VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1971: : Mountain rain is coming

After the tactics were arranged, the fireworks were easy to be cold, and they continued to deal with the BOSS, and they increased their attack strength slightly. Some small CD group attack skills were displayed one by one, and the remaining BOSS blood dropped under their attack. The speed is faster. Soon, the vitality of the 5 Saint-level BOSS is less than 50%, and the vitality of the 3 quasi ancient Saint-level BOSS has also dropped by 30%. It depends on the effect of Ye Luo's ultimate. Before the end, there is a great chance to kill them all.

At this moment, Zhou Tian's energy began to be disordered, and then a huge energy cage trapped Ye Luo and the others. Seeing the changes above her head, she frowned slightly, she said: "Enchantment? What is this thing? , Is it possible that Sakura Ruxue used [Space Enchantment] to block this place? No, the range of this skill is 100 meters, and she is still 3 to 400 meters away from us. It is impossible to use this skill to block us."

"It's [Heaven and Earth Cage], a condensed heaven and earth cage with items similar to [Painting the Earth as a Prison]." After reading the battle message, the fireworks easily coldly said: "This heaven and earth cage can prevent us from using teleport skills to leave, and it can also prevent us from sending players Come in, and the cage is slowly shrinking. In the end, only a 1,000-meter radius cage will remain, and like [Paint the Ground as a Prison], this cage can last for 1 hour."

"Hey, even if they can trap us with this world cage, is it possible that they really think they can kill us?" Po Lang Chengfeng sneered, she was not worried.

"The range of [Heaven and Earth Cage] is 10 kilometers, and here is not 10 kilometers away from the Tokyo Mythology and their army outside the ancient battlefield, which means that nearly 100,000 players are in the cage, and they will attack us next. "The sound of sitting on the piano's heart sounded: "That's 100,000 elite players, and there are many troops with restrained air power and powerful control capabilities like the Frost Dragon Eagle Summoner Legion. After all, we only have 300 people. They will compare trouble."

"Of course it means that we don’t have the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Sitting on Qin Xin added, a smile appeared on her pretty face: "And we also have 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], 200. Players who are comparable to performing ultimate moves can easily suppress and defeat Tokyo Shinhwa and others. As long as they can kill all their dual classes, it will be much easier to deal with other units. What's more, there are more than 20 powerful ones on our side. Dual career."

"Yes, those corps are still a long way away from Tokyo Mythology. It will take a long time to get here. With this time, we will kill all the Tokyo Mythology and others, so we will deal with the players who come. It's easy." Othello took over.

Hearing that everyone nodded, they all agreed, so they didn't worry about this, and they even wished that Tokyo Mythology would send more masters.

"Sister Shi, if a large number of Japanese corps rush over and allocate a part of their troops to deal with them, try to force their invincible means as much as possible. If they can use combo skills to destroy the ice dragon eagle." Without waiting for the Samadhi poem to reply, she continued: "Xiaoshu, lead a few assassins to try to get around behind those people in Tokyo Mythology to stand by at any time. It's best not to act randomly."

Midnight Shu is also a wise man. He quickly understood the purpose of the fireworks being easy to cold, and then didn't say much, taking the sword third-class assassin into action.

When the fireworks were easy to get cold and they said this, there was a change on the Tokyo Mythology-Tokyo Mythology and their people used the [Group Teleport Scroll] to teleport 10,000 players from outside, and these players still restrained air power and Players with strong control capabilities are mainly players.

"Hey, there are tens of thousands of people around Tokyo Mythology?!" After seeing this scene, June Feixue was surprised, and then she was a little worried in her tone: "These tens of thousands of players appeared beside them in Tokyo Mythology. Yes, and most of them are restraining our arms. If Tokyo Mythology first orders these people to attack us to consume our skills and ult state, then it will be bad, Sister Fireworks, Sister Shi, what should we do now?"

Think about it, too, if Tokyo Mythology sends tens of thousands of players to rush to kill, then Samadhi will definitely lead everyone to action, and in the face of tens of thousands of occupations with powerful control capabilities and restrained air power, they will definitely need to display some invincible skills. , Big move or use [Group Blessing Scroll], and after using these methods, you will naturally suffer a bit when you deal with Tokyo Mythology and others, even when facing tens of thousands of players, there will be greater casualties.

It is precisely with this in mind that June Feixue is so worried-even if June Feixue kills all of the tens of thousands of players, it is not surprising that they will be killed a lot, and many people are Without the invincibility skills, they will undoubtedly die next to Tokyo Mythology and the nearly 100,000 players further behind.

