VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1939: : Some orders

As said by June Feixue, Eastern Killing is the strongest player in the robbery except Ye Luo, and he can also kill people to increase attack power. After full attack power, his damage output will be terrible, I am afraid it can be topped The total damage output of more than a dozen or even more dual professions. If he joins forces with Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng, then their elite team can easily defeat them even with the air power of tens of thousands of people.

Can defeat the opponent's air power, then the next thing is simple, Ye Luo and the others can attack the opponent's land players unscrupulously, killing them all is not a problem, after all, land players can't help them.

It is precisely because of this that June Feixue has that kind of expectation and emotion.

"People from the Eastern family will not act with us. Maybe they also have their plans, such as sneaking into other countries as well. They don't want to be overwhelmed by us in this matter, so Eastern Killing Sky will never join us." The samādhi poem said, and then the tone changed: "However, even if there is no East Killing the sky, we can defeat an air force army of the enemy only by relying on the people of our Misty Pavilion. The big deal is that everyone can use some combination skills. Anyway, we don’t lack this. skill."

Yes, as the samādhi poem said, Miomi Pavilion now has a lot of combo skills. Although it is difficult to use these combo skills to defeat the army of a country, after all, most players now have invincible means, and there are more than one. It is very easy to clear the toughness of many flying cavalry mounts and weaken the air power of the opponent. Then Ye Luo and the others can use the advantages of flying mounts to play with them slowly.

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understand this, and they are more looking forward to the next actions.

"Remind everyone before you leave." Suddenly, the fireworks became cold, and she looked at everyone: "Now players who follow us must be prepared to bring all kinds of supplies. After all, we cannot buy medicines on servers in other countries. You can't repair the toughness of the equipment, so you must carry props that can repair the toughness of the equipment while carrying all kinds of pill, or bring replacement equipment."

Because this sneak action will last for a while, and high-intensity combat will consume a lot of equipment toughness, so it is necessary to bring some items that can repair the toughness of the equipment. After all, one piece of equipment is not good for the player. Its strength has a greater impact, especially after sneaking into other countries, there will be punishments that weaken the overall attributes.

"There are already a lot of this kind of things in the market, and I have already collected some of them by celebrities. I believe there will be no problem if we insist on ten and a half months." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly, after all, she does all the logistics. Things are also under her care.

She still believes in Qinxin’s ability to do things. Fireworks is easy to be cold and does not struggle with this issue anymore. She continued: “In addition, I would like to remind everyone that in other countries, they will suffer the penalty of lowering attributes, so everyone must bear in mind. This, and get used to it as soon as possible."

Seeing everyone nodding their heads, she continued: "One more thing, you cannot use teleportation skills in two different spaces, which means that people in our country cannot directly teleport to the country we are going to dive into, and Ye Luo The [Space Portal] cannot transport everyone from our country to the country we are going to sneak into this time."

Ye Luo understood this for the first time, and he also knew the importance of this matter, so he remembered it.

"Not only that, you can't use teleporting scrolls on servers in other countries. There are two ways to return to our country." The firework was cold, and seeing Ye Luo showing curiosity, she continued: "The first one is naturally He was killed and returned to the city to resurrect, while the second one flew back, just as if we had sneaked in."

"Uh, have to fly back again?" Othello was stunned: "This is too much trouble, and how do I feel that returning is more difficult than diving into a country."

"Well, when I sneaked in, it was carried out unconsciously, and when I returned, it might be chased, killed and intercepted by countless people. This would be even more difficult." Samadhi Shi took the conversation, and then she laughed: "Of course, this is better than being killed. After all, the rate of being killed in other countries will increase, and the best case will be 1 level."

"What, the killing rate in other countries will increase?!" June Feixue was a little stunned, obviously it was the first time she knew of this situation.

"This is a hidden setting, so it's best not to be killed." Samadhi poetry said.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and their expressions were a little serious. After all, the equipment on the body was not what they wanted to see.

While talking about this, June Feixue’s communication device sounded. After the connection was made, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth. Without waiting for everyone to ask, she said: “Our people say that those who invaded our country have some borders. The ancient battlefield on the edge of the world encountered powerful monsters and was killed. Some of them were killed."

