VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 1742: : Successfully won

Yeluo and the others seized the fortress occupied by country A with an unstoppable force. This will surely give other countries a warning. If they realize that they are unable to protect the fortress, then they may directly abandon the fortress and then disperse. In this case Ye Luo and the others will not chase them, so their losses will undoubtedly be smaller.

Although this will not kill all these people, it is more likely to seize all the fortresses occupied by the coalition forces and then lay the foundation for expelling all countries, so this is what they want to see.

Knowing this, everyone was faintly looking forward to it, but when they thought about it, the movements in their hands did not stop, and they continued to attack.

Although this time the attack was a medium-sized fortress, the attack of the defense equipment was much stronger than that of the small fortress. However, at this time, Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng joined forces, and the elite masters of the two groups merged together, and the large troops used a lot. The siege equipment launched an attack, and it was only a matter of time before this medium-sized fortress was won with such strength.

Joined forces to enter the fortress. Fireworks and others formed an array to stop the besieged players. Ye Luo and Po Lang Rongfeng attacked the heart of the city at the fastest speed, but it didn’t take long to hold them. Destroyed, as a result, the defensive equipment stopped attacking, and their pressure was much easier.

Next, Ye Luo and the others launched a big kill, because they killed one more force and attacked the fortress and then cleared the players in the fortress. It was easier for them. For them, it was almost a matter of hand. After all, Ye Luo can now use group attack skills almost non-stop, and the damage output is terrifying.

After 3, 4 minutes, the players of country A in this medium-sized fortress were killed by 40-50%, and the large forces of country Z had already penetrated into the fortress. They had a great advantage in number, and there was no battle here. Any suspense.

I have to say that Japanese players are quite fierce and not afraid of death, even if they see no hope, they did not flee, and continue to fight the trapped beasts.

In this regard, militant players such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind are very happy, because this can cause greater losses to Country A, and it will be easier to face them in the future.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, the situation here has stabilized, you can help Dongfang kill the sky, and let Hua Nongyue directly teleport you over." Seeing that the waves and the wind killed you a little bit forgotten, Samadhi reminded: "Dongfang The siege power on Killing Sky is twice as weak as this one, and their pressure is greater. You can rush to help to minimize losses and increase efficiency."

And what was talking about was that Samadhi also gave an order to Hua Nong Yue, who immediately used [Space Portal] on 100 elite masters such as Ye Luo and Po Lang Cheng Feng. After all, the pressure on their side was a bit heavy at this time. Indisputable fact.

Knowing this, the waves and the wind did not say anything, they were directly transmitted to the fortress where the East Killing Heaven was located, and then they also started killing.

Gathering three-way elite masters, especially Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, and Dongfang Killing Heaven are all full of attack power. Their strength is terrifying, and the situation soon stabilized after the arrival of his door. Players of country A are fast Decrease.

Eastern Killing Heaven, Longteng Tianxia and others resisted the crazy attacks of everyone around, while Yeluo and Po Lang Chengfeng jointly attacked the heart of the city. Although there will be no more players from Country A to support at this time, but the medium-sized fortress defends The power of the city equipment is still good, and abolishing them can greatly reduce the pressure.

Maybe it’s because there is no chance at all. Players in Country A under the militaristic ideology often do a series of crazy things when they are desperate, such as suicide, such as killing their companions and then committing suicide, and this also makes Ye Luo and the others easier. Some.

"Depending on the situation, we can solve the battle within 50 minutes." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was a little excited: "Fireworks, which target shall we start next, country B or country M?"

"I have sent two 100,000-scale legions to the small fortress occupied by the nearby country B." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, and she said this would undoubtedly determine the target of the next attack.

Although the game power of Country B is not as good as Country A, Dark Night can also kill people to increase its attack power, and the threat to Country Z is not small. It is reasonable to drive them out of the Fallen Demon.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind didn't care about this, she only cared about whether it was a good kill, and the arrangement of the fireworks and the coldness also made her quite satisfied, because she was able to attack almost non-stop.

"Uncle Ye Luo, has your national war score reached 300,000 points?!" Suddenly June Feixue asked, a little excited in her tone.

After gathering 300,000 points of national war points, Ye Luo can exchange for a Primordial God-level flying mount. This is the first Primordial God-level mount in Country Z and the whole world, and its attributes are much stronger than that of the ancient god-level mounts. No wonder June Feixue is so excited and looking forward to it.

After launching an action against YDNXY yesterday, Ye Luo’s national war points are not far from 300,000 points. Now he has killed so many people. In June Feixue’s heart, he should have enough points to exchange for flights. She was on the mount, thinking of the power of the Primordial God-level mount, she naturally looked forward to it.

