VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1750: : Misty Second Team

Level 279 and level 280 are not just as simple as level 1. Players at level 280 can turn seven after completing the mission. After changing jobs, their soul crystal growth aptitude will increase a bit, even if they only increase by 2 or 3 stars after multiplying by level 280. There will also be a big difference in attributes, not to mention that there will be equal-level suppression compared to players who have not been transferred after the transfer, which means that the player's strength will be greatly improved after rising to level 280.

In addition, they will learn more powerful skills after the seventh round. If they can rise to level 280 before the seventh round, then Ye Luo and the others will undoubtedly have a better chance of winning the match, so he is so eager. Want to upgrade the level.

Ye Luo is now at level 276, and is only level 4 away from level 280, but he wants to upgrade to 5 times that of ordinary players. After reaching this level, it is difficult to increase the level, and only kill powerful BOSS. In order to quickly increase the level, he did not let go of those Primordial God-level BOSS.

At this time, there is only 5 days before the tournament. It is undoubtedly unrealistic for Ye Luo to upgrade to level 280 within 5 days and then turn seven. However, this tournament will last for a long time, even if it is only domestic The same is true for the competition. After all, there are many stages in the competition. Each stage will last for some time. It takes a long time to determine the top 8 of the team and the top 16 of the individual. It is enough to be able to reach level 280 before competing with masters from other countries.

For Ye Luo, it is not a problem to enter the top 16 of the individual competition, even if he is brushed down in the knockout and points competition, it is easy to challenge the top 16 in the individual competition and defeat two people with his strength. Even if he hasn't been promoted to 280 level seven.

As for the team before the 8th, there is no problem. After all, the ten-member team of the Miaoge Studio is almost the strongest team in the country and the world. There is naturally no pressure to enter the national top 8.

Since both individual and team competitions can qualify, there is no problem if you don’t get to level 280 and turn seven before that. As long as you can rise to level 280 and then turn seven before competing with other countries’ masters, there’s no problem. .

Not only does Ye Luo want to be upgraded to level 280, the same is true for Po Lang Chengfeng and others. After all, they also know that the players of Rank 7 will greatly improve their strength compared to Rank 6 players. In order to be more hopeful of winning the tournament championship, they naturally change jobs. better.

"Sister Shi, how long will the domestic competition last?" asked June Feixue: "Now I am only at level 275, and I don't know if I can rise to level 280 before the end of the national competition and then turn seven. , If not, it will have too much impact on strength."

"This tournament will last longer, because there will be a lot of players participating, and it will be divided into individual and team matches." Samadhi said: "The knockout matches will last for several days. Every day at noon, everybody will compete for 2 An individual match until the top 128 is determined, and a team match is tested every afternoon until the top 64 is determined. The next step is the points match. Every individual or team must compete with other players or teams. It will also take some time. It will take at least 10 days without accidents, but the challenge time will be very short. The top 16 individuals and the top 8 teams can be determined in one day."

Hearing that, June Feixue became happy: "So we still have 1, 20 days to level up. In such a long time, all of us should be able to rise to level 280 and then turn seven, because the piano with the lowest level now My sister is already at level 273. Even if she is promoted to the first level in two or three days, she can still be promoted to level 280 and then turn seven before representing the country."

"Well, I will work hard to upgrade next, there should be no problem." Sitting on the piano heart and whispering, although the voice is soft, there is an unquestionable smell.

They also know that although sitting on the piano is gentle, but at the core of it is a stronger person, since she said she can definitely do it.

"Next, Ye Luo and Xiaoshu will find some high-level bosses. Not surprisingly, those of us will participate in the killing of bosses, so it is not a problem to rise to level 280 and then succeed in Rank 7 before participating in the game on behalf of the country." Samadhi Shi said , And then she laughed: "In addition, each of us has participated in the arena PK. If it doesn't work, we will use points to redeem the level, so it will be no problem."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they no longer struggled with this issue.

"Feixue, Wednesday, your main task for these two days is to upgrade with Sword Six." Suddenly Fireworks Yi Leng issued an order in the team channel: "He is now at level 279, temporarily the first place, the first to turn The hidden occupation of the job can be used for dual occupations. We need this dual occupation, so be sure to let him be the first seventh job."

"Understood." June Feixue and Wednesday said in unison, they also know what it means to add a dual career to Miao Miao Pavilion.

