Next, everyone continues to kill the lava puppets efficiently. Their experience bars are beating under the rich experience. If they continue to do this, I am afraid that they will be able to upgrade to level 1 or 2 in 2 days, and some people will be able to reach level 280 by then.

"I've killed dozens of monsters, why doesn't a piece of equipment burst?" June Feixue said quite disappointedly: "It is not required to be holy equipment, it is just normal, it shouldn't be these monsters. It’s just a mission weird. I don’t have any equipment and props. If that’s the case..."

Before she finished speaking, she heard a'ding' sound. Players who are familiar with this sound know that it is just the sound of something exploding. This made June Feixue excited. She blurted out: "Finally something exploded, so advanced The things that the monsters burst are at least ancient god-level, maybe it is the ancient god-level fire suit, the equipment effect is definitely better than the demon domain suit."

"Sister Feixue, it seems that it was a pet egg, not equipment." Zhiyue broke the fantasy of June Feixue.

That’s right, the thing that the lava puppet bursts is a pet egg. After dripping blood to recognize the master, a lava elf can be hatched. This is the same as the lava elf in the [Summon Lava Wizard] on June Feixue and Wednesday. Even the skills possessed are the same.

"Lava Elf pet egg?!" After picking up the pet egg, it exclaimed on August: "It is a pet of a god-level boss, which can be used by a summoner to become a summoned beast."

"Can become a summoner's summoned beast?!" June Feixue's voice increased by a few points, she was excited: "Great, lava spirits are mainly damage output, [Lava Power], [Flame Fire Sea] , [Lava Dress] and other skills make it have terrifying damage output, and [Lava Skyfall] not only has powerful damage, but also can control the target. If there can be a group of summoners who can summon lava elves, tusk, it definitely has The ability to destroy the world."

That's right, the damage output of the lava elves is very high. If you can have a batch of such summoned beasts, then the damage output of a team will be extremely scary, especially in the future national wars. It can play an extraordinary role.

"If you use [Root Bone Pill] and [Potential Pill] to upgrade the lava elves, the damage output will be..." Black and White Chess was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Sister Qi, there is an introduction on the pet egg, saying that the lava elves can't be upgraded, but they will be upgraded." Eighth week.

"Uh, you can't be upgraded." Othello muttered, his tone faintly lost.

"Although it can't be upgraded, it's also a God Realm BOSS, and it's mainly based on damage output. Now most summoners don't have such a powerful summoned beast in their hands, so they can hit a batch of such pet eggs. Increase the strength of our phantom pavilion summoner army." Samadhi said, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "In addition to the powerful damage output, the lava elves [Meteor Fall] has powerful control capabilities and can even restrain air power. , And get a group of summoners who can summon lava elves. It will be easier for us to deal with air power in the future."

The summoned beasts of the god-level BOSS, especially the fire-type summoned beasts, have powerful damage output, especially with the bonus skills of the summoner, and the lava spirit has such a powerful control as [Meteor Fall] Skills, getting a batch can also have the effect of reversing the situation.

"It's a pity that we killed so many monsters to explode a pet egg, and it still exploded under Uncle Ye Luo's high lucky value. It is not realistic to get too many lava elves in this way." June Feixue said. , Said this, she looked around: "It would be nice to kill all the monsters here and drop thousands of pet eggs."

"Hundreds of pets can also form a powerful pet army. In the future, it will be very useful to use this summoner army to kill monsters and upgrades or team battles." Samadhi said, she chuckled: "No accident. We will have another ace army, and the effect is at least as good as that of the Ice Cavalry and the Gale Cavalry."

Everyone agrees with this, and only Midnight Shu and June Feixue are somewhat dissatisfied with this evaluation. After all, the Gale Cavalry and the Ice Cavalry are their exclusive leadership.

In fact, the role of ice cavalry and gale cavalry is quite extraordinary, but the number of such cavalry is very small, can not form a scale, the role that can be played is naturally much smaller, and this cannot be blamed for the lack of strong cavalry.

However, everyone also realized the importance of lava elves, so they continued to work hard to kill monsters, collect the fallen pet eggs, and prepare to give them to the Summoner Legion in the Misty Pavilion after they leave here, so that they can create a strong summoner. Legion.

As June Feixue said, the explosion rate of the lava elf pet egg is not high. It is even possible to include one by killing hundreds or thousands of lava puppets. According to this explosion rate, it can only kill all the lava puppets. Thousands of tens of thousands have been dropped, so it is impossible to imagine that the Blue Water Summoner has hundreds of thousands.

