VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1921: : Naruto Clone

Seeing that she alone cannot threaten Longteng Tianxia, ​​unless Ye Ye decisively casts [Raiking Clone] and [Clone], and then controls them to attack Longteng Tianxia together. In her heart, 5 units attacking Longteng Tianxia will definitely not be able to avoid it. As long as he can't avoid him all the time, he may be paralyzed by the lightning attribute attack and unable to move, so dealing with him is much easier.

Faced with so many attacks, let alone Long Teng Tian Xia, I am afraid that it is difficult for the super masters such as Ye Luo and Dongfang Ji Tian to avoid all of them, and Long Teng Tian Xia obviously also knows these, so she has the next action. Cast the teleport skill, and then cast [Charge], and the target of his charge is a Raikage clone.

Long Teng Tian Xia has been close to Ye Ye unless he is only about 20 meters away from her under his powerful walking position. Although she and those clones are still retreating, but the clone does not have acceleration skills, while Long Teng Tian Xia does, which means he The movement speed of is faster than the clone. There is no problem within 20 meters. Under normal circumstances, the movement speed of Longtengtianxia is comparable to that of Yeyewuwu, but after the acceleration skills are used, it is faster than those of Raikage clones and ordinary clones. Faster.

As long as you get closer to the world within 20 meters, you can use the teleport skill and [Charge] to come to the Leiying clone, so the distance from Yeyewu will not be too far, even if the latter also uses the displacement skill, the two are also different. Not so big.

Not only that, the displacement skills evade the small-range group attack skills of Ye Ye and a few clones, while [Charge] directly modifies the other 1 or 2 skills with a larger range, and uses these to avoid Ye Ye. Unless the control is right, the timing is right, and there is no error. From this alone, it can be seen that Longteng Tianxia's operation is worthy of superb level.

"Hey, the displacement distance of Longteng Tianxia seems to be farther than the ordinary displacement skill of 10 meters." June Feixue said softly, she was the first to discover this: "He is now less than 10 meters away from Ye Ye unless he is already less than 10 meters away. , If he has another displacement skill, he can easily get close to Ye Ye unless he will kill him, and only stay the night unless he has not used the displacement skill until now. At this point, she still has some initiative."

"12.5 meters, which means that Longteng Tianxia's displacement skills are 2.5 meters longer than other players." Fireworks Yi Leng accurately visually observed these, and seeing the doubts of June Feixue and others, she explained: "It's very simple , Longteng Tianxia has skills or equipment that increase the effect of skills, the effect of which is 25%, and Ye Luo also has similar equipment."

Hearing that, everyone nodded. Because of the additional characteristics of the equipment, Ye Luo's group attack skills have been expanded a lot, and the distance of the displacement skills is farther than the ordinary skills. At this point, he has a greater advantage. .

"Since Longteng Tianxia has such equipment or skills, doesn't it mean that he defeated Ye Ye unless there is nothing wrong with it?" Black and White Chess said, she laughed: "That's fine, unless Ye Ye defeated Jing Ke Cha Qin and Ouyang Feitian , Da Mo Guyan and other masters, but Longteng Tianxia can defeat Ye Yewu, this will show how strong his strength is. It will improve his reputation, no, it is a great benefit to recovery."

"Things are not that simple, don't forget that Ye Ye unless she has not used the displacement skill, at this point she has the initiative." Samadhi faintly said: "Not only that, unless Ye Ye has the Raikage clone and body. Some control skills, using these skills or the paralyzing characteristics of thunder attribute attacks to hold Longteng Tianxia is still no problem, and the distance between the two sides will be opened again."

"But Big Brother Longteng still has invincible skills..." Zhiyue said, but was interrupted before finishing talking.

"Long Teng Tianxia should have only one invincible skill, and the time is less than 6 seconds. Unless Ye Ye also has an invincible skill, there is nothing wrong with delaying 6 seconds. The next thing is all kinds of control skills, especially group control skills, at least It’s okay to control Long Teng Tianxia for a period of time, and these times are enough night and night unless there is enough distance from it.” Samadhi Shi said in a deep voice, after a moment, she continued: “Unless he has other means.”

As soon as the voice fell, Longteng Tianxia made other moves. After charging a Leiying clone, he used a skill, and then 5 clones appeared, and these clones entangled the three Leiying clones under the control of Longteng Tianxia. Even stuck that ordinary clone, and while doing this, Long Teng Tian Xia Xiang Ye Ye unless the speed of the impact still did not stop.

"Hey, Long Teng Tianxia has also mastered the clone skill?!" June Feixue's voice increased a little, and her tone was a little excited: "And these clones can still use skills, what kind of clone is this."

That’s right, the clones displayed by Longteng Tianxia are very similar to the clones of Eastern Killing Sky and Tokyo Mythology. They can display some skills. At this time, these clones blocked the Raikage clones, blocked them, and interrupted them from using skills. It's still very easy, and can even interrupt their attacks, so Longteng Tianxia doesn't have to worry about these Raikage clones anymore.

