VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1755: : Yanlong Suit

Check out the explosion on the next eighth, and the first thing I saw was the pet egg. It was the lava elf king of the ancient god-level BOSS. With the blessing of the summoner's various skills, it can hit a high damage output, and there is also Powerful control ability, not surprisingly, Miao Mi Pavilion will soon have a powerful summoner.

"Hey, how do I feel that 3 of the remaining 4 pieces of equipment are reflecting the image of the helmet?" Suddenly June Feixue said, and when she said these, her tone was faintly happy: "Could it be a suit?!"

Three pieces of equipment with the same part are dropped at once, and they are still helmets. Based on the past experience of everyone, it is easy to think of the suit, and the equipment included in the Primordial God-level BOSS is most likely to be Primordial God-level equipment, which means that the equipment below is very It might be a Primordial God-level suit, and everyone after guessing that they were excited.

Think about it, too, the ancient god-level demon domain suit is equivalent to 3 or 4 pieces of ancient god-level equipment, and the attribute of a set of ancient god-level equipment is equivalent to 3 or 4 pieces of holy equipment, and 3 or 4 pieces of holy-level equipment. Equipment, Ye Luo and Breaking the Wave and Riding the Wind only have 4 pieces of Saint-level equipment, which means that after a set of Primordial God-level equipment, they can reach the level of Ye Luo’s equipment. No wonder everyone is so excited. Up.

Although the Saint-level equipment is not too rare so far, the Saint-level equipment in a gang is extremely limited. Even if it is a dual professional elite master, there are only one or two. Now after obtaining the Primordial God-level suit, there are 3, 4 pieces, the player's strength is greatly improved.

"According to past experience, the suits are very likely, and they should be the Primordial God-level suits. After all, these equipments were destroyed by the 300-level Primordial God-level BOSS." Samadhi said, she tried to restrain her excitement: " And depending on the situation, there should be 3 sets of suits. If this is the case, then our Misty Pavilion is equivalent to more than 10 pieces of holy-level equipment, which will greatly improve our strength, and we will be even more relaxed in the competition."

"I don't know if the suit is on Monday." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and when she said this, she looked at Monday, which was self-evident.

On August, she picked up the 4 pieces of equipment directly, and from the smile on her pretty face, everyone judged that the BOSS burst was a suit, and it should be a Primordial God-level suit.

The fact is also true. Those 3 helmets are indeed suits, and they are the Primordial God-level suits—the Primordial God-level Flame Dragon suits, and the fire suits.

Not only that, the three helmets are different types of equipment, namely heavy armor, commoner, and leather armor, and they are all suits. This means that after completing this mission, the Misty Pavilion will get 3 different types of suits. This made Polangchengfeng and others excited.

Think about it, too, a set of Primordial God-level suits is equivalent to 3 or 4 pieces of Saint-level equipment, and 3 sets of suits are equivalent to more than 10 pieces of Saint-level equipment. After completing the task, the Misty Pavilion will at least get more than 10 pieces of Saint-level equipment. Equipment, and it is also fire equipment, which undoubtedly can greatly enhance the strength of the Misty Pavilion.

That’s right, fire equipment has the highest damage output of all equipment, even for defensive equipment, because just additional fire attribute damage can greatly increase the damage output. If three fire players are equipped with these three sets , The damage output will become extremely scary under the strong addition.

"Great, 3 sets of Primordial God-level suits, and they are still fire suits. If our people are equipped with the damage output, it will be terrifying. It is not impossible to reach the level of me and Ye Luo." Quite excited and authentic.

"Yes, especially if the fire magician is equipped with a commoner-type suit, such as the lava magician, tusk, the damage output will definitely be terrifying." Black and white chess said, she looked at everyone: "At that time, it will only be a group attack skill. If you can kill one piece in a second, participating in a 5V5 team battle will be much easier."

"But there is only one set of each of the three suits, and we have two lava wizards in the Misty Pavilion." Zhiyue suddenly said, she looked at Wednesday, and then at June Feixue: "In other words Only one person can equip the Yanlong suit, who is it for?"

Hearing this, there was a flash of desire in June Feixue’s beautiful eyes, but soon she shook her head and said: "Give it to Wednesday, she is the main force of the ethereal second team, her damage output after wearing a set of Yanlong suit It will become extremely scary. They will be able to play a big role in 2V2 and 5V5, and they will easily win these two games without accident, so their chances of entering the top 8 and then representing the country will be greatly increased."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "As for me, my equipment level is already very good. Besides, there are Uncle Ye Luo, Sister Feng and Sister Fireworks in our team. There is no problem at all to enter the top 8."