However, an army of summoners with tens of thousands of lava elves is also an extremely terrifying force, especially under the cover of the nightmare commander cavalry, the combat power they can exert will be terrible, so the formation of such a force The Legion is still necessary.

Time passed quickly in the killing of monsters, 5 or 6 hours passed quickly, and everyone finally killed all the lava puppets. What surprised everyone was that they killed all these monsters and dropped tens of thousands of pet eggs. It is just right to form an army of summoners like this.

"Tens of thousands of lava elf summoners, this is also a very powerful force, you can find a special commander." Samadhi suggested, and her suggestion was quickly approved by breaking the waves, riding the wind, and the fireworks. This matter She is also responsible for the arrangements.

"Finally all the mobs have been killed, and the next step is to deal with the BOSS." June Feixue said very excitedly: "The lava puppet doesn't burst a piece of equipment, the BOSS should burst, more than 300 bosses. It should be holy, which means..."

June Feixue paused before finishing speaking, because she finally saw the boss in front of her. It was a huge lava puppet, but this boss was only a 305-level Primordial God-level boss, not what she expected. Holy.

It’s impossible for a Primordial God-level BOSS to explode Saint-level equipment and props. This is well known, and June Feixue obviously knows these, and such a BOSS also disappointed her, after all, her Saint-level fire equipment The fantasies vanished.

"Sister Feixue, you don't have to be too lost. This is only the first level of the Fire Dragon Cavern. The monster levels below will get higher and higher. There must be a holy boss." Zhiyue comforted.

A word made June Feixue rekindle hope, and then she didn’t say much, raised her magic wand and launched an attack-she wanted to kill the boss sooner, so that she could enter the next level and then be able to Encountered a more advanced BOSS.

The 305-level Primordial God-level BOSS is very powerful, especially with some troublesome skills, such as [Lava Dress], [Flame Fire Sea] and [Meteor Fall] are all area damage skills, and it can also be used [ Skills such as Summon Lava Spirit] and [Lava Vortex] caused a lot of trouble to everyone.

Fortunately, sitting on Qin Xin, Saturday and others have very powerful healing abilities, and Jian Liu also displayed the [Healing Guard], plus Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and other masters have resisted the BOSS, so the situation is still As stable, the next step is to kill it.

Think about it, it's just the Primordial God-level BOSS, Ye Luo and the others can kill the 325-level Saint-level BOSS, let alone the Primordial God-level BOSS, even if the Primordial God-level BOSS here is stronger than the ordinary Primordial God-level BOSS.

"Will killing the lava puppet king burst the lava crystal soul?" Suddenly, June Feixue said in anticipation: "This kind of monster has a good chance to burst this kind of thing. Hey, from the Ouyang family, Among the compensation received by the Yinian family is the hidden scroll of the fire magician. That is to say, using the lava crystal will allow us to have one more lava magician in the gang. Tsk tsk, 3 lava magicians, we form a team and stand against [lava The clothes] cast [Meteor Skyfall] and other group attack skills, the scene must be spectacular, and we must be able to cause heavy damage to the enemy."

Naturally, I also know what it means to have 3 lava magicians, and I also know that the BOSS of the lava puppet system is likely to burst the lava crystal soul, and everyone is looking forward to it.

It didn't take long for the BOSS to be killed under the attack of Ye Luo and others, and then they all looked towards the explosion, but to everyone's disappointment, the lava crystal soul was not in the explosion.

"No, the fire puppet should easily burst the lava crystal soul. Why doesn't this BOSS burst?" June Feixue was quite disappointed.

"That's the truth, let's not entangle these." Othello soothed, she pointed to the ground: "Aren't there 4 or 5 pieces of equipment below, and even a pet egg. It should be the Boss of the Primordial God. Pet eggs, and a Primordial God-level boss can create an extremely powerful summoner."

"That, it shouldn't be possible." Zhiyue shook his head and said: "The Boss of the Primordial God-level, with the bonus of our summoners' various skills, should be no worse than the Saint-level BOSS. If you carry such a head Summoned beast, wouldn't it be more terrifying than dual-classes that use big moves."

"Xiaoqi just said casually, don't take it seriously." Samadhi chuckled, and then changed her tone: "However, the pet eggs exploded by Primordial God-level BOSS are at least ancient God-level. Such summoned beasts are also very good. Powerful, the summoned beast with such a summoned beast should not be much inferior to its dual-class combat power. In particular, such a summoned beast is of the fire type, possessing many group skills and control skills."

Everyone agrees with this, and then they urged on August to investigate the explosion. As everyone thought, the pet egg is of the ancient **** level, which means that soon the Misty Pavilion will have a powerful summoner. The teacher’s summoner is out.

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