Not only that, under the close attack of Longteng Tianxia's clones, the blood of those Leiying clones is rapidly decreasing, and they will be killed soon. After they are killed, Longteng Tianxia can control the clones against Ye Ye unless they outflank them. It is not difficult to defeat it.

The reason why June Feixue is so excited is because Longteng Tianxia is obviously displaying a fire clone, and it is an extraordinary fire clone skill. If she can also master this skill, then her damage output will be greatly increased. She naturally hopes that she can learn this skill when she pursues a career that damages output.

Not only that, the clone skills can not only be used to increase damage output, but also have other effects. For example, Longteng Tianxia uses these clones to entangle Raiking clones, and using these clones to fight against Ye Ye Cha will have a great advantage.

"It's [Naruto Clone], the high-level Fire Clone skill, and the skill effect is similar to the [Dragon God Clone] and [Dragon Clone]. It can be divided into 5 clones, and it can also inherit some of the main body's skills." Shangqin said in his heart, a smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "With this skill, Longteng Tianxia's odds of winning can increase by at least 50%."

"That's right." Po Lang Chengfeng said, her tone was full of appreciation: "The time and location of Longteng Tianxia's [Naruto avatar] is so good, just between the Raikage avatars, so the Naruto avatar can easily interrupt the thunder. The skills of the shadow clones can even prevent them from attacking. Not only that, the group attack skills of the 5 Naruto clones can cover all the Raikage clones, and the 5 Naruto clones are fire damage skills. With a group attack skill coverage, those Raikage clones are simply too much to bear. Then Long Teng Tianxia will be able to control the Naruto clone against Ye Ye unless it outflanks it. It is still easy to kill them."

Hearing that, Ye Luo and others nodded one after another, because in their hearts Long Tengtian defeated Ye Ye unless there was no big problem.

Unless Ye Ye obviously knows this too, she wants to find ways to get around and then use group attack skills on those Naruto clones. In her mind, as long as she can control those Naruto clones for a while, her Raikage clone can get out, and then use it. Various control skills and the lightning attribute control characteristics of ordinary attacks are separated from the Naruto avatar. Then the avatar can deal terrifying damage to the Naruto avatar under the action of [Split Arrow], and it is easy to kill it.

If you can kill all of the Naruto clones, it will be simple, and unless Yeye can control the Raiking clone to attack Longtengtianxia, ​​it will be easy to defeat it.

The idea is good, but Long Teng Tian Xia will not give her this opportunity. Ye Ye will be intercepted unless she wants to go around, and the distance between the two parties will be shortened. If Long Teng Tian Xia is close, then Ye Ye will lose unless she is undoubtedly defeated. .

And then there was another thing that shocked Ye Ye: Long Teng Tian also had a displacement skill, and the CD time of this skill was very short.

"Hey, Long Teng Tian Xia actually has the skill [God Dance Step]?!" Seeing Long Teng Tian Xia used this skill to easily evade Ye Ye Wu's another skill, and used [Fire Dragon Clothing] to resolve Ye Ye Wu's [Thunder Dragon] Heaven Punishment] After breaking the waves and riding the wind, he was shocked: "Long Teng Tianxia has actually acquired so many skills these days. Does having these skills mean that his strength is stronger than me?"

That’s right, [Lei Ying Clone] and [God Dance Step] are the biggest reliances for breaking the waves and riding the wind, but at this time Long Teng Tian has [Huo Ying Clone] and [God Dance Step], plus he has a worthy Compared with the [Five Elements Ring] and [Holy Beast Orb], the overall attributes and other skills of the magic weapon are not worse than that of Longteng Tianxia. The most important thing is that his operation is a bit stronger than the waves and the wind, so that the waves and the wind match his odds of winning Not high at all.

"Sister Shi said that Long Teng Tianxia is already eager to become stronger. It is not surprising that he can do this with his strength and concentrate on improving his strength." Even though he said that, anyone can hear the surprise in her tone. .

"Brother Longteng's [God Dance Step] has a displacement distance of nearly 4 meters. Using this skill, he can quickly get close to Ye Ye unless, as long as he can get close to her, there will be no suspense in the next battle." Ye Luo said lightly.

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed.

The fact is also true. Although Yeye will not use some group attack skills and control skills in the next, but most of them are easily resolved by the dragon world, and under the action of [God Dance Step], the distance between the two is getting closer and closer, the most important What's more, as time goes by, Dragon World’s [Charge] will also end the CD, so there is no suspense in this battle.

That’s right, after [Charge] ended the CD, Longteng Tianxia decisively used this skill, and then easily approached Ye Yewu, and then easily defeated Ye Yewu, and he became the second general after Wuming. Defeated master.

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