At this time in Tokyo Mythology, they used the [Heaven and Earth Cage] to block the void, which means that Ye Luo and the others cannot escape at all. Once Ye Luo and the fireworks are easily cold, their [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and [Five Elements Ring] will burst. , And this is a huge loss for them, even if the killing of tens of thousands of Japanese players is not enough to make up for this.

In a word, for Tokyo Mythology, as long as they can kill Ye Luo and fireworks, it is worth the loss of tens of thousands or even tens of thousands of players, but for Ye Luo and others, it is not worthwhile, so if Tokyo If the myth asks tens of thousands of players to conduct consumption tactics, they must think of other countermeasures.

"It seems that in addition to our assassins, Tokyo Mythology, they also retain their assassins." Samadhi said lightly, and then thought of something she continued: "Fireworks, it seems that you can't wait for you to kill all the BOSS, because the battle here requires Ye Fall out."

"Yeah." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "But don't worry, it won't be too late for the people of Tokyo Mythology to be close to us within 100 meters, and it will take at least 1 minute for them to get close to us, and this time is enough for us. Kill a few more bosses."

Samadhi is also a clever person. She instantly understood the meaning of fireworks being cold-these BOSS have the opportunity to include holy equipment and props such as [Group Blessing Scrolls], especially those scrolls. It will be easier for them to deal with the Tokyo Mythology later.

"Little book, speed up the action, and go around behind the Tokyo Mythology." Fireworks Yi Leng attacked and issued an order: "If necessary, you and Kenzo will use their big moves to attack Sakura Ruxue, and kill them immediately. , But at least one person should be left behind you, understand?"

Although Sakura Ruxue is a single professional player, she is a space magician. You can use [Space Enchantment] to temporarily trap Ye Luo and others. This will make it difficult for Ye Luo to play his role, so she is the first to use Sakura Ruxue kills are very important.

Jian San and Midnight Book are the two most powerful assassins in Miomi Pavilion. They are both dual professional assassins. They can use their ultimate moves and invincible skills to launch a sneak attack on Sakura Ruxue with great confidence. Just kill them. Then there will be less trouble.

Without waiting for the book to speak in the middle of the night, she continued: "Next, I will let Sister Shi send someone to pretend to attract Tokyo Mythology and their attention to fight for you. You must kill her and not give her the opportunity to display any skills."

"Understood, please don't worry about Sister Fireworks. We promise to kill her. Even if we can't kill her, she will pester her and prevent her from using skills such as [Space Enchantment]." He vowed in a letter in the middle of the night. He naturally knew that Fireworks was easy. Leng asked him and Jiansan to assassinate the cherry blossoms like snow.

"Little book, you should discuss with Ye Luo about the timing of your hands. It's best if he transmits them as soon as you start, so that he can intercept Tokyo Shinhwa and others, so that you can kill cherry blossoms like snow more easily." Samadhi reminded.

"Don't worry Sister Shi, I have discussed with Big Brother Ye." Midnight Shu said again.

"Sister Feng and Ye Luo, step up their attacks, and strive to kill the most bosses before Tokyo Mythology, and kill these holy bosses at the worst." The firework Yi Leng looked at Ye Luo, and the latter clicked. Nodded, and then he used several group attack skills one after another.

Ye Luo's luck was very good. The skill he cast triggered the effect of "Remnant Shadow Combo" and also triggered a critical strike. Then the boss he barely had millions of damage figures floating on his head, and was immediately emptied. Blood, and the blood of the BOSS around it has also lost a lot, so it is no problem to kill all the remaining holy bosses before Tokyo Myth and others do it.

"Hey, there is another [Group Damage Reduction Scroll], and there is also a piece of Saint-level equipment, which has very good attributes." Picking up on August 8 chuckled, and then she asked: "Sister Fireworks, do you want to use this scroll also? Send it to Sister Shi and the others?"

"No, give it to Ye Luo, or give it to me." Yi Leng Yi Leng shook his head.

Although I wonder why fireworks are easy to cold, I did not hesitate on August. I traded the scroll to fireworks easy to cold. When doing this, I did not forget to apply a [Spell Immunity] and a BUFF effect to Wave Breaker. The latter can attack unscrupulously, and the damage output has also increased a lot.

Ye Luo stepped up his attack, and so did the wave breaking and riding the wind, especially after the BUFF was applied to him on August, and the second holy boss was also killed in less than 10 seconds, and this time the burst was even worse. Let’s be pleasantly surprised on August-this BOSS not only blasted 2 pieces of holy equipment, but most importantly, blasted 1 [Group Blessing Scroll], which means that Ye Luo and the others already have 3 such scrolls. .

"Tsk tusk, it seems that our luck is really good, and another [Group Blessing Scroll] broke down, this time it will definitely kill Tokyo Mythology and others." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite excited and authentic.

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