VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1751: : Three Hallows

The strength of the Miao Miao Pavilion is very strong. There are 2, 30 dual-professional masters. This also means that in addition to the 10-member group of the Miao Miao Pavilion studio, they can form a second 10-member full double professional team and then participate in the team competition. The conference, and there is a great opportunity to enter the country's top 8 and then represent the country to participate in international competitions, and if this is the case, it would be the supreme honor for the Miaoge, and this can also prove the power of the Miaoge.

If the Misty Second Team composed of Jianliu and others can qualify and then represent the country, then not only will the Misty Pavilion be famous in the world, but this team will be able to get very rich rewards after winning a very good ranking, and this can also Further enhance the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

It is precisely because of these that they pay much attention to this, and it is also very important for Jianliu to rise to level 280 and then to become a Sword Master. After all, this profession is quite suitable for team combat. There is such a profession. The odds of winning in the second team will be greatly improved.

But this is not a problem, because Sword Six is ​​already at level 279, and there are June Feixue and Wednesday to upgrade him, and two dual-professional masters bring an ordinary hidden class upgrade. The upgrade speed is very fast, making him the first. It’s not a problem to rise to level 280 and then the first seven turns.

As for whether Sword Six can be employed as the Sword Master, there is no big problem. After all, the invitation to the moon to toast is to upgrade from the Sword Master to the Sword Master. Besides, the Sword Saint class originally possesses very powerful attack and healing powers. Even if you can't work as Venerable Sword Master but find other professions, it will be a career that is very suitable for team battle, and it should not be much worse than Venerable Sword Master.

"Except for Sword Six, they will also have to be upgraded to level 280 as soon as possible on Wednesday, because upgrading to level 280 and then turning seven will have a great advantage over other teams. The players who can participate in other gangs are somewhat different from us in terms of level. The number of people in the team who can turn seven is more than that of other teams, so their chances of winning will be a little bit more." Samadhi added, she looked at everyone: "At the very least, it will be the second team. Advantage."

As I said before, Rank 7 players have too many advantages over Rank 6 players, and the average level of Mistake Pavilion has always been higher than that of other gangs. In addition, in the Fallen Demon Realm, Ye Luo and the elite masters have killed too many holy levels. Because of the BOSS, the average level of these elite masters is also higher than that of other gangs that can participate in team battles, which means that they have a better chance of rising to level 280 in the game and then turning seven. By virtue of this, they have a chance to enter the top 8. It will be bigger.

"Hey, that's right, when we were in the Fallen Demon Realm, our Misty Pavilion killed a lot of high-ranking bosses alone, which made our level a lot higher than other gangs. Not surprisingly, we rose to level 280 in the game and then turned seven. There are more players than other gangs, so the second team has a greater chance of reaching the top 8." Othello laughed.

"In addition to the advantages of occupation, rank, and level, the people of our second team also have the advantage of equipment." Sitting on Qin Xin took over the words: "As I said before, we killed many high ranks when we fell into the Demon Realm. BOSS, even the holy boss we killed is more than the sum of other gangs. This not only makes our level higher than other gangs, but also makes our equipment level higher than them. There are many people in the second team. Saint-level equipment is equipped, and we have a great advantage at this point."

That's right, the people of Misty Pavilion killed many holy-level bosses when they fell into the devil, and even the total number was more than the sum of other gangs. Killing these BOSS burst some holy-level equipment, and they also rewarded many holy ones. Level Treasure Box then released a lot of Saint Level equipment. Many people in the second team have Saint Level equipment. In this regard, they also have many advantages over other gangs of 10-member teams.

"Yes, if there are so many advantages, the second team can't enter the top eight, then we really have nothing to say." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "And next, Ye Luo, Xiaoshu and the others We will also try our best to find high-level BOSS. At this point, our efficiency is a little higher than other gangs. When killing the BOSS, we will also teleport the people of the second team such as Sword Six, so that they can easily rise to level 280 and then seven. In addition, they will get more Saint-level equipment, which will further expand their advantages, so they will have a greater chance of entering the top 8 of the team."

Most of the equipment allocation of the Misty Pavilion is based on the best results. It is precisely because of this that Xiaofeiyang and others have also obtained some Saint-level equipment, and they will still allocate equipment like this because they are more efficient. For this reason, there is no doubt that the second team of the Misty Pavilion can obtain more holy equipment.

They all agreed with this, and everyone looked forward to it even more, expecting Ye Luo to find a powerful BOSS sooner.

Ye Luo did not disappoint everyone. After two hours of going out, he finally found a 325-level holy boss. He also teleported all the dual-professional masters of the Misty Pavilion and some powerful priests according to the instructions of the fireworks and easy cold. In the past, the next thing is to join forces to deal with BOSS.

