VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1753: : Fire Dragon Cave

In the past two and three days, Ye Luo and their equipment levels have improved quite well, and Jianliu also rose to level 280 as expected, and then successfully took up the position of Sword Saint Venerable. With a smile, they succeeded in seven ranks. The overall strength of the two 10-member teams has been greatly improved. They are more confident in the next competition, and some can't wait to start the game early.

Of course, there are still two days before the game will officially start, and it will not start earlier because of everyone's expectations.

On this day, Ye Luo went out to look for high-level BOSS just like the previous few days. Breaking the waves and the wind and others continued to do the gang resident mission. After such a long time of hard work, the various resources gathered by Wushuang City have reached the level required for the upgrade. 93%, according to the current speed, it will not take long to reach 100% and then complete the upgrade.

"Hey, SSS+ difficulty task?!" After breaking the waves and riding the wind to complete a gang resident task with a relatively large difficulty coefficient, she couldn't help but exclaimed: "The task with the highest difficulty coefficient, complete This mission will surely be able to obtain very rich resources. Perhaps after completing this mission, the resources required to upgrade Wushuang City will be enough, so Wushuang City is the first gang resident that can be upgraded to level 4."

The higher the difficulty factor of the gang resident mission, the more abundant resources will be obtained after completing the mission. The more difficult mission also means that you will get very good equipment. The least economical can also make the level rise quickly. It is precisely because of this. After seeing a gang resident mission with the highest difficulty factor, he will be so excited after breaking the waves and riding the wind.

"The gang resident mission with the highest difficulty factor?!" June Feixue's voice increased by a few points, and her tone was full of excitement: "Doesn't that mean that you will definitely encounter a holy boss in this mission? Tsk tsk, that is It's great to say that we may kill the BOSS and complete the mission, or may reward Saint-level equipment."

"Then also see if this task can be shared, and how many people can be shared." Samadhi poetry said, and she said this is undoubtedly asking about the waves and the wind.

"Can share with 25 people." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, her tone was also full of excitement: "The most difficult gang resident task, the number of sharing has reached 25 people. This task is definitely not that simple. I suggest we choose the most difficult task. Elite players participating in this task must be completed. After completing the task, the overall strength of those of us will be further improved. In the future, we can go further in the competition."

"Yes, this task must not fail. Maybe this is a task that can make our overall strength a qualitative leap." Samadhi poem said, and then his tone changed: "And our Misty Pavilion's dual professional masters have reached 23. , All these 23 people, plus the two pastors on August and Sunday, if we can’t complete the task like this, then we have nothing to do.”

After completing the tasks with the highest difficulty factor, you will surely get very good rewards. It is not a problem to greatly improve the strength of the participants, but the premise is that the task can be completed. If the task fails, not only can you not get any rewards, it may also cause some people to drop. , It will weaken everyone's strength.

"Well, a team of 25 people leads 4 priests. In addition, the Sword Master of Sword Six has a very powerful healing ability, and the healing output should be enough." Ye Luo said in a deep voice, and then he asked about breaking waves and riding the wind this time. The content of the task.

The mission received by Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind is called [Fire Dragon Cavern]. The content of the mission is to kill all the monsters in the Fire Dragon Cavern. Relatively speaking, such a task is simpler and easier, at least simpler than tasks such as rescue and defense. Because this kind of task only needs to kill monsters, and other tasks have to take care of others.

"Fire Dragon Cave?!" After hearing the name of the mission, June Feixue became excited: "It sounds like a fire monster, and killing such a monster has a high chance of exploding fire equipment, hehe, great. , Try to explode some holy fire equipment..."

"That may also be fire-type leather armor and heavy armor type equipment, and I am afraid that you are more depressed, looking at the equipment." Othello joked.

"Even if I don’t have the equipment, I won’t waste it. Commoner equipment can be given to me, Wednesday, leather armor can be given to Sword Eleven, and heavy armor class can be given to Yixiao Hongchen and Uncle Ye Luo. Anyway, as long as it is a holy level. That will greatly enhance our strength." June Feixue pretends to be indifferent to the authenticity, but in her heart, she prays for a commoner career.

"Ye Luo, prepare more medicinal pills, especially those that increase fire resistance." Fireworks Yi Leng exhorted: "In addition, Sister Feng has already sent you the coordinates. You can rush over as quickly as possible, and then send us. These people sent it over. This should be a long-duration task, and we strive to get it done within 2 days."

The competition will begin after 2 days, and if the task can be completed within these two days, the overall strength of the crowd will be greatly improved, so the fireworks are easy to be cold.

