VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1940: : Start sneaking

The battle between Miomi Pavilion and the Heavenly Slaughter Organization was on the verge, but just from the beginning, Miomi Pavilion had the absolute upper hand, killing all of them was just a matter of time.

Think about it, even though the Heavenly Kill Organization also has other occupations, but it only accounts for more than 50% at the moment. Such a combination of occupations is simply unreasonable. There is no problem with the assassination in normal times, but there is no chance of winning in front of them. What's more, the opponent is Miomi Pavilion.

There was no suspense at all in the battle. The winner was only determined in 10 minutes. Hua Nongyue and other members of the Heavenly Kill Organization were killed. The level dropped by 1, and the gang experience was also reduced a lot, but they did not have a gang resident, so in There is no loss at this point.

Many people watched this gang battle, and at least some of the big gangs were there. They wanted to see the strength of Miomi Pavilion through this gang battle, or how far they were from Miomi Pavilion.

Although we all know that Miomi Pavilion defeated the Heavenly Killing Organization, there is no suspense, but seeing Ye Luo and the others solve the battle so easily has shocked many gangs. Although they are sure to defeat the Heavenly Killing organization, they will not be so clean and neat. What player was killed.

Of course, in this gang battle, they also saw the strengths of elite masters in the Misty Pavilion, such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. In this battle, they were like tigers in the mountains, especially Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. After power, it can almost be invincible in the crowd, there is no enemy at all.

After the gang war ended, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not forget to send out a system reminder to warn the Heavenly Kill Organization again, otherwise they would challenge it every once in a while until the Heavenly Kill gang was disbanded.

I have to say that this approach is very ruthless and effective. After all, a gang’s gang skills are still very helpful to players, not to mention that the defeat level of participating in a gang war has to be lowered. Now as the player’s level increases, it takes a lot of For a long time, losing level 1 still has a greater impact on them, even if they don’t burst their equipment in a gang battle, and it is precisely because of this that the **** organization has converged a little, at least it is about Misty Ge's reward task became more vigilant.

Of course, while warning the Heavenly Kill Organization, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind did not forget to warn the gangs behind the ghosts once again, and after seeing the power of Miomi Pavilion, those gangs would somewhat hesitate and dare not act rashly.

After the gang war, Ye Luo and the others stayed on the ancient battlefield and tried their best to kill monsters-obviously they wanted to break the border barrier and then sneak into the Japanese server.

That's right, Ye Luo's goal has not changed this time, it is still Japan.

While killing monsters in the ancient battlefield, Ye Luo and the others did not forget to pay attention to Hao Sun City. They can know the number of players invading China through the system panel, and they can know the colorful colors through the **** of wine Du Kang and others. Whether Shenniu and others have crossed the ancient battlefield and then sneaked into the hinterland of the Chinese server.

"Sister Fireworks, Sister Feng, our people have inquired about Eastern Killing Sky and they also made a plan to take the initiative." When killing monsters, June Feixue suddenly said, without waiting for everyone to ask her to continue: "And their goal is to pass Another secret path in the ancient battlefield sneaked into Korea. It seems that they couldn't sit still after learning that we wanted to take the initiative."

"They will do what we do. I really think they are stronger than us." Othello sneered: "We have advantages that they don't have. Although South Korea has fewer elite players than Japan, However, Dark Night, Twilight Cool, and Fire Dance Light are also super-class masters, and they may not be able to get anything cheap against these people."

"Oriental stars are not stupid people. Infiltrating into other countries to carry out hunting operations is to make quick decisions and not to fight head-on with a large number of opponents." Samadhi said: "The strength of the East Killing Sky is very strong, and the killing can increase. Attack power, it’s okay to kill the target in a short period of time and then transfer it, so even the dark night and the others can’t help them, they can only be played around."

Although I don't want to admit it, Othello and others also know that the strength of the Eastern family should not be underestimated.

"Yes, the strength of the Eastern family is also very powerful, not to mention that there are experts such as Huanongyue who acted with them this time." June Feixue continued, seeing everyone's stunned look, she continued: "Yes. , The elite masters of the Heavenly Kill Organization will also act together, and even some elite assassins from the Assassin’s House will also travel with them. With the assistance of these people, their actions this time will not have much problem."

The Heavenly Kill Organization not only has unique auxiliary occupations such as Huanongyue and Huanongying, but also some dual-professional masters, and some elite assassins from the Assassin’s House are accompanying them, so Eastern Killing Heaven and their elite team will fall It can also pose a great threat to Korean players.

