VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1976: : The Power of Arrows

Under normal circumstances, 300 people attacking the casualties of the player’s camp is undoubtedly going to die, but this time they are not normal situations, because they have the blessings of [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Damage Reduction Scroll]. The previous scroll lets that Everyone is comparable to a dual career with big moves, and the scrolls behind them greatly enhance their life-saving ability. Of course, the most important thing is that Ye Luo, Breaking the waves and riding the wind outrageously rushed into the enemy line to attract the attention and control of most players. Many people live there, so talents such as fireworks are easy to cold can attack unscrupulously.

At this time, it shows the brilliance of more than 50 hidden professional archers with flying abilities and [Split Arrows]. These archers are comparable to display under the blessing of [Group Blessing Scroll]. With a dual career with big moves, their advantage is perfectly reflected-ultra-long range attack distance.

That’s right, the attack range of archers is very long, and can reach more than 20 meters with various equipment and skills. This distance can almost avoid being covered by many control skills and group attack skills, which means that they can be unscrupulous. Attacked.

If it is normal, there are too many enemy players, and the strength is relatively strong. It is difficult to kill the rushing enemy by only relying on the attack of the archer. Even if a part of the other enemies are killed, it will rush, but it is different now, let alone Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng shared most of the pressure for them. Simply speaking, these hidden professional archers have greatly increased their damage output under the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scroll], and they can also kill the enemies that come from them far away. .

Think about it too. The overall attributes are doubled, and the attack power is increased by 50%. This is comparable to a dual class with a big move. In this case, their damage output can be increased by 3 or 4 times, killing the enemy at a distance. They are also normal far away.

Not only that, there are also some ice spirit archers in the team. The ordinary energy arrows cast by these archers also have the effect of slowing down and freezing, which makes the enemy even more unable to approach, so that these 50 archers can be cold in the fireworks Under the leadership of, Anhuo and others, they steadily advanced, following Ye Luo and the others to attack the enemies of tens of thousands of camps became a reality.

As for the mammoth cavalry, the blue scorpion summoner, and other professions, they are not idle. They are steadily advancing under the archer. By the way, they control the players who occasionally break through the energy arrow blockade and can do this easily with their strength. It also allowed the team to advance more steadily.

Under the impact of Polangchengfeng and Yeluo, most Japanese players have used invincible methods, but their invincibility methods are not as many as Yeluo. Moreover, Ye Luo and Polangchengfeng are always sitting on Qinxin and waiting for priests to give them. Add the skills of [Spell Immunity], so they can charge unscrupulously.

But over time, the invincibility status of Japanese players disappeared, and even those ice dragon eagles had no invincibility means at all, so they became moving targets, and high damage figures floated above their heads on the sky energy arrows. Few people were killed with residual blood.

Although flying requires a lot of magic, most of which are 5000 or even 10000 points per second, under the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scroll], these archers’ magic recovery speed is 5 times the original, plus the overall attribute is doubled. The speed of magic recovery, their magic recovery speed is very fast, coupled with the use of high-grade magic pills, it can be sustained.

Think about it, too, archers have very few group attack skills, and in this case they hardly need to use skills, just ordinary attacks, so the consumption of magic is not much, just supporting the flight is not a problem, it is really impossible They can also take [Orange Ling Pill], which will last for a long time.

"Tsk tsk, it turns out that the archers after using the [Group Blessing Scroll] are so strong, almost no enemy can get close to them within 15 meters, so this is not a threat to them." June Feixue said with emotion. : "I had known this so that Sister Shi would mobilize more archers. Maybe the archers alone could shoot all the people from Tokyo Mythology to death."

"How can you think so easily? It is because we have only these archers in Misty Pavilion. After all, archers are required to have the ability to fly, [Split Arrows], and it is best to hide their careers. It would be nice to find 50 people. "Sanmai Shidao, and then she laughed: "But for now, only these are enough. At least the tens of thousands of players in Tokyo Mythology have no ability to approach us if they don't make a move."

What the samādhi poem says is true. As long as Tokyo Mythology and other dual professions do not take action, then only relying on the ice dragon hawk summoner, air power and other troops can not get close to fireworks and cold them within 15 meters, not to mention June Feixue, Wednesday and others have not yet fully demonstrated their power, but Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and the others are still slaughtering the people who are blocking the Tokyo Mythology.

