VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1748: : Come to an end

Many of the major gangs have hatreds. Now that so many people stay in the ancient battlefield, there will inevitably be some friction, especially when there is no pressure from foreign forces, the gang leaders of the major gangs are not too suppressed. Therefore, the friction has evolved into conflict, and there is even a growing trend.

Ye Luo didn't have a good way to stop this, but fortunately, there were no gangs who would not open their eyes to provoke the ethereal pavilion, so there was nothing to worry about.

Think about it, now the strength of the Miao Miao Pavilion is very strong, and even many people think that the Miao Miao Pavilion is the veritable No. 1 in China, and the Ouyang family and the Yi Nian family were beaten to compromise and then compensation is also a well-known thing. In this case Naturally, no one dared to provoke the Misty Pavilion, and the people of the major gangs also strictly ordered their people to actively provoke the Misty Pavilion, even the people of the Eastern family arranged this way.

If the people like Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, June Feixue and others know the situation in the ancient battlefield, they are afraid that they will have other gangs to provoke them, so they can take the opportunity to attack them and beat them to'cend land for compensation.' They boast of this. Strength, even if facing the Eastern family.

In the hearts of June Feixue and others, asking other gangs to compensate is much more efficient than killing monsters and doing tasks. They naturally prefer this method, not to mention other gangs taking the initiative to provoke them first.

Instructed some of the legion commanders of the Misty Pavilion to inform him that Ye Luo continued to participate in the arena PK after he had something to do. After finishing the game, he went to rest. He has stayed up for such a long time. Although he can still eat well, he can recharge his energy. Struggle better.

Before Ye Luo went to bed, he also got some news. Big news came from the Fallen Demon Realm: other countries really organized some elite teams to enter the Fallen Demon Realm to carry out hunting operations, but Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology did not participate in it.

The dark night did not participate, even if the elites from other countries do not pose too much threat to Chinese players, they can only be resisted by the dual-professional masters and ace army sent by the major gangs into the Fallen Demon Realm, so Ye Luo and the others do not need it. Entering it-Fireworks Yi Leng has already given arrangements, and Dark Night and others do not have to enter the Fallen Demon Realm if they do not enter the Fallen Demon Realm.

In the early morning of the next day, Po Lang Chengfeng and others went online on time. Meimei slept, and everyone was refreshed. June Feixue directly asked: "Uncle Ye Luo, how is it? Did you bring the little unicorn to level 200? What are the attributes?"

"It's level 195, it's almost 200." Ye Luo said lightly, ignoring the disappointed look of June Feixue. He briefly said yesterday's events to the fireworks and the waves and wind.

"Dark night, they didn't enter the Fallen Demon Realm, which is a bit strange." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered to herself, and then she looked at the fireworks and became cold: "Fireworks, do you know why they didn't enter the Fallen Demon Realm?"

"Because they also know that even entering the Fallen Demon Realm is not a big threat to us, and we will deliberately send personnel to target them, which is a bit dangerous for them, especially when Ye Luo has the [Space Portal] and us Conquered all the large and medium-sized fortresses in the Fallen Devildom." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

"Perhaps in the dark night, their strength and the means of killing people to increase their attack power, entering the Fallen Demon Realm will kill a lot of people and get very good points, but this is not very effective for their elite masters to improve their strength. After all, killing Our people can’t explode Saint-level equipment.” Samadhi added, she looked at everyone: “The tournament is here. Everyone will improve their strength for future competitions, especially the elite masters of various countries. Killing high-level BOSS is the best way to improve your strength. Entering the Fallen Demon Realm to kill is not, even if the national war points obtained by killing can be exchanged for something similar to mounts, after all, too many points are needed to redeem those things, and I haven’t done it yet. The task to kill the boss comes quickly."

Everyone is smart, and they quickly understood what the samādhi said, and they also understood it.

"It's not easy to improve your strength in the Fallen Demon Realm, and you will be killed by us, so the dark night will naturally not enter it." Samadhi continued: "After all, dark night they all have equipment that will explode when killed. If those equipment burst, their losses would be too great, and they won't take this risk, unless they know that Ye Luo, Feng sister, you masters have reached the time limit in the Fallen Demon Realm, and no one can threaten them. "

"So that Ye Luo and I don't enter the Fallen Demon Realm, but they can deter them." Po Lang Riding the Wind Road, she laughed: "Then we will not enter the Fallen Demon Realm, so they won't enter it. Our people are falling. In the Demon Domain, you will be able to fight monsters with peace of mind and get the Demon Domain suit."

"Yes, it's just that the elite squads composed of elite masters from other countries do not pose much of a threat to our people, especially since we also sent some people into it to guard." Samadhi said, she looked at everyone: "At this time Our task is to receive as many difficult tasks as possible, or to kill high-level BOSS, to improve our equipment level as much as possible."

