VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1923: : Zhan Xiaotian

The Eastern family has also received relatively generous rewards in the competition. As the second-ranked member of the Eastern family, Dongfang Xiaotian naturally has the priority to choose equipment and skills, so his equipment level is quite good, and his luck is very good. Yes, I learned one or two more powerful skills, so the people of the Eastern family are very confident in defeating Ye Ye.

I have to say that Dongfang Xiaotian’s strength is very strong, and even has some improvements in operation, it is no worse than breaking the waves and riding the wind, plus the dark dragon swordsman is a relatively powerful profession, so unless he is against Ye Ye There are some odds.

However, Ye Ye Duan also has its own advantages. The use of lightning skills and ordinary attacks can control Dongfang Xiaotian, even if it is only slightly paralyzed, it can be far away from it, so Ye Ye Duan can almost stand up. In an invincible place, especially after she cast [Raiking Clone].

Like Longteng Tianxia, ​​Dongfang Xiaotian used the displacement skill to lock the clone charge, and then used the 【Shadow clone】 to control the clone to intercept those Raikage clones, and also split 2 clones against Ye Ye unless he chases and intercepts him. I want to approach Ye Ye with a slight movement speed unless he then fights closely.

That’s right, Dongfang Xiaotian also learned the clone skill-[Shadow Clone], this clone is almost the same as the [Dragon God Clone] and [Naruto Clone]. There are 5 clones, and the clone has inherited some skills from the body. It is also possible to use 3 of them to intercept the Raikage avatar, while the other 2 Raikage avatars can be used to encircle and intercept Yeye unless they can be close to her and can naturally be defeated.

However, Dongfang Xiaotian does not have a skill similar to [God Dance Step]. Although his movement speed is slightly faster than Ye Ye Duu, he may still be paralyzed by Ye Ye Du’s group attack skills or ordinary attacks. Want to catch up with Ye Ye unless it is not so easy.

In the next night, unless she did something that surprised everyone, she used her invincible skill, and then instead of retreating, she moved forward, and then used a group attack skill on the shadow clones around the Lei Ying clone.

The group attack skill comes with a paralysis effect, and then the Raikage clones temporarily vacate their hands, and then Yeye unless they are controlled to retreat while taking turns to cast the group attack skills, so they can easily get rid of the Raikage clone and then pull away from it for a certain amount distance.

At the same time, unless Yeye casts [Clone], then uses the clone to slightly intercept Dongfang Xiaotian, who also displays invincible skills, and then she moves closer to the Raikage clone while attacking in actual combat. Normal attacks are combined with group attacks from time to time. The shadow clone is under control, but as long as the effect of a slight paralysis appears, it can be separated from it. After all, the movement speed of the two clones is not high.

The ordinary clone only intercepted Dongfang Xiaotian for 1 second, but this was enough for every night unless she did a lot of things, for example, she successfully merged with 3 Raikage clones and got rid of the other 2 Shadow clones. Next She and the 3 Raikage clones and normal clones attacked and retreated. Under the action of [Split Arrow], almost the clones and main body could almost attack Dongfang Xiaotian and all of his clones, and the damage output was relatively high.

Think about it, maybe the damage bonus of each energy arrow is only about 60%, but 3 Raikage clones, 1 normal clone and Yeye unless this body attacks, so just normal attacks can cause 300% to a single target. The damage caused by the shadow avatars has to take multiple damages, so their vitality is crazily lowering, depending on the situation, it will not last long.

As for Dongfang Xiaotian, although he is in an invincible state, although his moving speed is slightly faster than Ye Ye Duan, the time of invincibility skills is limited, and during these times he can't catch up with Ye Ye Duo, especially In every night unless you use the clone to block it.

Soon Dongfang Xiaotian’s invincible effect disappeared, and he was still at a distance of more than 10 meters from Ye Ye unless he could get closer to the other side by virtue of his speed. After the [Charge] CD was over, he could attack Ye Ye unless he charged and then approached her. , But at this time, Ye Ye unless focused on attacking it, and ordinary attacks plus skill attacks, under the paralysis effect, not only did he not catch up with Ye Ye, the distance between the two was farther.

At this time, Dongfang Xiaotian has used almost all the methods, especially the invincible skills. Next, he can't get close to the target at all with the skills of the night and night, and his clone will not last long. There is no accident in this battle. There is no suspense.

"Oh my God, seeing Dongfang Xiaotian and Longteng Tianxia generally display clone skills and then use the advantages of clone and movement speed to approach Ye Ye unless I thought there was no suspense in this battle, I didn't expect such a change. "Othello was quite amazed and authentic, and when she said this, she was a little relieved.

