VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1977: : Brilliant Wind and Fire

Although Ye Luo and the others used the [Group Blessing Scroll], Tokyo Shinhwa and others did not think that their side would be defeated, especially after the Frost Dragonhawk Summoner and other units consumed it, so they did not immediately rush to support , And even stepped back for a certain distance, with a sense of letting the hundreds of thousands of players behind also participate in the consumption-in their hearts it was easier and sure to catch Ye Luo and the others.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with Tokyo Mythology that they feel this way, because Ye Luo and the others only used 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], and under the deliberate action of the samādhi, only Ye Luo and others and those archers and other professions are covered by skill effects. , So this is not enough to defeat them in Tokyo Mythology, and it is precisely because of this that they are not too worried.

Not to mention the Tokyo Mythology, they retreated temporarily, and Ye Luo and the others continued to carry out the killing and steadily advance.

"Hey, Sister Fireworks, Tokyo Mythology, instead of supporting them, they retreated a bit, especially the priests and magicians in the team. They all retreated to the end. The cherry blossoms are like snow and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. We are not far away." The voice of the book in the middle of the night sounded in the team channel, and he was excited: "Because your actions have attracted their attention. Of course, the place where we hide is relatively secret. Even the group attack skills cannot cover it, so They did not find our location, and then we can attack the cherry blossoms like snow."

"Not only that, Sakura Ruxue is not in the state of [Resurrection Prophecy], which means it only needs to be killed once." Jiansan added.

Think about it, the Tokyo Mythology, they didn’t even think of them assassins lurking behind them in the middle of the night, after all, soon their large forces will rush up, the assassins will undoubtedly be surrounded by groups, especially they have magicians taking turns to perform group attack skills. Covering the attack, so they did not realize that Midnight Shu and others would attack them.

Of course, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng’s powerful offensive attracted most of their attention. In their hearts, Ye Luo and others could only be killed directly from the front. After all, they have been entangled by tens of thousands of players and cannot be teleported away at all. Prevent Ye Luo and the others from killing directly, so their magicians and priests are mostly behind the team.

Not only that, in the minds of Tokyo Mythology, these melee occupations are responsible for the charge and battle, and they need [Resurrection Prophecy]. Therefore, the priests such as Sakura Bloom are applying this skill for Tokyo Mythology. The magicians and priests behind No turn, including cherry blossoms like snow.

Of course, this is good news for Ye Luo and the others, and they will save a lot of trouble in a sneak attack to kill Sakura Ruxue.

"Hey, that's just right. We will teleport over when you launch a sneak attack." The Wave Riding the Wind was quite exhilarating, and then she urged: "Fireworks, we have advanced a long distance, and the purpose of attracting attention has been achieved. , Should we send them to Tokyo Mythology next?!"

It’s not challenging to kill those Frost Dragonhawk Summoners in the heart of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. She is more looking forward to fighting with dual-professional masters such as Tokyo Mythology. Of course, the most important thing is to kill Tokyo Mythology and then kill him. A combination of magic weapons burst out.

"Wait, let Ye Luo display all the skills he learned, including all the invincible skills. After all, once the [Cooling Reset] these skills are used, they will be wasted." The firework is easy to cold, her tone is the same as before. Di indifferently: "In addition, you and Ye Luo should rush to the Tokyo Mythology as much as possible during these hours, and kill the surrounding players as much as possible along the way. At the worst, they must be forced out by their invincible methods."

Ye Luo has a lot of invincibility methods, including [Reincarnation*Six Shields] there are as many as 5, but [Cooling Reset] cannot reset the additional skills of the equipment, so he wants to use all the invincibility methods he has learned. In this way, it will not be wasted, and while all these invincible skills are displayed, it can also force many enemies to use invincible methods and kill many enemies. In the entire catastrophe game, not many people have invincible methods that can compare to Ye Luo Many, not to mention just ordinary players.

It is also by using his own invincible means, and in addition to sitting on the piano and waiting for the priest to add a [Spell Immunity] to himself from time to time, Ye Luo can do it unscrupulously, with full attack power and the effect of [Group Blessing Scroll] His damage output is terrifying, especially after he cast [Reincarnation Clone].

Of course, the priests such as sitting on the heart of the piano and Monday will focus on applying the effect of [Spell Immunity] to Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind, or to dispel negative states for her. After all, her invincibility is not Yeluoduo, the most important thing is her [Thunder God] Purification] can only make a skill end the CD, at this point, it is far inferior to Ye Luo's [Cooling Reset].

As for the priests such as Sitting on Qin Xin and Saturday, they hide behind Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and archers such as Fireworks Easy to Cold will kill all the players close to them. The most important thing is in [Magic Guardian Shield] Their life-saving ability is terrifying under the effect of, especially under the blessing of [Group Blessing Scroll].

