VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1922: : Challenge the East

After he was eliminated in the tournament, Longteng worked hard to become stronger, took on many difficult tasks and killed many high-level BOSS, so his equipment level has improved a lot, and he has also gained some relatively powerful skills. All of these have brought him back to the ranks of super masters, and now he has a greater chance of winning against the likes of Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and defeating Ye Ye unless it is nothing to say.

Long Teng Tianxia was able to do this, and everyone was happy for it, especially the samādhi poems, and she completely let go of her mind when she was happy.

"Although Longteng Tianxia can defeat Ye Yewu, the other members of the Long Family don't have such strength." Black and white chess said, she laughed: "That means we don't have to worry about Ye Yewu joining the Long Family."

Hearing the words, everyone nodded. They also knew that Othello was true. After all, the operation level of Longteng Sihai, Long Jieyu and Longteng Tianxia still have some gaps, even though their equipment level has also improved a bit. Unless night, there is no big chance of winning.

The fact is the same. The second player of the Long Family is Long Jieyu. She is also a dual professional archer-Paladin Archer. This class has a relatively fast attack speed and defense power, in addition to a relatively powerful healing output, even She also has skills such as [Spell Immunity] and [Holy Dispelling], but her profession also has weaknesses compared to Thunder Dragon Archers, and it is a fatal weakness—attack distance and movement speed are not as good as the opponent.

The attack distance and movement speed are not as good as the opponent's, plus Ye Ye Unless there is [Lei Ying Clone], so Long Jieyu faced Ye Ye unless there was no chance of winning at all, and she was killed after persisting for a while.

Next, Longteng Sihai, Longteng Kyushu and others also played, but they also failed to defeat Ye Ye Wu, and soon the Long Family’s 10 challenges were gone. That is to say, Ye Ye unless they can challenge the next gang— -The wine family.

The master of the Wine Family can also invite Yue to raise a glass. His strength is only slightly worse than that of Longteng Tianxia, ​​not much different from Ouyang Feitian and others, and he does not have the skills or equipment to restrain Thunder Dragon archers. So even if his equipment is fairly good, he can't beat Ye Ye unless.

Inviting the moon to toast is not enough, Jian Nanchun, Hongxing Erguotou and others are also not successful, and the successive defeats have also made Bacchus Dukang angry. He can't help muttering while admiring Yeye unless he is strong. The object of his broken thoughts is fireworks. Yi Leng, because the'conspiracy' that he gifted to Ye Yewu must be her idea.

That’s right, if Miomi Pavilion didn’t give 3 pieces of equipment to Ye Ye unless in the heart of Bacchus Dukang, there would still be a good chance of inviting the moon to toast to defeat it. Even the green plum boiled wine and others had a chance, so they could He was recruited into the Fine Wine Family-Bacchus Dukang used some of his elder privileges to learn about the attributes of the equipment that Misty Pavilion gave to Ye Ye Wu.

"Boss, it is understandable for the fireworks to do this, because they also want to recruit Ye Ye Duan into Miomi Pavilion, so they can only use this method, and this method can be regarded as selling Ye Ye unless a favor, so even if she does not join Miomi The pavilion will not be an enemy of the Misty Pavilion. I would do the same if I had fireworks and easy to cold." Green plum boiled wine lightly, and then changed his tone: "In addition, if Yeyeye didn’t get those three pieces of equipment, we wouldn’t have it either. There is a chance to recruit it into the fine wine family, because Jing Ke, Ci Qin and others have a chance to defeat it, so it is still not our turn."

"That's right." Inviting Yue toasted and said solemnly: "Rather than let Ye Ye unless join the Assassin's House, Ouyang Family and other gangs, it is better to let them join Miomi Pavilion, at least Miomi Pavilion is our most loyal ally."

Bacchus Dukang can naturally judge this, and he is just complaining, and after venting it, he will no longer worry about this matter.

"Boss, our strength is still a bit weak now, it seems that we have to work hard next." Inviting Yue to toast in a deep voice.

After a little hesitation, Bacchus Du Kang said: "Yes, even if we are not inferior to Miomi Pavilion, we cannot be inferior to other gangs, at least we must create a super master like the Long Family, otherwise we will not have our foothold in the game industry in the future. Land."

After a moment of silence, Jian Nanchun and others nodded, because they also felt some pressure.

No one in the Fine Wine Family can defeat Ye Ye Unless, she then challenged the next gang-the Ye Yu Family, and this gang has a large number of elite masters, even more than the Long Family, the Fine Wine Family and other gangs.

The first Ye Yu family to play is Yuexia Tingzen. Although his strength is very strong, not inferior to Da Mo Guyan and Ouyang Feitian, his profession is a bit cumbersome and more suitable for team combat and killing powerful bosses. Unless Ye Ye didn't have much advantage, he was killed after insisting on it for a while.

The next battle is the dark cloud and the rain. I have to say that his profession is very restraining the Thunder Dragon archer. [Dark Sky], the powerful stealth ability allows him to quietly approach the night unless, even if the latter casts [雷影The same goes for the indiscriminate attack after the clone]. After all, she is easy to get close by the dark cloud and rain under the limited vision, especially after the dark cloud and rain also have skills similar to [Xuan Lei Zhi Shang].