"Sword Six is ​​just an ordinary hidden class. The level of upgrade experience is twice that of ordinary players. At this time, he is already at level 279, which is only one step away from level 280. Next, let Feixue and Wednesday take him to kill monsters to upgrade. If Ye Luo finds that the holy boss will also let him participate in killing monsters, I believe he will be able to be level 280 soon." Black and White Chess Road, and then she laughed: "Sword Six is ​​a Sword Saint, not surprisingly he has a dual profession. It’s the same as Inviting the Moon to toast, Venerable Juggernaut, this is a powerful profession, with strong damage output and powerful healing ability. With such a dual profession, our Misty Pavilion can form two teams of 10 to compete, maybe All have the opportunity to enter the top 8 and then represent our country in the battle, that is supreme glory."

The 10 people in the Mistake Studio are naturally a team, and this team is almost the strongest among all the gangs. There is no problem in entering the top 8 in the competition.

There are many double-professional masters in the Misty Pavilion. In addition to the 10 people in the Misty Pavilion studio, a 10-person double-professional team can still be assembled, such as Saturday, Yixiao Hongchen, Yanyu Xiaoxiao, Jianxi, etc. Experts, coupled with dual careers and higher equipment levels, it is not impossible to defeat other gang teams and then enter the top 8.

"Jianliu and they formed a 10-member team. It's not that they have no chance to enter the top 8." Samadhi said in a deep voice, "Because the overall strength of their 10-member team is stronger than that of the Nangong Family and the Assassin's House. The human team should be stronger. If they are lucky enough to defeat the Yinian Family and other gangs, they will be able to enter the top 8. Two of the top 8 teams are our illusory team, which is also a great honor."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Of course, it is also very important for Jianliu to be the Master of Swordsman. After all, this profession is quite good at group battles, especially 5V5 battles. As long as 5V5 battles can win, then there will be no team victory. That's too big a problem."

The team game is a 9-point points system, and you can win by 5 points. There are a total of five games, 3 1V1, 1 point for each victory, 1 2V2, 2 points for victory, and the last game is 5V5 team In a battle, the victory gets 4 points. Generally speaking, as long as you can get a 5V5 victory, then the team game can win, because the other 4 games can win the final victory as long as one can win.

As the Samadhi Shi said, the Sword Master possesses powerful damage output ability and healing ability. This profession is especially suitable for 5V5 team battles, so as long as Jian Liu can take up this profession, their chances of reaching the top 8 are still great.

"It shouldn't be a big problem to defeat the Nangong family, because there are not many super masters in this gang, and only Xiaofeng Wanyue and Nangong Yunlong are stronger. However, there are rules for team competitions. Everyone can only play twice, so they can't Take both into consideration, and our Misty Pavilion second team can make up 10 double-professional masters. It should be no problem to defeat them." Polang said in a deep voice.

"Yes, in 5V5, let Wednesday, Sword Eleven, Misty Rain, Sword Six, Yixiao Hongchen, or Yixiaofeiyang, etc., and they will go together with the [Healing Guard], and few people can withstand the powerful damage output. It’s not a big problem to win if you live.” Samadhi poem said solemnly: “As for the other 4 games, as long as they can win 1 game, it’s okay for them to win against the Shang Nangong family.”

"The strength of the Yinian family is not much different from that of the Nangong family, and the same tactics used to deal with them should not be much different." June Feixue added, seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "As for the assassin's house, it's even worse. The problem is, because the Assassin’s House is all assassins, maybe they can win single-to-one, but 2V2 and 5V5 they will not have any chance, and even close to Jianliu will be a problem."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she chuckled: "Since these gangs can be defeated, there should be no problem for them to enter the top eight."

"If you let them run in ahead of time and then train, the chance will be even greater." Samadhi suggested, she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng and others: "At that time, we can give them a training partner, and even invite the fine wine family and the Fengxing gang. People help, then their odds of winning will be even greater."

"It is also necessary for them to choose two good captains, who are good at tactics, have rich experience and absolute calmness." Sitting on Qin Xin made her suggestion.

"Let Yixiao Hongchen and Yanyu lead the team, and then select elite masters to form the ethereal second team. It also has a higher chance of winning. It is not impossible to get into the top 8." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "Yijiao Hongchen He Yanyu also often participates in competitions and has rich experience. They should know how to make tactics, and they will be calm when encountering problems. There should be no problems."

"Well, there is no problem." Othello nodded, and then she changed her tone: "Of course, the premise of all this is that Jian Liu can be the first seven turns and then become the Sword Master, otherwise their chances of winning are not too high. Big."

"Don't worry, with me and Wednesday waiting to be upgraded in Sword Six, he will definitely be the first to rise to level 280 and then turn seven." June Feixue vowed to be authentic.

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