VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1978: : Consumed by one person

Ye Luo had a wind and fire energy shield after casting [Wind and Fire]. This energy shield could resist 50 points of damage for him, and he would not suffer any damage at all before the energy shield disappeared, plus [Light of Light] The existence of Shang] can resist the negative state for him, so even if the effect of [Spell Immunity] disappears, he doesn't have to worry about anything for a while, and can attack unscrupulously.

Seeing the assassins such as Midnight Book and Jiansan suddenly appeared, and the cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms such as snow and others were killed in seconds, Tokyo Mythology and others were shocked, especially when they saw Ye Luo transmitted over, an ominous premonition rose in their hearts .

But soon the Tokyo Mythology didn’t have the heart to think about these things, because under the action of "Storm and Fire", their vitality was rapidly decreasing. Even if they had good spell resistance and attribute resistance, they would lose 3, For 40,000 points of damage, after 10 seconds, I am afraid that they will lose half of their vitality, and those single-professional players will lose most of their vitality, not to mention that Ye Luo did not idle after casting [Wind and Fire]. He is still preparing to use other skills, and this time the skills are more powerful.

That’s right, Ye Luo is ready to use [Wan Swords Return] after casting [Wind and Fire]. The damage of this skill is even more terrifying, especially after Ye Luo’s attack power is full, he even has a chance to use it in a spike. Double careers recruited.

The reason why Ye Luo didn’t use this skill after teleporting over is because this skill requires a charge of 1 second, and it also counts the time when the cherry blossoms bloom and the cherry blossoms are like snow when he teleports over, so it’s obviously not suitable for actual combat. Skills, so you can only use instant skills such as [Sword Qi Aspect] and [Sweeping Reincarnation].

In Tokyo Mythology for such a long time, they have all reacted and then cast invincible skills or take [Invincible Pill], so that the ability to cast continuous damage to them is better, so Ye Luo will give priority to [Wind and Fire] and then Then use [Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong].

Of course, the reason for using [Ten Thousand Swords Returning to the Sect] is because the damage output of [Storm and Fire] is not enough to force Tokyo Mythology and others to use invincible means. After all, this skill takes 10 seconds to show its power, and they can use it during the period. Various medicinal pills supplement, reduce damage, and even allow surrounding priests to increase their blood, add [spell immunity] and other immunity skills.

The fact is also true. After seeing that the damage of "Wind and Fire" is not too high, many people did not use invincible means. Instead, they took "Jianshang San" to reduce their injuries, take pills to replenish qi and blood, and add the priest to Pouring blood can also maintain Qi and blood in a healthy state.

It is precisely because of this that Ye Luo was preparing to use [Wan Jianguizong]. After all, the scope of this skill is large enough, and the damage is high. The most important thing is that there is a chance to kill the target in a flash, so facing this skill Tokyo Myth Waiting for people to use their invincible means, otherwise they may be killed in seconds.

[Ten Thousand Swords Return to Zong] After being put on display, thousands of energy swords whizzed down, and then high damage figures floated up-not the damage floating above their heads from the Tokyo Mythology, but the ice dragon eagles and flying around them The mount, under Ye Luo’s attack, the toughness of no mount will not be cleared, and this is the reason why Ye Luo used this skill. After all, in Tokyo Mythology, their strength will be discounted if they don’t have a flying mount, the most important maneuver. Sex will be much worse.

In Tokyo Mythology, they not only used invincible means, but then many dual-professional masters unconsciously used their big moves, and then rushed towards Ye Luo, without following the orders of the people under Mount Fuji.

Seeing Tokyo Shinhwa and others used all the invincible methods and many people rushed towards him after performing their big moves, Ye Luo's mouth evoked a smile, because he was eager to do so, because he had a lot of methods to force it. These people had to use all the means of life-saving, so it would be easier for the people like Breaking Waves and Riding the Wind to send them to deal with them.

In fact, even if these dual-professional masters do not rush over, Ye Luo will rush towards them, and then use his own life-saving means and damage output to have the opportunity to kill the target. The invincible means of Tokyo Mythology and other life-saving means are forced out. , And this is also the tactic of fireworks easy to cold-use Ye Luo to consume all of them in Tokyo Mythology.

Yes, Tokyo Mythology plans to use tens of thousands of people to consume Ye Luo and others, and the fireworks are easy to cool so that Ye Luo alone consumes Tokyo Mythology and others, and he has the ability to do this, especially the priests around him And after Midnight Shu and others are killed-Ye Luo doesn't have to worry that the priest will use [Disperse] to disperse the increased attack power of his killing, and he can attack unscrupulously.