"The Heavenly Kill Organization and the Assassin's House have sent elite assassins to accompany you?!" After hearing this sentence, the voice of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little, and then she nodded: "The role of the space assassin is still very big, plus When other assassins go out to investigate the terrain, Dongfang Killian and their safety should be no problem, and as long as they are alive, they can pose a great threat to Korean players. Maybe they will not be smaller than ours."

"It seems that Eastern Killing Sky doesn't want us to be beautiful, or they don't want to see us play a huge role in the national war and become indifferent. They also want to gain some reputation that has overwhelmed us, so that they can save a little bit. , Maybe they can keep the title of their first gang." Samadhi said, and then a smile appeared on her mouth: "But this time we should not let them do what they want. After all, we have an advantage that they don’t have. We are alone here. There are two existences that can increase offensive power by killing people. They are not comparable, and this will also make us more dynamic and kill more people in other countries."

As I said before, a master who kills and increases attack power is very different from two. It is not as simple as one plus one, because two such masters can cooperate with each other, which can reduce a lot of trouble, and only one person There will be a lot of scruples, at this point Miomi Pavilion has a great advantage, not to mention Ye Luo and the others have other advantages, such as flying mounts, such as the number of combined skills and so on.

“Actually, it’s a good thing for us to take action in Eastern Killing Heaven. They will have much less pressure to mess up our country with South Korea.” Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she looked at everyone: “Next, we don’t care about the Eastern family. In the situation over there, we only need to complete our task."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and then they stopped struggling with this, and then they continued to kill monsters with all their strength.

At 3 o'clock, the toughness of the border barrier was finally cleared, and Ye Luo and the others came to the secret path for the first time. Next, Ye Luo took the lead through the path, and the waves and the wind and others were behind. Subsequently.

Soon they came to the exit. It was blocked by Yeluo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and using the boulders. But at this time, the boulders were nothing unusual. Even the marks that Yeluo and the others made before are still there. No one has been here.

Move the boulder away, Ye Luo and the others continue to move forward. The thing that prevented them from moving forward is no longer there, and when Ye Luo crossed over, his system map also began to update, such as the half of the green mountain on the enchantment side, here There is also a secret trail that stretches, and it is obvious that you can get to the server where Japan is located through here.

As soon as Ye Luo crossed the barrier, the Japanese system prompt also sounded, prompting Ye Luo to have sneaked in. This caused an uproar in Japan. Tokyo Mythology, Mount Fuji and others reacted immediately after shock, and then Some savvy people pulled into a system space and then held a meeting to discuss various matters concerning the response to Ye Luo's invasion, and seeing everyone showing their solemn expressions could tell their tension, as if they were facing an enemy.

Think about it, too, in the extreme challenge and the fallen devil, the name Ye Luo rose to fame. At that time, people from various countries became vigilant, and even people from many countries joined forces to suppress China, but they still failed to get any cheap, even I watched his fame grow, and then he won the double championship in the martial arts competition, which also made people from various countries more vigilant and regarded him as a major enemy.

Not only Ye Luo, but also the entire Misty Pavilion, such as breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the easy cold fireworks are all top-ranked super masters on the world rankings. This is a very powerful force, and their infiltration will definitely give The Japanese server caused a lot of trouble, and it is not impossible to cause a **** storm. The Tokyo Mythology, these people are smart people, they naturally know that it is impossible for Ye Luo to sneak into their country alone, and there are also other elite masters in Misty Pavilion and even China. May participate in this action, and this will make their pressure a little bit more.

"Hey, we have reached an agreement with other countries to deal with China together. We haven't waited until we acted. Ye Luo Zhiqiu and those people took the lead in attacking us. They really think we are good for bullying!" Hei Longtian said angrily.

Even though he said that, Heilongtian Slash also knew that if Ye Luo and the others could actually sneak into their server, it would definitely pose a great threat to them. Even people like them had no good way to stop them. After all, they knew that Some elite masters sneak into a country and then hide at will. Trying to pull it out is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack, not to mention super masters like Ye Luo and Breaking the Waves.

"Ye Luo Zhiqiu has sneaked into our server. You and I know how powerful his strength is." The cherry blossoms are in full bloom and she looked at everyone: "And Ye Luo Zhiqiu sneaked in, so the masters such as breaking waves and riding the wind will definitely sneak in. These people are all super masters, and the worst is also first-rate masters. If we can't catch them in time and kill them, then we will be in trouble."

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