Think about it, too, [Group Blessing Scroll] can double the player's overall attributes, and the recovery speed of magic and blood is 5 times the original. In this case, sitting on the piano heart and other priests can be called invincible-see the mana consumption They will turn off the [Magic Guardian Shield] to restore magic, and turn on the magic shield when the magic is restored to health, and it will not take long to fully restore the magic with their current magic recovery speed.

It is also the presence of these priests sitting on the piano heart that Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng can charge unscrupulously.

After receiving the order from the fireworks to be easy to cold, Ye Luo began to speed up the skill deployment speed, [Human Dao* Sword God’s Fury], [Reincarnation Break], [Sword Qi Aspect] and other group attack skills were all displayed, and his reincarnation The clone also displayed all the skills that could be used under his control. For a time, a vacuum zone was formed within 2, 30 meters centered on him, and the surrounding corpses were everywhere.

Seeing that Ye Luo's skills have been displayed, the most important thing is that they are ready to take action at any time at Midnight Book. The fireworks are easy to cold and give Ye Luo an order.

After waiting for the order, Ye Luo decisively cast [Flying Sand and Walking Stone], and an invisible assassin under Midnight Shu also cast [Mist], so that his trace disappeared, and he would not be noticed for at least 30 seconds. After all, Tokyo Mythology Their people do not have props or skills similar to [True Sight Gem].

After seeing the surrounding mist, Ye Luo immediately used [Cooling Reset], and then began to lock the midnight book teleportation, because his reincarnation clone was still attacking, and the waves and the wind and others also increased their attacks, and added The battlefield was chaotic, so no one noticed that Ye Luo's body did not attack at this time.

I have to say that Ye Luo is quite clever, and he will not be noticed when he performs [Transport] in the occult technique and flying sand in the sky. As long as he can hide the Tokyo myth from them for a period of time, he can complete the teleport. The others launched a sneak attack.

The fact is also true. When the Assassins such as Midnight Shu and Jiansan attacked cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms such as snow, etc. respectively, Ye Luo locked them, because at this time Tokyo Mythology their attention was in the battle ahead, so they No abnormality was found, and it was too late when Sakura Ruxue and others noticed the anomaly-Ye Luo started to teleport at midnight when the book was more than 10 meters away from Sakura Ruxue. Although there were some spatial fluctuations, it was The various fighting sounds in the front were covered up, and he also teleported over when Shu launched a sneak attack on Sakura Ruxue in the middle of the night.

In the middle of the night, Shu directly used [Backstab] to control the cherry blossoms like snow, while Jiansan controlled the blooming of cherry blossoms, and then Jiansan also used [Mist]. A large area of ​​the surrounding space was shrouded in fog, which made people I can't see what's going on here-Jiansan is a bloodthirsty hidden thorn, and it is also a kind of invisible assassin. It will naturally be [Mist].

At the moment when they controlled the target in the middle of the night, Ye Luo Zhongyu teleported over, and then did not say much, a [Sword Qi] and [Sweeping Reincarnation] were displayed, and then the cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms like snow and other priests and magicians head There is a number of millions of damages, and this is enough to kill them in seconds.

Think about it, even if it is a double professional master, there are only a million qi and blood. Sakura Ruxue is just an ordinary job. Her qi and blood is not much. When Ye Luo and the sword three are attacked, she naturally can't hold it and was immediately Spike killed, and some magicians and priests around were also killed.

Seeing that the cherry blossoms were like snow and the cherry blossoms were all killed, Ye Luo breathed a sigh of relief, but the movements in his hand did not stop. While charging forward, he used his strength to display [Wind and Fire], and then prepared to use other skills—— At the moment Ye Luo was about to transmit, sitting on Qin Xin gave him a [Spell Immunity], so that he could use his skills unscrupulously in the next 5 seconds.

The reason why I chose to cast [Storm and Fire] is because this skill can cover a 50-meter radius with Ye Luo as the center, and then ignite a raging fire, which can cause the players caught in it to lose 50,000 points of vitality per second for 10 seconds. In other words, this skill can cause 500,000 points of damage to the player. Of course, if the player's spell resistance or attribute resistance is high, the damage will be less.

A radius of 50 meters can almost envelop all dual-professional masters such as Tokyo Mythology, and the damage to them is also high.

Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo will also have a wind and fire energy shield after casting [Wind and Fire]. This energy shield can resist 500,000 points of damage for him. It can not only cause higher damage to the target, but also He resisted 500,000 points of damage, and it was undoubtedly better to use this approach at this time.

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