VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1994: : Guess the plan

Even if there is no [Group Blessing Scroll] Othello, they don’t worry about anything, because they can leave after facing the Tokyo myth of [Yaki Heaven] in their hearts-Ye Luo left a lot of teleportation points in the Japanese server hinterland. , In case of danger, everyone can be teleported away, and the fireworks are easy to cold. After more than 50 archers are left, their team will be less than a hundred people. A [Space Portal] can easily teleport everyone away.

After pondering a little, Samadhi poem said: "Well, this is also true. It is still possible to escape if you can't beat. Ye Luo's mobility is very strong, and this also means that our elite team is very mobile. There are equipment items like [Heaven and Earth Cage], but this item is extremely rare. It is luck to have one, and it is unlikely that they will have two."

"Hey, what if there are two, what if they still have the opportunity to block us in a void, don't forget that we still have 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], this scroll can kill them all." Qi took the conversation again, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "Next, Ye Luo and we will try our best to find high-level BOSS, maybe we can also burst [Group Blessing Scroll], and even at the worst, we can burst some equipment and Let us raise the level so that we can deal with Tokyo Mythology more easily."

Hearing that, everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

"So it seems that Tokyo Mythology is very difficult for them to do with you." Samadhi said, but when she said these, she was more like talking to herself: "Because they have almost no way to get you out of Japanese clothes, unless ..."

Speaking of this, the samādhi paused, and after thinking of something, her expression became a little serious.

"Unless what?" Po Lang Riding the Wind was quite curious and authentic, but the samādhi said, she gave a weird laugh: "I don't believe in the Tokyo Mythology they can have any way to kill or drive us all away, hey, unless we want to leave. ."

Not only did they think so, but other people also thought so. They thought that they could continue to "do whatever they want" in the Japanese service. But Tokyo Shinhwa and others were helpless. They couldn't help but laugh, and they were quite happy.

"Unless they come to a tactic to encircle Wei and save Zhao." Ye Luo, who has not spoken, suddenly took the stubbornness. Seeing June Feixue and the others were puzzled, he explained: "Yes, Tokyo Mythology, they can form an elite team to sneak into our country. Server, if they make too much trouble in our server, then we can only return to deal with them, because we continue to stay here, the domestic loss will be great, especially in the situation where elites from multiple countries sneak into our country under."

Hearing that, people sitting on the piano, Misty Rain, and others' expressions became serious, but the people like Polangchengfeng and June Feixue disagreed. Black and white said: "We have not analyzed fireworks before, saying that Tokyo mythology will not sneak into us. The country, why has it suddenly changed now?"

"One time and another time." Fireworks Yi said indifferently: "Before the Tokyo Mythology did not collect the [Yaki Gou Jade Plate] and then trigger [8 Qi Heavenly Fall], and with this assassin, they have the ability to sneak into our country. The most important thing is that they already know that it is difficult to drive us out of their servers. In this case, it is better to attack actively than passive defense. The two sides hurt each other..."

"Our threat to the power of the Japanese server game is much greater than the Tokyo Mythology and their threat to us, so it is not good for them." June Feixue said: "After all, there are people in our country who can stop them. For example, Long Tengtianxia, ​​for example, invite the moon to raise a glass, and Shi Jie with the Green Dragon Summoner Legion and the Mammoth Cavalry will definitely be able to stop them, even if we are not there."

Not only did June Feixue think so, but also the people like Po Lang Chengfeng, so they didn't worry about this problem.

"But what if elite masters from other countries also sneak into our country, such as the dark night, such as perfume beauty, etc.?" Samadhi asked rhetorically, seeing June Feixue silently, she continued: "The person under Mount Fuji is quite international. Fame, well-versed in the way of vertical and horizontal, using'*****' he can persuade many countries to do it, not to mention that there are already many masters in many countries, if too many masters sneak into our country, then our country The pressure on the players will be great, and even our losses will be great, and we can only go back if we don’t go back.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "If the fireworks analysis of the [Group Blessing Scroll] is correct, then players such as Tokyo Mythology who break into our country will have a greater chance of bursting [Group Blessing Scroll] when killing the BOSS. Waiting for the scroll, then they will be even more threatening to us, and we may not be able to go back if we don’t go back."

