VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1962: : Waiting for an opportunity

10 multi-headed BOSS, the worst is the quasi-sage-level BOSS, among them there are 3 quasi-previous-sage-level bosses, these BOSSs are extremely powerful when they are gathered together, especially they have some group attack skills, which cover group attack skills. The attack, even if all the dual professional players in Japan such as Tokyo Shinhwa arrived together, they couldn't resist it, even if they used their big moves.

Even if they were barely able to kill all the 10 bosses, at that time they didn’t have ults, invincible skills, and powerful and wide-ranging skills. In this case, Ye Luo and others could easily kill them all. , This is not what they want to see.

Although he didn't want to admit it, Heilong Tianzhan also knew that the words under Mount Fuji were true. For a while, he was so angry that he kept cursing Ye Luo for insidiousness, unexpectedly thinking of this trick.

"Could it be that we just look at it like this?" Susano Shinto, he looked at everyone: "We have tens of thousands of players dragged by those BOSS, if they count all 1 level, it will have a great impact on our strength, especially There are still people blasting equipment."

"Let our people get out of the battle as much as possible and line up hundreds of meters away from the boss." Tokyo Mythology decisively issued an order.

Everyone quickly understood the meaning of such an order from Tokyo Mythology. At this time, it was undoubtedly the best way for them, so they did not hesitate to issue the order immediately.

Just given the order, the cherry blossoms frowned, and she said: "Oh, the Black Hawk Gang, Ninja House and other gangs each sent some dual-professional masters to the ancient battlefield to support them, and they have already played against the BOSS, more than 10 There are so many people, how can this be done?!"

"What? They actually went to support them. Are they pigs?!" Hearing the cherry blossoms, the foot of Mount Fuji couldn't help cursing, and then he looked at the Tokyo Mythology, which was self-evident.

"Even if they rush over, we can't support it, because Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others have not yet appeared. We will be very dangerous in the past at this time." Tokyo Shinhwa shook his head, and then he looked at the cherry blossoms in full bloom: "Sakura, you go to contact People from those gangs, let them retreat in time, don't entangle with those bosses."

I also know that you can't be too impulsive at this time, otherwise the casualties will be greater, so the cherry blossoms are in full bloom, so I directly contact the people in the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs and tell them the decision of Tokyo Mythology. After speaking, she looks at Tokyo Mythology. : "Although I told them to withdraw, I don't know how effective it is. I think those people are unwilling to leave. After all, most of them have already used their big moves."

More than 10 dual-professional masters of the Black Hawk Gang and other gangs have already used their ultimatums. If they are allowed to retreat at this time, their ultimatum will be wasted. This is not what they want to see, so these people are likely not Follow the persuasion and continue to fight against the boss.

Even if these people completely obeyed the persuasion to leave, more than 10 skills were wasted, and their lack of ults would greatly reduce their overall strength. In this case, they would not be opponents to Shang Ye Luo and others-Sakura Blooming they firmly believe that Ye Luo will definitely make a move.

After pondering a little, Tokyo Mythology said: "Then let them deal with those bosses. I think Ye Luo Zhiqiu and others will definitely take the opportunity to take action, and at this time they will definitely use some powerful and wide-ranging skills, and even need to use them. Big move, after the effect of their big move is over, we will send it over, depending on the situation, let Black Hawk and the others use the [Heaven and Earth Cage], such a hobby seems to have the opportunity to kill Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they paid attention to the situation on the ancient battlefield at any time, and they were ready to take action at any time.

Not to mention the Tokyo Mythology and their arrangements, let alone the situation in the ancient battlefield.

After seeing the situation of the ancient battlefield through a shared perspective, the people like Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind were very excited, especially seeing the rapid decrease in the number of Summoners of the Frost Dragonhawk, and then Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind urged: "Leaf, you hurry up to us Let these people teleport over. It would be a pity for these monsters to kill those Japanese players. After all, the increased attack power we have gained by killing people can't last long, and this time cannot be better."

Under the attack of so many BOSS, Japanese players are in chaos, and many people are already in a state of residual blood. At this time, they can undoubtedly kill many people in a short period of time. This way, the waves can not only kill more people. Attack power, and can also get a lot of national war points-at this time, June Feixue and others have not forgotten to accumulate enough national war points and then exchange for the Primordial God-level flying mount.

"It's not appropriate to shoot now, because Tokyo Mythology and others have not yet appeared." Ye Luo shook his head: "Even though we are under great pressure in the face of these BOSS, we need some life-saving skills in actual combat, and if necessary, we must use it. Big move, if Tokyo Shinhwa and others teleport over to besiege us after the effect of our big move disappears, then our pressure will be great."