Think about it, too, facing the attacks of these archers, I am afraid that only the dual professions who use their ultimate skills can withstand them, and as long as they can rush into the camp of the archers, they will undoubtedly make these archers useless, but Tokyo The myth they didn't even think of this at all, so they have the current scene.

In fact, even if Tokyo Mythology sent some dual-professional masters to the fireworks, they also thought of a countermeasure. Changhe Sunset, Desert Lonely Smoke and others are responsible for intercepting the opponent's dual-professional masters, and June Feixue and others can even better. The direct use of combined skills forces Tokyo Mythology’s invincible means, so that archers with control abilities such as fireworks are easy to cold, nights and nights, etc., can control the target and then draw a greater distance from it.

Not only that, at this time Yeluo and Polangchengfeng are still at the forefront. As long as they are there, it will be difficult for Tokyo Mythology and them to rush over. After all, Yeluo and Polangchengfeng have full attack power, and they are equipped with Advantage and fast moving speed, it’s okay to intercept the dual-professional masters of Tokyo Mythology. At this time, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng joined forces, but they have dual-professionals that can kill and use big moves, let alone them. There are some masters.

Seeing that tens of thousands of people could not rush into the middle of a battle composed of 50 archers, Tokyo Shinhwa and others' faces became difficult to look at. Especially seeing fireworks and others led the archers to advance steadily, and this also made They are puzzled-in Tokyo Mythology, the team of tens of thousands of people can easily smash the camp of thousands of archers, not to mention that they are only 50 people who are easy to cold fireworks, even if they are blocked by the waves and the wind.

But soon they knew why the archers of Misty Pavilion were so powerful-[Group Blessing Scroll], and their expressions became even more ugly after learning the attributes of this scroll.

"How come there is a prop like [Group Blessing Scroll] that can turn a hundred people into a dual class that can perform big moves. This is too bad." The Black Hawk of the Black Hawk Gang said in astonishment.

"We can get [Group Teleportation Scroll], [Heaven and Earth Cage] and other props. Ye Luo Zhiqiu and they will naturally have some assassins." Mount Fuji said lightly: "If they don't have some assassins, then how dare they directly enter In our server, and dare to force hundreds of thousands of people to shake us."

"But the duration of this scroll is 10 minutes, which is longer than our ultimate move." The gang leader of the Ninja House said in a deep voice: "These time is enough for them to do a lot of things, and it may even kill all of our people. , So our loss would be a bit big."

The gang leader of the Ninja House said of all the kills, of course, refers to the tens of thousands of players in front of them, and so far he still has the confidence to kill Ye Luo and the others, but the loss of tens of thousands makes him a little dissatisfied.

"Isn't it tens of thousands of people, as long as you can kill the leaves and the autumn, the fireworks are easy to kill, and then burst out [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and [Five Elements Ring], then everything is worth it." The cherry blossoms smiled lightly: "Said As long as we kill all of them, our pastor will be able to resurrect everyone, so the loss will not be too great."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "As for the arrow formation, there is no way to crack it. For example, we only need to send some dual-professional masters to use their big moves to charge against it, so that they can easily enter their camp. Our hands are close to each other, so they are like trash."

No one else had any doubts about the cherry blossoms, and then they all looked at the Tokyo Mythology together, and the meaning was self-evident-they wanted to urge him to act quickly.

"At this time, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others are in great momentum, and they have many assassins, and even Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others have many invincible methods. Now we send dual professional masters under great pressure in the past, and it may even make them turn defeat into victory. That’s not good.” Mt. Fuji shook his head: “So let our people continue to consume them. They want to kill tens of thousands of people, but it will take a long time, at least 3 to 5 minutes. At this time, the 100,000 tens of thousands of troops behind us will arrive again, and then continue to let them charge and consume them, I don't believe that they will not be consumed.

"Although this loss will be relatively large, it is the safest way. After all, if we are killed, then Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others can unscrupulously deal with our people." Black Hawk said solemnly, and he said so. Obviously agreed to the proposal under Mount Fuji.

Others also know that the more than 100,000 troops in the rear will definitely consume all Ye Luo and their assassins, and this is undoubtedly the most sure to kill Ye Luo and them all, so they also support this proposal- Again, for Tokyo Mythology, as long as they can kill Ye Luo and others, it is worth any price.

It is precisely because of this that Tokyo Mythology did not leave and rushed to support them, and even retreated a little distance-they were also worried that Ye Luo would directly rush to them and fight them in advance.

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