Everyone agrees with the analysis of samādhi poems, and after thinking of the serious consequences of this kind of thing, their expressions also become dignified. June Feixue asked: "Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, if the Tokyo Mythology they really want to sneak into us What about the country?"

"There is no good way. After all, the ancient battlefield is so big that they can rush over from some secret places, not to mention that we can't mobilize the army here." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she looked at the Samadhi poem: "Now we can do it. The thing is to let Sister Shi strengthen the interception after returning to our country, and also to contact people from the Eastern family, so that they can also strengthen the interception."

Samadhi did not hesitate, she reached her head and lightly said: "Well, I will arrange it after I go back, and I will try to discuss this matter with the Eastern star. She must also know how to deploy the defense, but I am afraid that the effect will not be very good. , Because if the Tokyo Mythology really displays [Yaki Tianxiang], it would be difficult to stop them without masters like Ye Luo and Feng sister."

"Then what if we go back?" Zhiyue asked, "If we stop, then it will not be a big problem to stop Tokyo Shinhwa and others. Anyway, we have caused them a lot of trouble, and now we can go back. For the purpose, since we have already left, then Tokyo Mythology and the others naturally have no need to break into our country.

"That's not necessarily true. Japanese players have been watching us all the time. Now that other countries have invaded, and we have caused them so much damage, even if we leave them now, they will not give up the plan to infiltrate our country, and they will even be more unscrupulous. To break into our country." Ye Luo shook his head.

"But Brother Ye, you can stop the Tokyo Mythology. As long as you can stop them, you can cause greater casualties. In this case, they will pose no threat to us." Zhiyue continued.

"I'm afraid that things are not as simple as you think." Ye Luo said solemnly. Seeing Zhiyue and the others were puzzled, he explained: "You also know how long the ancient battlefield lasts. Sister Feng and I can only Defensive part of it, but Tokyo Mythology, they can break through from any place. When we find out that they will send it to the past, I am afraid that they have already rushed through the obstacles and sneaked into the hinterland of our country, and then they used their mobility to get rid of us, so even we It’s useless to go back. It’s better to stay here. This will contain some of them and continue to cause losses to them."

"Uh, it seems to be the case." June Feixue took the stubbornly. "So we want to stay here? But what if Tokyo Mythology breaks into our country?"

"It depends on the situation at that time. If Sister Shi and the people from the Eastern family can't stop them, then we will go back." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then changed his tone: "Of course, we must do our best to cause damage here before we leave. , Especially after we learn of Tokyo Mythology and their departure, we can even try to attack their gang camp if necessary."

Hearing that, the eyes of June Feixue and others lit up, and the black and white chess said: "Yes, we can try to attack their gang station. If we break the station and be occupied by us, then we can lead the army commander to drive straight in. , It’s not impossible to destroy their main city. This is a catastrophe for Japanese players. I don’t believe that Tokyo Mythology will not come back."

"Of course, if we can get some more [Group Blessing Scrolls] within 24 hours, it will be another matter." The firework is easy to cold, she looks in the direction of the depths of the Japanese clothes: "Then we can send a large army in. After that, millions of troops and carrying mobile magic crystal cannons and all kinds of siege equipment are not without the opportunity to take down the gangs of the Japanese server. By then, the entire Japanese server will be in dire straits. Tokyo Mythology and their Must return."

Everyone agrees with this, and then they look forward to more bursts of [Group Blessing Scroll].

Think about it, if Ye Luo and the others can burst several [Group Blessing Scrolls], then there will be hundreds of dual-professional masters in the team that can perform big moves. This is a very powerful force, [Group Blessing Scroll] Within 10 minutes of blessing, they would forcibly attack the city and then break through a Level 3 gang station and then occupy it. There is still no problem, and if this is true, then all problems will be no problem.

"Okay, then we will kill some more bosses next." June Feixue was expecting to be authentic, and then she laughed: "Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people, and naturally they know that there is no [8 Qi Tian Jiang] and big moves. Sometimes they won’t break into our country, which means that they won’t break into our country within 24 hours. If we can cause more casualties to them during this period, especially if Tokyo Shinhwa and others drop by 1 or even explode If they lose their equipment, their strength will be further weakened, and it will be even more impossible to break into our country."

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