"Yes, it's not appropriate to take action at this time, especially if we are all over." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and then his tone changed: "It is best to wait for Tokyo Mythology and the others to take action and wait for the effects of their big moves to disappear. Then we will make another move, so that we can kill them all in one fell swoop."

"In spite of this, the increased attack power of Ye Luo and I can't last for much longer. If they procrastinate and never show up, wouldn't we miss this opportunity?" Po Lang asked back, seeing the fireworks Yi Yi Leng silently, she continued: "Also, Tokyo Mythology, they are also smart people. If they see us not appearing, they should not appear. After all, they also know that they are also difficult to resist against more than 10 bosses, so I feel ten They won’t show up eight or nine times."

Without waiting for the fireworks Yi Leng and others to speak, she continued: "It has been more than 1 minute, and the Tokyo Shinhwa and others have still not appeared. Obviously they will not appear if we do not appear, so we must find ways to lure them to appear, anyway now. We already have scrolls such as [Reel of the Group Guardian]. It’s not impossible to take a little risk. You must let Tokyo Mythology see the hope that they will take action, so that we will have the opportunity to kill them all."

She also knows that the words of breaking the waves and riding the wind are very reasonable. The fireworks are easy to be cold and after a little indulge, she said: "Sister Feng can send over to help, but we can't show up all of us. Just 4 or 5 will appear. Others People can act as a deterrent instead of showing up."

Before breaking the waves and riding the wind to speak, she continued: "Ye Luo, you try to get around the edge of the Japanese player to the side of the ancient battlefield, and Sister Houfeng, Yeyewu, I, Sister Qin, Saturday and Sunday will lock you and teleport over. Remember not to use [Space Portal]."

Fireworks Yi Leng is quite smart. She knows that the entire staff will undoubtedly let Tokyo Mythology figure out their deployment in the past. Only 4 or 5 people will appear, and the others will be on standby at any time. This is undoubtedly more deterrent and prevents them from acting rashly. Better.

The reason why Ye Luo is not allowed to use [Space Portal] is because some of them do not have teleport skills. Although the CD time of this skill is only 3 minutes, no one knows what will happen in these 3 minutes, so for You can call in June Feixue and others at any time to rush over to support and retain this skill.

In addition, letting Ye Luo appear on the edge of Japanese players is also a very smart move, which can kill a large number of players while avoiding being attacked by BOSS, so that their pressure will undoubtedly be much less, and it can make Japanese players lose more— -Players on the edge can escape at any time. If Ye Luo and the others entangle them, they will undoubtedly prevent them from escaping, plus the players killed by the BOSS, so the Japanese players will undoubtedly lose more.

Ye Luo is also a wise man. He quickly understood this. Even when he heard the arrangement of the fireworks, he had already started to act and quickly reached the destination. Then he launched an attack with the energy arrow plus 【Reincarnation of Blade]’s attack, he quickly cleared a vacuum here.

At this time, breaking the waves and riding the wind, and night and night, unless someone locked her and sent it over, and then didn’t say much, they directly launched an attack, and while attacking, they also summoned the flying mounts and controlled the flying mounts to display [Dragon Yin Nine days] Wait for the sound wave control skills, so that Ye Luo and the others will kill the surrounding players more easily, not to mention the flying mounts have greatly increased their overall attributes.

Unless every night, fireworks are easy to be cold, they will be condescending to use various skills or just ordinary energy arrow attacks. Both of them have powerful control capabilities, or slow down or paralyze the target. Their existence has also caused a lot to those Japanese players. Trouble.

As for sitting on the piano heart, Saturdays and Sundays, they are not idle. Although they don’t need to add blood to Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, they can apply [Spell Immunity] to Po Lang Cheng Feng who rushed into the enemy line. She can even charge unscrupulously--breaking the waves and riding the wind, it is not convenient to ride a flying mount. After all, even if riding a ride, her attack range is not too far, so she simply abandoned the mount and rushed into the crowd. The effect of immunity can freely shuttle through the enemy formation.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind charge in front. With her powerful attack power and splash effect, the damage output can be quite terrifying, while Ye Luo, fireworks are easy to be cold, and every night unless they are riding flying mounts to attack from a high level, they can attack the waves at any time. Those who are threatened by the wind, such a few people are quite safe.

Although Ye Luo and the others are few in number, only Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind can deal terrifying damage, and even their damage output can match more than 10 dual professions that perform ulterior moves, plus night. The damage output of night and fireworks is easy to cold, and the damage they can deal is also terrible. Under their attack, the Japanese players were killed one by one. Soon they killed 3,400 people. After these people died completely The attack power of Yeluo and Polangchengfeng could last another hour.

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