient holy boss, killing them will not only obtain ancient holy equipment , And the chances of breaking down scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] are higher, and these can greatly enhance their strength, and then their actions on the Japanese server will be easier.

However, Titan giant crocodiles over level 355 must be very powerful, and underwater will have a great impact on the player's strength, such as not being able to ride, such as not being able to use some skills, so it is necessary for Ye Luo to investigate clearly. .

Ye Luo only sent the Assassins of Midnight Book and so on before, so he is not far from the waters where Midnight Book is located. Although he can lock the midnight book teleportation, this skill can be used to rescue the waves and the wind and others, especially in [ [Transport Pearl] After having used it 3 times, he directly rode a colorful unicorn and flew over it. It didn't take long for him to do so, and the waves and wind on the side were not idle and followed.

I have to say that [Pupil of Reincarnation] is very powerful, and Ye Luo can easily see through the BOSS's level and skills.

"Fireworks, Ruxiaoshu said that this Titan giant crocodile has a very high physical defense power, much higher than ordinary monsters, and it also has a passive skill called [Giant Crocodile Iron Armor], which can greatly reduce the damage of physical attacks. According to my estimate Ordinary archers can hardly cause any damage to it.” Ye Luo said while sending the Titan Crocodile’s monster book to the firework and easy to cold: “Moreover, it also has several powerful group attack skills, plus its water. Under the overlord, it is not realistic to use numbers to deal with it."

"Oh my God, even if this giant crocodile’s defense power is high, its attack power is so high, especially the skills such as [Sweeping a Thousand Army], [Crazy Bite], [Rising Wind and Waves], and [Churning the Wind and Clouds] are very harmful. It’s even possible to kill dual professions that didn’t use their big moves in a flash.” June Feixue exclaimed, and then changed his tone: “Fortunately, Sister Feng and Uncle Ye Luo are now killing people with full attack power, even though the BOSS’s physical defense is very high. Only ordinary attacks can cause high damage to it, so there is no problem in keeping the blood full."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "But this BOSS has a lot of control skills, and its level and rank are high. We are unlikely to interrupt its skills. If Sister Feng or Uncle Ye Luo has been controlled , Then they may still be killed, if they are killed..."

If Ye Luo and Po Lang were killed by the wind, then the crazy BOSS could easily kill the surrounding players. In the best case, it would kill everyone in pieces, which is very dangerous for everyone.

"Fireworks, what to do now, we can't abandon this powerful BOSS." Black and white chess said: "Even if it is not for various scrolls, we must kill it, because the ancient sage-level BOSS can definitely burst the ancient sage-level equipment. , This can greatly enhance our strength."

Fireworks Yi Cold did not answer the call, but directly issued an order: "Ye Luo, send all of us dual-professional masters over, Ye Luo and Feng sister, you can directly use your big moves, if necessary, Moon, Thursday, also use big moves. , Other people assist in the attack and control, and strive to kill it in the shortest time."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Others continue to act according to the previous route, and notify us as soon as they encounter danger."

The damage output of Titan Crocodile is very high, especially with a lot of control skills. If you control Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, you have the opportunity to kill them, but the two of them use their big moves. , When the defense is doubled, it is not a problem to hold the BOSS for a period of time, but after using the big move, their damage output will be more terrifying, and the BOSS will be more sure to kill, even to say that it is not a good deal. Not too much.

That's right, it will be easy for Ye Luo to kill the BOSS after they perform their big moves, so the fireworks are easy to be cold.

"Let Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng perform big moves?!" June Feixue was slightly surprised: "Should we keep the big moves just in case? Now we don't have the [Group Blessing Scroll]. If we encounter danger, we will be in trouble. ."

"Ye Luo and Feng sister have already filled up their attack power. Even if they don’t use their big moves, their damage output is very strong. They can easily deal with the Tokyo Mythology. After all, the double-professional masters of the Japanese server have no big moves. "Sit on Qin Xin to explain on behalf of him: "In addition, it will be early in the morning very soon, when Ye Luo and Feng are threatened, they can use skills such as [Cooling Reset] or [Thunder God Purification], so there is no problem. Up."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she added: "What's more, we people don't use big tricks, so there is no problem."

Sitting on Qin Xin's words are true. At this time, it is 11 o'clock in the night, and it will be early in the morning. When that time, Ye Luo and other people who can perform 2 ults can perform another ult, so deal with the trouble. There is still no problem.