Not only June Feixue, but everyone else looked at Ye Luo after hearing her words, expecting, envious, jealous, and so on.

"It's almost a bit. I should be able to make up enough by the time the fortress occupied by country B is captured." Ye Luo said, his tone was much calmer than June Feixue: "However, the mount to be exchanged should be a pet egg, and The mount needs to reach level 200 to be able to ride, and we don’t have the [Big Return Pill], which means that I have to take it to level up. I think there is no chance to ride it within one or two days."

That’s right, most ancient god-level mounts such as the Purple Lightning Sacred Dragon need to reach level 200 to be able to ride them, and they have the [Big Return Pill] to directly raise them to level 200, but this medicine only has 10 pills. It's all used up, so even if Ye Luo exchanged for the flying mount, he still needs to take it to level up. It will take some time.

In addition, at this time Ye Luo and the others are launching a counterattack against other countries, and there is no time to upgrade their mounts. After all, killing players can't gain experience, even players from hostile countries.

At this time, June Feixue and others also thought of this. They regretted it. Zhiyue couldn't help but mutter: "I knew this would leave a [Big Return Pill], so that Brother Ye can directly ride Taikoo. God-level flying mounts are now available. If you use flying mounts to use group skills, the damage output must be terrifying."

That’s right, Ye Luo’s damage output was originally very high, and the bonus of a Primordial God-level flying mount was great. Standing on the flying mount, he could continuously use group attack skills, and he could not accidentally increase his attack power. Kill most players in seconds, and the damage output is even more terrifying.

"Yeah, I've already kept a [Big Return Pill] if I knew it." Po Lang Riding the Wind said with pity: "[Big Return Pill] not only allows the mount to be directly upgraded to level 200, but it can also improve the mount’s qualifications. , The Primordial God-level mounts will increase their growth aptitude by 20%. That attribute must be terrifying."

"No one would have thought that Ye Luo would have the opportunity to obtain a Primordial God-level mount, and using [Great Return Pill] in advance can also greatly accumulate our advantages, otherwise we would not have the strength today." Yanyi Yi said coldly, she looked towards Everyone: "This is the end of the matter, and it doesn't make much sense to entangle this."

Knowing this, everyone stopped saying anything and continued to attack hard. Of course, they couldn't help but be a little curious that Ye Luo would exchange for a flying mount for anything.

Although the national war points redemption form can be used to exchange 300,000 national war points for a Primordial God-level mount, it did not say what the redemption is, which means that the redeemed mounts are random, and this also makes everyone curious. .

Soon after, the players of Country A in this fortress were killed seven or eight, and the two armies sent by the fireworks Yi Leng also rushed to their destinations. The most important thing was that Hua Nongyue was in the fireworks after Ye Luo and the others arrived. Yi Leng rushed to the target under the order, he directly used [Space Portal] to teleport Ye Luo and others over, and then they once again started the killing.

"Ye Luo, Sister Feng, the other target is not too far from here. After the situation here stabilizes, you can directly teleport over." Firework Yi said coldly, "Although your teleport skills will soon end the CD. , But there are other goals next. It is very important to save skills. You can fly over these closer goals directly."

"Understand." Ye Luo and Po Lang Chengfeng said in unison, and when they said this, they also started killing.

The strength of country A is stronger than that of country B. After all, the former has more players, and they are very easy to deal with the former Yeluo, let alone deal with the latter, so under their actions, the fortress of country B is building. The seat is lost, I am afraid that it will be lost soon, and at that time it is equivalent to being driven out of the fallen demon.

"Hey, there is no pressure at all." June Feixue chuckled. As she attacked, she dealt with the news of the spies inquiring, and the smile on her face became thicker and stronger: "Now the entire Fallen Demon Realm players know that we are unfolding. The counterattack action was launched. Most of the players from the coalition countries were nervous and worried, and felt a sense of panic all day long."

That's right, the country Z launched such a fierce counterattack. Naturally, people from other countries in the Fallen Demon cannot be concealed. These people are even more frightened after learning that all the fortresses owned by country A have been taken and they know it will be their turn soon. , And they were quickly expelled from the fallen demon.

These countries thought that country A and country B could hold back the pace of country Z, but country A fell in less than an hour, making them feel desperate, especially after learning that country Z had lost nothing after capturing those fortresses. For a while, many people moved the idea of ​​directly giving up the fortress, because they knew that this would minimize losses as much as possible.

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