VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1960: : A group of BOSS

[Group Guardian Scroll] and [Group Blessing Scroll] undoubtedly have the effect of turning the situation around, and even Ye Luo and the others can defeat dozens or hundreds of professional masters such as the Tokyo Mythology, so Break the Waves and Ride the Wind. These take the initiative to attack, and the fireworks easy to cool tends to use these to save their lives at a disadvantage, after all, they may encounter danger at any time in the Japanese server.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind and the firework Yi Leng encountered a dispute. Then the former asked Ye Luo what to do. After all, he was the only one who could affect the two women at this time.

After a while, Ye Luo said: "As Fireworks said, we are on a Japanese server after all, and no one knows what kind of dangers we will encounter, so it is good to keep some killers. I suggest that we are in crisis. Time to use these scrolls."

Without waiting for the others to speak, he continued: "Of course, if we can meet some BOSS and then explode similar scrolls, then we can also take the initiative to attack. I believe there will still be a chance to kill Tokyo Shinhwa and others. Once, so we still have the opportunity to explode his magic combination."

I have to say that Ye Luo said that he took care of the emotions of the two women who are easy to get cold with fireworks, and that the wave and wind rides the two women. Of course, the most important thing is that his proposal will make their team safer, so most of the people like Waves and wind rides agreed to do this. And there was no suspicion caused by this. Then they acted separately, and Ye Luo continued to look for high-level BOSS to kill underwater, but also gained some gains, such as encountering a holy-level BOSS, after killing it Obtained 2 pieces of Saint-level equipment, but this time they did not explode a scroll like the [Group Blessing Scroll], so that Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind were a little disappointed, after all, if the [Group Blessing Scroll] burst again, they would be able to take the initiative to attack.

"Sister Feng, Ye Luo, I studied the [Group Mirror Scroll] before and found that this scroll is also quite good." Suddenly the sound of the fireworks' coldness sounded in the team channel, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "After using this scroll, all of us will have a mirror image that can be controlled by us. Although these mirror images cannot be attacked, the other attributes are the same as the body. At this time, we can control the mirror image away from us, which can not only confuse and compensate, but also There will be one more displacement skill, which can play a key role if used well."

He pondered a little, and sat on Qin Xin said: "Yes, mirror images have the same attributes as ours, and the movement speed is the same. It can last for 3 minutes. If we control them away from us when in danger, then we can lock them to teleport. In the past, this undoubtedly allowed us to escape."

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood the meaning of fireworks being cold and sitting on the heart of the piano. Not to mention that mirroring can make them teleport over, but the deceptive effect can also relieve them a little bit of pressure, and if the teleportation effect is used Good can also play a key role, whether it is chasing the target or fleeing.

"Yes, this scroll is very good to use to escape." Breaking the waves and riding the wind road, and then she smiled bitterly: "Unfortunately, Ye Luo is only bursting down this scroll now. It would be great if you can burst down more, especially [groups] Blessing Scroll] and [Group Guardian Scroll], so we can attack unscrupulously, and even face the charge of tens of thousands of legions or even more, even if it is air power."

"Don't worry, the first BOSS that Ye Luo encountered exploded 3 scrolls. Although the second BOSS didn't explode, it might explode if you found other BOSS." Othello said casually.

"I hope so." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, and then thinking of something, she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, it has been nearly an hour since the last killing. My attack power is almost gone. Now we should do it again. Let’s start a sneak attack. Anyway, we now have those 3 scrolls. Even if we encounter some dangers, we can solve them. Maybe we can solve the Tokyo Mythology people easily.”

It is very important for everyone to keep Ye Luo and Po Lang Riding the wind at full attack power. After all, the damage output of the two can increase by more than 10 times after they add up their attack power. In this state, even if they face the pressure of Tokyo Myth and others Relatively small, it is more likely to be killed.

Naturally, the fireworks are easy to get cold, but she didn’t answer immediately, and after a little hesitation, she asked: "Jian San, have you already arrived at the ancient battlefield? How is the situation there?"

"Well, I have arrived here." Ken Sando, after a short pause, he continued: "Tokyo Mythology they have deployed heavy troops here, including the Ice Dragon Eagle Summoner and other units that restrain air power. There are many, tens of thousands. meter."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "By the way, I found a new situation here, that is, some powerful BOSS suddenly refreshed in a place not too far away from them. Most of them are 335-level Saint-level BOSS, and the worst BOSS is also accurate. Saint-level bosses, and there are even 3 quasi-anti-ancient Saint-level bosses among them."