As for the assassins such as Midnight Book and Jiansan, they retreated after finishing the assassination of the cherry blossoms and the cherry blossoms like snow. After all, it is very unrealistic for them to fight with so many dual professions. They are hidden in the dark relay and for some important things. The assassination of people is king.

Seeing a lot of dual professions rushing up to him, Ye Luo didn’t mean to retreat. He rushed up to meet them, but at this time, most of the people around were already invincible, so he didn’t waste his skills, just relying on The speed of flight and the block with daggers and long swords, while blocking, rush toward the Tokyo Mythology, or toward the center of the Tokyo Mythology.

Although he did not use his ultimate move, Ye Luo's movement speed at this time is still terrifying, faster than most people present, and his reaction is fast, so those dual classes can't touch him at all, and he Also keep a distance with these people as much as possible-keeping a distance will be easier to use skills in the next, after all, many skills need to be charged, and the process of charging will be interrupted by others.

If someone can look down from above, then you will find that Ye Luo is walking through the crowd like a flying fish, winding like a dragon. There are few players who can stop him, and he is getting closer and closer to Tokyo. Mythology is in the middle of those people-rushing to the center of Tokyo Mythology to perform group attack skills will undoubtedly cover more players, and cause more trouble and casualties to Tokyo Mythology.

Seeing Ye Luo brazenly rushing towards the center of their formation, and he did not intend to send the waves and ride the wind and others over, as smart as Mount Fuji, he instantly understood that Ye Luo wanted to consume all of them by himself, and he He also knew what the consequences would be, so he was ready to issue orders to spread their people as far as possible, only in this way can these people keep their people as strong as possible without consuming too many invincible skills.

Only soon his face became difficult to look, because the dual professions of the Black Hawk Gang, the House of Ninjas and other gangs did not hesitate to perform their big moves and blatantly rushed to Ye Luo, killing first and then killing. Fast posture.

"A group of idiots, can't you see that Ye Luo Zhiqiu is only one person, he is here to consume our skills!" Mount Fuji angrily said in his heart, but there is no alternative, because at this time there are already many people to Ye Luo Rushing over, the most important thing is that these people have already used their big moves.

It would undoubtedly be a waste of time to evacuate after performing a big move. After all, they are still 1,200 meters away from the people like Breaking Wave and Riding Wind. Even if they fly over, it will take 1 minute. This is a big move 20%. Time is up.

That's right, the previous idea under Mount Fuji was to ignore Ye Luo, and then rushed to the people like Polangchengfeng, and after approaching them, they performed big moves, and then they could crush their arrows and kill them all. In this way, going back to deal with Ye Luo will naturally be a lot easier, but it seems that it is difficult for them to do this for now.

Although the Tokyo Mythology can also rush to the waves and ride the wind, it will only waste 1 minute, but the fireworks are easy to be cold and they are smart people. They will not take the initiative to rush to their side when they see the Tokyo Mythology. Fight, and then retreat as quickly as possible in the meeting to get away from it, delaying time, as long as the player who used the ultimate move among them in Tokyo Mythology disappears.

Even if they will still be caught up by those dual-professional masters, it will be three or four minutes later, and the time left is not enough to deal with fireworks and cold fireworks. After all, the waves and the wind, the sunset in the long river, the solitary smoke in the desert, etc. Stay with them for some time.

[Group Blessing Scroll] The duration is 10 minutes, which is far longer than the time of the ultimate move. After Tokyo Mythology and their ultimate move state is over, the fireworks are easy to cold and they can counterattack, and then the Tokyo Mythology will definitely end in defeat.

It is precisely with this in mind that the foot of Mount Fuji couldn't help but scold the players of the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs who were stupid.

But things are already like this, and no matter how angry it is, it will not help. Below Mount Fuji can only think of other ways to deal with it.

"Boss, what should we do now?" Susano God also heard the words under Mount Fuji, and he also realized the seriousness of the matter.

"Things are a little difficult to handle. Ye Luo Zhiqiu is consuming all of us by himself, and he can do this with his damage output at this time, especially when he is full of attacks on Li and has [Group Blessing] Scroll] After the blessing." Tokyo Myth said in a deep voice. When he said this, his tone was a little helpless: "If we fight hard, then we people will be consumed with invincible means and life-saving skills, and then we will break the waves and ride the wind. It will be much easier to wait for someone to take action on us. We can't bear all the control skills to display."

"Then we don't care about Ye Luo Zhiqiu, but rush to the fireworks and others who are easy to cold at the fastest speed, and kill them all first, so that only Ye Luo Zhiqiu is left." Hei Longtian Zhan suggested: "Anyway, those who rushed towards Ye Luo Zhiqiu can also stop him. We can safely and boldly deal with fireworks and others."

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