"Hey, it's not so easy to take on a task with a high degree of difficulty. It's hard to come by." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at everyone: "Except Yue'er, none of us has been there for a long time. Obtained a difficult task."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "By the way, there are many high-ranking bosses in the ancient battlefield. Why don't we go to the ancient battlefield to kill monsters today. With our current strength, we have the opportunity to kill about 320 holy-ranked bosses. Even if Ye Luo and I don't have full attack power."

In the Fallen Demon Realm, the reason why Ye Luo and the others kill the holy boss so easily is because he and Breaking the Waves Ride the Wind can kill people and increase their attack power. However, outside the Fallen Demon Realm, there is no chance to kill people and increase their attack power. Difficulty.

Fortunately, Ye Luo and the others can also perform ultimatums. In addition, there are many dual-professional elite masters in the Misty Pavilion. Now Ye Luo can use [Space Portal] to teleport a group of elite masters to beat the monsters, so kill them. Saint-level BOSS is not impossible for them.

Still the same sentence, the best way to improve the level of equipment is to take on difficult tasks and kill high-ranking bosses.

Of course, everyone can easily see the purpose of breaking the waves and riding the wind. She wants to kill more monsters in the ancient battlefield and then clear the toughness of the border barriers earlier, so that she can sneak into other countries and start hunting operations. Up.

"Let’s do the gang resident mission first. There are still some gang resident missions with a higher degree of difficulty among the 3 gang sites. During this period, we will look for difficult missions and high-level bosses." The fireworks are easy to be cold and easy to see. After thinking about breaking the waves and riding the wind, she looked at Ye Luo: "Soon the colorful unicorn can be upgraded to level 200 and can be ridden. Then he can ride the unicorn to find high-grade BOSS, so we can improve the speed of equipment level. It will be soon."

That’s right, the colorful unicorn is a holy flying mount, and its flying speed is much faster than the purple electric holy dragon. Ye Luo riding this flying mount will undoubtedly get twice the result with half the effort, and after he finds a high-grade BOSS, he can use it. Portal] If you send everyone over, the efficiency will definitely be very high, at least much higher than other gangs, so the efficiency of equipment upgrades will be much higher.

Hearing this, the beautiful eyes of Polangchengfeng brightened, and she said: "Yeah, Ye Luo still has this advantage. Hey, waiting for him to find a high-rank BOSS can send us all over. This will save a lot of time. ."

"So, our task is to wait for Ye Luo to find a high-ranking boss while doing the gang resident task, so that we can not delay the two." Sanmai Shi said, and then she looked at the Midnight Book: "Of course, in order to further improve efficiency, Xiaoshu also Some assassins need to be sent out to investigate, not only around Haoyue City, but also around other secondary cities. Anyway, Ye Luo can lock our people to teleport, and the efficiency will be very high."

"Yes." Othello took the stubborn words: "Other gangs came to our Haoyue City and Luoshui Town to fight monsters and upgrade. We can naturally go to their cities, so they can't say anything. We have to use Ye With the advantage of [Space Portal], complete the equipment upgrade as much as possible, so that we will have a greater chance of winning the championship in the competition."

Naturally, there would be no objection to this midnight book, and he began to order, and even he took action.

"Of course, the premise of all this is that Uncle Ye Luo had upgraded the colorful unicorn to level 200 earlier, so that he can move freely," said June Feixue, saying that she looked at Ye Luo, and that meant it was self-evident.

"Don't worry, give me half an hour to upgrade the little unicorn to level 200." Ye Luo said. When he said this, he had already arrived at the place where he upgraded the colorful unicorn yesterday. The gang's friction in the ancient battlefield simply said it again.

"What, there are conflicts between the Yeyu Family and the Nangong Family, Ouyang Family and Dongfang Family and other gangs in the ancient battlefield?!" After hearing this news, the waves and the wind were very excited: "Hey, so many gangs will gather together to cause friction and then erupt. Conflicts are inevitable, after all, the major gangs have always had rifts."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, she asked expectantly: "Is anyone taking action against us?!"

Obviously, Po Lang Chengfeng was eager for people from other gangs to take action against Ying Mi Pavilion, so that they could take the opportunity to take action. Whether it was for compensation or simply to kill others, this was what Po Lang Chengfeng liked most anyway.

"No one dares to provoke us now, especially after knowing that Uncle Ye Luo has obtained [Space Portal], I am afraid that the Eastern family will not provoke us." Yue Feixue muttered, and she continued without waiting for everyone to speak. "In addition, if someone provokes us, Uncle Ye Luo will not tell us so calmly. He has taken people to the door for a long time, even without our help."

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