VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1749: : Powerful mount

That’s right, now the strength of the Misty Pavilion is very strong. The gang members’ equipment level, average level, and number of double occupations are all ranked first in the country. In addition, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng can kill people to increase their attack power. Luo has the [Space Portal] again, and the ability to form an elite squad is even more terrifying. No gang dared to provoke them.

However, fireworks and Samadhi and others are unwilling to provoke other gangs, so Po Lang Chengfeng and others are destined to be disappointed-they can't excuse these to attack other gangs and then kill them.

Seeing the idea of ​​breaking the waves and riding the wind, Samadhi chuckles and said: "Sister Feng, killing players from your own country is meaningless. You can kill players from other countries. Now many people have entered the ancient battlefield, the edge of the ancient battlefield. The toughness of the border barrier of the country continues to decrease, and it won’t take long for us to sneak into other countries to carry out assassination operations."

Hearing that, breaking the waves and riding the wind looked forward to it, and then she hurriedly asked: "How much has the toughness of the border barrier reduced now?"

"About 3%." Ye Luo said, seeing the dissatisfied look of Polangchengfeng, he explained: "The incident of the Fallen Demon Realm has just come to an end. The center of the major gangs has just shifted, and a 3% reduction in tenacity is not enough. Oddly, as more and more people enter the ancient battlefield, the player's level is getting higher and better, the level of equipment is getting better and better, and the rate of toughness reduction will accelerate. It should be cleared in more than 10 days and then disappeared."

"It will take more than 10 days. This is too long." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite dissatisfied.

"Next, we will have to compete in the martial arts competition. Even if the border barrier disappears, we don't have much energy to sneak into other gangs, so it will be best after more than 10 days." Samadhi said: "So here, we have to work hard next. Improve strength."

Next, Breaking Waves and Chengfeng and others will do the gang resident mission, and Ye Luo will continue to bring the colorful unicorn to upgrade. With his strength, it will not take long to upgrade to level 200. At that time, he can follow the previous The plan made by the fireworks is under way.

Dark night and others still didn’t mean to enter the Fallen Demon, but the elite squads composed of other countries did not pose any threat to Chinese players. Things in the Fallen Demon had come to an end. Everyone began to work hard for the future competition. struggle.

In order to have good results in the tournament, the elite masters of the major gangs also acted, or tried hard to take on difficult tasks, or looked for high-level BOSS to kill, which was quite rewarding.

In this regard, they did not envy or jealousy, because they knew that after Ye Luo upgraded the colorful unicorn to level 200, they would have more advantages in this respect, and their equipment level would increase faster at that time.

Soon after, Ye Luo finally brought the colorful unicorn to level 200, and without waiting for everyone to speak, he directly sent a picture book of the mount to everyone:

【Colorful Kylin】(Holy Mount)

Qi and blood: +150000

Magic: +150000

Strength: +1500

Constitution: +1500

Agility: +1500

Intelligence: +1500

Movement speed: +1200%

Attack speed: +100%

Attack distance: +5 meters

Additional feature: The whole body of the colorful unicorn is enveloped by the rich and pure seven-system energy, which can increase the seven-system attribute damage to the rider by 3000 points each. This feature can only be effective in specific occupations. This feature can only be used in ordinary attacks. Play the effect.

Additional features: The colorful unicorn has fast speed and superb body skills. When the rider launches charges, collisions, piercing and other skills, the effect will be increased by 100%, and the effect of skills with dizziness and collision effects will also be increased by 100%.

Additional features: The seven-system energy enveloped by the colorful unicorn can protect the rider, reducing the damage received by 25%, and the effect of control spells by 25%.

Additional feature: the rider's hit rate increased by 25%.

Incidental skills: [Kirin Roar], [Energy Enchantment]

Turning speed: -15%

Mount toughness: 1000000 points, 1000 points of toughness can be restored per second

Number of mounts: It can be shared by 3 people, but the loaded player cannot attack actively.

Mount restriction: Only players who have learned [riding skills] and have a power of more than 30,000 can ride, and riders have no requirements.

[Kirin Roar] (active skill): The Kirin roars, screams the world, after casting, the sonic vibration envelopes all hostile targets within 50 meters from the center of the casting, causing 100,000 points of damage to them, making them stunned for 3 seconds, and receiving In the next 10 seconds, the overall stats are weakened by 30%, and the skill display interval is 12 hours.

[Energy barrier] (active skill): The colorful unicorn condenses seven elements of energy to form an energy barrier within 100 meters centered on the caster. All hostile targets in the barrier will suffer continuous damage and lose 10,000 points per second. Qi and blood, and will sustain 10,000 points of seven-system energy damage every second for 10 seconds. Players in the energy barrier can't leave, and the skill is used at an interval of 24 hours.