"What, was killed by a monster?!" Hearing the news, the sound of breaking the waves and riding the wind increased a little: "This is good news for us. The fewer people who invade our country, the less our loss, but I I am curious how those who invaded would be killed. After all, they are all elite masters, and most of them have flying mounts or can share other people's mounts to fly over."

"This is a good explanation. There are relatively powerful flying monsters in the depths of the ancient battlefield, or monsters that restrain flying players, such as the proboscis mammoth." Samadhi said, she looked at the system panel: "Now the system On the panel, there are 234 foreign players on our national server, which is 2, 30 less than before. Obviously they were killed. It seems that it is difficult to fly directly through the ancient battlefield."

"Yes, so many people were killed before they even touched us. They are really unlucky." The book said in the middle of the night, and then the tone changed: "Fortunately, we did not intend to lead the army directly across the ancient battlefield. , Otherwise the monsters on the ancient battlefields on both sides can stop us from talking for a long time, maybe they can cause us great casualties."

Think about it, the players who invaded China are all elite masters. At least their strength is stronger than that of most players in Miomi Pavilion, and none of them can safely cross the ancient battlefield. So Miomi Pavilion wants to lead the army directly. Killing the past will undoubtedly cause greater casualties.

"Well, yes, it is not a wise choice to lead a large army across the ancient battlefield at the moment." Samadhi said, and then she looked at Po Lang Cheng Feng, Ye Luo and others: "Fortunately, Ye Luo found the secret path from Here, you can bypass the ancient battlefield, so you can save a lot of trouble."

"I just don't know if there is a powerful monster intercepting the secret path. If there is, it is really troublesome." June Feixue said to herself.

"It shouldn't be, because we didn't find any powerful monsters in the past, at least before we came into contact with the border barrier, but it's still uncertain whether there are powerful monsters on the other side of the border barrier." Ye Luo said, not treating everyone. He spoke, and he changed his tone: "But there is nothing to worry about. You can wait for me to pass for a while before crossing the barrier, so that we are in one space, and then I can use [Space Portal] Transport you directly to a safe place."

Ye Luo's strength is very strong, he can be called the number one master of the tribulation, and he has the holy mount of the colorful unicorn. It is not difficult to sneak through the secret path or force over the powerful monsters to find a safe place. Then he You can use the [Space Portal] to teleport players who have crossed the border to that safe place, so they can easily sneak into the target country.

Think about it, if even Ye Luo can't sneak into other countries, then other people will have no chance, and he will still rush over from the secret path.

"This is a good idea." Samadhi said, and after thinking of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "But there is one more thing to tell you that communication devices cannot be used between different servers, so it is difficult for us to know if you are Has reached a safe zone."

Without waiting for Ye Luo to speak, she continued: "But it's not a difficult thing. The big deal is to cross the border with Sister Feng and the others, and then you will act alone, and when you get to a safe place, you can directly send Sister Feng and them over."

"It depends on the situation. If you see a lot of monsters or players on the opposite side of the border barrier, it will depend on the situation at that time." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she looked at Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "It's really impossible. We can only use the advantage of the mount to kill it. Even if the overall attribute is reduced by 10%, the colorful unicorn and sister Feng's purple electric dragon also have a speed advantage, and there is no problem crossing the past."

Hearing that, everyone was convinced that they no longer entangled with this matter, the next thing is to continue to wait, waiting until 12 o'clock-the people of Misty Pavilion challenged the gang of the godslayer organization, the challenge officially began at 12 noon today, Before sneaking into other countries, we must solve the threat of the killing organization. After all, if Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng are not in them, they will be more arrogant.

Of course, while waiting, Ye Luo and the others were not idle. In order to sneak into other countries and relieve the tension and pressure of domestic players, they concentrated their time on the ancient battlefield to kill monsters. With their strength, it is no problem to kill monsters efficiently. Yes, and as time goes by, the toughness of the border barriers also decreases.

It soon arrived at 12 o'clock, and the gang battle between Miomi Pavilion and the Heavenly Kill Organization was also on the verge. Because Heavenly Kill Organization only had 1,200,000 people, Miomi Pavilion only used players with equal base numbers, but even if there is no advantage in the number of players, Misty Ge's strength can easily defeat the Heavenly Kill Organization, even if Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others don't do anything.

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