Needless to say, Ye Luo rode a colorful unicorn to realize the goal at the fastest speed, and after reaching the destination, he used [Space Portal] to teleport the other 24 people, and the next step is to lead the waves and wind. I entered the Fire Dragon Cavern, after all, it was her task, and only she could start it.

"Hey, the first floor of Fire Dragon Cave?" Looking at the name on the system map, June Feixue was a little surprised: "Doesn’t this mean that Fire Dragon Cave has multiple floors? Great, because according to past experience, each floor will have The boss guards, the more layers of the fire dragon cave, the more BOSS, so we will get more equipment after killing it."

Like June Feixue, others were excited after seeing the fire dragon cave with multiple layers, and when everyone was excited, they also saw the monster in front of them-lava puppets.

Lava golems are level 300 purgatory-level monsters, but like those in the ancient battlefields, these are enhanced purgatory-level monsters. They are more powerful. Not only do they add high fire damage to their attacks, but they also emit flames. It is quite troublesome to cause continuous damage to surrounding players.

Feeling the blazing fire, looking at the surrounding lava caverns, everyone was full of emotion. The scene of the fire dragon cave was too realistic, and the hot heat also made them a little impetuous, hot and intolerable, especially when they saw The number of injuries that continue to float above the head, although the damage is not high, is somewhat uncomfortable to look at.

Fortunately, everyone has learned [Heart of Fire Resistance], and Ye Luo has prepared a lot of fire-resistant equipment, and on Tuesday, the others will use ice-based skills to cool down, and everyone's mood has gradually calmed down.

The next thing is very simple. A few long-range archers and magicians attract strangers, and heavy armor classes such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, and Othello are on the top, but the 300-level enhanced purgatory monsters are still nothing to them. Threateningly, there is no big problem even with 10 heads. Even Ye Luo and the others can keep their blood in a healthy state only by virtue of their powerful blood sucking ability, not to mention hey, sit on Qin Xin and others to help increase blood.

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others are mostly dual-professional masters. The worst equipment on their bodies is Primordial God-level equipment, and there are even some holy-level equipment, but there is no pressure to deal with these mobs, even to improve efficiency. They have to attract as many monsters as possible, and then everyone uses group attack skills to kill in groups, and the number of damages floats, and the efficiency of killing monsters is quite good.

"Hey, monsters of the same type as us are not necessarily a good thing, because they also have higher fire resistance, so our attack damage is reduced a lot." June Feixue sighed lightly. Tao.

In fact, the damage output of the fire type professions such as June Feixue and Wednesday is not low, but compared to other places, the damage output of the fire type profession can not be fully utilized, so she is so emotional.

"Most monsters of high-level and rank have their own attributes, and it is natural that the zodiac sign restrains them." Samadhi said while attacking, and then thinking of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo's career is better, reincarnation. The power of reincarnation of the Venerable is pure damage, almost ignoring any attribute resistance, so that he can deal terrible damage against any monster, not to mention that he is equipped with many equipment with multiple attributes, even if one attribute cannot be used. The perfect effect is nothing, because other attributes are OK, so his damage is still high."

With a faint smile, Ye Luo did not answer, his sword and magic wand were raised frequently, and the damage he hit was extremely terrifying.

"Looking at the monsters on the first floor of the Fire Dragon Cavern, it’s almost the same if there are not hundreds of thousands of monsters. It seems that this task will continue for a while, as the fireworks said." The fireworks are easy to condense, and her tone is a little worried: I know how many floors there are in the Fire Dragon Cave. If there are too many floors, we don’t know whether we can complete the task before the tournament."

"It doesn't matter if we can't play the mission. Anyway, we have already signed up, and the domestic competition is similar to the arena PK mode. As long as the time is up, we will be directly sent to the competition venue. After participating in the competition, we can return to the previous place. "Bao Lang Chengfeng is unbelievable and authentic.

"Sister Qin is worried that we will not be able to complete the task and then increase our strength. After all, after completing the task, we will receive a very generous reward, which will greatly enhance our strength." June Feixue chuckled: "Our strength is improved, so Our results are even better, and the chances of the ethereal second team entering the top 8 are better."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Besides, those of us should be able to reach level 280 within these two days. If we keep doing tasks, we won't have time to upgrade. This will also have some impact on our strength."

"Oh, it's also quite troublesome," Po Lang muttered.

"It's nothing. In the early stage of the competition, we hardly met any powerful masters, and there were not many games every day. After that, we still have time to change jobs." Samadhi comforted casually.

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