Everyone was stunned after seeing the attributes of the colorful unicorns, and they didn’t say a word for a long time, because the attributes of the colorful unicorns were too powerful. Even the purple electric holy dragons and frost dragons that are close to the Primordial God level are relatively large. difference.

"Oh my God, the attributes of this colorful unicorn are too strong, too much stronger than my Bi Fang, and the attributes have nearly doubled." After a long time, it was June Feixue who broke the silence first, and her words were full of wonder: "The movement speed has increased by 1200%, which is equivalent to 12 times. Uncle Ye Luo's speed was originally fast, but now it has increased so much. At this time, his speed is not exaggerated. Want to escape."

The other attributes added to the flying mount are very important, but speed is the most important. At the very least, people value speed the most now, because Ye Luo wants to ride a colorful unicorn out to investigate and look for high-grade BOSS. The higher the speed, the higher the efficiency.

"The basic attributes are not to mention, it is very powerful, and the additional features are also very exaggerated, especially the first one. Each attribute damage is increased by 3000 points, and the seven attributes are 21000 points, although it can only be played by ordinary attacks. The effect, but Ye Luo often likes to use the long sword to attack the target, coupled with the splash effect, his damage output will be very high." Othello is also quite excited.

"I feel that it can still reduce the damage Ye Luo takes, and the ability to reduce the spell control effect is better. His spell resistance is already very high, and now he has such a feature. It is no exaggeration to say that he It’s more like a tank. It’s rammed into the enemy’s camp and can cause a lot of damage.” Breaking the waves said: “The tenacity of the colorful unicorn is much higher than that of an ordinary flying mount. With a strong recovery ability, Ye Luo can rush into the enemy's formation in an invincible state in the future, tsk tsk, and then use a variety of powerful and wide-ranging skills, fearing that no one can resist it."

"When it comes to skills, I have to say that there are two additional skills for Colorful Kirin, one is 50 meters of damage and control skills, the other is 100 meters of large-scale group skills, the damage output of the two skills may not be better than [Wan Jiangui Zong], [World Extinguishing Thunder], but it can also cause a lot of damage output to the enemy, and it can also control the target. If you perform well, you have a chance to turn the situation around." She sat on the piano and took the stubbornly. Looking towards breaking the waves and riding the wind: "At that time, Ye Luo can use Sister Feng to use the [Group Concealment Technique] and then break into the enemy's formation. I think it can cause a devastating blow to the enemy."

That's right, the two additional skills of the Colorful Kirin are stronger than the other, at least much better than the additional skills of the flying mounts such as the Purple Lightning Dragon, and Ye Luo can use these two skills to do a lot in the future.

"Hehe, Brother Ye finally has a powerful mount, and the combat power he can display in the future will be even more terrifying." Zhiyue laughed.

"Uncle Ye Luo, you have brought the little unicorn to level 200 now, and now you can find a powerful BOSS." June Feixue urged: "At least it must be a holy boss, the more the better. "

"The Boss of the Primordial God-level can only be killed by Ye Luo alone, so there is no need to ask us for help." Po Lang Chengfeng teased, and said these words and did not forget to urge Ye Luo to act quickly.

Next, Ye Luo went out to investigate, and before leaving, Fireworks Yi Leng gave him a map with a lot of places marked on it. These are mostly unknown places. According to these places, going out to investigate will undoubtedly have a greater chance of encountering high-ranking bosses. some.

Summoned a colorful unicorn, and then Ye Luo turned into a colorful mysterious light and left, feeling that the colorful unicorn was much faster than the purple electric dragon. A smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, but he was too addicted to this speed. , He walked forward according to the map marked by the fireworks and easy to cold. While looking for high-level BOSS, he did not forget to mark the type and level of monsters he passed. Sometimes he even used the [Space Portal] to send some elite masters. come.

These elite masters can kill the surrounding monsters and see what materials and equipment they burst, and figuring out these will be beneficial to the future leveling operations of the Misty Pavilion.

This is the advantage of Ye Luo having [Space Portal]. After all, he had to go down to kill monsters by himself before, and this would waste a lot of his time. It will undoubtedly be much more convenient and efficient to transfer the elite masters of the Misty Pavilion. Much higher.

Along the way, Ye Luo encountered a lot of high-rank monsters, many of them were high-level bosses, but most of them were of the Primordial God-level. Ye Luo could easily kill them with the strength of Ye Luo, so there was no need. Send the waves and the wind and others over.

Although it is only the Boss of the Primordial God-level, Ye Luo did not let them go. Not to mention that the explosion of Primordial God-level equipment is also very necessary for many players in the Misty Pavilion. It is also necessary to upgrade the monsters alone. Now it is difficult for him to level up, and only the experience bar for killing high-level BOSS will jump.

At this time, Ye Luo is already at level 276, and it will not take long for him to reach level 280. His overall attributes will be improved a lot by changing his functions earlier, so that he will have a better chance of participating in the tournament to win the championship in the future.

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