After learning that Jiansan had discovered more than 10 bosses, the firework was easy to be cold, and there was a new tactic-the disaster, especially after learning that most of these bosses have some group attack skills, but these bosses are too powerful, they are swords. The third is that double professional assassins can hardly successfully lead them to their destinations, so Ye Luo needs to take action in this matter.

After Jiansan hid in the pile of rocks, Ye Luo locked him to teleport, and then he saw the more than 10 bosses, which were a group of double-winged lions, and when he saw these monsters, he also understood why there are so many here. BOSS, after all, the lion is a gregarious type of monster, and the two-winged wild lion is the best among the monsters, and the worst is also the quasi-sage-level BOSS.

Of course, Ye Luo didn’t care about this, he cared more about whether he could introduce these BOSSs to the Japanese player camp, but after seeing that the group of lions had wings, he no longer worried about this issue, and then he switched to the archer mode. Then he raised his hand to display a [Thousand Blade Arrow] and a [Ten Thousand Arrows], and almost all of those BOSS were enveloped in it.

Suddenly being attacked, those BOSS were furious, and then spread their wings, Qi Qi chased Ye Luo.

After casting his skills, Ye Luo flew up and displayed his acceleration skills. He rushed to the Japanese players’ camp at the fastest speed. Although the speed of those BOSSs was slightly faster than him, he was small because of his small size. Moreover, it is not difficult to avoid being attacked by using rocks and trees to cover it from time to time.

Of course, those BOSS will also use skills, and even use group control skills, but Ye Luo doesn't care much, because he has an invincible state after taking the mutated [Invincible Pill], and can not be afraid of any attacks within 7 seconds.

The reason why the [Six Shields of Samsara*Six Shields] that can last for 10 seconds is not used is because of those BOSS’s sonic group control skills—[Mad Lion Roar], which is also the only skill that cannot be resisted by the [Samsara*Six Shields]. He can take the mutated [Invincible Pill], after all, the effect of the mutated pill will be higher, and the 7-second invincibility time is enough for him to do a lot of things.

Those BOSSs are not too far away from the Japanese players, and they rushed to the place at Ye Luo's flying speed. The two-winged wild lion is very big, and with a roar, the Japanese players found out immediately. They then discovered Ye Luo, and when they saw that they were rushing towards them at the fastest speed, they instantly became vigilant, and then they were ready to attack.

Seeing that the Japanese player was ready to attack, Ye Luo smiled at the corner of his mouth. He did not slow down, even faster. After the invincibility effect of [Invincible Pill] disappeared, he immediately used [Reincarnation* Six Paths] Shield]——The previous mad lion’s [Mad Lion’s Roar] didn’t show any effect after seeing no effect, so Ye Luo didn’t have to worry about it in a short time.

The reason why Ye Luo used [Reincarnation*Six Shields] was to prevent him from being controlled by the Frost Dragonhawk Summoner, so that he could rush into the enemy formation unscrupulously, and in fact he did the same, [Reincarnation Blade] waving, [Sword Qi aspect], [Sweeping Reincarnation] plus a series of energy arrows whizzing away, one by one high damage figures floated, plus he is accelerating the flight at this time, it is not too difficult to pass those Japanese players Obstruction, of course, the most important thing is to make most of the surrounding players use invincible means.

That’s right, facing Ye Luo’s attack, those Frost Dragonhawk Summoners simply can’t stand it. They can only use invincible skills. The high damage numbers are because their summoned beasts-Frost Dragonhawks are not invincible. Without invincibility skills, being attacked by Ye Luo will naturally float out high damage numbers.

After Ye Luo crossed the obstacles, the BOSS rushed over and saw them chasing aggressively. Japanese players involuntarily launched an attack. Although only a small number of people launched the attack, the overall damage was also very high, at least Bi Ye Luo's previous attack was even higher, and after Ye Luo decisively took the high-level stealth pill after crossing the Japanese players, he disappeared, so that the hatred of those BOSS fell on the Japanese players.

The hatred of the BOSS fell on the Japanese players, and then they launched an attack on them. All kinds of skills and group attack skills were displayed for a time. Although the summoners, magicians and knights mostly displayed invincible skills in the first time, However, the Ice Dragon Eagle did not, so under the attack of so many BOSSs, their vitality was rapidly decreasing, especially after being covered by multiple groups of attack skills.

Although the Ice Dragonhawk Summoners are very powerful, they are powerful because of their summoned beasts, and after forming a formation, facing so many BOSS now, [567中文] they simply cannot organize effective resistance. , Because the cavalry around them couldn't organize an effective charge at all, especially after being rushed through the blockade by Ye Luo before.

Of course, the most important thing is that the two-winged lion is a flying monster. The cavalry can't fly up against the enemy, so they can't resist it. In addition, BOSS has more group attack skills, and even some group control skills, so they should deal with it. It was also quite difficult to get up, and there were casualties soon.

