VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1941: : Discuss countermeasures

Ye Luo is not only the number one master in the world. The most important thing is that he kills like Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology to increase his attack power. Originally, his attack is very powerful. If it increases by 200%, it will become extremely terrifying. His own damage output is higher than the sum of damage from dozens of or even more dual-professionals, and the infiltration of such a super master naturally makes Japanese players worried, not to mention that this time it is not only Ye Luo who sneaked in. , There are elite masters such as breaking waves and riding the wind.

It was exactly the same. Tokyo Shinhwa and others took this matter seriously. They immediately held a high-level meeting to discuss how to deal with this matter.

Everyone is also a smart person, so they naturally know what kind of threats Ye Luo, Po Lang Chengfeng and others can sneak into the hinterland of the server, so they decisively prevent them from sneaking into the hinterland.

"Ye Luo Zhiqiu, they must pass through that ancient battlefield if they want to sneak into our country, and the monsters in the ancient battlefield are of very high level and level, and there are even big guys over 360. Among them, there are many flying monsters. Ye Luozhi It’s not easy for Qiu and the others to pass through the ancient battlefield.” Heilong Tianzhan said indifferently, “It’s a great achievement for the people they invaded to survive, and not even one can survive.”

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "In addition, we have deployed a large army on the edge of the ancient battlefield, and there are many people practicing here. It can be said that the ancient battlefield is blocked, and Ye Luozhiqiu and those people are lucky to bypass. Even those powerful monsters can hardly get past our obstacles, so there is nothing to worry about."

"If Ye Luo Zhiqiu can't pass through the ancient battlefield, then in the entire Heaven Tribulation game, there will be few players who can pass it." Sakura blossomed, and without waiting for Heilong Tianzhan and others to speak, she continued: "As for those of us Players who guard and kill monsters on the edge of the ancient battlefield can't stop Ye Luo Zhiqiu, don't forget that he now has a holy colorful unicorn, who can easily throw us away by virtue of his mount advantage."

Although they didn't want to admit it, Heilong Tianzhan and the others also knew that this was true, because they all knew what a holy-level flying mount meant.

"Don't worry too much. We have also sent a lot of flying cavalry and air power, and even sent more than 100,000 flying summoner corps. Among them, we use the ice dragon eagle with powerful control. With these powers, it can be easily Stop Ye Luo Zhiqiu." Susano Shinto, but when he said this, his confidence was a little lacking.

"Not only that, we also have a lot of dual-professional masters there. After the ice dragon eagle forced Ye Luo Zhiqiu's invincible skills, these dual-professional masters can take action, and even those of us can also take action." Heilong Tianzhan After receiving the stubborn words: "At that time, we will directly use the big move, it is not difficult to intercept and kill Ye Luo Zhiqiu who has no big move."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and a big rock in their hearts was a little relieved.

"I'm afraid that there are too many elite masters who follow Ye Luo Zhiqiu. If they kill them forcibly and then use multiple combo skills or even group combo skills, it will be difficult for our people to intercept them, especially Breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo Zhiqiu and Dongfang Killing the sky joined forces." Fuji went down, and after hearing this, everyone understood his intention.

Think about it, too. Po Lang Chengfeng, Ye Luo and Dongfang Killing Sky are all super masters. The most important thing is that all three of them can kill and increase attack power. If there are many elite masters to cooperate with them, such as multiple combined skill teams, then It is easy for them to kill all the Frost Dragonhawk Summoner Legion, and once the air power is wiped out, then those land players are just lambs to be slaughtered.

"Don't worry, there are still us, we can directly send over to support." Heilong Tianzhan said indifferently, and then changed his tone: "Besides, there is still the boss, and after using the boss's strength, he will entangle them. It will be okay for a while, especially with their invincible skills, and then we can kill them all."

Without waiting for the cherry blossoms and others to speak, he continued: "In addition, everyone in the game industry knows that the waves and the wind are at odds with the Eastern Killing of the Sky, and our allies are the first to invade. In this case, the Eastern Killing of the Heavens will not follow. Breaking the waves and riding the wind and they joined forces, and even other Chinese masters will not participate in this operation but will chase and intercept the colorful sacred cow and others. That is to say, there are not many people who invaded our country this time. Up to now, there are only 2, 30 people. ."

Hearing that, everyone was also aware of the number of players who invaded their country, and found that there were only 2,30 people, which made them wonder.

In the hearts of Heilongtianzhan, Ye Luo and other Chinese players will definitely invade at the same time. After all, the overall strength of these people will be stronger, and it will be safer for everyone to gather together. However, a few minutes have passed and only Ye Luo et al. 2, 30 people, this makes them wonder.

