VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1969: : Group injury reduction

Next, Po Lang Chengfeng and Ye Luo brought all the 18 BOSSs over, and then the battle was about to start.

Even if Ye Luo, Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind resist 18 powerful BOSS attacks at the same time, it is too much to bear, even if they sit on the heart of the piano to add blood to them, but they used their big tricks at the first time, so that they hardly stood the BOSS. There is no problem with the attack, especially after sitting on the heart of the piano to apply the [spell immunity] state to the wave and ride the wind, after all, the BOSS can only cause damage to her when it uses multiple attacks.

The attack power of the two Ye Luo was already terrifying after they were filled up. In addition, the attack was even more terrifying when the two of them performed a big move at this time, and this horror was reflected in the rapid decrease of the vitality of the BOSS— —Those BOSS's vitality and blood drop one by one, especially those quasi-sage-level BOSS.

Following the firework’s easy-to-cold arrangement, the two focused on attacking those quasi-holy bosses, but they also tried to cover the most bosses when they used group attack skills, plus the sputtering and splitting energy arrow attacks, so other BOSS’s The blood drops quickly.

Yes, Ye Luo did not hold a long sword in both hands, nor even a dagger. Instead, he had [Blade of Reincarnation] and [Reincarnation*Hell Dao] in one hand. At this time, he had already turned seven, plus [Reincarnation*Hell Dao]. The additional features have the effect of adding 1 energy arrow, so he can shoot 9 energy arrows with a normal attack, and the damage bonus of each energy arrow is 60%. The overall damage output of the archer system is also calculated. Very scary, not even worse than holding [Blade of Reincarnation].

The most important thing is that Yeluo’s killing has increased his attack power by 200%, and his ultimatum has increased his attack power by 100%. In addition, the attack speed is doubled, but the damage output of the archer system is terrifying, especially the triggering crit. in the case of.

As for the attacks against many BOSSs, because Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng’s energy and blood are 5 times the original, and their defense power is doubled, they can easily resist the BOSS’s attacks, even if they are hit by several group attack skills. Under the powerful attack power, they can keep their vitality and blood full by just sucking blood, and they don't even need to sit on the piano to increase blood, let alone use skills such as [Life Draining].

At this time, the fireworks are easy to cold and the benefits of telling Ye Luo to attack quasi-sage-level bosses first are reflected, because these BOSSs are relatively low in level and defense power, so Ye Luo and the others cause high damage to them, and high damage also means They **** more blood, and it is much easier to maintain the blood in a healthy state.

Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng teamed up to kill the first quasi-saint-level BOSS in only 2, 30 seconds. At this time, most of the other BOSS's vitality and blood dropped by 10% or 30%. In other words, it becomes much easier to kill it anymore.

The fact is also true. It took 28 seconds to kill Ye Luo, the first quasi-sage boss, while it only took 24 seconds to kill the second one, and only used to kill the third BOSS. 20 seconds, the time used by the next BOSS is also getting less and less.

The quasi-sage-level bosses were killed one by one, and Ye Luo and the others suffered less and less attacks. This also meant that they were more relaxed. In addition, fireworks were easy to cold, and unless they used energy arrows to control those bosses, their pressure Even smaller, there is no pressure at all for now.

Because Ye Luo and Polang Ride the wind firmly attracted the hatred of BOSS, the fireworks are easy to be cold and every night unless there is no need to worry about anything, plus they are mostly more than 20 meters away, so there is no problem without using big moves— -It is also very important for fireworks to be cold and nights unless it is necessary to keep the big move, especially when they know that Tokyo Shinhwa and others will definitely attack them.

The firework is easy to be cold and has been staring at the BOSS, and when they find that they have used their powerful and wide-ranging skills, they will be allowed to sit on the piano to add [spell immunity] to them, or they can take [Damage Reduction Powder] and [Orange Ling Pill]. ] Waiting for the pill, I believe there will be no problem with their reaction speed and vision.

As for sitting on the piano heart, although she does not have the attack distance of the fireworks and cold women, she has turned on the [Magic Guardian Shield], a little magic can offset 2 points of damage, in this case, her life-saving ability is also very strong, even hard There is no problem with attacking. After all, her energy, blood and magic recover quickly, especially if she takes Gao Li's magic pill, as long as the magic can keep up, then those BOSSs can't help her.

As long as there is nothing wrong with Qin Xin’s survival, she can provide you with a steady stream of healing, or apply the state of [spell immunity], and even she can participate in the attack, anyway, with her attack, she can’t get from Ye Luo and Breaking the waves. Take away the hatred from Chengfeng.

"Hey, another scroll broke down?" The eighth responsible for picking up the explosion was surprised: "And it's the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Doesn't that mean that we have another 100 people who can use this scroll? Tsk, there are in the team. 200 people are comparable to the dual professions that have performed big moves. This is a very powerful force. Even if the Tokyo Mythology brings thousands of players to besiege us, it can't help us."