Think about it. Summoners, magicians, and cavalry are mostly ordinary professions. Sometimes there are some hidden professions. In addition, their level is mostly only 280. Facing monsters of more than 300 levels, they have too much level suppression, so those The damage caused by BOSS to them is very high, especially under the group skill coverage attack, those who have not used invincible means will soon be overwhelmed.

Many people want to take advantage of the invincible time to launch a counterattack. In their minds, so many of them can attack the BOSS and cause greater damage. It is still possible to kill them with a concentrated attack, but they are in the level and level. It is difficult to cause any damage to the BOSS under suppression, and even those Saint-level and Quasi-Ancient Saint-level BOSS's blood recovery speed exceeds the damage number.

Don’t look at Ye Luo and others who are very easy to deal with Saint-level BOSS, that is because they are the top existence in the game industry, whether it is occupation, equipment level and command ability, this is not what these players can match. Even if they have a large number of players, it will not help, and even more casualties will be more.

In fact, even Ye Luo and the others will have a hard time facing a dozen powerful bosses at once, and there may even be casualties, not to mention the ordinary Japanese players in front of them, and after their invincibility disappears, their The number of casualties is also rapidly accelerating.

Seeing this scene, many Japanese players were extremely helpless. Fortunately, the ice dragon eagle summoners and magicians rushing from other places used their powerful control capabilities to slightly suppress those BOSSs, which gave them some breathing opportunities, especially The 4 or 5 dual-professional masters in the team blocked some BOSS attacks after they performed their ultimate moves.

At this time, the Japanese players also began to support Tokyo Shinhwa and others while adjusting their formation, because they also judged that they alone could not withstand the attacks of these BOSSs, especially the 3 quasi-previously ancient sage-level BOSSs. Because it seems that their vitality hasn't lost much at the moment, and these BOSS have killed dozens of hundreds of Japanese players at this time, and this has only passed 1, 20 seconds.

Of course, the most troublesome thing is that Ye Luo is still hiding in the dark to carry out sneak attacks at any time. They are even more troublesome than those BOSS. If Tokyo Mythology and others don’t rush to support them, it may be difficult for them to leave alive, and even they will be there. Thousands of players were killed here, which was a big blow to the power of the entire Japanese game, so they eagerly hope that Tokyo Shinhwa and others will come to support them.

Of course, there are also many Japanese players who are preparing to teleport back to the city, but those BOSS have a lot of group attack skills, they can easily interrupt their return to the city, and at this time, many players are dragged. If you leave at this time, it will undoubtedly cause The casualties were greater.

Not to mention that Japanese players on the ancient battlefield encountered more than 10 boss attacks, and that Tokyo Shinhwa and others received a call for help.

After learning about what happened in the ancient battlefield, Heilong Tianzhan, the God of Susa and others became excited. They couldn't wait to teleport to the ancient battlefield for support, but they were stopped by the foot of Mount Fuji and the cherry blossoms in full bloom.

"Why are we blocking us? Our people are now facing more than 10 powerful BOSS attacks. Among them, there are quasi-prime sage-level bosses. We can't resist them with the strength of those people. After all, almost none of them can withstand it. The BOSS attacked." Heilong Tianzhan said angrily: "Only after we rush over can we help them withstand them, so that the Ice Dragon Eagle Summoner and other units can form a formation to attack, and then use the advantage of the crowd to exhaust them. Kill."

Without waiting for the people under Mount Fuji to speak, he continued: "At this time, we have thousands of players who are entangled and cannot get away. If we don't rescue them, they will all be killed. This is a great loss for us. After all, the Ice Dragonhawk Summoner is our country’s ace army."

"If it is normal, we must rush to support it, but don't forget that Ye Luo Zhiqiu is watching around at this time." The voice under Mount Fuji increased a little: "With more than 10 bosses, the lowest rank is Quasi-Holy Grade. Yes, there are even 3 quasi ancient holy-level bosses, so many bosses are gathered together, even if we people use big moves to rush over, they may not be able to resist it, especially when Ye Luo Zhiqiu is hidden in the dark Under the circumstances."

That's right, more than 10 powerful bosses are gathered together, and these BOSS also have a lot of group attack skills. If multiple bosses use group attack skills, even if Tokyo Mythology they use their big moves, they may not be able to resist it, let alone this. At that time, Ye Luo and others may also launch sneak attacks at any time-if Tokyo Mythology and their ults, great power, and wide range of skills are all displayed, especially invincible skills, then even if they have a large number of advantages to face Ye Luo, etc. People are not opponents either.

Since they are not opponents, they will undoubtedly suffer heavy casualties if they rush to support them. This is not what the people under Mount Fuji want to see.

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