"Yeah, why did two or thirty people invade our country?" Heilong asked in a puzzled manner. After saying these, he looked at the people under Mount Fuji and others: "Couldn't there be a large number of support behind them?"

"Probably not." Sakura said in full bloom. Seeing everyone's doubts, she explained: "You also know that the major gangs in China guard different secondary cities, which means that they are responsible for defending different cities. National borders, especially when other countries may invade at any time, they will not move. That is to say, this time the only person who invaded us is Miomi Pavilion or the Eastern family. However, the Eastern family has enemies with Miomi Pavilion and should not Participate in this action."

"Well, that's right." Mt. Fuji said, he looked at everyone: "I checked the information of players who invaded our country and found that they were all people from Misty Pavilion. This verified that only one gang member invaded us. And the number should be only 2, 30 people."

"What, there are only two or thirty people?!" Ichito Taro was startled, and then he sneered: "Ye Luo Zhiqiu is too arrogant, and he underestimates us. He actually thought that only these people could sneak in. Our country really does not live or die."

"Although they are small in number, it does not mean that they pose a small threat to us." Cherry blossoms said, her face solemnly needed: "Don't forget that Yeluozhiqiu and Breaking the waves and riding the wind are all super masters, the most important thing. It is their killing that can increase the attack power. After the attack power is added, the damage output of only two of them is comparable to the overall output of a dozen or more dual classes, so we will still have large casualties against them."

"Not only that, but fewer people means that they are more mobile, and it will be more difficult for us to catch them." Fujiyama added, and then he ignored the Heilongtianzhan and others, he said to himself : "If you don't use a large number of players, it seems that Ye Luo Zhiqiu also knows that relying on a large number of players to pass the ancient battlefield is undoubtedly a idiotic dream. That's why they form an elite team, which is more convenient for hunting operations. I am afraid that we will be in trouble."

"Hey, what are you afraid of, don't you just have 2 or 30 people?" Susano God said disregardingly: "Not to mention whether these 2 or 30 people can cross the ancient battlefield. Even if they can cross, they will be killed. People, next they have to meet our army to intercept, the ice dragon eagle lined up and kept displaying control skills, I don’t believe that they can’t be intercepted, let alone the boss and us people, so absolutely What's the problem."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, he continued: "Since they can't even leave the ancient battlefield, then naturally there is no chance to go deep into our hinterland, so we have nothing to worry about. Next, we will wait to kill them all. "

"That's right." Heilongtian cut, and he was faintly excited: "The overall attributes of players who sneak into other countries will be weakened by 10%, so even if Ye Luozhiqiu is not too threatening to us, we can definitely control They all kill them. Hey, after we kill them, the chances of exploding equipment will be much greater. What's more, Ye Luo Zhiqiu’s [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] belongs to equipment that must be exploded when killed, without this magic weapon. , His strength will be greatly reduced, and he will never become the world's best player anymore."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, even the cherry blossoms are in full bloom. It is very simple in their hearts to intercept 2, 30 people with hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, let alone whether these 2, 30 people can cross the ancient battlefield. Hard to say.

"Although this is the case, we should not be careless and continue to send masters to the ancient battlefields, especially players with control and flying capabilities." Tokyo Mythology looked at the people, and everyone had no objections, so they arranged.

"The next step is to wait for Ye Luo Zhiqiu and the others to come over, don't know how they will pass us?" Tokyo Mythology said to himself.

"I feel that Ye Luo Zhiqiu will go ahead alone." Cherry blossoms said, seeing Heilong Tianzhan and the others with a puzzled look, she continued: "Don't forget that Ye Luo Zhiqiu has a skill like [Space Portal]. Space-based skills can be used in the same space. I think it’s relatively easy for him to ride a powerful mount alone. It’s relatively easy to get past us, and then use the space-based skills to teleport others to a safe place so they can Get rid of our interception easily."

Seeing that everyone’s expressions became dignified, she continued: "I feel that Ye Luo Zhiqiu will be separated from the people and soldiers of Po Lang Chengfeng. Po Lang Chengfeng and others are responsible for attracting our attention, and Ye Luo Zhiqiu It passes over from the edge, and then quickly rushes to a safe place with the advantage of speed, and then can transport the people responsible for the feint attack, such as the waves and the wind, so that they can easily pass us and then sneak into our hinterland."

"Yes, they are likely to do this, so we have to guard against this." Mount Fuji sank and said: "We must focus on Ye Luo Zhiqiu, as long as he intercepts him, others should not be afraid."

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