August is a double-professional priest, and she also has the skill [Magic Guardian Shield], not to mention that she is under the BOSS, so there is no problem in letting her pick up and drop it-Ye Luo and the others are worried that there will be assassins hiding in the dark. Grabbing their trophies, although this probability is very low, it is safer to pick up the explosion as soon as August.

That’s right, the effect of a [Group Blessing Scroll] can only affect 100 people, but at this time, Ye Luo and the others have about 300 people. During the war, there will be many people who are not in this state. Before the samādhi, they were still worried. This question, but I don't want another scroll to burst now, this naturally makes Mondays very excited.

Think about it, there are more than 100 players who can perform big moves. This is a very powerful force. After all, the entire Japanese server has only this number of dual classes, and there are more than 20 people who have already used big moves. It will make Ye Luo and the others more likely to win the siege of Tokyo Mythology and others.

"It's really [Group Blessing Scroll]. It seems that we are lucky." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued: "Xiao Ba, give this scroll to Xiao Shi, because she leads everyone on the periphery to guard against possible encounters at any time. The sneak attack by Tokyo Shinhwa and others gave them an unexpected effect."

As said by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, the samādhi poem leads the crowd on the periphery. They are undoubtedly the most likely to be attacked by the Tokyo mythology leaders. In addition, most of the players such as the blue dragon summoner and the mammoth are not dual professions, so the [Group Blessing Scroll ] Give them a better effect.

In addition, the fireworks are easy to get cold. They concluded that Tokyo Shinhwa and others will take action when they deal with the BOSS, and they did not intend to give up the BOSS to fight when the Tokyo Shinhwa and their sneak attack, so they need Samadhi and others to resist them for a period of time. It is precisely because of this that it is more effective to give them [Group Blessing Scrolls], and it is precisely because of this that Ye Luo will give her all the 3 scrolls obtained underwater after the arrival of the Samadhi.

Although Samadhi already has a [Group Blessing Scroll], there are nearly 300 people on their side, so one is not enough, and the one that just burst will be better, so the fireworks are easy to be cold. s arrangement.

She did not disagree with the instructions that the fireworks are easy to be cold on August, but she did not leave, but let the concealed Jiansi and others send the scroll over, and there are also 2 pieces of holy equipment-Ye Luo and the others killed 3, 4 BOSS burst out 2 pieces of holy equipment.

"Hey, there is another scroll. What kind of scroll is this? It seems to be different from other scrolls." After Ye Luo two killed two more BOSS, another scroll was found in the loot on August. After the scroll, she laughed: "Sure enough, it is a new type of scroll, which reduces damage, which is not bad."

When I said this, I sent a picture book to everyone on August:

[Group injury reduction scroll] (special items * disposable consumables)

Item introduction: A scroll with peculiar energy. After use, it can provide the user with a damage reduction state for no more than 100 friendly units within 100 meters of the center. Any attack will reduce damage by 50%. This state lasts for 3 minute.

Usage restrictions: Only players who have reached and exceeded level 280 with seven turns can use it.

Use interval: 1 hour.

"This scroll is also very good. I was worried that after using the [Group Blessing Scroll], the player’s energy and blood would not be as good as the ultimate move. Now that the damage is reduced by 50%, our people can almost charge unscrupulously. Use these scrolls. Even in the face of Tokyo Mythology, their attacks can be resisted for a period of time, and they can even wait for us to kill all the BOSS." Breaking the waves and riding the wind are quite expectant.

"We have killed 6 or 7 BOSS, and the remaining BOSS blood has been affected and reduced a lot. It shouldn't take long to kill them, and it should be possible to kill them within 5 minutes. "Solved." Ye Luo said solemnly: "Even if the Tokyo Mythology they bring people to besiege Sister Shi and lead everyone to the [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Damage Reduction Scroll], they can also resist for a few minutes, and these time is enough for us to The BOSS has been killed, and after killing the BOSS, we can go to Tokyo Mythology and them."

"We just killed one-third of the BOSS and we burst down with 2 scrolls. The remaining BOSS is of higher rank, and there are even 3 quasi-previous holy-level BOSS. Killing all of them will surely kill them. Some scrolls." Sitting on Jinxin said, she was faintly excited when she said this: "No matter what type of scroll is, it will be of great benefit to the next battle, and we want to hit Tokyo Mythology and others. Killing will become easier."

"I hope to have one or two more [Group Blessing Scrolls]. Tsk tsk, so that all of us can have the effect of blessing. There are nearly 300 double-professional masters. Tens of thousands of air power can also kill and kill, not to mention we are still here." The waves and the wind are quite exciting.

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