The archer is approached by the assassin, so there is no suspense in the battle. Unless Ye Ye has been controlled to death, even if the three Raikage clones come back to rescue, so far, unless Ye Ye is defeated again after the nameless and the dragon. .

Although she is defeated, she won’t stay overnight unless she is not discouraged, because she also knows that the dark thorn is the nemesis of her profession, especially the skills such as the [Dark Sky]. The most important thing is that the dark cloud will rain if you don’t actively attack, even if you are attacked. Will not show his figure, which makes Ye Ye unless quite helpless.

The next one to fight is to fish alone in the snow. He is the Venerable Wind Hidden, a wind type assassin. He moves faster, and also has the control and deceleration skills such as [Wind Binding Technique] and [Wind Array]. It stands to reason that this Profession is also the nemesis of Thunder Dragon Archer, but the luck of fishing Hanjiangxue alone is not very good, and his equipment level is a little bit worse, unless Ye Ye’s first group attack skill will force him out and then It was almost paralyzed, and then he was killed without even having a chance to shoot.

Then Ye Yu Fei Fei, Ye Yu Tian Ge and others also took the stage to accept the challenge, but they also failed to defeat Ye Ye unless, after 10 places, they only won one game, so it is impossible to recruit Ye Ye unless into the night. Yu family, and this disappointed Ye Yu Feifei, and she couldn’t help cursing Miomi Pavilion again in her heart, because in her heart, if Miomi Pavilion didn’t give away equipment to Ye Ye unless, then they had a 70-80% chance to recruit. her.

But unless Ye Ye ignores these, her next challenge is Fengxing, and the masters of this gang are Fengxing Kyushu, Fengxing Tianxia, ​​etc., especially Fengxing Kyushu, he can be called the number one master of Fengxing, strength It's no worse than inviting the moon to toast, but inviting the moon to toast cannot defeat it, so Fengxing naturally has no chance to defeat it.

In the next night, unless they are challenging the Eastern family, if according to the current gang ranking, they should challenge Miomi Pavilion first. After all, Miomi Pavilion is still ranked second, but almost everyone now thinks Miomi Pavilion is the number one in China. For a gang, the most important thing is Ye Ye unless they have already said that they will be the last to challenge Misty Pavilion, so the Eastern Family is ranked first.

The Eastern family obviously also wants to earn Ye Yewu under their command, and they are also the people who have the most chance to recruit Ye Yewu outside of the Misty Pavilion, because this gang will have 3 super masters, and Eastern Slaughter is second on the assassin list. The Assassins also have a great chance to defeat Ye Ye unless-although the Eastern Family only won the third place in the competition, Eastern Killing Tian won the second place in the individual competition, but they also received relatively rich rewards, and their strength was improved. Great, but there is also a great chance that 3 players can defeat Ye Ye unless.

In June Feixue, they were also worried about this. Seeing that Dongfang Killing Tian was the first to play, Othello said solemnly: "The strength of the Dongfang family is very strong, especially after the tournament. Got it."

"Don't worry. Although Dongfang Star and Dongfang Xiaotian are also super masters, their professions do not have any advantage against Thunder Dragon Archers, especially the Demon Wuzun of Dongfang Star. Although this profession is almost sure to win against other people. Undoubtedly, but the archer is her nemesis." Samadhi faintly said: "The same is true for the Dark Dragon Swordsman of Dongfang Xiaotian. He does not have much advantage over the Thunder Dragon Archer, and only Dongfang Slaughter is more troublesome. , Because he is only slightly inferior to Wuming in terms of assassin's attainments. If his equipment level is better, it will not be a big problem to defeat Ye Ye unless."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "However, the Eastern Family should only have the opportunity to defeat Ye Ye Wu, Dong Fang Tuo Tian and Dong Fang Xi Tian have a chance to defeat Ye Ye Wu. It is so far away from Ye Ye unless the three required by them are still one person, so they still cannot recruit Ye Ye. Unless night."

Hearing that, the day everyone ordered the tape, they could only hope so.

The first one of the Eastern Family to fight was the Eastern Killing of the Sky, and his battle was very direct. He directly used [Holy Beast Descent], and then went straight to Ye Ye unless he killed him. At 2 times the movement speed and high blood recovery speed, he It was easy to get close to Ye Ye Wu, and then easily killed Ye Ye Wu with its powerful attack power.

Simple and domineering, Dongfang Tiantian's strength is as strong as ever, and his performance has won the cheers of countless players.

Of course, if it is not because Ye Luo has defeated the East Killing Heaven, I am afraid that the game industry still regards him as the number one master in China and even the world.

Dongfang Xiaotian was the second player of the Eastern Family to fight, and his strength also got a qualitative leap after the tournament, and his equipment level was improved a lot, even better than Ye Ye Duan. This is because he is better than Ye Ye Duan. It can be seen if you move a bit faster.

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