The most important thing is that Tokyo Shinhwa and other dual-professional masters' ults are in the CD. They will not pose too much threat to Ye Luo and others, so there is no problem with using ults to deal with Titan Crocodiles, not to mention fireworks are easy to get cold. People don't perform big moves, and nearly 20 people keep big moves enough to deal with a lot of trouble.

While sitting on Qinxin and talking about this, Ye Luo had already used [Space Portal] to send dual-professional masters such as fireworks and easy cold. Then they didn’t say much. Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng directly after performing their big moves. We met the BOSS, and the others attacked after they steadily grasped the hatred, or dealt damage, or controlled. Everyone is very experienced and methodical.

The damage output of Yeluo and Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind is terrifying after their attack power is added. What's more, they have used ults, and they have added many attribute attacks to their attacks, so even if the BOSS has [Giant Crocodile Iron Armor] Inflicting high damage to it, coupled with the crowd's fire attack and control, it is enough to kill it within 5 minutes depending on the situation.

The fact is also true. Under the attack of everyone, the vitality of the BOSS is steadily decreasing, and everyone is not in danger because the waves and the wind and Ye Luo have steadily held the hatred of the BOSS, not to mention sitting on the heart of the piano, Saturday Waiting for people to be able to add blood and [spell immunity] status for everyone, so there is no problem.

"Hee hee, this is an ancient saint-level boss, and it should be the first kill. Killing it will definitely destroy the ancient saint-level equipment." June Feixue said with anticipation: "and this is our current attack. The most powerful BOSS killed, this level of BOSS has the greatest chance of bursting into the [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"I think it's better to burst the components of [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] or [Five Elements Ring]." Zhiyue said, her tone was full of expectation: "So that Brother Ye and Sister Fireworks can combine them. Once all the magic weapons are gathered together, we can trigger powerful skills like [Holy Beasts Coming] and [Eight Qi Heaven], so that our next actions will be easier and safer."

I have also seen how powerful [Holy Beast Coming] and [Baqi Heavenly Fall] are, and everyone is beginning to look forward to it. Breaking the waves and riding the wind hopes to burst a combination magic weapon, no, other combination equipment, so that you can Used together with [Murderish Orb], and her strength will be even more terrifying.

Before the effects of Ye Luo's ultimate move ended, everyone finally killed the BOSS. Everyone ignored the increased level. They were excited looking at the equipment and props in a place, especially when they saw 3 or 4 scrolls on the ground. after that.

"Wow, there are 3 or 4 scrolls. There must be a [Group Blessing Scroll]. Maybe there will be other scrolls." Othello said with expectation: "In addition, 3 or 4 pieces of equipment are needed. Most of these equipment should be It’s an ancient saint, right? We can make a lot of money this time."

While Othello was talking about this, Firework Yi was cold and gave a wink on August. The latter happily went to pick up the blast, and she followed June Feixue’s advice to pick up those scrolls first, after all, for them now [ Group Blessing Scroll] is the most important.

However, the first scroll picked up on August was not [Group Blessing Scroll], but [Copy Scroll], which can copy the skills attached to the equipment to form a skill book. This is something that hasn’t appeared for a long time, and as time goes by The role of this kind of scroll is getting bigger and bigger. After all, the skills attached to the current equipment are very powerful, but this kind of scroll is very rare and has even been'extinct' in the market.

It is precisely because of this that, after hearing that they had obtained a copy of the scroll on Monday, the waves and the wind and others were very excited. After all, they have a lot of skills that need to be copied, such as [Xuan Lei Zhi Shang] and [Mad Lion] Roar], [Bright Clothes] and so on, these skills can play a very good role in the game or in the fight against monsters.

"This scroll is not the same as the previous [Copy Scroll], only passive skills can be copied." Seeing that the waves and the wind and others are so happy, he hurriedly said on August.

"What, can only copy passive skills?!" After hearing these, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little: "This way, the value of this scroll will be greatly reduced, and it is almost useless?!"

"This type of scroll is very rare at this stage, and some restrictions are normal." Fireworks said indifferently, and then the tone changed: "But even if there are restrictions, it is also very important to us, because many of us need it. , Such as Sister Feng, your [Xuanlei Clothing], such as Ye Luo’s [Bright Clothing], equipment with these skills may be updated at any time..."

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