[Group Blessing Scroll] Used in conjunction with [Group Damage Reduction Scroll], the players attached to this status are almost invincible, even stronger than the dual professions that have performed their big moves. The most important thing is that Ye Luo and their side now have 2 [Crowd Blessing Scroll], which means that 200 of them can have dual careers comparable to those after performing their big moves. This is a very powerful force, more than the combined dual careers of the Japanese side, breaking the waves Chengfeng, in their hearts, they can defeat tens of thousands of opponents, even the ice dragon eagle summoners led by dual professions such as Tokyo Mythology and other units that restrain air power.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are 11 or 2 bosses left at this time, and these bosses are stronger than the ones that were killed before. In their hearts, these bosses have a high chance of bursting into [Group Blessing Scroll] and other scrolls. And this will make their odds of winning even greater.

When thinking about this, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind increased the attack power, various group attack skills were displayed, and the BOSS's heads floated with high damage, and their blood and blood were also crazily reduced, it seems like Ye Luo said. Said that they have a good chance to kill them all before the end of the big move, including the 3 quasi-previous holy bosses.

In addition to blasting down some scrolls, killing BOSS also blasted several pieces of holy equipment. Although Yeluo and Breaking Waves and Wind Riders didn’t need them, they could be used by others. These equipment made their attributes more powerful. It will be easier to deal with Tokyo Mythology and others.

When Yeluo killed all 10 quasi-sage-level bosses, they heard the news in the middle of the night—Tokyo Shinhwa and other dual-professional masters finally arrived. At this time, they were still 4,500 meters away from the position of the boss. And this distance can be reached within 2 minutes at their speed.

Two minutes is enough time for Ye Luo and the others to do a lot of things, such as killing all the 5 holy bosses, and it is even possible to kill 1 or 2 quasi ancient holy bosses, so they can even if the war breaks out. Kill the BOSS in the remaining time and join the battle.

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology, they really want to do it to us." Po Lang Riding the Wind said with a smile, and then changed his tone: "But they only have 7 or 80 dual professions with big moves, and there are hundreds of other players around them. I’m afraid it’s impossible to defeat us with these alone."

"Tokyo Mythos didn’t know that we had scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], so with their current number of players, they would have enough power to kill us all. After all, Tokyo Mythology led all elite players, except for dual professions. Most people are also air power, and there are also units such as the Ice Dragon Eagle Summoner for air power." Sitting on Qin Xin said, and then his tone changed: "Not only that, there are a large number of players far away from them, these Players can arrive in a few minutes, so they can also pose a big threat to us."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "Of course, the most important thing is that they think that we will definitely use a lot of killer tricks against BOSS, such as big moves, such as invincible means, so they dare to besiege us with only these people."

"That's also true. How could they think that we would have equipment items such as [Group Blessing Scroll]." Breaking the waves said that her pretty face was full of smiles, as if she was holding the winning ticket.

"Sister Feng, Sister Fireworks, do you think that Tokyo Mythology also has equipment items like [Group Blessing Scroll]?" Suddenly Zhiyue's voice sounded on the team channel: "I found that the BOSS here burst out of this equipment item. The odds are a little high. Since we can obtain these equipment, Tokyo Mythology should be able to do it too. If they really have such items and there are a lot of them, then..."

Although Zhiyue didn't say any more, everyone already understood what she was going to say, thinking that if there was such a possibility and the consequences, their expressions became dignified, and they even began to feel a little worried.

"Relax, if the Tokyo Mythology had such a scroll, they would have done it on us long ago, even when we slaughtered their players. After all, in their hearts, 100 players who can perform utmost moves are enough to suppress us. What's more, they still have dozens and hundreds of dual professions." Po Lang Cheng Feng said disapprovingly: "And this force is enough to kill us all, and it can drive us away at the worst, so they can avoid a lot of losses, and After driving us away, they will be able to kill those BOSSs. These are 18 powerful BOSSs. The things that burst are definitely more precious than a [Group Blessing Scroll], so Tokyo Mythology and them will definitely have an accident."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Since they didn't make a move, it means that they don't have such props at all, so what should we worry about."

Think about it, too, if Tokyo Mythology really possesses such props as [Group Blessing Scroll], then after Feixue and others appeared in June before, they would teleport over to fight against one of the hundreds of dual professions that are comparable to their big moves The masters plus Tokyo Mythology and the masters, they have enough strength to kill Ye Luo and the others, and they can steadily seize all the more than 10 bosses.