The 325-level Saint-level BOSS is very powerful. Only the level and rank suppression can make it difficult for everyone to display their damage output. However, everyone’s level is relatively good, and the equipment level is also very good. The most important thing is Ye Luo and Po Lang. The three of Chengfeng and Othello take turns to attract the hatred of the boss, and they can resist it with their defensive power, so there is no problem in killing the boss.

Think about it, right now, Ye Luo and others are already at a very high level of equipment, and even Saint-level equipment has two or three pieces, plus additional or powerful equipment such as [Plum Blossom Dart] and [Tai Chi Bagua Pan]. They don't even need to use their big moves to be able to withstand the BOSS attack, and as long as they can withstand the BOSS attack, there is no problem in wanting to kill it.

When Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others resisted the BOSS, the players with powerful control ability, such as Laughing Feiyang, Misty Rain, and Tuesday, were not idle. They used their control skills in turn. As long as they hit once, the pressure on everyone would be less. .

At the same time, players who are good at attacks such as June Feixue and Wednesday can attack unscrupulously. Under their attack, the vitality of the BOSS is rapidly decreasing, and depending on the situation, it will not take too long to kill them.

In order to save some time and to be safer, Ye Luo and Changhe Sunset and others have used their big moves. Anyway, there are 2 or 30 dual-professional masters in the Misty Pavilion, and Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and Zhiyue have the opportunity to use 2 Second big move, so it doesn't matter to use one big move.

After performing the ultimate move, the BOSS's vitality decreased faster. After spending a lot of hands and feet, everyone finally killed it. The rich experience made Ye Luo and others' experience bar rise a lot, and some people directly upgraded. The sword six of ordinary hidden professions has increased by a half. At this time, he is further away from level 280, and he can definitely rise to level 280 within one or two days without accident.

The improvement of the experience bar allowed everyone to see the hope of Rank Seven, and the explosion of equipment also made everyone happy, because this time the BOSS broke 3 Saint-level BOSS, which is also a big explosion.

What makes breaking the waves and riding the wind the most happy is that one of the equipment that bursts is of thunder attribute, and it is relatively rare jewelry equipment-the 320 thunder talisman, which increases the very powerful thunder attribute damage and thunder skill damage , And this is undoubtedly the most suitable equipment for her, so her damage output has also increased a lot.

After equipping this amulet, there will be 3 saint-level equipment on the body of Breaking Waves and Wind Riding Wind. The level of luxury equipment can enter the world's top 5, and these will also make her shine in future competitions.

One of the other 2 Saint-level equipment is a dark cloak, which is considered a rare type of equipment. The most important thing is that the Saint-level cloak can greatly increase the player's overall attributes, not even less than the jewelry category.

Ye Luo and Sword Eleven are the ones who can display the dark attributes in the Misty Pavilion, but Ye Luo’s cloak is only a Primordial God-level, but it is a spiritual weapon. It is well known that the spiritual weapons of the same rank are much better than ordinary equipment. Moreover, Ye Luo will be able to turn seven in a short time, and the cloak can also be upgraded with it, so he naturally won't need this equipment, so the cloak will go to Sword Eleven.

Equipped with a holy cloak, the overall attributes of Sword Eleven have been greatly improved, so that his damage output can be further reflected, especially in the 5V5 team battle, he can almost hit under the action of [Split Arrow] For all hostile targets, the damage output can definitely pose a great threat to the opponent, so their chances of winning are even greater.

While killing the BOSS, the fireworks are easy to be cold, and the samādhi poems also mentioned to Yixiao Hongchen and Misty about the contest. They asked them to select and select 10 people to form a team to participate in the team competition. This plan was also in place, so it hit it off and the second team of the Misty Pavilion was formed immediately.

Sword Eleven is an important member of the second team of the Misty Pavilion. Now that he sees that his overall strength has greatly improved after obtaining the Saint-level cloak, he smiles and is naturally very excited. After all, their second team will have a great chance of entering the top 8 increase.

The last piece of Saint-level equipment is of the Necromancer, but it is the equipment of the heavy armor thunder-heavy armor shoes, which makes Misty Yiye bitterly smiling. After all, she is a magician and can only be equipped with commoner equipment.

However, this piece of equipment will not be wasted, because Ye Luo can exert the effects of all attributes, and the added attributes of Saint-level equipment are also very good, which can improve Ye Luo’s overall attributes by a bit, and the additional necromantic attributes It can also increase his damage output, so his overall strength has also been improved.

In this way, Ye Luo has 3 pieces of Saint-level equipment just like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind. With the addition of the [Tai Chi Bagua Pan] and other spiritual tools, his equipment level is much higher than the latter, saying that his current equipment level It is no exaggeration to be the first in the country or even the world.

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