Although the 10 members of the Misty Second Team are all double-professionals, and Jianliu also has the position of Juggernaut, the strength of the second team is obviously much weaker than the first team, and the first team of other gangs may not win, if If you can equip a Yanlong suit on Wednesday, then their chances of entering the top 8 will be much greater.

As I said before, there are two teams in the Misty Pavilion who entered the top 8 of the team competition and then represented the country with a lot of benefits. On Wednesday, the chance of entering the top 8 with the Yanlong suit will undoubtedly be much greater.

"Yes, it is almost certain that our first team enters the top eight. Now we need to increase the second team's chances of entering the top 8. And letting Wednesday equip a Yanlong suit will undoubtedly greatly increase this chance." Samadhi Shi analyzed, and she The words were also recognized by everyone.

In this regard, there is no objection to breaking the waves and riding the wind, and the fireworks are easy to cold, so the commoner-type Yanlong suit returns to Wednesday.

"Hee hee, the second team is not only the Wednesday sister who can equip the Yanlong suit." Suddenly Zhiyue laughed and said: "We also have leather armor and heavy armor type flame dragon suits. Brother Jianxi, after equipped, his damage output and overall defense will increase a lot, and he can attack unscrupulously, and the damage output will be very high. It is easy to win with the sister of Wednesday to participate in 5V5."

That’s right, although there are other fire-type leather armor classes in the Misty Pavilion, the only dual-class fire-type leather armor is the Dark Fire Archer of Sword Eleven. Although the Yanlong suit does not have dark attributes, just the fire attributes can greatly improve him. The damage output and life-saving ability of, so there is no suspense about the ownership of the Flame Dragon suit of the leather armor type.

Leather armor professions and commoner professions are crispy professions, and will undoubtedly become the main targets in 5V5 team battles. A set of Yanlong suits not only greatly increases the damage output of the two on Wednesday, but also greatly improves their survival. Ability, at that time, they were like moving tanks, which were very useful in team battles.

And after Zhiyue had said this, everyone seemed to see Wednesday and Sword Eleven attacking against the enemy's attack, like a moving fort.

"Well, the leather armor suit is the most suitable for Sword Eleven, so he is even more qualified to move the fort." Samadhi said, and her words were also supported by everyone.

"As for the heavy armor type Yanlong suits, they are also well distributed. Although Ye Luo can equip such suits, he already has Saint-level defensive type equipment. It would be too wasteful to have this suit." Samadhi Shi said. After saying this, she looked at Hongchen with a smile: "So give it to Hongchen. Then he can fight against the attack of the people with Jian Liu, so that Jian Liu and Wednesday can attack unscrupulously, and the 5V5 team battle will become very simple."

It didn't make much sense for everyone, and the three others also took over the equipment one after another, thinking that they would have a set of Primordial God-level suits before long, they were very excited, and they looked forward to it even more.

Not surprisingly, the second team of the Mystic Pavilion will be the biggest winner this time. After all, 3 sets of Primordial God-level suits have been pre-ordered, and these 3 suits can also greatly enhance their strength. The top 8 of the tournament will change. It's much easier.

"In Sword Eleven, they obtained 3 sets of Yanlong suits, and their overall strength has been greatly improved. The first team that defeated other big gangs is also more confident. Not surprisingly, they are already firmly established before entering the competition team 8 before the competition." Her heart is in the team channel of the Misty Pavilion Studio, and her tone is faintly excited: "Our Misty Pavilion has two teams of 10 people playing on behalf of the country. This is a glory that even the Eastern family has never had, but our Misty Pavilion has achieved it. , This will make us famous all over the country, and becoming the country's first gang will be even closer."

That’s right, the glory that the Eastern family did not achieve has allowed the Miao Miao Pavilion to achieve it. This undoubtedly shows that the Miao Miao Pavilion’s strength is stronger than that of the Eastern family, and the voice of replacing it and becoming the first gang in China will undoubtedly be even higher. .

Hearing that, Po Lang Chengfeng and others are also looking forward to it, which is a dream for them.

While talking about this, on August, the attribute of the last piece of equipment was sent to everyone. It was a fire ring, of the Primordial God level, with very good attributes. It returned to Wednesday, so her damage output was even higher. some.

"Sister Feixue, you are so great this time, you are willing to let out a set of Primordial God-level suits. Today you made me look at it with admiration." Zhiyue looked at June Feixue with admiration, but this made the latter Talking endlessly.

"That's natural, it's all for our ethereal pavilion." June Feixue said, but when she said this, her face was blushing with shame.

"Yue'er, don't be fooled by her. She is self-sacrificing, she is obviously playing a long line to catch a big fish." Black and white chess, looking at Zhiyue's stunned look, she gave a weird smile: "Because Feixue Knowing that the next BOSS is likely to burst into more powerful equipment, and it is likely to be Saint-level fire equipment, she is playing the idea of ​​those equipment..."

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