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, more than 10 powerful bosses are very rich monster resources. Killing all of them can get a lot of good things. Just for these Tokyo myths and others will not let go, let alone there are huge ones. The opportunity to kill Ye Luo and the others.

In the minds of Tokyo Mythology and others, Ye Luo and others are unlikely to obtain these assassins of [Group Blessing Scroll]. After all, it hasn’t been long since Ye Luo and others broke into the Japanese server, so if Tokyo Mythology, they would not hesitate. , And if they had the [Group Blessing Scrolls], they would definitely teleport over to besiege early, but they didn’t do it. From this alone, it can be inferred that they did not have these scrolls.

He pondered a little, and said black and white chess: "This is also true. If I were a Tokyo myth, if I had a [Group Blessing Scroll], I would have shot it a long time ago, so how can I wait until now."

Regarding this, everyone was convinced, and no longer worried about it.

"In fact, even if the Tokyo Mythology has the [Group Blessing Scroll], it’s okay. We just flee the first time they use this scroll." Samadhi poem said indifferently: "With Ye Luo's strength, it can be easily teleported away, and then used [Space Portal] teleports us away. After he casts [Cooling Reset], he can cast [Space Portal] again, so 200 people can be teleported away twice, plus some of us have teleport skills, or can directly rely on it The flying mount flees, so there won't be too many people who are stopped by them and then killed."

Hearing that, everyone nodded once again, and they all thought it deeply [笔趣阁www.biqugex.co], and even for them, they would not lose much if they were killed once, but they just dropped 1 level. , Because even if Tokyo Mythology and others learn [Compulsory Deprivation], they will not be able to burst their equipment, so the loss will not be too great.

In this case, they naturally don't have to worry about anything, and then continue to be vigilant, they are ready to fight with Tokyo Shinhwa and others at any time.

"Sister Fireworks, it seems that Tokyo Mythology is full of attack power." Suddenly, Kenji's voice sounded in the team channel.

"What, Tokyo Mythology is full of attack power?!" Hearing this news, Othello's voice increased a bit: "This is a bit troublesome, because Tokyo Mythology's damage output will be very high after full attack power, even At the top, there are more than 10 dual professions that perform ultimatums, not to mention that he will definitely use ultimatums in the next battle, so his damage output will be higher."

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology is full of offensive power. This shows that he killed at least 100 of his own people, and 100 people dropped, they are really willing." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed strangely, and his tone was full of mockery.

"In order to deal with us, it’s okay to let 1,200 people drop 1 level, especially for those players with very low levels. After all, they will be able to upgrade their level very quickly, and to deal with us this loss is for them. It's totally worth it." Samadhi said, and then changed his tone: "Although we have a lot of assassins now, there will still be casualties in the face of the Tokyo myth that is full of attack. Do you want to develop tactics against him?"

"The Mammoth Cavalry and the Green Summoner will focus on controlling the Tokyo Mythology and the dual professions around him after using the [Group Blessing Scroll]. If there is a chance, the priest can use [Dispel] to disperse the pile that increases his attack power." He said coldly, and then changed his tone: "But if there is no chance, then avoid Tokyo Mythology and kill others first."

After using the [Group Blessing Scroll], the player's overall attributes and movement speed are greatly improved, especially the magic and blood recovery speed is 5 times the original. In this state, the player's life-saving ability is very strong, even if it can't be beaten Tokyo Mythology can also run away to delay time, as long as they delay for some time and wait for Ye Luo and Fireworks Yield to solve the boss, they can join forces to deal with him.

After all, there are two people Yeluo and Polangchengfeng. Both of them have full attack power and better equipment. It is not difficult to confront Tokyo Mythology under mutual cover. You can suppress them and kill them, especially It was after the mammoth cavalry and the blue flood summoner forced out all his invincible means.

"Well, I understand, I will take command of everyone depending on the situation." Samadhi said lightly.

"After seeing the Tokyo mythology, they can use combination skills to cover attacks and take the lead in pushing out their invincible methods." Fireworks Yi Leng continued to issue orders: "Now there are 5 combination skills in our team. Use these requirements. They caused a lot of trouble to Tokyo Mythology."

The idea that fireworks are easy to cold is also very simple and straightforward. Using combo skills to force the invincible means of Tokyo Mythology and others, it will be much easier for them to kill them next.

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