Think about it, Dongfang Xiaotian will defeat Ye Yewu, and Dongfang Yutian, who is ranked second in the assassin list, has a great chance to defeat Ye Yewu. If Dongfang Xiaotian defeats Ye Yewu again, then Dongfang Family will have Three people can defeat her, and she will join the Dongfang family. This is not what they want to see in Othello, so she is relieved to see Ye Ye unless she resolves the crisis and has a great chance to defeat Dongfang Xiaotian. Tone.

"The shadow clone does not have invincibility skills, and most of the group attack skills of the lightning class have the paralyzing characteristic, so it is wise for Yeye to turn around to rescue her Raikage clone unless he casts invincibility skills. No matter how she and her clones are." Samadhi said softly: "And once Lei Ying clones freed up to attack, then those shadow clones are almost no threat to Ye Ye unless there is no threat."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Unless the second point of wisdom is to use the clone card to hold Dongfang Xiaotian for a while, because as long as the effect of his invincible skill disappears, there will be nothing in this battle. Suspense, even if it's just a normal attack, adding 4 clone attacks to the body can also trigger the lightning attribute paralysis effect, so Dongfang Xiaotian can't catch up with him even if it moves slightly faster than that, and there will be no battle in this battle. What suspense."

Everyone is wise, and they quickly understood the cleverness of Yeyewu, so they praised it all.

As the Samadhi Shi said, Dongfang Xiaotian had no chance to catch up with Ye Ye Cha after the invincible effect ended. Soon his shadow clone was killed, and then he was very attacked by Ye Ye Cha and the 4 clones. Almost all the blood was knocked out.

Unless Ye Ye defeats Dongfang Xiaotian, her next target is Dongfang Star.

Although Eastern Stars are also super masters, and Demon Wuzun is almost an invincible existence in singles, the archer is the nemesis of this profession, not to mention the Thunder Dragon archer, so there is no suspense in this battle-night Unless the night easily defeated the Eastern star.

"Hey, why the Eastern Star is so weak today? She didn't lose so quickly against the fireworks before." Othello was slightly surprised.

"The damage output of Thunder Dragon Archer is higher than that of Sister Fireworks. It is normal for Yeyeye to defeat the Eastern Star faster, right." June Feixue disapproved.

"The Eastern Star didn't equip her with her combination magic weapon." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said indifferently. Seeing everyone showing a sudden look, she continued: "The Eastern Star is a smart person. She knows that even if she is equipped with that magic weapon, she can't fight the night. Unless, so I give it to other people to use, and she is only used to paralyze every night."

"This is bad. The magic weapon has 4 components. It is no different from the current [Five Elements Ring] of the fireworks. It has very powerful attributes. If the other members of the Eastern family obtain this magic weapon, then they will defeat Ye Ye unless otherwise. The possibility will be great." Sitting on Qin Xin frowned slightly, she looked at the firework Yi Leng and others: "For example, Dongfang Tuotian obtained this magic weapon, he can almost certainly defeat Ye Ye unless."

"Yes, the magic weapon of the Eastern Star possesses an invincible skill, and its movement speed is increased, so that Eastern Slaughter can easily approach Ye Ye with invincibility unless it is about to be killed." June Feixue said, she looked at everyone : "In this way, there will be 2 people from the Eastern Family defeating Ye Ye unless it is. If there is one more person..."

"It's not that 2 people can defeat Ye Ye unless it's nothing. It takes three people to defeat her before joining the gang." Po Lang Chengfeng said indifferently: "The Eastern Family has no chance to defeat Ye Ye except Dongfang Tuotian. Unless the night is gone, even the dual-professional Dongfang Xietian will not work.

"But if the Eastern Star gives that magic weapon to others, for example, Dongfang Mietian has obtained this magic weapon, so he has a chance to defeat Ye Ye Wu." June Feixue said, and then his tone changed: "In addition, Dongfang Tuotian is a powerful assassin second only to the nameless, and he also has a chance to defeat Ye Yewu, so that three members of the Dongfang family can defeat her."

"Don't worry, Dongfang Mietian can't defeat Ye Ye unless, even if he has the magic weapon to make up 4 components." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and ignored the doubts of everyone, she continued: "There is almost nothing. An archer can defeat Ye Ye unless he has a better equipment level."

"But Sister Fireworks, you said before that you can beat..." June Feixue said in a puzzled manner.

"The equipment level of the fireworks is not a little bit higher than that of Yeye unless it is not a little bit higher, but much better." Samadhi explained, and then a smile appeared on her mouth: "The most important thing is that the fireworks are rewarded by the system for attack distance. The attack range of Ye Yewu is 2-3 meters farther than that of Ye Yewu. In addition, she is an ice archer and can slow Ye Yewu and her clone, so Ye Yewu can't attack her at all, and Dongfang Shitian can Without these advantages, he naturally cannot win."

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