"What kind of BOSS?!" After hearing this, June Feixue was shocked, she hurriedly asked: "Probably how many bosses, how many Saint-level, how many quasi-Saint-level, and those 3 quasi-prime-old Saint-level BOSS. How is the level?"

Without waiting for Jiansan to speak, she was quite excited and said: "Many BOSS, there are even quasi-ancient holy-level BOSS, and there are three, if we can kill all of them, we can explode a lot of holy-level equipment. There is even a chance to explode the equipment of the ancient sage level, after all, the quasi-ancient sage level boss has the opportunity to explode the equipment of this level."

"Yes, we must find ways to get all of these BOSS in our pockets." The voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased by a few points, and she was quite excited: "Even if we don't burst the equipment and just experience, we can improve to level 1 and 2. The level gap between us and Tokyo Shinhwa is even greater, not to mention other Japanese players, so it will be easier for us to kill them."

"I said so, but it is not easy to kill all those BOSS. After all, there are Tokyo Mythology and their heavy guards. Among them is the Ice Dragonhawk Summoner who can restrain us, tens of thousands. Sit on Qinxin and frowned slightly: "The most troublesome thing is that the people of Tokyo Mythology can lock their people and send them to help at any time. If we are there, it will be more dangerous."

"That's not necessarily true." Po Lang Chengfeng said disapprovingly: "Don't forget that we have [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Group Guardian Scroll], using these we should be able to kill all those ice dragon eagles, even including Tokyo Mythology Those of them, if necessary, we can also use some combination skills. Anyway, we still have multiple combination skills that we haven't used, and it's wasted if we don't use them. It's better to deal with those ice dragon eagles."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she looked at the fireworks and was easily cold: "Fireworks, it is also necessary to use those two scrolls for those powerful BOSS."

Firework Easy Cold did not reply to Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, but asked in the team channel: "Sword III, how many BOSS are there, what level is the quasi-antiquity Saint-level BOSS, and whether they have a large range and large power group? Attack skills?"

Seeing that the fireworks Yi Leng asked like this, the people such as Po Lang Chengfeng realized what they were, and then waited expectantly for Jian San to reply.

Hearing that the firework is easy to get cold, Jian San did not hesitate, and directly told the news he found out: "There are about 10 quasi-sage bosses, most of which are 320, and holy bosses have 5, most of them are 335. I can’t see the level of the 3 quasi-sage-level bosses. It seems that they are at least level 340. As for whether they have powerful group attack skills, I don’t know yet. There are group attack skills, especially holy bosses. They have a group attack skill that covers a radius of 100 meters, their damage output is very powerful, and they also have strong control capabilities."

"There are 18 bosses, and most of them should have group attack skills, and there are even 3 quasi ancient holy bosses among them. This is a very powerful force." Sitting on Qin's heart, she looked at the fireworks and became cold: " Fireworks, if these BOSS are introduced to the crowds of Tokyo Mythology and others, then it will surely cause a devastating blow, and we can also take the opportunity to kill many players and BOSS."

Without waiting for the fireworks to get cold, she continued: "Because there are quasi-anti-ancient holy bosses among them, even if a large group of players besiege and want to kill all of them in 5 minutes, it is impossible, not to mention our interference, and It is more beneficial for us to delay for a long time, because many of us can perform 2 big moves, and the duration of [Group Blessing Scroll] is 10 minutes. These BOSSs have a comparison to Tokyo Mythology and their people. It will be easier for us to deal with them after heavy casualties, and even when they send people to besiege us, they will not pose any threat to us."

"Well, that's right, the tactics of diversion will definitely have a very good effect." The waves and the wind are full of expectation.

After pondering for a while, the firework was easy to be cold and asked: "Jian San, wait for you to find a hidden place to hide, it is best to be around those BOSS, can it be done?"

"Those BOSS appeared suddenly and killed a lot of people. At this time, no one dared to approach them. There was a pile of rocks around them. I shouldn't be found hiding there." Jian San observed. After the environment there, he continued after a short pause: "It is because these BOSS made the Japanese defense line chaotic that I took the opportunity to stealth and rushed over, and at this time, it is not too far away from those BOSS."

"Well, you are trying to get into the pile of rocks." Firework Yi Leng gave the order, and after Jian San rushed to the destination, she continued: "Ye Luo, lock Jian San and teleport over, and then you will try to lure those bosses to rush towards Japanese players, you should know how to do the next thing."

"Understand." Ye Luo said calmly.

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